7, ___________________________ _________________________________________ r Jompterlearntng forthe first ýtirne or ar "teclinologyically displaced,," can receive subsidized training in .com- puterliteracy andbusin'ess kills for. puterliteraey and business skills or a new career path. Programs such as "JobEntry and Re-entry" and "Tra'nsiti'ons" cover a wide range of ,employment ýdisad- vantaged. Training "in-class" of- fers such subjects as accounting, business English, math, computer accounting, assertiveness training or related subjectsvia computer for retraining in a new field of en- deavor., These- "în-class" lperio ds are interspersed, withý on the job training in wo rk placements. Upon graduationi, these, persons are assistedinjob placement. Businesses; wishing, to train or retrain theîr employees' computer skills applicable to their,business can apply to the Ontario Skills In- centives Program, for finanïcial assistance. Courses and seminars are' offered in the business location or atthe centre for employees, and. emphasis is made on giving each employee in their different roles (ie. clerical- or executive) applicable computer training. Employees bring in their own work at the end of the course and are taught how* to apply, their computer skillstotheireveryday tasks. Follow-up is given by the centre wherebythe instructor(s),,go to the business and helps the employees implement their new skills. A business can also apply to the com- Henry St ree t news FROM PAGE 26 stilI had an amazing time - as I 'm sure we can ail imagine. The rugby players experienced life in Blaenavon, Chepotow. Wales and Whitbyv, Orpington <, England and enjoyed sights such as Dracula's grave, Tower of London, and London Bridge. I'm glad you had a great time guys, welcome back. Well that's about it for now, just a reminder that Henry Sweats are in s0 go and pick them up today! WHITY FE RSWDEDX AC30, 1988, PAGE2 Longterrn commitment FROM PAGE 6 editor about how unwanted chilâren will be prevented byý abortion. -The most unwantéd, we presumne, are the battered. and abused children.. An assistant professor.of pediatrics and emergency medicine ait the University of Southern California school ofmedicine did a stuty which eventually covered more than 700 cases and found that 91 per cent of battered abused children were wan- tedwhen concieved and borfl. The last -big lie is medical necessity. To dispute this lie I would like to use< a quote or collection of quotes from the DeLee's Obstetrics for Nurses (Davis and Sheckler., W.B. Saunders Comapny, 1951: "Very rarely -is the conscientious physicla'ný-compeiled to -sacrifice a tenider ifeiln the mother's womb. M~ Our. medical knowledge increases, the nece ssity for* therapeutic abor- tion is growngless and less". Pro-abortion political -actlvists have distorted facts and maligned pro-lUeé activiats with lies and half truths. A pro-abortionhýmedia has ignored the facts andgone with the rhetoric of the pro-abortion forces. Will our politicians make a decision based on fact or political pressure? one choice is> death for possiblY million of innocent, vic-tims. The other choice is -a longterm comit- ment on the part of individuals and Society. Sn~ey LiamVenner Whitby IMIMÉ%llki puter centre for an assessment of their employees' skills iiç computers, before the employees ae the cour- ses or seminars to .agéertain what teaching willbe the most;beneficial. The' cenire's, latest offering is eraining and business, implemen- tation of desk-top publishing (ap- proximately '80,per cent of al pubishing can be' done with, a micfocomputer ' set-up>. This method incorporates, both typeset- ting and printing, with laser prin- ting that isof high quality.. In the words of Maureen Siot, an instructor with 35 years, work processing experience, "the centre is always looking at what's ahead" The Computer Learning Centre is located at 209 Dundas St. suite 408, Whitby and by telephone they can be contacted at 668-9713. High school1 exchangye FROM PAGE 26 housing, food and incidentai expen- ses they would for their own teenager. As a member of AFS intercultural programs, Interculture Canada is Part of the world's largest network of high school, exehange programs operating in 74 countries. 1Families interested in obtaining more information about hosting a student should call Susan White at (519) 925-2073 or call, toll-free, 1-800- 361-7248. The Great Britain Social Club of Durham Region will hold a 50's &60's dance on Friday, April 22 at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 133 Brock St. N., Whitby. Cost is $10. For tickets éalf 668-9519 MN ,ezËý / i- MARIE LANDMAN, owner of FotoMaster's in Whitby Mail and Jurgen Remish, 'Kodak representative (right) present Mrs. Bull of Whitby with a silver Olym- pie coin set. CALL A SUNNYBI WINDOWCLEANERS: Best rates anywhere I QualityJI Serving Durham Reg ion AL'S DRY WALL e Ornamental design ceilings a Plaster work * Painting & decorating g e General contracting 668-8958 666-1657 Scotty. ý ,At BRIAN DEEGAN DENTURE TH ERAPY CLINUC HARWOOD AVE, S. AJAX, ONTAFAIO 683-6074 KLEAN ePainting * Windowcleaning " Yard & lawn maintenance " Ail aspects of cleaning " We can beat anyones prices BEE KLEAN Cal Mike at 839-3877 X% Painting & Decorating BRIAN TAYLOR Oçhawa 571-0766-1 27 i BUYING AN ANNUITY? if' you are, and you wish to secure a payourt nuit f rom your RRSP, callI HERB TRAN OSHAWA 725-6564 Whitby 668-5968 TOP 5QUOTES AVAILABLE WHOLESALE & RETAIL Brita in Soçc.ial Clu b dance MICHAEL FLYNN Whitby, wi nner $100,000 in the March. Wintario draw. Scho larship FROM'PAGE 26 criteria include bigh standards of music study, good general academic standing, and con- tribution to community life through music. The applicant will require two letters of reference and copies of both music and academic examination resuits. Deadline for application is April 30, 1988, and in- terviews with selected candidates will be held in May and June. The award will be announced in September, after proof of enrolîment in a faculty of music, and will be "presented-at 'the student's high school commen- cement exercises. For further in- formation on the Oshawa & Dist. ORMTA 50th anniversary scholar- ship, phone 723-594.