WIflTBY FREE PRESS, BOATING, APRIL 20, 1988, PAGE A3 Broolin boat-mbuilder is top bass angler in Ontario ByV Veromica Colangelo Bill Morrison bas the best of both worlds, a hobby he loves that's lucrative, and a business that's related to bie hobby and earns hlm a living. .Morrison 18 a professional sport fisherman and also owns the Brookin-based Adventure Boats, a company that turns out fiberglass performance fishlng boats. Morrison, who with wife Janice, lives in Oshawa, says he has "fished aIl of bis ife and loves lt.1' He got bis start as a youngster on camping trips with his famlly. 0f the four boys and one girl in the faniily, Morrison says he's the only one who really caught fisbing fever. Morrison likes aIl types of fishing but bis specialty is bass fishing. His favorite spots include the Kawartbas and, more specifically, Georgian Bay. "Tfhe season is short here for bass," Morrison says, and so he goes to learwater, Florida to fisb bass when be can. Morrison was a founding member of the Pro Bass Tournament that was orfanzed in 1983. His fishing sIdls have earned hlm the distinction of being named "Anà ygler of the Year" for 1987. This award is given for the highest total weight of fish caught during five bass tournaznents beld in Ontario between late' June and 1987 ANGLER of the year for bass fishing, Bill Morrison of Brooklin also oPerates a boat-buildinlg business. Free Press photo September. Morrison bas also been asked to join the staff of "Canadian Sport Flshidng,"f a magazine devoted to Canada7s game fish and fishermnen. Tournament fishing 18 extremely competitive. Usually a tournamient involves two days of fishing with two.Person teams competing against one another. Morrison's fishing partner for all team sports is Roger Pardly, wbo owns the well known Gagnon Sports on Simcoe St. S. in Oshawa. Besides the tbrill of catcbing the fish, the lure of tournaments js veryv definltely the prime, which are often a combination of cash and merchandise. Morrison says the purse js usuahly $5,000 cash and $5,000 in merchandise per tournament for first place. He js planning on entering at lèast six in- 1988. He goes on to say, "1 believe in the "keep and release" method of fishing," se that when a fish js caught, It is kept alive in order to be released again into the water so th-at the lake 18 not depleted. ",Luck does nlav a oart." he says "but it takes a sklilled fisherman to find the fish. "The skçill in a tournament js not in catching the fish, but in finding them." 1Morrison states that bhis favorite lures are "plastics," that js, rubber worms and jigs. HUS experience in building boats goes back to 1967, when be started in the sailboat industry. In 1983 he got started building fishing boats and by 1985 he Iaunched bis business, AdventurE Boats. Morrison's company builds fishing boats designed for inland lakes, both for base fishing and for trolling, the type of flshlng commonly. used for pickerel and pike. Adventure Boats bas five employees and tbey "bulld boats pretty well year- round," says Morrison The Adventure 175 18 Morrison's big boat. It7s is totally ,designed andI engineered by Morrison. The boats are made of fiberglass and resin. They sport a casting' platform at the front and in the rear and there 15 rod storage, dry storage, as wel as an aerated live well for keeping the fish alive. Insulated wet storage for ice is also a feature. The Adventure 175 retails for about $8,500 without a motor or trailer. Morrison builds about 10 of these craft a year and approximately another 10 that are smaller in size. For more information about Adventure Boats cal Morrison at 655-8710. RCMP boat based iWhitby The Royal Canadian Mounted. Police will likely have a patrol boat in Lake Ontario, for the Durham Region area, thls summer. Gpl. Mike Jarvis, of the federal enforcement, division, which in- cludes smnall. vessels, from the Oshawa detachment of the RCMP, says the boat, if approved, would be docked in Whitby barber. "Basically, we'1l be enforcing the Canada Shlpping Act smafl vessel regulations," says Jarvis. Brooklîn Cy9j9 -.Marîine WHITBrY' NE W MA RNA prug~fr~ -~ *CUSTOM INSTALLAT ION *SEE US. FOR ALL YOUR BOATINO NEEDS *CO MPLETE ON- BOARD GENERATINO. SYSI EMS *MOBILE SERVICE TO TA L PARTS & SERVICE SINCE 1975 MRR1MRn ~~OUT BOARDS 114, Dundas St. E., Whitby, Ontario LUN 2H7 Whitby ý(416) 666a 1666 Toronto Line 427n6144 ~-~-¶'-u1~~ ~ a i a a a aaa a a a I 1.1 I S A I i Q V I i ~ ~ i.',~t'-." ~ V'."'* . ~ ~ ~ QUALITY ALUM/NUMS BASS BOATS WAY OUTIN1 FRONT. A 1 ýý