Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 30 Mar 1988, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WH1TBY FREE PRlESS, WEDNESDAY, MACH 30, 1988 e 'Mu VOUCE 0F THE COUNTY r TOWNt Published every Wednesday By 677209 Ontario Imc. Phone: 668-6111< Doug Anderson- Publisher The Free PressBuildipg, 131 BrookStreet North, PC*O. Box 206, htyOt Maurice Plfher Editor Peter .Irvine Advertising Manager ~A exa rdraESlmorn é Produà'tion'Manaer,ý - Mike Carroll Circulation Manager.. The only Whltby newspaper Independently owned and operated by Whitby residents fotWlbyr S.ns .An interesting piece of correspondencewa received -by Whitby council Monday night from Metro Toronto's works depart ment. in essence the, letter asks' if Whitby would be interested in establishing an ifterim land filI site Iwithin its boundlaries as a form of local industry. The letter was sent out to the majority of communities within 300 km. 0f Metro. "You would« be spared thie not inconsiderable agony and expense of developing and operating your own site, could create an opportunity for, local ýJust Say n employment, and, realize a fair financial return in the form of royalties to compensate for disadvantages such as trafflc," staates the letter. Council1 referred the letter to the operations committee for a report. But Mayor Bob Attersley has said he would-like to see the committee ',further table the issue until Met ro council decides what it is going to do now that their two posssible interim sites are public knowledge. Could* it be that Metro is taking this approach because t hey- expect 'opposit ion from any site they - v. chorose? "l'm not going>to -encourýafge co 1uncil to dothîs,-and l'm opposed to.it.because 0fthe .ttrafo Prolm$.an the dumping,,' says Mayor Attersley. Let's hope t >he cormittee, deoides lik'ewise and rejeots t he idea. Let Metro keep ýitsý own g Oarbaige iii its own backyard. It seems the depart ment is, prepared .ýfor' ýthàt response when it states in the, letter, l'Obviously,.wý sha,1 be pleased if- you give this matter youký th'oughtfùl considerat ioýn,'.but - we>shal lot - surprised if you,-areunable or unwi'lling toà doà.o' Oi. LEITTERS FR'OMý ýýO"R-READER, R eader expresses thi To the editor: As a recent addition to the work- force in Whitby, I would like to ex- press my-wonder at the ability this srnall comrnunity has for rallying to assist. I arn ernployed by St. John Ambulance as business adininistrator, rn.y roots are based in a large cômrnunity. This branch of St. John rnade the decision in the latter part of 1986 to expand their services, a decision, that needless to say, could have fallen either way. In the first year of our expansion, ser- vice clubs such as the Lions, Kmn- srnen and Kiwanis donated various trianing mannequins as we needed. Branch 112 of the Royal Canadian Legion assisted with the donation of training mannequins and then again purchased a first aid vehicle for our volunteers use at public events. The United Way assisted with a special allocation to purchase uniforms for our new mernbers. Yet at the end of the first year we were stili about $12,000 in the red. T1hen once To the editor: A few weeks ago I stated.that the abortion law had been changed on *the basis of lies. I wish to address the * three rnain lies - illegal abortion,' unwanted children and medical necessity. In a book tittled 'Abortion In Canada' (New Press, 1971, Eleanor Wright Pelerine) it was estimated that the illegal abortion rate in Canada was 100,000 illegal abor- tions per year. Dr. Edxnund W. Overstreet of the department of obstetrics and gynecology, University of Califor- nia school of rnedicine, estirnated that the number of illegal abortions in the United States was between 300,000 and two million annuaily. He feit a safe figure to talk about was one million peryear. Mrs. Pelerine is a member of CARAL. She is also Henry Morgen- taler's officiai biographer and the public relations officer for the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario.* The Badgely Report was tabled in the House of Commons on Feb. 9, 1977. It was areport on how the abor- tion law was being implernented. It discussed the illegal abortion rate ini Canada. It found that there were only 101,157 wornen who had had illegal abortions in Canada,, 46,096 were illegal operations and 55,061 were self induced, about 1/10 of 1/20 of the figure that was used to change our aborti on law in 1969. I arn forever reading letters to the SEE PAGE 27 Sp ellbinding To'the editor: Bethune is spellbinding!! On Thursday, Feb. 18. 1 attended a production by the Whitby Cour- thouse Theatre of Rod Langley's Bethune. Those who attend professional theatres in centres like Toronto or London, England might assume that small »town, little theatre productioris lack the magic that profèssionals can weave. Not so ,for Whitby's Bethune. This play makes an intelligent statement about one of Canada's uns 'ung heroes. The rninirnalist stag *e, period rnusic and hypnotic charac- te rization of Bethune by Ron Getz are a fine testament to the quality that little theatres can achieve. Congratulations to the members of the Whitby Little Theatre. You are ver-y professional. Yours sincerely, Lewis O. Williams Whitby ank0tocommunity ta ep again the-Lions Club heard of our realization that so many saw aneed to play, wodrk or liývein.,'Ag4i'n, than!k plight and donated $12,000 to offset and came to assist. I would like to YOU to the littl« comm'u'nity with our deficit. The year 1987 ends with take the time to say a very special such a big heart, we couldn't have our organization stili surviving as a heartfelt thank you to the people, made it to our 25th anniversary strong entity in our community. businesses and agencies who have year, 1988, withoutyour assistance. Yet without you, the people, in this corne to our aid during a ver3? dif- Yours truly, litecornrunity that grew, our 'ficuit year. And to the adopted Shirley Spiýer lttie col aehdadfeete-ntvso h omnt fWibBusiness Adxinistrator ding. The reason for this letter? I, I would like to say, we have truly WhitbyBranch personally, arn silreinfonth cre home when we picked -Whitby. StJonAbare Exception'taken"to »-C onse'rvative refierence To the editor: I arn writing in regard to the ar- ticle in your March 23 issue announ- cing Cathy Rowell's candidacy -for the position of east ward council on the Whitby town council. As a longtirne supporter of Cathy and her comrnunity activities I take exception to the specific reference to the Durhamn Center Conservative Association rnembers in attendan- ce. I was the hostess of thatfunction and the guest list included several high profile Whitby citizens and elected representatives. I recognized many people as being rnembers of other political parties or members of no party. (I wonder if Tom Edwards appreciated the reference to . party politics). We were at the function- to support Cathy in her endeavors, not because of her party affiliation but rather because we believe in her deter- mination, her past performance, her hard work and because we think that she would rnake a great coun- cillor. In Mly opinion, and I know that Cathy shares this view, party politics has no place in a municipal election. Her support crosses ahl party lines and any suggestion by- your paper to the contrary, as. ,in your recent article,- is, bQth misleading and terribly unfor- tunate. Yours Truly, 'Anita Sturgess :.~. s',:. PaAy~.L7 t- DONUT~ Fi DftUG~TOAE "'r . 's I 7/ g; titi lui', ' u; s. . 'Le ts hope they do nt put o-ne of these on every corne' The three.m.ain lies LETTERS The Whitby Free Press welcomes letters to the Editor on any subjeet of concern to our readers. Letters should be brief and tothe point - rarely more than 300 words. Ail letters must be accornpanied by the narne, address andphone number of the writer; however, on request, your name may be withheld frorn publication if we agree that there is.a vàlid reason. The paper reserves the right Io reject or edit ail letters. Send to: The Editor, Whitby Free Press, Box 206,. Whitby, Ontario LiN 5S1 -or drop through our mailsiotaet 131 Brock St. N. v 1 ,oqmmý à - ý ý 1 ýý, 1

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