. .- 'WHrIBY'PREIPRES, ~ù~e~Shwca8eED~ESAYVFERUARY24,ç18,iA+t~ Personai touch at Top Quality Collision The shop with the personal. touch is how Dennis Synïies and Ken Jimmo like to think of their business, Top Quality Collision. Located at 1795 Victoria St. W., just east of Lakeridge Rd., Top Quality Collision opened on April 1 of last year. They lease their shop from Lake Ridge Motors. Jimmo, >from Whitby, and Syme, from Port Perry, are both licensed auto body repairers and both used, to work at a GM dealership in Ajax. toi wasn't having -an y fun mnanaging the GM dealership. I wanted to get back to a one-to-one where you can deal with customers on a p -ersonal basis. It's a lot more. fun," says Symnes of bis decision to open Top Quality Collision. Since April, business bas been steadily growing. and the two owners have added specialized equipment, including- an award-winning - universal *measuring system. which - takes thé . gu esswork out of pulling cars back to factorY specifications following accidents. For those people that commute to Toronto* daily or don't have time to have their car apprasied after an accident on a weekiday, Top Quailty is open on Saturday's for deliveries and estimates. The shop will give customers a preliminary appraisal and contact the client's insurance company. The shop will then set up a time for the dlaim appraiser to see the car, at the shop of the customer's choice. Top Quality will handie al insurance dlaims. It offers a professional clear coat and acyrlic enamel paint finish with a two-year written warranty. Jimmo and Symnes also offer a one-year guarantee on workmanship, and aIl parts are subject ta a manufacturers warranty. I hc)rcl l LAKE ONTARIO STEEL COMPANY Lasco, Lake Ontario Steel Company, was the first steelmaker in North America.to dedic ate a greenfield site to the produc- tion of steel using an electric arc furnace and continuous casting. That. site was here on the lakefront in Whitby. Over the years, our timely use of appropriate tech- nology has establîshed. Lasco as a major supplier to a variety of customers in the construction and automotive industry. Lasco has a!ways provided an open and creative environmfent encouraging inno- vation. Our People have responded. At Lasco, competitive means produc- ing steel at the Iowest possible cost. It means continually Iooking for ways of doing things better and faster. It means monitoring our quality and per- formance. It means producing prod- ucts that meet or surpass our stan- dards. It means Lasco people who provide service. Being cost compet- itive at Lasco, makes us profitable. Al of us. Thanks to you we can enjoy the future of steel ... today. in today's changing. global market- place, with the emphasis on being; competitive, we areadapting facilîtiesý to meet customer's needs. Our opera-' tors, me mbers of this community,' are.- trained in modemn methods of produc- tion,. analysis and communication; ai- lowing us to be more flexible and re-- sponsive. At one common goal: total customer sat- isfaction. Lasco, your partner in. stee! for the twenty-first cen-turymr LAKE ONTARIO STEEL COMPANY A Division 0f Co-Steel International Limited HOPKINS ST. S., WHITBY. ONT.. CANADA LUN 5T1 TELEPIfONES: WHITBY. 668.8811-TORONTO. 364-6136 (AREA CODE .416) CA*L:LASTEEL - TELEX. 06-981265 Lot Kirietico show you what a water conditioner is really supposed ta do. Finally a water conditioner that uses no electricity and responds ta any water demand, yet neyer needs adj ustment. Cail us today for a free water analysis. *Pump and water treatment specialists *Free water analysis YOUNG'S WATER SYSTEMS.INC. (tormerly Garry Young Plumbing & Brooklin Water Conditioniflg) 53 Baldwin St., Brooklin 655-4936 or 655-4544 - - --- - , , -- 7:77::!= -»7ý-- Lasco, our people have'