Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 24 Feb 1988, p. 21

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CHESTERFIELD suites, loveseats. -sectionàls, less than ýhaîf price.. Large selection. McKeen Furniture, 524 Slmcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5101;' NORTHIERN4 FOOD TREVS <. 01d fashionod apples, poar, aprîcot, nut treos, shrubs, overgreens, ,seedlings. Guaranteed dolivory. Reasonable prîcos. Catalogue $1. GÉolden Bough Troe Farm. Marlbank, Ontarlo KOK 2L0. * b~ MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS:. Work shirts $275, work pants $3.50, work* boots -$16. Send' $3 for catalogue (Reimbursement lst or., der). Military Surplus, Box 243, St. Ti mothee, Quebec. J OS 1iXO. B A FREE HUNT ING, Flshlng, camping catalog ($6 value). Send your expired hunting or fishing license (photocopy -acceptable) -and* S.l.R. will mail a free 410 page (over 6,500 Items) Annual Sportsman Catalog. S.i.R. Mail Order,,Dept. 198. 1863 Burrows 'Avenue, -'Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2X 2V6; Offer expires' February 29,11988. , B- GUôtN BARGAINS - Save up to 400/a - by subscriblng te "The Gunrunner". - The Canadian monthly newspaper listing hundreds -of new, used, modemn and antique firearms for sale or trade. Subscriptien $20 -per year to Gunrunner, Box 565T, Leth- bridge, Aberta T1J 3Z4. Sample * opy $1.50.. B SIN1GLIE captaIns lied, goo d con- dit ion with new mattress $100.00. Phone 430-0960 after5ask for Karen. ý'ýDXY odhicksA2varities-of brown.- egg and moat types. Capons and ready to lay pullets. Shlpment by par- col post for day olds. Phono or write: Bon nie's Chick Hatchery, P.O. Box *154j ElmIra, Ont. N3B MZ. (519) 669- 2561.B MATTRESSES and box springs at haîf price. McKeen Furniture, 524, Simcoe- St. S., Oshawa, Phone 725., 5181. MICROFURNACE SALES idealfor cottage, trailers, home, office, ec rooms, sunporch, or any hard to heat àrres. Frée demonstratiol'. Ph. Jim Morrison at 683-2638. BEE JAY.safety shoes, size 71/2, worn twice. New $55.63, wili selI 'for $35.00. Phone 666-3567. FINAL Production VIdoo Cipher Il. Satellite descramblors wlth super chips. Regular $1,395 now $1,195 with coupon no. 11 recelve it ail. Worîd Wido Satellite încorporated. 1-- (204)783-8828. B RESTAURANT, Hetel, deli, bakery, butcher, grocery, submarine & pizza equipment, refigerators, grills, fryers, slicers, sub tables, ice machines, steam tables, waîk in coolers & freezers, deli cases, scales, cash registers, gas stove & ovens, dishwashers.for sale orlbase. Arctic Refrigeratiof Store Fixtures, Hamilton, (416) 528-8528, Welland (416) 788-2433. B WILDLIFE PRINTS - Llmited editions by Bateman, Parker, Seerey - Lester, Barrie, Marshall, Fredorick, Lyman etc. Save from 17%to 47% on all prints. Fora complote listing, send , SASE te The Homestead Gallery, 3905 Routé 147. .ennoxvlllO Que.- .11M 2A3 DOWNHILL SKIS, boots, polos', aduit size $50.00. Phone 683-6638. METAL BUILDINGS -Wlnter Works Special - Holp keep factory busy, during slower winter mont.hs - save thousande avoid upcoming price lncroase ,- llmited, steel - .- F -,neerlEconospan 1--800.387-6a896 24 hours. B $-LIQUIDATION SBuilngspriced for immediate disposai. AliItems In stock. 30x40x1 4 $3,800; 40x60Oi14 $5,990; ,50x80' $11,260; 70x120 $27,900. Varlous sizes available up to 120 f t. wide. Factory di rect clearance. Serlous buyers only. Al buildings *priced for Imimediate deiivery, Cail toli f ree 1-800-387-2115, or 1-416-858- 2446. B MIRACLE SPAN ail steel buildings ieft over from International machinery show at superb savlngs. Caîl tolif ree 1-800-668-5111. B A-Z PRE'-ENG-.,BUILDINGS. New types, steel and Wood,,quonset, cladding. For tru'e value, action & answers (416) 626-1794. Leave message or collect ^after 6 pmn we ekends. Ask for Waliy. Free brochures. *B WATER FRONT COTTAGE FOR SALE. Ray Potts, Century 21 Gray- Munro Reality lnc. (705) 743-7313 Work or 745-7246 Home. Peter- bore area. WHIFBY, lovely open concept"2 story, 3 plus 1 bedroom, sunken main f 10cr family room off large eat ln kitchen, wlth walk out. Living roomn, dining room, upgraded broadlecm, near sdhool, park, and access te 401. 60 ft. frontage lot:ý $162.900.00. Phono 723-1687. PRIVATE, just reduced, $249,000 Bayfield homo, with heated pool and many extras. Phono 668-4104 anytime. jÂDS« To selI the small items that you thought weren't worth advertising.I *Items must seli o less than $50 - price must be stated in ad - multiple item ads must total less than $50 *Maximum 15 words *Prepaid *CashorVlSAonly fi68~61fl. AUCTION SALE, KAHN COUNTRY-AUCTIONS every .Wednosday at 6:30 pm.located on Brook Rd., Fickerlng, 3 mles north of Hwy.,401 (exit 399). Featuring every 1week, 'anexcellent.seleoinof arifiques, fin e furniture, glass, china, colloctablos, primitives, etc. So loiln us" every Wed. and partlclpate In one of Ontarlo's- "TRUE" auctions with no buy-backs or reserves'.. Previews. f rom 1:00 p.m. Corne soe our groat auction facillty and.-conslgn your oestates and collections, etc to us for prompt profossional service. "Con- slgnment & estate selllng oui speclalty." KAHN AUCTION SER VICES (41 6>683-0041 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, FEB. 27aet 11:Oa.m. Belng held at KAHN COUNTRY AUC- TIONS on Brock Rd., Pickering, 3 miles north of Hwy. 401 (exit'399). Selling the estate of MR & MRS. G. BRADSHAW, Toronto, plus, other privato consignments, to Include various dining. & bedroom suites, oco. tables & chairs, drossers, chests of drawers, rockers, sofas, lam ps, mirrors, pictures, linons, largo & smali appliances, glass, china, pots & pans, and a lot of othor good mise. Items. This ls a good sale. Term s: Cash, choques (with .D.), or Visa. No reserves. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES 683-0041 CORN EILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, FEB.2Bat6p.m. Four matching press back ch airs, wash stands, press back rockers, cainned back rockers, chesterfields, walnut vanity dresser, antique cup- board 'bottoms, parlour chiars, parlour tables, antique dressers & chest of drawers, qty of wooden kit- chen chairs, mag. end tables, qty of china ànd glass. DON CORNEILAUCTIONEER RR 1 Little BrItain (705)>786-2183 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, FEB. 27aet 6:30 p.m. Pethick's Auction Barn, 1 mile east of Ennisklllen..Nico 2 estate sale from WVhitby and Pickering, hlghiighted by two mahogany dining room suites, Atwater-Kent horn radio, steeple dlock, figurine lamps, dishes and much more. Very good sale. STEVE LIPTAY &EARL GAUSLIN 263-8710 ATQECOLLECTORS? Check our auction section for f irst chance at the "OLDIES". NOTICE TO CREDITORS & OTHERS IN THE MATTER OFTHE ESTATE 0F MARY GEORGINA FITZGERALD, All daims against the Estarle cf MARY GEORGINA FITZGERALD, late of the Town cf Whitby, ln the Regionai Municipality of Durham, Rotired Eatcn's Employee, deceased, who died on or about the 3th day cf September, 1987, must be filed wlth the undersigned personal representatives on or bof ore March lSth, 1988; thereafter the under- signed wiil distribute the assets cf the said ostate having regard only to thecdaims thon filIed. Dated at Whitby, Ontario this 22nd day of Fobruary, 1988.. DAVID GLEN FITZGERALD, Ad- ministrator, by his Solicitors, COATH, LIVINGSTONE,.128 Byron St. North, P.O. Box 327, Whitby, On- tarid Li N 5S4 RADIO SHACK model 100, 102,,200. If you have one of these portable- computers ln good condition, which you are no longer using, Caîl Doug at the WhItby f ree Press, 668-6111. OLD WRISTWATCHES WANTELIJ Mens only - old Rolex and Patek Philllp wrlstwatches wanited -, also wanted Eatons "Quarter Century"l rectangular wrlstwmatches' (25 years service> will pay $1000 and up for this watch. Phone (416) 365-7240 or write B. Walsh, 173 Queen St.Eat Toronto, Ont. M5A 1S2., B WANTED: Wall dlocks and- gran- dfather clocks manufactured by The Arthur Peguegnat Clock Company in Berlin or Kitchener, Ont. Also, wan- ted other antiqlue waIl and mantle dlocks.,Write Box A, 309 Mutual St., Toronto, Ont. M4Y 1X6 or cal! 1-416- 365-9411. B NEED L EADING EDGE MEDICAKL RESEkRCH INFORMATION ON ANY MVEDICAL SUBJEOT? Replies in confidence. Medical Database Computer Search -at,$1 .49/miinute. (Average search 25 min, or $37.25 plus PST). Phone.Frances or-Brent (416) 655-4867 anytime.'- NEED [0 KNOW SOMETIHINQ ABOUT YoUR NEW, COMNITY? Call Phone 668-6653- Our hostess witI bring gifts and greetings, atong with hetpfut community information. WE DELIVER f lyers âll over Whitby. Check eut our competitive rates. TUAN, thattime on your hands Into CASH for you ., Get to,.meot> .now people and make .n 'ew .frlnds through, Auctlonoerlng. Noxt, ,,class Jan. 16 - 23rd. Reglster'now. South- western Ontarlo- Sohool of Auc- tloneering, P.O.ý Box 145, lnnorkl'p, Ont. NOJ 1 MO'-(519) 469-3936; (519> 537-2115.B GREENHOUSE & Hydroponlc equi .pmenti supplies. Everythlng you need. Best quality, super 10w prices. Greenhouse $175, Halides $115. Over 3,000 produots in sto'ckl -Send .$2 for info pack & free magazline to Western Water -Farmsï,,, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3N9. 1-604-682-6636. B GROW FOR ITI 1 Ralse baltworms at home. Guaranteed market. Odorless, low lnvestment, we train! Ropresen- tatives throughout Ontario. Early Bird Ecology (1975) RR 1, SmlthvlIIe, Ont. LOR 2A0 (416) 643-4251, 656- 2248, (705> 435-7463. B TWO HUNDREDdol.lars ,lus. Profit 'per dayfuit, or part time., Anyone'can dItWrite. Seafoods,>P.O. Bx31 Gander Nf Id. A1'V 1W7. 1B- CASH IN - CASH OUT. Cboke, Popsi, Llbby's, Holnz - wor!d famous djlnks, You wlll rofill In 'your now,, unique cold pop/julco vendors with soparate prico sotting. Minimum Iinvostmont $11,980 socurod, as woi supply frolght, equlpmont .Installod. In locations, produot f1118, supplies, etc. Own your cash business; your choico, part or fuli-time. Calliwrite (24 hours), for brochure. Solar Business Centres, 100 East Drive, Suite 200,. Bramafea, Ont. L6T 1 B3. *Mr. Haîbot (416)'761-5705. B sellers and, telemarketers. filtration. $750.00 per week. 436-8854 a. m. 293-2303 p. m. WVater Mike - ,ýtart your owi1 t6usinesà.Potent l new Income $50,000 plus.ý Manufac- turer-of HOME DECOR priodct Is Iooking for exclusive dealer In your area. May be operated from your home. No inventory.'Minimum ln-! vestment $4,95 '0. Phone Mr,;Shawn 1- 800-361-0406 or(514) 387-7394. B AIRLINEIcruise',ship, jobs. AI positions.. Amazing recorded message reveals information guar.an- teed te getyeu hIred or ho fee. (416)_ 482-4100 X 501 Daystevenings/weekends. Not direct hirer. . B EÊARN THOUSANDS wIth your own business $200 start up. Write today: Aaro, Box 2445, Orlilla, Ontario, L3V, 7A3. START VOUR OWN BUSINESS. O1b- tain high salary by mailing circulars. For Information send $1.00 postage and handll' ng to'PamnelI & Parnell, Box 107, Gooderham,'Ont, KOM 1 RO. MAKES IT MORE VISIBLE BLANK ET-" To ReaCh a Wider Market 7Advertise throughout the regional membership- of the Ontario and Canadian Community Newspaper Associations. Example: Central Ontario Ail Ontario Ail Canada, 185 newspapers 555 newspapers $250.'for 26 words' $718 for 25 -words. For further Information please cail: M&ILuiý&M la ýMLU»Lw&

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