PACTE S7, WHITBY FREE PRESS, SENIORS, JUNE 8,1988 LOI WII WI!LI1 j *..goodpeople, ...good decds, ,,.great shopping in the heart of your cominunity ENJOY YOUR LIFEý Let the Professionals take care of your Hearing and Eyewear needs. e Frames e Lenses e Accessories e Sunglasses e Magnifierse *Senior Discount on Prescription Eyeglassese *Hearing Tests a Batteries * Hearing Aid Fitting @ Repairs' WHJTBY OPTICAL DURHAM HEARING AID CLINIC New Location as of June l3th. 106 Mary St. E. Downtown Whitby .666-3831 .or 666-3797 Parking on Premises Ail Vision Care Plans Accepted MERCANTILE *321 Brock St. S. TM a m MIuT 2O'»itby 11 944" Brass for the Home & Business Quality at Affordable Prices WELCOME SENIORS Let us help you find that perfect gift. Large Gift Selection For Weddings,. Showers & Birthdays. 115 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY 666- 253:1 Mon. - Tues. 9 - 6 Wed. - F.9 -9 Saturday 9 -5A Roula's Hair Des ign HAIRCUTS........Alas $6. P E RivS........ ..1Always $25. including shampoo, cut, blow dry & style. Style sets Roller Setb! and t Dunl>j)-l J W OL Gibrt REG;ULAR PRICED MERCHANDISE o ONE COUPON PER SENIOR PER I PURCHASÉ Expires J une 30, 1988I 6683468 *I rTr lr T1TCITTM'1' P naTTDfM s-o- -- - - I I I I Ili lmyj F- a---- qKIN 1 Va4q4e LL- 47290 GREEN ST, WHITBY 430-0616<