WH1TY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1988, PAGE 3 Durlam egion tabi $2 -mlin.-budget D>uran regonalcounëil Ibas inc .re ase ta $337.95 frorn $31 tabIed 'its.'198'8 butdget until it bas But- according ta Maya assiurancesfro Metropolitan Attersley, if tbe Region dcx Toona ha Drhm will bel' receive the rebate, Whitl: reeiig 28,rebate for garbage' have, ta collect an adèl $300,000 from itstaxpayerc On; MaY 'iMetro Toronto will garbage collection and dispm inres istipping fees at the a,m'unicipal juriédiction. B roo est landfihl site ýta $50 a Tatwudb an additi tônne from $18.07 a' tanne. The Per cent, for Whitby tax, increase: is intended ta, stop Who in Februiary were bit binessesà : from dumping their 7.5-per cenit.increase in the gabae thte site because portion of- their, tax bll.- dini'ps ,in east Metro bad raised Since- Whitby has à . the-r feeto $$0O a tanne. mâiled.'out its tax instal] The Regfioý. ià ha been told it Atersley sidtbe $900,00'0 wold .reèè a.-à rebate of $28 a beIncluded witb the Regior tonne. but bas not ;,yet received bill The amoit, woulè anting -in:witinigfrom Metro appear as a ýpercentage bui counci. dolar fgure, added-Attershe Undr beReio bdgt Of .the Region's $221- curety rpsed, Whitby toex- budget, Region taxpayers ac payers-would.see a.6.7-per cent for $49 million: Whitby taxý increase 'in , the. Region portion of pay--$72-million of tbat ai their tax bll. The Region cal- or 14pé cenht. c'lates an iincrease of $19.72 for Regi o oncillorsdid tl4e averageWbitby taxpayer (asq- ap provalIas à t 'week ýté theê sessed at $5,700). The average Wbitby tabxpayer's bill would, SEE PAGE 21 es 18.23. >r Bob oes not >3' VAU litional 's silice posal is jonal 3 :payers ;witb a eTown already Liment, n's tax Id hot ut as a 33'. .illion icount peayers, rIlount ý«' give water Man-char ged after accident A Whi#%tby ,mr'an' b as bén chargedý-witb agrusdiig causing bodily barm following an accident in Oshawa on the weekend. :- Durhami Regional Police report George. David Halewood of (ih .had .ta be taken ta St. Michael's 'Hospital witb serious bead injuries after tbe car be was d1riving- was hit by a car being driven west on Kijng. St. in Halewod as making a left :hand turni from Park *Rd.> onto *Ki.,ng atthe tine of theaccident. Halewood was stuck in the car for haif-an-hour before the Oshawa Fire Department flnally freed him. Police say a third car was involved, when it bit the two cars stopped in the intersection. Charged with dangerous driving causing bodily harm and refusing ta give a blood saniple is Richard Edmund MaGuire, 25, of Whitby. Ni à moe Cn I 114 Dundas, St. E. 2nd floor, Suite 7 Wltby O0 WEAT IORKOUT 668-5055ltoeýDn The New 62 cc Stihi 034 SUPER Newv Ilghtwelght power and toughness corne ta the bush. At only 11.9 lbs*., the new 62 cc 034 SUPER delivers the best power-to-weight ratio in its class. Ittdoes more work per pound - so you use less eniergy handling it. And being a Stihi chain saw, its tough enough to carry a 1f etime warranty on the electronic ignition system. Lightweight power and a world-wide reputation for dependability - get it al n the new 03 4 SUPER from2ihl seenThe Lighte 'power head weght CERTIFIED See the Stihi Power Tool Uine at this Athorlzed Dealer: DURHAM EQUIPMENT RENTALS 1230 DUN DAS ST. E. (Speedy Auto Plaza)- WHITBY .668.0880 SAVE $50woo.* REG. $579.95 with a 16" bar and chain. NOW $529.95 1 B" and 21 " bar also À available at a slightly hîgher price. *LIMITED TIME OFFER The Wortd's Lârgest Selling Chain Saw se Featur ~ NTROS ou pstpatof yurfutur. Whitby, 507 Brock St. N. ~IMsisua Home & Design Centre, just E. of (3 blocks N. of Hwy #2) 668-4231 Winston Cburchill Blvd. on Dundas St. 828-1j212 Mon.-Weçl. 10-6, Thurs. & Fni. 10-9 Sat. 10-5:.30 Mon.-Fna.,10-9, Sat. 10-6- Cosed G odF4da #*a D' b14ùï d, 20 1"-«,-," «,- - - - - - - --------------------- - ---- - --- 1% IONýEER. M ffl ý the':w Of.