Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Jan 1988, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WHITBY FREE, PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1988 Sehool torch run goesà :through 'Brooklin, hiby nextwek, The Olympie torch wili arrive in Brooklin nexkt Tuesday morning -not exactly THE Olympie torch, but a reasonable facsimile spon- Sat. Feb. 9:00 amn sored by the Durham Board of Education. The sehool torcb, which ýbegan its traveis to Durharn's 83 elementary Broolln Dodgers Presents " A Snow Bail Tournanient" 12:00 nmon .Monte Carlo Elinination Draw followed by Dance. Ilckets for dance $5. each. (At Broolin Communlty Centre)- *Kids: Don't forget your Snow Sculptures on February, 2th. Sun. Feb. 14 1:30.,to 5:00 Pm Winter Gane Tme Tandem ski races, snow shoe races, tug of war, log sawlng, snow bed raoe. (Brooklln Memorlal Park) 2:00 pm to Senior Tea Party 4: 00 pm (Brooklln Cornunnty Centre) Mon. Feb. 15 9:30 arn Wed. Feb. 17 8:00 Pm Fr1. Feb. 19 10:00 Pmn Sat. Feb. 20 8 - il amn Skate-a-thon (Brooklin Memorlal Arena) Legion Euc-hre Tournarnent Brooklln Legion Ladies Auxllary (Brooklln .Leglon) Presenting our Midnlght Madness Bingo (Hldeaway, Bingo, Whltby) Brooklin Girl, Guides Pancake Breakfast (St. -Thomas' Anglican Church, Wnchester Rd.) Sat. Feb. 20 1:00 Pm 3:00 Pm 8:00 Pm Name: Teaim Inivdu:_ Age/s: Address: Events:~ Drop off entry at Brooklin ESSO, Hwy 12 & Hwy.7 For further Information oeil: Aler Cowan 655-4519 or Mark Mason - 655a-8961 Broombail Tournent (Brooklin Memorial Park) Judging for Snow Scuipures 50/60's DanoeTlckets $5. each. (Brooklln Communlty Centé'r) sehools at Athabasca P.S.> in Oshawa on Jan. il, wiiI arrive at Meadowcrest in Brooklin on Feb. 2. According to Meadowcrest vice principal Eiieen Winter, one of the six-meimber committee who arranged the run, the torch wilI arrive at the schooi at 8:30 a.m. Weather permitting, students at the schooi. will mun the torch tbrough DURHIAM the surrounding side streets prior to rèaching tbe intersection of Win- chester and Baldwvin at 10: 30 where it will be wbisked by vehicle f0 Tbornton scbool in Wllitby. Studen.- ts at Meadowcrest will aiso, depen- ding onwea'ther, be able to par- ticipafe in winter carnival ac- fivities to celebrate tbe occasion. "Everytbing binges on tbe THE REGIONAL MUNICI PALITY OF DURHAM PUBLIC NOTICE Take notice that the Regional Municipality ýof Durham is considering AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REG tONAL OFFICIAL PLAN The amendment, as submitted by the' applicant, proposes tà extend the limits of the Brooklin Small Urban Area to permit the development of a residential Plan of Subdivision within the site indicated on the map below: In order to assist in the evaluation of the amendment application, the public is invited to provide input by way of submissions to the Region's Planning Department.:, Information related to the amendment application is available in the offices of the Planning Department, 105 Consumers Drive,- Whitby, Ontario LiN 6A3 or by calling Mr. John Sharpe, Planning Department, (416) 668-7731. Submissions concerning the amendment -application ' must be forwarded to the Commissioner of Planning, at the above-noted address, and must be received no later than Friday, February, 26, 1988. Please include your address and telephone number in any submissions made. File No. 88- 5/D.1 Marie Hubbard Chairman, Planning Comrnitt'ee br. M. Michael, M.C.î.P. Commissioner of Planning PLAIDI The firsi casualty of war is innoence of Jan. 25 and classes will begin Feb. 2 from 1 to 1:45 p.m. The library will be at. Myrtie United Cburcb Feb. 10 from- 10 to 10:45 a.m. witb a Valentine sur- prise.- The cbildren's coloringcontest ends Jan. 30, se kids are advised te brlng in theiié creativeentries. weather, conditionsj, says Winter. "We, would like a littiesnow for the, occasion, but then aàgain we don't want a blizzard." Winter explains the idea b ebind- the torch run was one of spirit, sharing, co-operation and working together to. give Durham's children a fèeling of *being part of the Calgary Winter Games. "Most of -the students were flotý -around in '76 for the Summer. Olympics in Montreal, and this couldbe a. once-1in-a-lifetime oppor- tunity for' them to participate,"1 says Winter, adding "Wbo knows if we will ever bost another Olympics, ini our-lifeti me?'ý The' torch, wvhich wil be run by as many Grade 8 students as possible,: cornes to Brooklin fromf Valleyview Public Scbool in Greenwood and. will make its last stop at E.B. Phin school in Pickering. Froin there it will be returned to-the bùard office by way of administrator Bruce, Mather. Winter says the torcb run has become the focus of a -number of ac- tivities within the schoolsfor the. winter term and feels it bas been responsible for briniging .Many: schoois,together. She says bher own students at Meadowcrest bad done most of tbe organizing and artwork to beip celebrate tbe arrivai of the' torch on Tuesday. Students from Vaileyviewv School wil hand over the torcb to runners- from Meadowcrest'at the intersec- tion of Highway 7 and Ferguiso *n Ave., at 8:30 a.m. It will be run for- th on, Ferguson and east down Vipond to tbe scbool wbere the tor- ch presentation and opening ceremônies wiIl take place at the basebali diamond at 8:45. The. Olympic play day will theni com- mence. The torcb wili depart Meadowcrest at 10: 15 and be riun east from the scbool to Baldwýin St. wbere if will conitinue, south to the junction'of Wincbester. Here it will be handed over, to students, of Wbit-, *by's: Tbornton -sèho ol at* a'p- proximately 10: 20. Meadowcrest is tbe first Whitby scbooi f0, participate in the torch run. After Tbornton, tbe torch will continue to R.A. Hutcbison; and Kathleen Rowe in tbe afternoon, then. f0 F.M. Heard and'Leslie Mc- Farlane tbe morningý of Feb. -3; Pringle Creek and Palmerston during tbe-affernoon; E.A. Fair- man and Bellwood tbe morning'of Feb. 4; R.A. Sennetta n West Lyni- de during8 the afternoon. Tbe torch will make its last a ppearance in Wbitby at Col:' Frewèli on the morning of Friday, Feb. È and then' go to schools in Ajax. Brooklin ibrary patron sýcan, VDEO NOW AVAILABLE-- BETA & VHS 76 Baldwin St., Brooklin 655-330.6 Sering the Cornmunities _ Greatest Needs WINTER CARNIVAL Sat., Feb. l3th to Sat., Feb. 2th 1988 -Anyopne tnterestèd ti the above everits, team or irulividuol. - pLecsefl ti theform below: m

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