PAGE A15 WHTrByFREE PRESS, BOATING, APRIL 20, 1988 Johnson outhoarcisfo 1988 PETERBOROUGH-A -second generation of V-block, loop-charged models and expaflded availabllity of counter-rotation highlight the 1988 line from Johnsaon Outboards. Johnson Otboards will -offer more than 90 niodels for, 1988, in- cluding high-performance motors, portable and,, compact motors, durable commercial models, special sail auxiliary motors, com- petition racing motors and electric trollingmotors. Ail Johnson loop-charged, y- bldck engines have increased dispiacement for 1988. The GT300 and 275 V-B grow from 3.6 litres to 4 litres (244 cid); the 225 V-S, G T200 and 200 V-6 increase from 2.7 litres to 3 litres (183 cid); and the 140 V-4 and 120 V-4 mncrease from 1.8 litres to2litres (122-cid). In each case the new displacement was -achieved by in- creasing the cylinder bore from 3.500 inches to 3.685 inches. The hi- creased displacement results ini faster acceleration. Along, with some component design changes, it alsocontributéstosmootheridliflg. The 198 Johnson loop-charged V- 8, V-6 and V-4 modela also feature a new electronie engine management system wîth two functions. The first is "QuikStart," and automatic elec- tronic timingadvance system, that assista in starting cold engines and reatartingwarmengines. The second ,engine management nc' tkrn cilod Sieecl Limiting Oerheat Warning (SLOW,. for short). This -function helps reduce the chance of engine damage - by limiting the RPM of an overheated engine. Mdorecounter-rotatioli models for,1988 Johnson offers six models with counter-rotation for 1988. New C/R models include the 150 V-6 and the 140V-4. Couniter-rotatioà is also available on the GT300, 275 V-B, 225 V-S and 200V-S models. New HIgh-performance stylIng The Johnson line-up of high- performance outboards, the GT300 V-8, the GT200 V-6 and the GT15OV-6 wiil receive a bold new metailic gunmetal finish for 198. Smoother Runnllg Portables Several ligbtweight Johnson por- table models feature internal refinements for smoother running andeasier operationin 1988. The 6-hp and 8-hp standard and Sail Master models and the 4 deluxe model' ail feature a new shifting mechanismn that replaces traditional clutch "dogs" with a hardened steel "plunger and bail" system that shifts more smoothly and is more durable than previous models. The 2.5 and Ultra 4 models feature a new three-bladed water pump im- peler that provides increased water flow with less power loss. Quiet Thrust Electrics The Johngon Outboards line of electrie motors for 1988 includes two Quiet Thrust 12-volt, single battery models with a large motor that can rival the thrust performance of many 24-volt electric motors. The Quiet Thrust 12-volt foot con- trol model is rated at 23 pounds of. fuil-power statie tbrust, while the Quiet Thrust 12-volt hand control. motor puts out 26 polnds of thrust. Johnson offers four other electrie' models, including a 12/24 volt hand control model rated at 33 pounds of fulpower static thrust. Ail Johnson electrie models for 1988 offer new, more durable deck bracicet bearings, stronger wiflg nut adjusting knobs, and new heavy- duty deck bracket mounting har- dware. En 0 M'a h1%W oef homo ~ù dince roam. wil rode Cmertal wl vi spc isid.ta ligste isink, ta andve mre Cskableo sndtore. And beds forfor strg.Andwethefr fou near or far, (~f\you'll enjoy g~'vjdriving, ýý à jutlke ar. GL Cmper Tak a test dflw sool. Owasco Volkswaglen 1425 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY, WHITBY 668-9383 AJAX 683-3235, TORONTO LUNE 361-1128 An I CARE and O.M.L. SERVICE AWARD WINN ER Canada's largest Vanagon Dealer Experience thé Owasco feeling "lt's proven" since 1972. rjls and the W it b re . es in conjunctiOn with -g"CHOO Country Radio 1390 AM IPRPESENTS SHOOT OUT Sunday JuIy l7th, 1988 $5,OOO0 jry ' Plus Many Other Prizes *Based on 50 ent ries COMING SOON FOR READERS 0F THE WHITBY FREE PRESS Your Chance To, Win The' Following Prizes 3 Packages Consisting 0f: *ROD & REEL COMBINA TION a TA CKLE BOX a ASSORTMENT 0F TACKLE Package #1 - valued $250. Package #2 - valued $175.1 C11424V Package # 3 - valued $150. Flambeau III Welcome to PORT WITBY MARINA PORT WHITBY currently has 340 berths and Is stil growlng. An addl- tional 70 berths are belng constructed for the 1988 boating season. The marina, wlth f loatlng steel docks and excellent harbour has a f uil range of services and excellent accesslbillty. Assets include: " Easy access from Highway 401 just 3/4 ai an haur f rom downtown Toronto. " Easy acceSS ta shopping areas, restaurants and hosital. a Near Go-Transit Terminal. a Excellent docking facilities for aver 400 craft. 0 Full season dockage and winter starage available. 0 Secure property; fully fenced with Cardex Security Gate Sytem. 0 Gas and diesel fuel, fresh water, hydra, dock ighting, sewer pump-oLit. 0 Launch ramp for marina custamers. 0 Clean washrooms and showers. 0 Two (2> thirty-five tonne travelits. You can leave your mast'-up. 0 Mast crafle a Customis Cal-In Station. a Hi-Pressure Power Washer for boat bottomn wash. ADDRESS Al CORRESPONDANCE TO: > W'l,Slarsisad. at. WAo.'Oitrle.....Aa*amBBfLI