Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 2 Mar 1988, p. 29

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$ LIQUIDATION $Buildings priced for OLD WRISTWATCHES WANTEU - Immediate, disposai. Ail Items: In Mens 'oniy - old RoIex and Patek stock.,30x4Oxl4 $3,800; 40x6Oxl4 PhlIiip wristwatches wanted - also $5,990; 5OX80 $11,260;' 70x120 wanted Eatons "Quarter Century". $27,900. Varlous sizies availabie up to rectangular wristwatches (25*years 120Oft..wlde. Factory direct clearance. service) wili pay $1000 and up for Serlous buyems oniy. Ail buildings this watch. Phone (416) 365-7240 or priced for immediate delivery. Cali write B. Wash, 173 Queen St. East, tol free 1-800-387-2115, or 1-416-858- Toronto, Ont. M5A 1S2. B 2446. ' B' ___ ______ STEEL BUILDINGS 1/2 prIce sale, buy one building'at regular price an d gpt double'length for 50% more-,stock clear-out - imted steel. PioneerlEconspan 1-800-387-6896 2hours. B V MIRACLE SPAN ail steel buildings J left over 'from International machinery show at superb savings'. Caltoilf reel1-800-668-111. B A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS. New types, steel and woocj, quonset, cladding. For'true value, action& answers (416) 626-1794. Leave message or collect after 6 pm weekends. Ask for WaIly. Free brochures. B 1974 NOVA $200.00 or best offer. î Goodmotor and transmission. Cal DaveatO8-Ol88after6 p.m. 1979 BLAZERCheyenne, 4 x 4, p.s., p.b., rebulît 350 Corvetté engine, which, 3" body lift, 35" mfudder tires, certified Novenjber'87 $6,000.00. Phone 668-5040. Auo.2ps,25.arpoe iof r '79 CUTLASS 2 DR. ASIS5SPECIAL A. EWING AUTOMOBILE INO. L 427-3482 146 Brock St. N., Whitby ~ $29995. '80 OLDS CUTLASS BROUGHAM 4 tdr, p.s., p.b., p.w., air, auto. ASS SPECIAL L .EING AUTOMOBILE INO. 427-3482 146 Brock St. N., Whitby $19,395. f79M ERC. MARQUIS' Auto., p.s., p.b. ASISSPECIAL WANTED: Wall dlocks and, gran- dfather dlocks manufactured by The Arthur Peguegnat Clock Company in Berlin 'Or Kitchener, Ont. Also, wan- ted other antique wall. and mantle dlocks. Write Box A,309 Mutual St., Toronto, Ont. M4Y 1X6 or caîl 1-416- 365-9411. B RADIO SHACK model 10, 102, 200. If you* have one of these portable compu.ters in good condition, which you are no longer usIng, CalDoug at the Whitby Free Press, 668-6111. AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 5at 6:30 p.m. Pethick's Auction Barn, 1 mile east of Ennlskiilen. Real nice household and estate sale. Highilghted by: Modemn dining room suite, Queen Ann dîner, mag. dîner, excellent accordian, lots, of dressers, appliances, dîshes, and' much more. 2th Anniversary Sale. «'The Friendly Auctons". STEVE LîPTAY& EARL GAUSLIN 263-8710' AUCTION SALE KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.iocated on Brock Rd., Pickering, 3 miles north of Hwy. 401 (exit 399). Featumlng every week, an excellent selection of antiques, fine furniture, giass, china, coliectables, primitives, etc. So join us every Wed. and partIcipate ln one ,of Ontario's "TRUE" auctions wlth no buy-backs or reserves. Previews from 1:00 p.m. Come see our great auction faciiity and consIgn your estates and collections, etc to us for prompt professionai service. "Con- sIgnment & estate seliing our specialty.". KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416)883-0041 ANTIQUE COLLECTORS? Check our auction section for f irst chance at the "OLDI ES". A. EWING AUTOMOBILE INC. 427-3482 ý. -146 Brock St. N., Whitby , '80 CAPRICE CLASSIC Auto., p.s., p.b., air, 4 dm. asila peclai A. EWING AUTOMOBILE INC. 427-3482 146 Brock St. N., Whiltby 4 THREE MONTH OLD BF Goodrich tires on chrome rims (15" hub). 2 - P295150 R15 and2- P225170 R14 asking $800.00. Phone 666-2109 or 668-5040. ARE YOU havlng trouble getting auto Insurance because of age, poor driving record, or suspension of lcense? Perhaps we can help. Phone 60&2090.> ADS To seli the small items that'you thought weren't worth advertising.n * Items must seli for Iess than $50 - price must be stated in ad -multiple item ads Must total Iess than $50 * Maximum 15 words *Prepaid *Cash or VISA only 6681611 If you need daycare or wish to provide daycare In.your home, We of fer you:. A' network of supervised private homes for children 6 weeks and older. Training, equipment,'support, back-up service, income tax receipts and flexible hours. 6a68-1 492 "ýA-LICENSED AGENCY"Y WILL BABYSIT ln' my'home, ex- perlenced mother of 2. Hot lunches, have ail facilîties. Large fenced back yard. Phone 666-1884. EXPERIENCED babysitter would like to do daycare In her own home. West Lynde area. Full or part time. Phone 668-9160. Inflate your money supply In these inr preciaus. i gaid, buts Most famili ar garagea childhood. today.« The advý fie f ire Hie WUTBY FREE.PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAýRCH- 2, 19,8, PAGE 29 HEREFORD genîsses enregsr TURN that timeon your hands into Decorner. Grossesse verif 1er. Du CAHfryu«e ome e mois de mars. (705) 544-2061 Z.R.D people and make 'new friends Polled Hereford, Englehart, Ont.~ through Auctioneeripg. Next ciass Jan. 16 - 23rd. Register now. South- western Ontarlo School 'of Auc- tioneering,, P.O. Box 145j innerkip, Ont. NOJ 1iMO (519) 469-3936; (519) 537-2115.B -GREENHOUSE & Hydroponic BYCICLE found ln downtown Whitby equ ipment, supplies. Everything you area. Around Feb. 1, 1988. To identify need.,Best quality, super low prices. call 668-897 between 9a.m. and 9 Greenhouse $175, Halides $115. p.m. Over 3,000 products iný stock! Send, $2 for info pack & f ree magazine to Western. Water Farms,' 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, B.C. V6B, iw 3N9. 1-604-682-6636. B OVERSEAS POSITIONS., Hundreds, Z M I E of top paying positions.-Attractive FARMERS WANTED who are payîng benefits. Ail. ,occupat ions. Free too much tax or are ndt using al the details. Overseas Empioyment Ser- tax breaks available . Phone us v'ices, Dept. CA, Box 460, Mount today. Appointment times available Royal, Qu e. H3P 3C7. B to process '87»tax returns ln your home. Farm Business Consultants CASH IN - CASH OUT. Coke, Pepsi, 2109 Oxford St. E., London N5V 2Z9. Libby's, Helnz - worid famous drinks. Cali tolif ree 1-800-265-1002. In You wiiI refi ln your new, unique business year-round for 36years. B cold pop/julce vendors with separate, ________________________ price settlng. Minimum Investment $11,980 secured, as we suppiy freight, equipment Installed In locations, product,'f1118, supplies, etc. Own your cash business;. your cholce, part'or ful.tlme. CalImte *'(24 hours) for, brochure.- Solar ' Business, Centres, 100 East Drive, - ~ Suite 200, Bramalea, Ont. L-6T,1B33. ( MMm., Haîbot (416) 761-5705. B fiatianary days, maney is Everybody yearns, to find that pot of seems tao oWerIok a source of money ies have. Yes. look in yaur attic, celiar and you are sur e ta find remnants of things of yesterdaynat being used ýse items can be your pot of gold by fertising in the Classified columns. Caîl taday and weIl have aur classi- ed service persan heîp yau write a sure- aseîling ciassified ad. à TBY FREE PRESS -668a6111 NOTICE TO CREDITORS & OTH ERS IN THE MATTER OFTHE ESTATE 0F MARY GEORGINA' FITZGERALD, DECEASED. All daims against the Estate of MARY GEORGINA FITZGERALD, late of the Town 0f Whitby, ln the Regional Municipality of Durham, RetImed Eaton's Employée, deceased, who died on or about the 3th day of September, 1987, must be f lied with the undersigned personal representatives on or before March lSth, 1988; thereaftem the under- signed wIildIstribute the assets of the said estate havîng regard onîy to the clalms then fiied. Dated at Whltby, Ontario thîis 22nd day of February, 1988. DAVID GLEN FITZGERALD, Ad- mînistrator, by - is» Solicitors, COATH, LIVINGSTONE, 128 Byron St. North, P.O. Box 327, Whitby, On- tarlo Li N 5U4. ATTENTION LADIES: Ladies fast bail team ln Whtbyleague requires competitive bail players who want to have fun. Excellent sponsors. Cal Darreli at 725-0331 or Brian at 571- 0720 after 5 p.m. THE BEST opportunity for sellers and telemarketers. filtration.* $750.00Q.per,week. 436885 aM9-2303 p.m. di rect 'Water Mike MONEY making opportunitiesi Learn income tax -preparation or basic bookkeeping. Tax deductibie. Free brochures, no obligation-, write U >& R Tax Services, 205-1345 Pembina Hwy. Win ni1peg, M B, R3T'2B6. (204) g84- 1806. B SAVE MONEY on over 1000 brand name grocery items. Get pald comn- mission introducing others to thîs great new company. Send stamped envelope for details. Groceries, Box 327, Powell River, B.C. V8A 5C2 START YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Ob- tain high salary by mallîng circulars. For 'information-send $1.00 postage and handiing to Parnell & Parnell, Box 107, Gooderham, Ont, KOM i Ro. EARN THPUSANDS wîth your own business $200 start up. Write today: Aaro, Box 2445, Orîlîla, Ontarlo, L3V MA. BLANK To Reach a Wider Market I Advertise throughoùt the regionai mer Ontario and Canadian Communii nbership of the, tv Newsnangsr Associations. S- -- - vOpmw Example: Ce ntral. Ontarlo Ail Ontario Ail Canada 49 newspapers 185 newspapers 555 newspapers $120 for 25 words $250 for 25 words, $718 for 25 Words For further information please cail: 6e8m611 ~ ~ ~4b$ Il ~ $* f * &*I 5 E* t 1 ARE YOU OPEN FOR BUSINESS? THE CLASSIFIEDS ARE! ASlIE The classified pages are for everyone Swhether you are -selling or buying PLACE VOUR AD TODAY! WHITBY* FREE PRESS 668-6111 1 el L- 1

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