PAGE 30, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY,,JUNE 15, 1988 VANTAG E PHON E SETS, 3 requl1red. Must be In working,,condition. Phone Doug at The Whltby Free Press, 668- 6111. OLD WRISTWATCHES WANYTED - Mens oniy - old Roiex and Patek Philip wristwatches wanted. Aiso wa nted Eatons "Q 'uarter Century"' rectangu lar wristwatches (25 years service), MIi pay$lOOOand up for this watch. Phone (416) 365-7240 or write B. Walsh, 173 Queen St. East, Toron- to, Ontarlo. M5A 152. B GARAG E&'i YARD SALESJ GARAGE SALE. Chesterfild, chairs, swlvel rockers, lamps and much more. 54 Teresa Drive, Whitby (Burns & Blair Street area). June 18, Satur- day, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Rain date Sunday. MOVING SALE. Antiques, fur coat, car, household Items, etc. Saturday, Junel18th, 9-12a.m. 595 Myrtle Road West, Ashburn. SWEET ADELINE GROUP yard sale. June 18, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 317 Powell Road, Whitby. MOVING SALE, 821 Centre Street North, Whitby. Saturday, June 18 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Baby Items, bed, ciothes, bake goods and more. Rah -date- Sunday, June'19', same time. THE WOOD SHOW. August 12,13,14. "WVoodworkers Paradise .-140 quality exhibitors wiil have for sale wide variety of wood working tools and ail manner of fine wooden crafts. 15 live free seminars. Wood art exhibition. Loggers sports. For brochure contact: The Wood Show, Box 920, Durham, Ont. NOG 1 RO (519)369-6902. B Flamboro West "The Best ANTIQUE show in. the. country". 400 quality dealers, 10,000 buyers. If you are a collectoryou can't afford to miss this show! Sat. June 18 dawn to 4 p.m. Admission $3, Parking $2. Early ad- mission Friday June 17, 2 p.m. $20 per person. 1 hour west of Toronto. Aberfoyle Antique Market, 1 mile nor- th of Hwy. 401, Exit 299. B WALNUT DRIVE Farm Production sale & rendezvous, 275 Head, 1 mile west, 3 miles north of Stayner. 12 noon, .Saturday, June 18. John Van- cise(7O5) 445-0407. B FI DDLE & STEP DANCE contest July 8 & 9, Community Center, Fergus, Ontario. Camping on grounds. For In- formation cali Ken Hawkins (519) 843- 3334. B PREGNANT? Adoption. Lovlng hap- py family wants very much to adopt second child through licensed agen- cy. We of fer a loving and secure future for your unborn chIld. Please caîl Jennifer collect. (416) 787-4462. Evenings. B THANKS to, St. Jude and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for a very special request recelved. J.D.L. CHILDLESS &t lovIn g couple wish to adopt .Iegaliy. Ail Inquirles will be treated "In strict conà fldence--Call" colîleot (416) 731-1255. B CEDAR VALLEY RESORT. Near Orono, 7 km east of Hwy 35-1115,'bet- ween Clarke 4th & 5th cono. Exit 401 No. 436. Beautiful campground. Seasonal facilities $698.00. Phone 1- 786-2562. CLEAR WATER AREA, Fiorida, two or three beciroomn mobile homes in family park. Children weicome. Weekly or monthly rentais. Phone 655-3073 or 655-3233. ST. LAWRENCE river cruises. lt's now time to book your very special' 1988 vacation. RomantIc cities,- the world-famous 1000 Islands, the remarkable International Seaway and Iocks, Upper Canada Village, spec- *tacular shorelines and more. Spend 4 or 6 days, spring, sumrner or faîl aboard the elegant Canadian Em- press, Dail -a-brochure toll-free 1-800- 267-0960. B PRIVATE TUTORING available in *August. for elementary school students by a qualifiled, experienced teacher. Remediation In skills over sumimer provIdes a headstart In Sep- temberi Phone 723-5534. EXPERIENCED French Immersion tutor will tutor In her own home, French or English, smn'all group or in- d ividual sessions, reasonable rates. Centrai Whitby. Phone 430-3280. TRUCKING CAREERS. Driver job training with placement help is available. Complete details can be mailed to you. Phone Rodgers School at(416)769-3546with postal code. B ACAREER IN TRUCKING. "Tran- sport Drivers Needed Now.i" Train now for your class 'A' licence for' prescreening Interview and infor- mation on job placement, contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training School. Toîl Free 1-800-265-3559. H.0. 746 Hespeler Rd. Cambridge, Ontario' London, Brampton, Sud- bury, St. Catharines, Ottawa. GUITAR LESSONS. When you take guitar lessons at Ranmar M usic, your course of study is designed and taught to you by an experienced, skilled and understandIng teacher. Ali ages. Ali types of music. At Ran- mar Music we believe In you. Cal i 427- 9240 anytime (Westney RdI4Ol). WI-ITBY, Immaculate, North/West, 3 bedroomn bungalo, main floor. Wlwaikout, eat ln ktchen W/dIsh- washer, close to school and bus route., Quiet neighbourhood. $850.0O plus utIlItles. First and last, Cali after 4 p. m.430-0910. ACROSS FROM Pickering Go, dlean, 3 bedroomn upper bungalo, yard, $850.00 plus utilitMes. Phone 286-1163 even ings. WHITBY, executive home, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroomn, fireplace, filnished basemnent, dou ble garage, ln quiet court, beautIfully decorated, Included: fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer, freezer, close to GO and ail ammenities. $1,100.00. First and Last. Julyl1. Phone 683-1815. HOUSE/APARTMENT for rent. If you had advertised here, thousands like you would be reading this now. Phone 668-6111 to advertlse now. FURNISHED ROOMS'for rent. Use of parlour and kitchen. Also, one bedroomn basemnent apartment $500.00 month. Phone 666-21 09. ONE bedroom bachelor apartment. Heat & water incl uded for J uly 1lst. First & last month $585.00. Phone 725-7034. ROOM FOR RENT. For quiet respon- sibie aduit, central Whitby. Shared facilities, available immediately. $80.00 per week. Cail anytimne (leave message) Phone 430-3280. ROOM FOR RENT. Student or worker, quiet place, kitchen and iaundry facilities, cabie, air con-" ditloning. First and last week required. Phone 430-0404. COTTAGE FOR RENT? Advertise with a blanket classified - haif a million readers will see it. Only $120.00 Phone 668-6111.- Custom built LOG HOMES Alberta's International Handcrafted Log HOmes. WiII build every need andior design. Think .... Log, Thlnk .... Han- dcrafted. 1-800-661-9661, (403) 962- 2337. Dealershlp inquiries welcome. B BEAUTIFUL Okanagan (Oliver, B.C.) Weil kept 2 bedroom home plus 2 bedrooms in full basement, gas heat, carport, large lot. Near school, town. Low $60's. (604) 365-6090,9:30 p.m. - 12m. .E..T. B Thlnking of building? Think logs ....lIn- ternational Handcrafted Log Homes. Contact G. Meredity (705) 382-6423, Burk Falls, Ontario. B 668-6111I iri 1 Pelican surprise JOHN ELLIOTT a former vice-principal of 'Henry Street high sehool reaets as he finds 50 pink flamingos on his front lawn ini celebration of his 60 birthday. Free Press photo OVERSEAS POSITIONS. Hundreds ~IuwIim '9 of top paying positions. Attractive XÀ A .'tve me tAAA J3 nAA 22 <J? ~ benef its. Ail occupations. Free d etails. Overseas Empîoyment Ser- The Ontario Riding Pro-» The only candidate to date is vices, Dept. CA, Box 460, Mount NEUROFIBROMATOSIS Phone 668- Royal, Que. H3P3C7. B gressive Conservative Association current Ajax councillor Rene 9915.______________ will hold a nomination meeting Soetens. THANKS to St. Jude and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favors received. P.M. WOMEN in abusive relationships. For heîp cail The DENISE HOUSE for womnen and children. Toil Free 1-800- 263-3725 or 728-7311. Conf identiality assured. (f ormeriy Auberge). NEED HELP? Listen to the Back to God Houri Sunday 7:30 arn CHAM, 820 Hamilton; 9:3Oamn CKAN 1480 * Newmarkt,& at 7:30,pm FM 108 Bulngton, or watch FAITH 20 Global T.V. Monday - Frlday at 5Sa,. B MA CHERIE FASH ION SHOWS. Est. 1975. Join our successful1 team of In- dependent representatives in presenting quailty lingerie & ieisurewear at home parties for women. It's fun! It's easy! It's profitabil!Calcoilect (416)632-9090. B Latest body TONINd TABLES. Ten dit lerent models. Dealerships available for SLENDER WORLD rnotorized "Passive Exercise" equipment. Save on attractive pring.' Highest prof essifonal quallty.ldeal for figuretonIng salons. Cali ,colleot (31,4) .644-4242. Siender, Wôr[d'int'I. -Inc, 2201-59th' St. St. Louis, MO 63110. B to select a candidate to replace Scott Fenneil on June 22. Fenneli, a member of par- liament for 10 years, recently announced he would retire when the next election is called. The nomination meeting will begin at 8 p.m. at Westney Heights public school. The school is located at 45 Brennan Rd. in Ajax. L ivesley to teach arts course FROM PAGE 26 July 4 to August 5 at Henry Street High School, Whitby, from 8:30 amn to 1:20 pmn. There is no fée for the course, but. field trips -are extra, Buses--to- the school will be provided throughout the region. Those interested should register at their own secondary school, or at the Aduit Learning Centre, 421 Pine Avenue, Oshawa. . - For further information,ci Herschel Rosen, Adult Learnîng Centre, et 579. 1990 or 427-2165. Crime ___ _S toppers Crime Stoppers and Durham Regional Police are continuing to ask for the publices help in solving somne of the break and enters and thefts which are occurring in al areas of the region. Break and enters continue to cost us hundreds of thousands of dollars every year and are an ongoing problem for the community at large. Much of a detective's time is taken up investigating these offences. Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 for information ieading to the arrest of the people involved. Do you know 'anyone who has committed a break and enter? Do you know anyone who has stolen property or is selling it? Do you 'know anything about any other criminal offences? AIl calis will be treated confidenfially. You will be given a code number to identify yourself. The $1,000 reward also applies to any other criminal offence. The new Crime Stoppers phone number is: 436-8477 That's 436-TIPS. If this number is-long distance caîl us collect or through your local Durham Regional Police number and ask for Crime Stoppers. Sergeant Sandy Ryrie of the Durham Regional Police force writes this article to help combat crime. A citizen board administers the Crime Stoppers programns of which there are now more than 800 in North America. The reward money is raised through tax deductible donations which may be sent to Toronto and Regional Crime Stoppers, P.O. Box 54, Oshawa, Ontario LRH 7K8. 1