Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 24 Feb 1988, p. 22

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S--.*.,.....-......-.-.....~ FARMERS WANTED who are paying too ihuch tax orýare not uslng ail the tax breaks. available. Phono us tàday. Appolntment times available to process '87 tax. roturns ln your home. Farm Business Consultants 2109 Oxford St. E., London N5V2M. Cali toil f ree 1-800-265-1002. ln business year-round for 36 years. B WELL WATER PROBLEMS? New ad- vanced technoiogy for efficient treatment of probiemn water, offering protecti on throughout entire water systom. Rusty ... smeliy ... bad-, tasting... water, hardnoss, staining, bacteria, & more. No sale or messy chemicais ... maintenance free. Seo the results for yoursoif witii our 6 month trialoffer. Cail toil free 1-800- 387-3423 or w.rito Aztec Purification Systems. 6380 No. 5 Tomken Rd., Mississauga, Ont. L5T 1 K2. "The Iowest cost systemn that reaily works." Area code (807) cail (416)>672- 2300. B SPICEY le bast ln the Ashburn area. Solid calico cat. Dark brown, ber face la haif orange, haîf brown. Reward., EvenInga (705)327-10820r655-4320. THE CLASSIFI EDS LEARNHOW TO DRIVE THE BIG ONES! , DOUBLE "R" TRUCK DRI VERTRAINING Class "A"' &"D"' Licence 22410 Mldand Ave. S.A Mmit Scarborough Mon.toFr.9to7 St.9to5 754-7735 EARN your certif lcate 1 Learni ncome tax preparation or basicý bookkeeping. Free brochures, no obligation. Write U & R Tax Services, 205-1345 Pembina Hwy. Winnipeg, MBR3T2B6(204)1806. B TRUCKING CAREERS. Driver job training with placement' help is available. Complete details can be maiied to you. Phone Rodgers Schooi at (416) 769-3546 with Postal Code. B FREE 1988 guide to sj.udy at home corrospondencq dipioma courses for prestiglous careers: Accounting, air- condltIonirig, bookkeoping, business, cosmetology, eloctronics, legallmedical sec retary, -psychoiogy, travel. Granton(5A) 263-Adelalde W., Toronto. 1-800-268-1121. B A CAREER UN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed-. Now is the time to train for your Class A license. For pre-screening Interview and job placement Information, contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training, Branpton. Phono 1-800-265-3559. HOLYWODCANADA* SMODEL&ACTING CLASSES AS SEEN'ON C.F.T.O. T.V- * ic HEARTBEAT. Top, pro Toronto teachers. Pro Sset. Classes video taped. A 41 great place to learn. x~ AGENTCONTACTS. * «K HOLLYWOOD CONCEPT.* 427-5055AJBx* 419715333 loron.to****It*4 Towlng services iQcated within the boundaries of the Regionai Muhiclpaiity of Durham are Invted to submlt their bld for the supply of towlng services and vehîcie storage pound facillties for the use of the Durham Regionai Police Force ln the Region. The boundaries of the towing area are attached tothe quotation form. Bidders will be expected to supply rates for towing and storage, details of towlng vehicles, together with the size, location and genqral description of theirvehicle pound. Bids will be received at the Off ice of the Chief of Police, Durham Regional Police Force, up until 12:00 noonon Friday, March 4,1988. Quotation forms and self -addressed envelopesprovided for this purpose may be obtained by appiying to the office of Superintendent R.F. Jarvest, Adminiotration-Support Services Branch, Durham Regional Police Force Headquarters, 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, Oitario, L1G 4B7, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., daily, Monday through Frlday. Lowest orany tender not necessarlyïaccepted. Jon M. Jenkins, Chief cf Police. ST. LAWRENCE River crulses. It's now time to book your very speclal 1988 vacation. Romantic cities, the world fanyous 1000 Islands, the remarkabie International Soaway and locka, Upper Canada Village, spec- tacular shorelines and more. Spend 4 or 6 days, apring, summer or fall aboard the el egant Canadlan.,Em- press, Diai-A-Brochure toii-free 1- 800-287-09W., B IÉREE '88 Brochure on sc'eic Rideau & Trent Severn Canai cruises abord comfortable cruise ship Kawartha Voyageur. Write Ontarloî Waterway Cruises, RR No. 3, Peterborough K9J 6X4. (705) 748-3666. *B CALL0 b668-61 11 VOUR TICKET TO How. to play popular PIANO new JOBS home study course. Fast, easy HOMES method, guaranteed 1 For FREE In- EVÉRYTING « formatlin, write: Popular Music EVERYHING Systema, Setudio P, 3284 Boucherie Rd.I<aInwna RC. VU 2H2., .R SI, 6~~14i>-1 CORPORATION 0f THÉI TOWNOF WH1TBY ADULT* SCHOOL CRQSSIN,,G GUARDS Applications are now ' being accepted by the Town of Whitby for the position of Adult Sohool Crossing Gýuards, on:- MANNING*ROAD, AND THICKSON ROADýý HENRY STREET AND DUNLOP STREETWESTr THICKSON ROAD AND BELLWQ QD DR IVE, (2 Guardls'requlred) NICHOL AVENUE AND KIRBY CRESCENT*(WEST)ý KENDALWOOD RD. AND ROVER GUARDS Applications are to be received 1988, and addressed to:- SAWDON DRIVE (vehicie required) no later than Friday,- March. 4, Mr. Wm. H. Walia ce, Administrator, Corp. of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road Eastf,1 I. Whitby, Ontario. CORPORATION. 0F THE TOWN'.0-F .WH ITB Y NOTICE 0F INTENTION Street Namne Changes The Council of the Corporation Of the Town of Whitby, intends to pass a by-law to change -the namne of Bentonwood Crescent and Catherine Drive, east of. Fallingbrook Street, to Fifewood Cre'scent. The change in street names will apply to al of Bentonwood Crescent and Catherine Drive, east of Fallingbrook Street, as shown below, designated as Parts i_ and 2, respectively1. on Plan of Survey 40R- 10977. The purpose of the change in street names is to correct an iriadvertent error made in the -original naming of the streets. - 6.,,,,,,iiIIAD N The, Operations, Committèes-of ýCounciI will meet on Monday, March 21, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in Committes Room One of the Municipal Bùilding, 575 ,Rossiand Road East, Whitby, for the. purpose of hearing any, person who'cdaims their land w'ill be- advorsely affected by the by-law. Any person wisiiing to meet with'the Committee is .askedto advise the Town Cierk accordirigly no later than Thursday, March 17, 1988. Donald G, McKay, Clerk The Corporationof the Town of Whitby' 575 Rossland Road'East Whitby,,Ontario LiN 2MBI 1Phone: (418) 668-5803 w ................................................................s............................ j 6 4~ 4 * - ,~ 6 $ 4 4 ~ *' ~ 6~~~ i.. - 44 t' 7 <4. .4 ~~4~44 'là,, ~.4 ~4..4v. 4~$4,4~~4*$4 ~ ,t~ i , $ .} . $. .. ~.s,#, 4 4f 4 M I I HAPPY BIRTHDAY PATP Love Gloria, Nemur, & Boys. NEED HELP? Listen to thei Back to God Houri Sunday 7:30 arn CHAM, 820 Hamiton; 9:30am CKAN 1480 Newmarket, & atf 7:30 pmn FM 108 Burlington, or watch FAITH 20 Global T.V. Monday - Friday at 5Sa,. ýB BAHAI' FAITH. Divest flot thyseif of My beauteous robe, and forfeit flot thy portion f rom My wondrous foun- tain, lest thou shoudst thlrstifor evermore. Phone 668-7653 or 668- 8665. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE reiationships. For help caîl AUBERGE Tranisition House for Wom en and children. Toi Free 1 -800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidentiality assured. DATES GALORE: for ail ages and unattached. Thousands of mombors anxioLIs to meet you. Prestige acquaintances cail toîl f ree 1-800- 263-9163. Hours Noon tilI 8 p.m. B PREGNANT? Loving couple wishes to adopt, provide a home and best of care for your'unborn child. Working with approved agency. Cati Pat coilect (416) 482-4508. B WOWI It worksi Helsinki melhod by Images. Guaranteed hair rogrowth programn or your monoy back. Easy at home application. Canadian distributors welcome. (604> 534- 6350. 1-800-663-6306. b THE ton commandments are asvaiid today as they ever were. One of themn s "Thou shaît not kili". This holy comm andment forbi ds suicide and abortion as much as it forblds man- siaughter. Where wlll you spend eternity? Read Exodus 20. B *BEST WISHES for a'Happy Birtnday or an annversary. The classifieds are a different way to do it. Phone 668- 6111. 4e In (oving nmlonj of 'william Cook wfzo passed away Frbninj 25, 1987. Saiffy missed 6y u4fe, anJfamiûj. -Gone, but notforgotten.

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