Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 3 Feb 1988, p. 27

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Te SEMINAR TeCentral East Region of Big Sisters of Ontario will>iold a one- day seminaron Feb. 1? at Durham <College'on,"Kids Just Want to 'Have Fiun." ,The semirar is tu assistin prevnting iliiteracy. *y siulating girls to becoméi in- volved with reading and writing. MEETING La. Leche League, a. nursing mothers' support group, will meet Wednesday, Feb. 3 and discuss "The Family and. theBreast-fed Baby." Babies and expectant m others are welcome. For more in- formation, inciuding location, cal 723-0542. MEETING5 Annette Dukszta, executive diecor of the Canadian Neurological. Coalition which operates the Brain Tissue Bank, wiii be guest speaker at. the 'Alzheimer Soc iety of Durham, Region meeting at.Commhunity *Nursing Home, Pickering, 1955 Valley Farm Rd.;, on Thursday, Feb. 4, 7:30 p.rn. Caîl 576-2567 for *more information. PARTY The Welcome Wagon for Oshawa- Whitby wil hold theý annuai. bridai party for brides-to-be, at no charge, on Sunday,, Feb. .21, at, the Oshawa Polish ýVeterans Hall,. at 1 p.m. For more information cal 434-2010. LEARNING DISABILITIES The Association for Children with, Learning Disabilities wll hoid their .monthiy meeting, on. Thursday, Feb. 4 beginning gt 7.30 p.m. at the Whitby Public Library., Guest speaker. will b, Dr. Peggy Kirk- patrick, a pediatric consultant.. For more information cail 623-4934. DANCE The Brooklin -Whitby, Minor Hockey-Auxlliary wili be holdingý theirsecond'50'à and 60's dancé*',on, Saturday, Feb. 20, 8 p.. tl Heydenshore Pavilion. Tickets are,ý $20'. per couple and may be pur- chased at Peacock Sports or Roy's Enterprise. It'ila advised- toget' tickets early as last-year's"dance was a seliout. MEETING, The next meeting 0of the Head In- jury Association of Durham wili. be held Feb. 9, 7:30 p.m., atPringle Creek Community Centre School on Ribblesdale Dr. Guest speaker will be Dr. Mark Mason, psychiatrist. For more information caîl 668-8-188 or 839-2444. MEETING Durham chapter fo the Mid- wifery Task Force is meeting Wed- nesday, Feb. 10 at 8-p.m. New members, and interested persons are cordiaily invited to attend. For moreý information, caîll 668-0799 or 571-3927. MEETING John Patte of the chartered accoun- tants fîrm of Deloitte, Haskins & Sels will discuss federai tax refoprm proposais 'at a Whitby Chamber of Commierce breakfast meeting Monday, Feb. 15, 8 a. m., at the -WhitbyMail Restaurant. Cost is $6. Caîl 668-456 by Feb. 12 to reser- veaseat. DISPLAY *A display by the Pine Ridge, Hooking Guild continues at the Whitby. library until Feb. 29. Opening reception will be Friday, Feb. 5, 7. to 9 p.m. There is also a display by Whitby girl guides at the library until Feb. 29. C afigvet -MEETING.. The Alzheimer,.-Sôciety ol DuhmRegion ,offersa family support, grotl on'Wednesday*; Feb. 17 at- 2 p.m. at, the ýAizheimner Society office, 40 King St. W., suite 606, Oshawa. Anyone with a family member with Alzheimer's deisease can join. For moreinformation call 576-2567. 'Focus On Women' will hold cof- fee qnd dessert on Monday, Feb. 15 at 7:30 p.m. at the Salvation Army, Oshawa Temple Corps, 570 Thor-.ý nton Rd. N. Feature speaker is Christian Women's speaker and soloist Sooz Wells from. the 'Village Pottery' in Brooklin. Admission price is $3. For reservations cal 436-1508 or 666-2270. AIl women welcome. MEETING The Self-Help Group for Depressives and. Manic 'Depressives wilI meet Thursday, Feb. il at 111 Simcoe St. N. (second floor), Oshawa from 7 to 9 p.m. Guest speaker is Dr. Z.A. Kahn, psychiatrist, on the topic. manic depression. Friends and family members are also welcome. For more information, caîl Marilyn at 436-8760. SCHOOL PROBLEMS The Durham Greens group is, holding an eveéning of films and.. discussions about public school- system problems and laternatives. at thé Whitby 'Public Library (program'room) 'on Wednesday, Feb. 23 at 7:30 p.m. Admission is free. Cail 666-3467 -for more infor-. maItion WHITBY FREE PRESS,'WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3.,198, PAGE 27 9MEETING MEETIN., Valerie Rampone will discuss hér W.ý Fairburn '.ýoffthe'1Durham Jrecen 'tritp to the U..S.S.R. at the Board of Education and F. Sweeney Feb., 17 meeting of the Durham of the DurhamIRoman Catholi Business and.. Prof essional' school- board, both superiritendents fWomfen's' Club. Reception at1 6 p. m., of specil education; ,will discuss y ýat tîhýlhuîàderbird GoWffand..,Coun- ' special ediucation services and in- tryý Club. Caîl 85-7362 after,7 p.m.. tegration of childr en w ho, need_. r or,_683-1746. Cost is,$25-for' mem- programns -and "support at. the e bers, $30 for non-members ($10 to- Tuesday, Feb. 9, 7:30 p.m. meeting. Shear speaker only): of the Durham' DoiWn ,Syndrom e Association in. theprogrami room of SHWthe Whitby-Public Librar.Cfe SLIDE SO evd âlwloe ary.579Offee < Nick- Morcinek, founder. ofthe srealwloe al5908 Éliiii adeifl harh .~ for more information. host of Canada's onl.y holistic health radio program, wii 'present a siide show on medicinai herbs on Wednesday, Feb. 10, 7:30 p.m., in the program room. at the Whitby Public Library. The event is spon- sored by the Marigoid Organic Food Co-op. For mnore information' cali 666-3467. NO FRILLS DANCE The Volunteer Association, of' Whitby Psychiatric ,Hospi tal will hold its annual "No Frilis" fun-" draisinig dance on Saturday, Feb,. 13 at Heydenshore Pavilion, starting at 8 p.m. Door prizes and buffet. Cost is $14 per person, not $4 as in- crctystated in iast wýeek,.s edition. For tickets ýcal voluntee r services at668-588à, Ext. 323 or 292?* MEETING The next meeting- of.Women's Aglow Fellowship will. be held at 7 p.m, Feb. .1H at'the arts resource centre at Oshawa City Hall,.with speaker,-Ann Bode. For more in- formation call 623L3197 or 668-8155., BOTTLE DRIVE St. John Ambulance in Whitby will hold a bottle drive on Saturday, Feb. 6, 9.a.m.,to 4 p.rn., to raise firnds MEETING *The Durham' Avicultural Society wiii hoid a meeting on Feb.,9 at 7:30 p.m. .ini the' cafeteria of Pickering High School (Church St. north of Hwy 2). Guest speaker Dr. Richard -Maser wii discuss'Contag*ious Diseases of Parrots'nd other Birds (Psittacoslis).' There wiil be an op- portunity for questions directed at the speaker or members experien- ced In rai'sin'4 a larige variety of cage1 and'aýviary bi'rds. 'For infor- mation conitact Jacquie at 282-5997 (Toronto) or Ken at 655-4386. ABUSE PREVENTION Outreach' Abuse, Prevention is presenting a Ciicle Time session featuringÀ puppets,.,posterssongs and' story-tellingý designed to teach chiidren age-' 3-5 abuse prevention skilis., The' séssio n is on Saturday, Feb. ý6 -from, 9-9:45 a.m. at- a..cost ofý$5 ý'per.child. Register :.in,ý'person *,at ýthe Outreachoffice, 17,,Simcoe St. S. Oshawa., More comin g events on .3 CALLA ;PROCFESSIONAL; L and d. inf0-sn.. NewYes se- a iseieI*,soe: 68 6 04111H HOME HAIR .7CARE SER VICE Reasonable prices I - Cail Cathy today for your appointment 666-2978 BRIAN DEEGAN DENTURE TH ERAPY CLINIC HARWOOD AVE. ýS. AJAX, ONTARIO 683-6074 BU YING AN ANNUITY? If you are, and you wish to secure a payout annuit f rom- your RRSP, cali: HERB TRAN OSHAWA 725-6564 Whitby 668-5968 TOP 5QUOTES AVAILABLE SewinuneMach.<ie Repirs RiMakeI<sin Publdied SeinsMacinre 571-0771 40 Ki, n g S . .,i .0 D. W:L. (KhI<. nE. LSOIH 7L1 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING 100 & 200 amp service upgrading. Free estimates. Electric heating. L~Xj'~j ~ ATTENTION West Lynde homeowners - Aluminum wiring problems? We can help! SERVICE ELECTRIC B 666-1767 0 MWamaumm - WHOLESALE & RETAIL 1

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