PAGE 12, WHJTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30,1988 Kaplan sees unfortunate coôncessions mn trade dfl "Unfortunate concessions" were made by Canada -in the free trade agreemenit with the U.S., says Liberal MP Robert Kaplan. The former Minister of Finance and former Solicitor G3eneral, attend- ing a jointý Junior. Chamber and Whitby Chamber of, Commerce meeting, outlined his- party's opposition to the agreement. He said the agreement stili "does nothing' to prevent U.S. pro- tection and anti-dumping since each side, is still allowed to cha nge its anti-dumping law or countervailing duty law. Should some American indus- tries feel. hurt by the effect of the agreement, Kaplan said, the powerful lobbying groups irn the U.S. will demand changes in.- Washington.*, 'We (Liberal party) feel every political pressure will be brought te bear by the Americans" iaid' Kaplan, who said the lobbying efforts "will overwhelm us." He said Canada must also realize that the American atti- tude of "We're number 1" has led them te believe that- their current trade deficit problems is the fault of other countries. -"They're determined te solve 1j N that problem by changing the attitude of their partners," said Kaplan, noting that one of those partners is Canada. 1%1 He- pointed out that the U.S. free trade agreement with..Israel allows Israël to be exempt from protectionism and anti-dumping measures because "There is no worry in the U.S. about being undermined by Israeli industry." Canada, however, has strong steel, lumber and even auto industries, thgt- could pose a threat 'te those secters in the U.S., maintains Kaplan. In a U.S.-Canada agreement, "In issue after issue, we feel the decisions will be resolved in favor of the U.S.," said Kaplan of the Liberal party view. Kaplan said his'party favors a "larger,- multi-lateral, formn" of- agreement, to build up markets in. other countries, rTather than the bilateral agreement. that "owon't guarantee access into a larger (U.S.) market" Council approves hydro ROBERT KAPLAN Whiitby council has given its approval for the -Whitby Hydro- Electric Commission te issue $1 millipn in debentures. The debentuire must now be approved by Durham Region, the Ontario Municipal Board and Ontario Hydro. Whitby HydroWs capital budget is $3.3 million for 1988 an~d includes items such as substation equipment and additions te over; head and -underground subtrans- mission systemis and distribution systems. The main source of financ ing will be from revenues but the balance of' $1 million will be. through debentures. A report from. the treaurer's department notes that once all In response to questions' by Chamber-members, Kaplan said some industries in Canada would benefit frfm free trade. "But, overali,, the aà dvantage' is American .râther than» Canadian. ."We ,are .tying, ourùselveý,,to the -American way. of doing things...> I just don't want our country to be that.." * appovls ordebenturing. .hasî been obtained- the-,.final aznount will be-;detertnined, by, final: pro-i ject costs. Open Stmdays oppo,.ed Durham regional council last week voted unanimously against open Sunday shopping. The Region wants the Province te maintain its jurisdiction over Sunday shopping. "This will send a strohg voice te the Province," said regional chimnGary Herrema after CaqJEÈPLi Stili 1Located at 1Il22 Byron St. Nu, Whitby 668-4911I SThe -Ontario government is expected to pass legislation later this year gi ving, municipalites the power to govern Sunday shop- ping. Whitby council has already passed* a resolution stating its oposition to, the idea. Co~ffu~ *Top Stying for the Professionat Woman' & Man " Precsi Cuts " Coloring " Highights " Perms M espeak1 french 1 Engjish, German Stylisi tram Toronto M I PHOTO SERVICE > IN, DOWNTOWN WHITBY 211 BROCK ST.-.. SOUTH 666-360 *ANIIQUES- ' NO.DllP i ,27RESTORtD STRIPPI?4 eCUSTOM, RPAIS -,upnoýs!ERY eREFINISHIN G ofA large iselection ofVictôrianpârlour WHITBY 668-5481 DEN GAIE,- 1Qa.m. - 2amr. 6 deys aweek CHINESE FOOD BUFFETDAL 1Qai.m. llp.m. $unciays(Salad Bar Incliuded), B3IG FEAST IN LITTLE CHN 201Dundas Sl eWiy (ore than, 50 itemhs to choos fromi for dinner) -668, .6 6 86 Dine in and take away service.' *~~ 107 BROCK ST. S., WITB 668-2222 - e e Downtown W.hitby * Moving to NEW -LOCATI10 =FRNTU RE& - UPHLTERY LTD. f 4G