Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 8 Jun 1988, p. 30

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PAGE 30, WH-ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1988 FREE '88 Brochure on scenic Rideau PRIVATE TUTORING available ln EXPERIENCED French Immersion & Trent Severn Canal cruises abord August for eîementary schooî tutor wlll tutor in her own home, comfortable crulse ship Kawartha students by a qualifled, experienced French or Engllsh, small group or ln- Voyageur. Write Ontario Waterway teacher. Remedation ln skills over divîdual sessions, reasonable rates. Cruises, RR No. 3, Peterborough K9J summer provdes aheadstart In Sep- Central Whitby. Phone 430-3280. 6X4. <705)748-3666.. tember! Phone 723-5534. _______________ 6X4 (75) 48-666 B orgIooR ,,m.îé- tn tudv at home YARD & SHOP SALE. Slgn business cîosîng out. Compressor, welders, saws, benches, etc... Household items, mostly aIl new, fridge stove, freezer, living roomn furnîture, lots of mlsc. 3195 Brock St. N., Whtby, 8 a.m.to6p.m.Junell &12(Justnorth o! Rossland). hHUGE MOVING SALEI! Glass top kitchen table & 6 aUchairs, 2 water beds, leather den suite, 2 bed chesterflelds, tables, lamps, clothes, bicycle, games, hockey equlpment and lots o! misc. FRIDAY, JUNE lOth & SATUR- DAY, JUNE llth trom 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. 59 CALDER CRESENT, WHITBY. GIANT GARAGE MOVING SALE. Saturday, June 11, Ramn or shine. Huge assortmnent of tools, cameras, canning supplies, 2 sewing machines, sun lamp, wooden doors, large dog house, berry boxes & carriers, Snaper riding lawn mower, large tractor- & accesories, household contents, 1976 motor cycle, roto tiller, and much more. Al items must go. Make an offer. 3305 Brock Street North, Whitby. YARD SALE. Somethlng for everyone! Saturday, June il f rom 9:30 to 2 p.rn. at 4 Holliday Drive, Whitby. YARD SALE. Two family yard* sale, rain or shine, Saturday and Sunday, June il & 12 at 9 a.m. 221 and 223 Lupin Drive. Childrens home made wooden toys plus. STREET SALE. 302 to 306 Centre St. N., Whitby, Saturday, June 11. From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. YARD SALE, Saturday, June 11, 9 a.m. - 3 p.rn 313 Frederick St. Bikes, beds, toys, baby carniage and much more. Look for signs at Anderson St. Ramn date Sunday. YARD SALE, Studio of Dance, 301 Brock St. N., Saturday, June il from 9 a.m. to 2p.m, 24th ANNUAL ANTIQUE SHOW at the Prince Edward Curling Club, Main St. East, Picton. Wednesday, June lSth and Thursday, June l6th, 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Bring frlends, have a delîclous $5.00 lunch, enjoy 26 dealers. $2.00 admission. The beautiful country is free. Flamboro West "The Best ANTIQUE show ln the country". 400 quallty dealers, 10,000 buyers. If you are a collectoryou can't afford to miss this show! Sat. June 18 dawn to 4 p.m. Admission $3, Parking $2. Early ad- mission Friday June 17, 2 p.mn. $20 per person. 1 hour west o! Toronto. Aberfoyle Antique Market, 1 mile nor- th o! Hwy. 401, Exit 299. B HAILEYBURY HIGHLAND gathering, Haleybury, Ontario June 2588. Tat- *. too 1:30 p.m. $5. Ceildh 8:30 p.m. $4. 11 pipe bands plus dancers! Fun for ail. Ticket reservation caîl (705) 672- CEDAR VALLEY RESORT. Ndarl Orono, 7 km east of Hwy 35-115, bet- ween Clarke 4th & Sth conc. Exit 401 No. 436. Beautiful campground. Seasonal facilities $698.00. Phone 1- 786-2562. ST. LAWRENCE river cruises. lt's now time to book your very special 1988 vacation. Romantic cities, the world-famous 1000 Islands, the remarkable International Seaway and locks, Upper Canada Village, spec- tacular shorelines and more. Spend 4 or 6 days, sprlng, summer or fal aboard the elegant Canadian Em- press, Dalla-brochure toll-free 1-800- 267-0960. B HART LODGE, Haliburton Highlan- ds. Breakfast & dinner daily. Organized adult & children's ac- tivities. Varied accommodation, colour T.V., fireplaces, air con- ditioning, swimming, pool, sauna, whirlpool, tennis, shuffleboard, water sports and boats. Free brochure & information. Caîl 1-800- 461-7699. B CLEAR WATER AREA, Florida, two or three bedroom mobile homes in tamily park. Children welcome. Weekly or monthly rentaIs. Phone 655-3073 or 655-3233. SCOTT'S-LODGE, Oquaga-Lake, -N.Y. Corne - join us on this complete holiday. Good mÃŽeals, activitieS, en- tertalnment. August 29* thru Septem- ber 2, 1988. Pick up in Brooklin and Whitby, book before July lst. In co- operation with Travelways Tours 655-8550. The Haliburton SCHOOL 0F FINE ARTS, srt in the beautiful Haliburton Highlands vacation area of Central Ontario, of fers over 100 one-week work shops in ail media and levels of arts and crafts - $62.5Olweek. For brochure: Box 3,19, Haliburton, Ont. KOMi1SO. B TRUCKING CAREERS. Driver lob training with placement help is available. Complete details can be mailed to you. Phone Rodgers School at (416) 769.3546 with postal code. B A CAREER IN TRUCKING. "Tran- sport Drivers Needed Now.!" Train now for your class 'A' licence for prescreenling interview and Infor- mation on lob placement, contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training School. Tol Free 1-800265-3559. H.O. 746 Hespeler Rd. Cambridge, Ontario. London, Brampton, Sud- bury, St. Catharines, Ottawa. (PERSONALsI ARTHRITIC PAIN? Aching back? Stiff joints? Sleeping hands? "BEULAH OIL" helps!! Send $1 for brochuretinformation: Beulah Land, Box 1086, Portage La Prairie, Man. R1 N3C5. B P. S. 1 See you have f ound No. 2. Not. in Whtby will the surprise be found, but in the neighbouring town. Num- ber 3-.Watch where you are sitting. J. H. . PÈ . SNALS STRANGER IN TOWN? (~PEASONel, WOMEN in abusive relationships. For heîp caîl The DENISE HOUSE for women and children. Tol Free 1-800- 263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidentiality assured. (formerly Auberge). NO! Get the facts. »Let's Talk. Cali the Ontario Ministry of Health AIDS Hotline 1 -800-668-AIDS 249evnigs b SAY9 TIMES aday for9days. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, SIXTH ANNUAL Ontario Decoy glorified, loved and preserved show. At the Holiday Inn, Oshawa, throughout the world. Oh, Sacred 401 Exit 419. Sunday June 12 starting Heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Jude, 10 a.m. BuyIsell and trade old gun- worker of miracles, pray for us, and ning décoys., decorative' decoys,'- St. -Jude helper of the heîpless, pray books, pçln1is, painting and,.waterfowî, for us. Publication must be promlsed. ~t.' 9 4~~& &fthkyou for favour ecelved. T.M.L. -'i You never have to feel alone. Shop the ads in the Whitby Free Press for news of com- munity happenings, enter tainment and social events in your area! WHITBY FREE PRESS prestiglous careers: Accountiflg, air- condltlonlng, bookkeeplng, business, cosmetology, electronlcs, legal/medîcal secretary, psychology, travel. Granton(5A) 263-Adelalde W., Toronto. 1-800-268-1121. B GUITAR LESSONS. When you take guitar lessons at Ranmar Music, your course of study Is deslgned and taught to you by an experienced, skillled and understandl ng teacher. Ali ages. Ali types of music. At Ran- mar Music we belleve in you. Caîl 427- 924oanytime(Westney RdI4Ol). THIS IS IT!! We have the finest sales opportunity anywhere. Car program - company financing - professional training - sales $60,000 plus comm. Mgmt. $90,000 plus co)mm. Mr. McGurk(416)487-3O16. B NEW TRUCKS available wlsteady year round contracts. Low. in- terestrates, 12.9% and up. Good selection o! makes and models. Minimum investments $8,000. Phone Transpo, 1-800-663-0146. B OVERSEAS POSITIONS. Hundreds o! top paying positions. Attractive benefits. AIl occupations. Free details. Overseas Employment Ser- vices, Dept. CA, Box 460, Mount Royal,ý Que. H3P 3C7. -B LOW COST part time business op- portunity: Representatives required in Whitby and surrounding areas to handie a home and automotive product new to Canada. Every car andior home owner a prospective customer. No experience necessary. Write A & S Distributors, 308 Wortley Road, London, Ontario. N6C 3R5. MA CH-ERIE FASHION SHOWS. Est. 1975. Join our successf ul team o! in- dependent representatives in presenting quality lingerie & lelsurewear at home parties for women. Its fun! It's easy! lt's profitable! Cali collect (416) S32-9090. B GROW FOR IT!! Raise baitworms at home. Guaranteed market. Odorless, low investment, we train! Represen- tatives throughout Ontario. Earîy Bird Ecology (1975> RR 1, Smithville, Ont. LOR 2A0 (416) 643-4251, 856- 2248, (705>)435-7463. B $400 PER WEEK for part timie work, flexible hours, bonus olan.'trlp to, Hollywood, Calif ornia. Write Galaxy Crystal & China, il Latonia.Drive, Rexdale, M9W 2J1. (416) 741-1758. B DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL SERVICE? If so, advertlse in our employment wanted section o! The Whitby Free Press. No job to big or small! Cali 668-6111 and watch.the business roll BLANKET r""' To Reach a Wider Market Advertise throughout the regional membership of the Ontario and Canadian Community Newspaper Associations. xample: Central Ontario AIl Ontario 185 newspapers Al Canada 555 newspaperS For f urther iniformation please Cai: ý i $1250 for 25 words $718 for 25 words Weather favo rs fair FROM PAGE 14 Spring Fair as it is now known. "People don't realize that the proposed plans for the fairground area could put an end to the fair or significantly reduce it,"she believes. The Town. of Whitby is considering making m ajor changes to the property on which the fair is held, and Jackson fears that this will change the character of the fair. In *a recent study, residents were asked for input as to what types of facilities they wanted'te, see in the town. Jackson says: "What people indicated they wanted was more basebali diamonds, soccer flelds and sports facilities in general. This will mean that the track will go and so will the horse races at the fair. As well, the tractor pull would have to be held in an area significantly reduced in size." Disney agreed that there would have to be changes made for the spring fair, but he doubts that the fair would cease to exist. Disney says that the. biggest problem the fair has is "getting, enough help, we neyer have enough people to help." He says plans for next year's fair now begin' immediately. Anyone who is interested in getting involved in helping to organize next year's fair, either in a big or small way, should contact Disney at 655-4082. He will be keeping a list of those inter ested in helping and getting in touch when the need anises. O pen housýe,,,,' at Darlington An open, -house for local residents and employees will'be held a . Qnario. ,4ro's Darlington nuclear generating station on Sunday, June 12 fro.m 9 a.m. to-3:30 p.m. Visitors will beable to tour inside the powerhouse ind have a firsthand look at the station before the flrst 900-megawatt unit generates electricity late this 1year or in early 1989. Highlights of the Open house will include the opportünity to go large turbine generator sets that will produce electrjcity, visit the control room and the large used fuel bay. Bus tours will be offered around much of the 485-hectare site. Displays of large construction equipment used for the Darlington project and safety, emnergency preparedness, and radiation protection- programns will a]lso be featured. ýýý--' The 'aln tn.generating station is- located ,zi--kilometres east of Oshawa. 7Exit off Hwy 401 at Hold Rd., ex't 428, and follow the signs to the station entrance.) For more information, 'contact Suzanne Stickley, community relations officer aýt Darlington, at 623-7122. Trafalgar <FROM PAGE 26 during the first week of October," according to Charlotte Genties, a member of the alumni. On June 18, the alumni will hold a luncheon with a guest speaker, for memnbers only. Unfortunately, Genties said -the _.number of, members- is decreasing since several members are now deceased. 'Were hoping to encour.agethé giýrlig (no)Wat the college) tobecome a-lumnîi as we are getting smaller-," -she snid. Any former.' student or graduate -of either, Tra-falgar Castle girls school or the Ontario Ladies Colllege is.encouraged to jo j!UiM;Ã" ! f lin . For or M . A i W D orq s

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