Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Jan 1988, p. 21

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WHTBY. FREE PRESSý WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1988, PAGE 21 Durhar egion peaeA1Seuaionprg m With a grant from thé Ministry of He'alth, Durham Région will soon bave a program ini place to informý and educate the public about AIDS. Late lait year, thé ministry an- nounced Durham had been selectéd as one of the 37 of the 43 health uniits in Ontario to re~iv&*fun'dini to provide'basic AIDS éducation and information for its résidents. LJnder the new program support will also be given ta local boards of educaWtio'n in implementing the mandatory AIDS curriculuma and ta, carry out cotact triclng of people infécted with the virus.ý Accordl'ng to the medical officer of héalth for the Region, Dr. Jean Cuncil conside rs Renascent ýýCentre FROM PAGE 1 ead thé chance of seizurés is véry minimal and .. "practically non-existent." Hé aiea said thé centrç would havé access ta aa doctor 24 hoursaa day if nééded. Thé -council aiea heard that 20 to 25 per cent of thé gueste now tréatéd at Renascent's thre current locations in Toronto are from thé Durham area. (Thé Renascent Centre location now at Leslie and Shéppard in Toronto would move ta thé Broaklin location. A women's *centre would mave inta thé Shéppard location.) Counceil membérs askèd whèthèr a Renascènt establishment in Brolin would affect thé *provincial funding Pinéwoad in Oshawa currently receivés. "Thé allocation of monèy would bé caming ta a Durham Région addrèas," said Whitby councillor and health council mémber Gerry Emm. "I don't.want this ta be ta thé detrimènt of thé other héalth caré façility in Durhamn Région," saïd Hèrréma. Lucille Toth, who conducts public relations for Renascent, latér tald Thé Free Press that Renascent recéives opèrating funding fror thé Ministry of Health, not capital funchng. At thé meeting, council mémbers ,asked what wauld bg n, if. in thé future, Renscent éqird capital funding. "iDoes that put them in = n~petition with othér, requesta fi this council?" askéd one üikinber,- referring ta funding réqÙesti for Pinewood. But Jim Bain, représentative of thé Ministry of Héalth on thé council, said Renascent is a financially "stable organization." Hé said it aiea operatès a, number of parking. lots in downtown Toronto.' Thé other cancérn raised by' thé council was whéré gueste go after théir 28- day atay at thé- housé. (Guesta would' stay for a duration of 28 days at thé house4 Campbell inforrned council that résidents are not changéd evèry 28 days but enter on an ongoing basis.) Campbell told council that guèsts are usually sent home after their stay. I was disappinted with that answér that thé guésta go home because théir literaturé. indicates homes are néedéd," said council mèmbèr Elizabeth Schaefér. Litèraturé supplièd to council about Rénascent indicatea that thé centre finds it "neceeeary ta find suitablé accommodation" which could include halfway homes, roome or- apartménts. It goea on ta say that finding accommodationis an "essential" part of treatment. "That could easily came back aa a chargé ta thé région., Emm latér told Thé Free Press. "Thé image 1)ei that people attending thé centre 'are ,éither, lawyera or doctors.-*But in'their aubmisaion ta council they indicaté théy do take people from thée treet.". But Toth aaid that guete, ciuring their stay, -also--méet people that havé accesa ta roama or apartmènts. "Usually wé try for a halfway house," shé told The Free Press. Campbèll also tald council that Renascènt is "committèd' to moving ta Brooklin bècause of thé quiet atmosphère and that thèré are numèrous Alcoholics Anonymous meetings that také place within thé area. "Théy have found a- big house cheap and that is why they have came out hère," said Hèrrèma. Emm al1so quèstionèd thé possible close pitoimity of Rénascènt and Pinewood - within 15 miles of each other. "la it reasanable -ta have them, that close?" he asked., A public meeting on the relocation waa held ini Brooklin on Friday, Jan. le. Brooklin residents 'expréased concerna about the lack of proper sewer and, water facilities for the housp if it is to accommadate 28 guests and staff. Theyý also said they had concerna about ýguests. roaming through the village. "The résidents -had legitimate concerne -and have every right to know the,. anawers," John Reble, solicitor and 'Renascent board menibér, told the health council. Hé called the public meetingý "fair" and "mild" and' said Renascent recognizes that, there is a sewer and water deficiency at the Brooklin location. But he also told council that it may be difficuit for a single family to use and stay on that site." It is a distinct possibility that that structure could use a fair amount of work anid somthing with a greatér impact on noise and trafflc could move in." Need may not exist: Pilinewood Centr'e,- Thé nééd for a "second aýlcoôholic réhabilitation centre in Durham Région may be non-exwistent, according ta Dr. Peter Russell, acting. director of Pinewoad Centre in Oshawa. "One measuré, of 'réal pressuré on Pinewoad is aur waiting list and wé. dont have one," Russell tald Thé Free Pres, adding, howevér, that Pinewood was "aoperating at capacity." Hé said thé majority of Pinewood's guesta, 15 evéry three weeks, are' from Durham Région although somé camé from Kingston, Ottawa and Mfissiesauga. "If thé pressurés of Pinéwood are any indicator (for thé néed of a Rénascent Centré in Durham) thetein,lies your anawér," said Russell. But hé also notéd tha t guésta usually try ta, find an akéoholic réhabilitation centré oàisidé théir awn community. Rénascént is curréntly id~ thé procésa of moving one of théir thrée alcoholic réhabilitation centrés in Toronto ta'Broolin. Russell said Pînéwood oprates like ail tréatment centrés with guésts. ithér phoning ta admit thémselvés, going , through Alco.holice. à oymous or a'- physicien. At a meeting of thé Durham Région District Héalth Council last Wednesday, council mémbera, quéatianéd thé impà'ct, éspécially financial, an Pinéwood. Whitby won 't take up the challenlge Whitby council bas agréed with an aperations committe and will nat participate ini thé 1988 Participation Challenge. Wvhitby had been challéngéd by thé Town of Ajax but declinéd thé invitation aftér thé parka and recréation departmént informed, councîl théy did not havé énough staff ta coordinate thé challenge. Thé évent is héld on Wédnésday, May 25, and includés othér Durham Région municipalitiés. Thé winnér is thé municipality with 'thé highést numnbér of participants in .15 minutes of physical activity. 1 Found.Hlm UrLderDacn In The Yellow Pages. Besicles meeting Dave, 1 got the1 best teachers and the best prgam. ArXrthur Murray taught me dancing in a hurry...and1 found someone special, too. Taking dance lessons was one of the smartest décisions Ne ever madle. the people are frienclly, it's exciting and it gives me something ta look forward ta évery week. Plus, Dave and 1 are out having fun and dancing. $39.00 SPECIAL, Gray, there have beený five. known- cases of AIDS in Durham, th"eéof the victime 'haviig, already died. Another 36 have tested positive. She feit the grant to be à positive step in thé fight against the dreaded- disease. SThe Region was-grantéd .thé suin of $130,923, which le divided into a, one-time grant of $8i,10 for office' equipment necessary to operate thé program, and $122,573 -for operatl'g funds over 15 months, which com- màenced at théend of last year.1. The monéy granted wag leâs than request.ed, according to Gray, but will alloW. thé. hiring of a .health, educator, a public health nurse and one clerk.- A'.We had asked for funda to litre a lay orkr, omeone who icould w ork 'at thé grassroots level, perhaps éging from bar tobar.,But that wae the only itennotinclude d in our réqu;est, " said Gray.- She said the program would str as soon as',thé additional.staff,,la hiréd. WeaeIn the stage'of'.adver-, tising for thé positi ons at this time, but as there are 36 other health units .iooking for the samé peoplé, t hére might bé a min or delaY iii fin- ding exactly'the right people for us,"t she said.- Gray said the public health nâurse SEE PAGE 27, FAMILY, WELLN-ESS C L 1NI1C Dr.' Peter Wysotski, chiropractor, is pleased to announce:that.thefollowingp ractitioners have joined-his Staf Geof Riley B.Sc. R.N.C. - Nutritionist Paul Szymanowski RJiI.T. - Massage Therapist June Collier - Reflexologist, For appointmehts please cail - 728-5251 ________ -728-4711 1631 DUNDAý ST E., WHITBY <AcIosst1 m Cherneys) DAVIDSCN. PARTNER LIMITED. L I M I.TgE£ 110W M)ES YOUR RRSI> COMP>ARE.? Be honest. Over the past 20 years, have pur R RSI' invest - INI)USTRIAI. ments cone close te Industrial Grnwth Funds -;OýTI 17.17o average animal conîpoutnd return? ANI)EShORT - Very few-if ary-inivestrnetits and invesrnent ANI)SI ur. fund RRSPs have. Over the past 12 nionths aloic-after one ofI lle 1 YR. 11.7% worst declines in history for the stock niarket- *. 3 YR. I 54% Ind ustujal Grnwth Fun îd'mas up a full 11.77.. Anîd flic professional îîîanagers at-Mackenzie Fiiîaîîcial are .9 YR.- 15.2% very optinmistic aboutt the future.. 10 YR. 16.97o Se. why settie for less than Iidustrial' ý .Growth Fund? . 20 YR. 17.1% For fil information, eall 474-4372 - collect 430-1945 - Whitby (evenings) David T. Stormes Accounit Exécutive 7 7 7030 Woodbiné Ave. Suite 100 Markham, Ontario, LMR 1A2 fase7poni/ eamtn ,'sfdadidd :riitirIofdii,drnids. fers ( ai u 7 rya~ 's ek m, e rj* ç io zsaiily idrai' u es 1 n ffrmd mîyb rsprusw ill uaii.ç rwamplete' dela ilsoff a Il chaimes. Please rad Irlivakingorpurha.çe anidrelain Itouuenfnn a r-

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