Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 2 Mar 1988, p. 28

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ITT Cannon Canada, an 'industry leader in t he deveiopment and manufacture of electroniclelectricalI nterconnect devices, requires a skilled indIviduai for ou rWhitby, Ontarlo location. CNC VERTICAL MACHINING CENTRE SETTER We are seeking Individuais with a background In settlng up and operating a CNC Vertical Machining Centre. Your background wiil in- clude at least 6 months CNC exposure, together.with experience In mllling machine set-up and a sound knowledge of shop mathematios. An excellent company ben'ef ils package is offeëred and our modemn, delan facilities make for a very satisfying work environment. If you would like to find out more,-please caîl Doreen Hasl am at (416) 668- 8881, or sond'your resumne 10: ITT Cannon Canada, 4 Cannon Court, WhItby, Ontario Li N 5V8. ITT Cannon canacla CARDINAL WESTBY NAN NIES Requires caring people to f 111 these positions: * Long term live in, Whitby e 3 f uil days In Oshawa * 3 f uli days In Whitby e Long term live In, Oshawa e 2 f ul days In Whitby 2 f ull days In Ajax * 5part days (Mon - Fr.> In Ajax e 2 full days In Pickering "CARDINAL PEOPLE CAR E" CARDINAL-Westby NANNIES AND COMPANIONS INC. 655-3351 PUBLISHER for Lakehead Living, bi-, weekly nowspaper sorving 37,500' homes ln Thunder Bay. Seeklng rosults-o.riented leader wlth proven management skills, several yoars' expoience, strong background ln ad- vortising sales. Send resume and salary expoctations to: Laurentian Publlshing Group, Marlene Moore, 158 Elgin5f. Sudbury, Ont. P3E3N5. B KIDS IN SCHOOL? Could you use some extra money? Crupizza ln Whitby is looking for a ful l ime por- son 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Anyone intorosted,' please filI out an application form at Crupiz- zaatl1121 Dundas St. E., Whitby. MA CHERIE fashions. Discovera new rewarding career. Be an independent, $ MAKE MONEY $ People needed, fullipart time, packaging f ree sam- pIes at home. No experience neoded. For Information, send self-addressed stamped envelope: "Samplers", No. 1-10318 East Whalley Ring Road, Surrey, B.C. V3T4H4. B DIRECT SALES part & full time jurisdictions to be licensed for distrubution of world' famous Cowichan Indian Hand Knit sweaters and reiated apparel worn proudly by Royalty and world celebrities for nearly a century. This produot lino is enhanced by the current production of leading west coast artisans. Sales by private and public exhibition only. Write and tell us about yourself. Cowichan Art Galleries, Box 441, Lake CowIchan, B.C. VOR 2G0. B CLASSA MECHANIc OR $750 to $14.0per hour. ig North Pickering area. Phono 683-8211 To set Up appoln tment. Asicfor MIKE. --------------R. NEWSPAPERCARRIERS *WANTED * IMMEDIATELY! 1 Work part time evenings 6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. DQor to door sales *Whitby/west Oshawa area. We 0 I train you. Transportation8 0 provided. Excellent com- * *missions and bonuses. I Phono: 728-5117 a Mr. Anderson R. N. *- R. N A Immediate part time position for R.N. and R.N.A. with current Ontario reg istrat ion. R.N.A. Pharmacology cer- tif icate required. Geriatrlc ex- perlenhce prof erred. SUNNYCREST NURSING HOME Whltby 576-0111 SKIN CARECOMPANY Requires experienced ln- dividuals for ln home demon- strations of product and sales. Wage or commission. WiIl also train. Apply at: HEALTH & BEAUTY CENTRE LTD.. 121 Brook St. N., Whitby WEEKLY news paper requires energetic self motlvated advertislng sales person. Earn $800 weekly. Caîl (416) 839-8088 Pickering/Ajax Bay News. B AGENTS REQUIRED for a mail order business. Details write: TRI- QUALITY ENTERPRISES, RR 5, Lin- dsay, Ont. K9V 4R5. ROOM for ront, student or workçer, non-smoker,,non-drinker, kitchen and laundry facilities, cabie, private entranco, first and last roquired. Phono 430-0404. BRICK bungalow, 3 years old, 2 bedroom plus almost complote basemnent. Eat ln kitchen $14è,500.00. Phono 668-1807. STUDENT applications are belng ac- join our téam. lt's the fun, easywa yt cepted now for summer employment. earn extra money. Caîl coIlect (416> at- Chateau Woodland Resort, 632-9090. B WATER FRONT COTTAGE FOR Haliburton. Accommodations ___________- SALE. Ray Potts, Century21 Gray- available. For Information write 1 PART TMEor ful time heîpwanted -Munro Reality mnc. (705) 743-7312 Stdgrave Cros.. Wllowdalo, Ont. M2L for tannlpg.and beauty studio. Phono .Work Or 745-7246 Home. Peter- NORITAE chin.a sale. Territ b discounts on current patterns. Fîrst quality, dellvered woII packed, là- sured. For prîce list, shlpping details, etc.,-specify your NORITAKE pattern, namie & number. Se'nd stampod s*elf- addressed busin'ess envelope to: Aiexander's, The Noritalce Experts, 155 West Beaver Creek Road, Rich- mond Hill, Toronto, Ont. L4B 1lEl. THS eSNT NIKA D RETURANTdo >tel, ei aey buChor-negro csubao pzz frIerssîlcors s0bAbles F, b 71achILStOmtablS, wa-k i coo bloc&krezs, dho licses ovons, disha dwer for ale olase ArcticRfuriration Sor itrs HET'amiln, (46> 28-5, ^olandr BuceE.JAY safety shomes, sizza½ worn tcee $55.6, gill s , o hfes price Moen uriturle, 524 SmcoieS., saw a, Phono725 BcaEcs CHSEisELD, bege & brdn& check, d2sWyears fgod sleondlonse $100.00. Brides rapeStrfecFitucon- daition, (eaned52s8ze92$,00WellaSi gents suites, goo ondition, 2, ct$35.00eahone Phon368.063 MICROFURNACE SALES ideal for *cottage, trailers, home, office, rec rooms, sunporch, or any hard to hoat area. Free demonstration. Ph. Jim Morrison at 683-2638. 1977 ARCTIC CAT El Tigre with covor. $1 ,700.00 or best off er af ter, 5 p.m. 430-0137 asc for Cralg. 90" CHESTERFIELD'and matching chair. Sea green brocade. Traditional' style,' good condition. $100.00-Phone CRIB, Simmo-ns, f Ire aide maple, ex-, collent condition $125.00. Musical mobile $1 5.00. Phono 668-0833. CHESTERFIELD 'suites, loveseats. sectionals, lese than haîf price. Large selection. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. NORTHERN FOOD TREES. . Old fashioned apples, pear, apricot, nut treos, shrubs, evergreents, seedlings. Guaranteed dolivory. Reasonable prîces. Catalogue $1. Golden Bough Tree Farm. Marlbank, Ontarlo KOK 2L0. > b MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS: Work shirts $2.75, work pants $3.50, work boots $15. Send $3 for catalogue (Reimbursement lst or- der). Mlitary Surplus, Box 243, ýSt. Timothee, Quebec. JOSIXO.- >B, DAY olca chlcks. 12 varloties of brown' egg and moat types. Capons and ready to lay pullets. Shipment by par- cel post for day olds. Phono or write: Bonnie's Chick Hatchory, P.O. Box 154, Elmira, Ont. N3B 2Z6. (519) 669- 2561. - B LOST?? Can4t find-your way around Whitby? Drop into the Whitby Free Press for a map of the city., At only .50 cents each you may neyer get lost again ( 11 da of. publication. ,%lFree r jý wIVL w liable for failure to pubiish an ad, or for. typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error Up 10 a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject ail advertisements. PRE-PAID (cash, VISA, choque roceived before doadine) $5 for 25 words; 12o each additional word $1 for 15 words for articles for sale under $50 (seo details in separate panel) Blanket Ads - bo blanketý a wider market (see separate panel for sample rates) BILLED $7.50 for 25 words; 15c'each additional word AUCTIONS/AN NOUNCEM ENTS 690 per agate Une (14 agate uines per inch) minimum charge: $5 prepaid, $7.5 0 biiied DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ads with bordors, pictures, or graphics) Regular display rates apply - 74o per agate line minimum size. 1 column inch -$10.36 (14 agate 1 ines per i nch) DEAD LIN E Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. s MUH4%H bi FRCS%4[R A newspaper is only as good as its distribution the Whltby Free Press relies' on a small army of carriers to do most of is urban distribution. But inevitably, there are somne areas where carriers quit or where carriers are hard to find. The Whitby Free Press needs a couple of reliable energetic aduits to filI this gala. If you can spare a few hours on Wednesdays or' Thursdays and don't mind a bit of fresh air and exercise, cail tho circulation manager, 668-6111 /-I>'Ip Li- g09t thd e e.S.agEPaC-ro>S.S glus 191 El a lut Ria mai MIE Ria mon IIIIIIIII ail mi[ i [ai a a a IRE Roi fia ma a a au lInnTrffffn first nt hp -ýIES PPle;aïse check your advertisement for errors on the rday of publication. The Whitby Free 'Press will nr-

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