.'Hghsehool s'ports news. Il à dIIs Plf dlA v.tff- seven wins and two losses.. Al Anderson C.vI girls' voueybu teams played t Brock last week, with the 'juniors défeating both BrockandEastdale."'* The midgets beat Brock and lost to Eastdale, andwhile the Anderson seniors bast a close battle to Brpck but came out. victorious against Eastdale. In basketball, the Anderson junior boys won aclose one against Ajax by a score of 51-50. Both midget, and senior teams lost lastweek. ;. The midkets 74-71 to Aax, and the In girls' volleyball action last week Henry Street, Hlgh School played both Pickering and Dwyer teams.-The midgets, with a season record of six wins and four basses, and the juniors, witbaà record ofmnne wins and only one loss, each bast two straightgames to Pickering. Both fle,.ams, however, upset Dwyertwogamea tonone.' Henry seniors béat botl schools, boosting their seasonrecord to B's comp lete 3..gaine sweep -ByBRENDON REINBOLDT On Easter weekend, April -4, the Whitby Junioie B ringette team will travel to Sudbury to compete ini the B division -chamnpionshap, after a three-game sweep last weekend at the prelùminaries in Campbellford. Whitby defeated Pickering in their f irst game 6-2. Leading the way was Jennifer Cooper with.three gpals, other scorers were Nancy Teasdale and Leaflne Muir. A four-goal effort from Teasdale helped give Whitby their second vic- tory, 10-2 over Port Perry. In - the final game against Mariposa, Teasdale had five goalsI and Stacey Guymer three goals in an 11-8 win. Tina Gudgeon scored her first goal of the season against Mariposa. Last Saturday in league play against Scarborough, Whitby won by a score of 7-5;Goalacorers were Cooper with three, Guymer and Muiwithwoeach. Soccer registration'Feb. 27 Registration for the Whitby Iroquois Soccer Club outdloor league will be held Saturday, Feb. 27, 9 a.m. to i1 p.m. at the Whitby, Public Library. Fuirther details are-,given in ýa flyer in this week'sî edition. Anyone registering shiould bring tirOHIP number -as well as idehtification. Four players suspended FROM PAGE 14 at the wrong time." Moore said an Anderson player started the brawl by cross checking an Ajax player as both teams weére waiting to enter. their dressing roomn. Anderson coach Ken Scott said ho was at his team's bench when "bang, ail of a sudden it started." ,Ajax would have moved on to the semi-finals against Eastdale Collegiate for the LOSSA A-side championships, but the team has been withdrawn fromn any further action. It is unfortunate Ajax' withdrew," said- Moore noting, that decision was entirely up to the school's administration. Scott said a similar action for his team was nover considered. "This is the first incident of Indoor soccer FROM PAGE 14 Noreen Bodnar, coordinator of community schools for the board, said at the board's property and transportation committee last week that McFarlane, which had formerly been used for soccer, would again bé allowed for soccer use. Her comments camne after soccer association representatives complainxed about the effect of the policy on Oshawa ifidoor soccer leagues. With only two gyms for use in Oshawa and full, or competitive, play aflowed only for those under age 14, according to the policy, a senior -bague in Oshawabecame defunîct, said représentatives. 1Louise Farr, trustee for Pickering, said there were "rumblings" in that community by soccer organizers that they, too, would be ".on the hit ist.", Bodnar said the', policy restrictions were introduced after it was Iearned that full play was taking place on perrnits that ailowed only conditioning. Pickering trustee Lorna Murphy asked that the- board determine the number of gyms - that could be brought up -t standard to permit fiull play., that type for us while I understand that was- Ajaxs third," sà id Scott adding 'it is over and done with." Anderson will meet Harwood' in the B-final chamipionships on Wednesday. .Harwood advanced to the finals by defeating Henry St. 5-3 in Ajax last week. Anderson advanced by defeating Vanier last week: 12-0. Anderson jûnior.,girls' ceurling team icom peted in the- LOSSA championship at PortPerry last Friday. The girls went on to place third, good enough for the bronze medal., Team . members are Leanne Taylor (skip), Janet Carroll (vice, Erin Taylor (second) and. Julie Mayall (lead).a "I'm looking forwà rd to a strong representation next year," said coach Townsendof her rink. W hitby, ringettel SUDBRY r.AEN Novi CE Feb. 12 Whitby...,. 9 West Ferris... 2 A. Babony (4)- J. Henry (4) S. Wouters Feb. 13 Whitby.... 10 Valley East.... 1 A. Babony (5) S. Wouters (2) J. Henry J. DiuÙmmond D. Bleau Whitby.... il Nickel Centre.. 0 J. Henry (4) J. Drummond (2) S. Wouters C; Annis D. Bleau Shutout: Callie Corneal Whitby.... 12 Capreol.... 0 A. Babony (6) J. Henry (3) J. Druznmond S. Wouters S. Shepard Shutout: Callie Comeal Champlonshlp Game Feb. 14 Whitby... 14 West Ferris..... 5 J. Drurnmond (6) A. Babony (4) J. Henry (4), Round Robin Playof Whitby.... 6 Markham.... 6 A. Babony (3) J. Henry (2) J. Drumrnond 1with this coupon! I'xires SaturÎday, Feb, 27th, 1988 Fashiin ad SirmWear, THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY DURHAMOF DURHAM Weight Restriction Regulations wilI be in force on roads under the jurisdiction of the Regional Municipality of Durham effective FEBRUARY 29 TO APPROXIMATELY APRIL 30, 1988. Vehicle loads are restricted to FIVE TONNES per axie in accordance with Durham Regioln By-Iaw number 99-84.' Signs wiIi be erected on ail Regional Roads to which these *Weight Regirictions apply." W.A. Twelvetrees, P. Eng. commissioner of Works Regional Municipatity of, Durham and fishing excitemrent. if you are a fisherman THIS IS YOUR SHOW! ONTARIOS GREATEST FISHING HOLE. Show -imes: Februarv 24.25. 26. Noon to 1000 P.M. Sat. Feb. 27. 1:00 A. M. to 10:00 P. M. Admission: S6.00 Aduits. $4.00 Children and Seniors FREE PARKING FOR 4.5W0 CARS For More information, oeil (416) 691-2852 - your FISHING HOT LINE TEN*TEN. CFRB AM STEREQ 1UrX«RCANALV OUTOARDS_- iiUMIUUD -- m- - WITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY,'FtBRUARY 24,,1988, PAGE 15, Nancy, formerly of CARRIERE'S COIFFURE,- Whitby, has relocated ln Oshawa. She would welcomeher customers« td cal! her at:. 723-1681 728-5275' the whitbyminor basebali association Registrat!o'n, Announcement Whitby Public Libraryf O' 405 Dundas St.. W. March 5th,,1:30p.rn.- 4:30p.m.- March l2th,9:30a.m."12:30p.M. Regist ration forms are available at the Comnmunity Information Desk at the'Whitby Public Library,. Skate Sharpening. with this Ad, a Huge range of Skates& Cross. Country packages£ (the only one in Oshawa) to exchange or buy. ALL SEASONS- 13LORSPORTING GOODS 18 --- - ST. E. OSHAWA ON'Y. 576-8260 SAWhitby Girls Softball Association> Final registration of the.WHITBY GIRLS SOF«TBALL wilI take place: AT: Iroquois Park comptex 500 Victoria Street, West Whitby, Ontario ON: February 2.7th, 1988 From 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon For further information contact members of the executive: President' - Ed Helm, 668-5959, Vice-President - Rosemary Theriault, 666-3636, or Treasurer - Sandy Carrol, 666-2318. 3rd Airnual OwrARIojFISHING ADSPORTSMEN'S The Show Dedlcated to Sport Flshlng- February 24, 25, 26, 27, 1988 at The Metro East Trade Centre -, 401 and Brock Road in Pickering Presented by: