Anewspaper is on!>' as good as its distribution the Whitby, Fre Press relies on a smait army of carriers ta do most of its urban distribution. But inevitabIy, there are somne areas where carriers quit or where carriers are hard to find. The Whitby Fiée Press needs a couple of reliable energetic aduits *ta filI this gap. If you can spare a few hours on Wednesdays or Thursdays and clon't mind a bit of fresh air and exercise, cati the circulation manager, 668-6111 i-e/p us g tth t7EP meUUSage a rs VALMED OFFESYU * e nCtivenursesAie - FlexileaHorr 0 Compitivags rertiv eograarce eal tue roo s system sriqutires daen staleTieBs seclntopr tntfoexlStin otraconhm reoa ntio ringieldt hn aUÀLtenaaeroofngodcsote Lmrket toCaia Phnfacturr.&20.a KIND atie rn person, 18 ptlsto woork witd ebidby.staeniny drivlers. slnxelgnlnuage an asstfet Strday aor ndayhours SevTo DEN appliatisebeing ac- onepoftedowforésummremloygmie aterateauropodancs ote Halibuto ef n. Acommodastins avalioaiFinfoms ation rite digvelirne. Wglwdae nM2 1W5e. Stra rBudyhus Prosonsavailble on Hxarri V-5- Appilcaplmustibesmare, eiable,- anepewfriened n terde. piy toHayebu LimitedcoBod280ions Slvae nt., OLPo B, n. 2 o' R. N. Needed immediately for part time, position at Sunnycrest Nursing Home in Whitby. Ourrent Ontario registration. Geriatric experience an asset. Cal 576-0111 8:30 a. m. -5p. m. Monday to Friday R. N A With current registration and pharmacoiogy certificate required for part time position. SUNNY CRES«r NURSING HOME Phone 576-0111, Whitby $MAKE BiG MONEYS People needed, fullpart time, packaglng free sampies. No experlence nýeeded. For Information send self-addressed stamped envelope: 'Sam plers", No. 1-10318 East Whaliey Ring Road, Surrey, .C. V3T 4H4. B ROAD to successI Muti-million dollar International f irmn seeks 2 representatives in yourareathat seek incomes of up to $800 - $1600 plus weekiy. No direct seiling lnvolved, daily repeat business, set your own hours. Training provided. For con- fidentialIinterview please caîl 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. E.S.T. (41) 756-2111 or (416) 756-7796. B MATURE, reliable fulil time day watress and full time day cook requlred. Apply before 12 noon or af- ter 2 p.m. at Golden Griddie, Whitby, 723-4538. EXPEREINCED sales person required for fine furniture store In Whitby. 20 -25 hours per week. Phone 668-4231 f ro appointment. AGENTS REQUIRED for a mail order business. Details write: TRl. QUALITY ENTERPRISES, RR 5, Lin- dsay, Ont. K9V 4R5. LOOKING FOR A JOBI Check the classif ieds f irst. We can help. TYPIST with excellent skiils, good references requires fuit time position ln Ajax, Whitby, or Oshawa area. Phone668-3683. WILL babysit one child, In my home Over age 2 preferred. References availabie, RosslandlçochrafelSugar Maple Cresent area. Phone 668-5254 anytime. SOCIAL WORKER of fers pre schooi program ln lovlng home for children ages 3to 5. Thickson and Hwy. 2 area. Cali forappolntment. 576-8021. WHîTBY MOTHER wouid ike to do daycare ln her home. Availabie for P.A. days', before and after sohool, and March break. Phone Rhonda at 668-4269 (West Lynde area). EXPERîENCED babysitter wouid ike to do daycare in her own home. West Lynde area. Fuit or part time. Phone 668-9160. WHITBY, furnished rooms for rent ln centrai Whitby. $75.00 weekiy,* shared facilities. Most suitable for single ladies. Phone 668-5113 after 6:00 P. M. FEMALE to rent room, ý share facilities with the same. Pay T.V., 3 bedroom, firepiace, In'ground pool $300.00 month. Cail after 6 p.m. 430- 1216. ROOM for rent, studentor worker, non-smoker, non-drinker, kitchen and laundry facilities, cable, private entrance,' first and last requlred. Phone 430-0404. SHARE new 4 bedroom home, Iaun- dry, firepiace, cabie, clean, quiet, not furnlshed, Westney and 401. $450. month ly. Ph. 683-9135 or 446-789. WHîTBY, 2 bedroom, plus waik in closet, bath, main f loor, large living room & ktchen. On local bus route, no pets. references required. Phone 666-4144. SINGLE MALE iooking for couple or single to share house. Phone 666- 3478. WHITBY, three bedroom house, fairiy new, Just repainted with broadioom and garage. Close to new Canadian Tire, no pets, $750.00 plus utilities. Availabie now. Cail after 3 p.m. 430- 1305. ARE YOU having trouble getting auto Insurance because of age, poor driving record, or suspension of lîcensé? Perhaps wie can heip. Phone 666-2090. ATTENTION LADIES: Ladies fast bail team n Whitby league requires competitive bail players who want to have fun. Excellent sponsors. Call Darrell at 725-0331 or Brian at 571- 0720 after5 p.m. -c C, $1,595 CERT. $3p995. CERT. '84 OYOTTERCL (I '73 BMW BAVARIA Ssp, 4dr, AM/FM casette Auto, Loaded iLý A. EWING AUTOMOBILE INC.' 46à 47-3482 l4Brock St. N., Whitby ' MNOTICE The lot where -chance is only a-word.... CY WILSON, SAL ES Quality Used Cars & Trucks 517 Brock St. N., Whitby, 666-4100 Before you buy' - "See Cy!" AM/FM stereo. A-i Condition. 2 door, burgandy exterior and interilor. Phone 430.2574after7 p.m.- Auto, p.s.,,p.b., V6, air, AM/FM. casette. PURCHASE OR LEASETO OWN. U .EWING AUTOMOBILE INC. 427-3482.1 146 Brook St. N., Whitby J ST. BERNARD, maie, tattoed, reglstered, 16 months oid, $250.00,to a good country home. Phone 434- 2430. YELLOW CANARIES wanted. Phone 655-3402 ask for John. A. EWING AUTOMOBILE INÇ. 427-3482' 1 46 Brock St. N.,'Whitby 1975 CAMARO LT, for parts, good running motor and transmission, raliy wheeis and tires $500.00 or best of fer. Phone 668-3205. (~ $19,495. CERT. A76FIREBIRD I V8, auto, p.s., p.b. A. EWING AUTOMOBILE INC. ~~ 427-3482 146 Brock St. N., WhitbyJ 1986 GRAND AM, blue, 4 door, air, excellent condition, 45,000 km. Phone 655-3066. 4 THREE MONTH OLD BF Goodrich tires on chrome rlms (15'" hub). 2 - P295150 R15 and 2 - P225170 R14 asking $800.00. Phone 666-2109 or 668-5040. Plaecheck your advertisement for errars on the f irst da fpublication.* The Whitby Free Press wili not be libefor failure 'ta publish an ad, or for typographic errors ipublication beyond the cost of thie spaice occupied by, teerror up ta a maximum cost of the f irst insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta ciassify or reject ail advertisements.. PRE-PAID '(cash, VISA, cheque received before deadline) $5 for 25 words; 121t each additional word $1 for 15 words for articles for sale under $50 I (see details in separate panel) Bianket Ads - ta blanket a wider market (see separate panel for sample rates), BILLED $7.50 for 25 words; 15e each additional word AUCTIONS/ANNOUNCEMENTS' 69s per agate linè(14 agate uines per inch) minimum charge: $5 prepaid, $7.50 billed DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS <Ads with borders, pictures. or graphics) Regular dispîay rates apply - 74Ç per agate Une minimum size. 1 column inch - $10.36 (1l4 agate uines per inch) DEADLINE Monday noon prior ta Wednesday publication.. 668-61-1.1 4- Eryapplications are naw being acceptedi at.Haugen 's this Friday, Feb. 26, tfram 10 a.m. ta 5 p.m. and Saturday, Ail positions apen:.tlpm, BUSPERSONS WAITRESSES. COOKS TAKEOUT" DISHWASHERS BAKER'S HELPERS G EN ERAL KITC HEN H ELP Full time and part time available. Please appiy in persan at. HAUGEN'SCHICKEN B.B.Q. MANCHESTER,HWYI2&7A g i aBlalaaIlIlluEmaIlaoIlmu % ý 'e 1 la à à la moi mil loi mal mil Roi lui mil Ra a mil Ria Imm lu