PAGE 26, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1987 LIFE AS SANTA'S ELF It is a couple of days bèfore Christmas. Santa is in a grumpy mood because we are 2000 presents short. Eight of our twelve eleves are sick. Santa is making us work 20 h a day. Santa is usually a really nice guy. But around the 25th of Dec. he always starts getting ner- vous. Christmas Eve is finally here we are only 100 presents short. We had stayed up the whole night before making presents. Santa was getting angrier and angrier. He made us work on Christmas Eve too. We usually get Dec. 24th off to 'rest before. We have to start working on more presents. It was noon before we finally finished making presen- ts. Then before we were allowed to go to bed we had to put the reindeer in the harnesses and wax the sleigh. Finally we were allowed to go to bed. When we woke up Santa was at the end of our beds holding presents for each of us. Working for Santa is hard but I love every minute of it!!! Kelly Tait St. Leo's MONDAY, DEC. 21 TUESDAY, DEC. 22 WEDNESDAY, DEC. 23 THURSDAY, DEC.. 24 FRIDAY, DEC. 25 SATURDAY, DEC.26 SUNDAY, DEC. 27 MONDAY, DEC. 28 TUESDAY, DEC. 29 WEDNESDAY, DEC. 30 THURSDAY, DEC. 31 FRIDAY, JAN. 1 >A Cfhi(s Christmas from tit students of our 1fitby sc(wo(s SANTA CLAUS There once was a stocking for San- tie, To fi with a lot of candy, And Santa with his belly, Like a bowl full of jelly, Said that giving was dandy. Santa likes giving lots of toys, To all the good girls and boys, He gave them socks and trains, And underwear and planes, Because they were good girls and boys. Shaun Demeris Pringle Creek 2:30 - 4:30 P.M. 7:00 - 8:00 P.M. 2:30 - 4:30 P.M. 7-00 - 8:00 P.M. 2:30 - 4:30 P.M. 700 - 8:00 P.M. 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. CLOSED CLOSED 2:00 - 500 P.M. 5:00 - 6'30 P.M. 2:30 - 4:30 P.M. 7-00 - 8:00 P.M 2:30 - 4:30 P.M. 7:00 - 8:00 P.M. 2:30 - 4:30 P.M. 7:00 - 8:00 P.M 2:30 - 4:30 P.M. CLOSED ADULT 8:00 - 9:00 P.M. 8:00 - 9:00 P.M. 8:00 - 9-00 P.M. CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED FAMILY SWIM 8:00 - 9:00 P.M. 8:00 - 9:00 P.M. 8:00 - 9:00 P.M. CLOSED CLOSED FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 668-7765 THE VERY FIRST CHRISTMAS Once upon a time there was a lady. Her name was Mrs. Claus. She lived up north with Sarga. Claus. Mrs. and Mr. Claus were always getting ready for Christ- mas. They were getting a lot of notes from children. They usually got what they wanted. It was Christmas night. Santa Claus was doing his job. He came back and got his presents. They were nice. One present was a new suit. Another was a new sled. Another was a reindeer. He got what he wanted. Mrs. Claus got a new dress. Then they had Christmas dinner and they went to bed. Have a Happy Christ- mas! Carolynn Paquette Gr. 4, R.A. Sennett WHEN SANTA WAS A BABY One day when Santa was a baby Santa's parents vanished. One day on Santa's sixth birthday twenty lit- tle people came and knocked. When Santa opened the door he said "Who are you. The leaders said we are elfs. We like to make toys but since our Planet blew up we dont have a can live with me. Can you make a lot of toys by Christmas eve?" "Yes, but Why?" Because ever sin- ce my father died nobobdy gets any presents from Santa and I know how to drive the sleigh. Well; okay' thanks we'll get right to work". I'm going to have a nap. Ill come see how you are doing later bye. Oh Hi Fuzz ball, are you going to have a nap with me? Okay. When Santa woke up, he and Fuzzball went to see how the elves were doing. When he got to the work shop there were dolls, toy trains and stuffed animals. "Hay Dinky come here. Would you like to make the candy caned?" Oh yes! Okay come here if you need anything come get me." "Okay" I will go get ssupper reddy spaghetti and meat balls. "I'm stuffed" "Me too that was good" "You can go back to the toy shop Dinky, you can go and make the candy canes" Okay. A week passed. On Christmas Eve Santa said "Are those presents reddy?" "Yes". Are the candy canes red- dy?" "Yes". "Well we still have to put them in the sled. Okay I will be back soon" Santa came back at tree o'clock in the morning and said, "I'm home everybody got their presents." Merry Christmas Emily Smith Gr. 2, R.A. Sennett MORE PYJAMAS My Grandma's going Pajamas! Each year my grandma give Chris Erin and I a pair of pajamas. Four years ago I got a pair of sleepers. There was a pair of sleepers for my doll. Last year I said to my gran- dma where are my new pajamas? She said what pjamas You know the ones you get us every year. She gave them to us after dinner. This year I'll say MORE PAJAMAS! Beth Brady St. Leo's BRIAN PARKER, Gr. 3 student at E.A. Fairman school, plays Joseph during the presentation of "The First Christmas" during the school concert last week. Free Press photo FAMILY Love, caring, sing, read, feast Happy, together, good, fu relatives. Matthew J. McGu Age 9, F.M. Hea LETTER POEM in, ire rd Dear Santa, Thank you for last years present. I wish I can see you. How are you and your reindeer? This year I would like a getto Blaster and rock 'n roll tape. We will give you a sur- prise on the mantle for you. I hope you like it. Is it very cold there? Here we don't have any snow in Whitby. Tell your elves they make very nice toys. Well thats all for now. Have a Merry Christmas. Yours truly, Darlen Brownell Leslie McFarlane L'OURS DE NOEL Dans une petite maison, il y a un petit Ours de Noel. Le petit ours at- tend pour Noel. Le petit ours dit a sa maman: Est-que tu as achete un cadeau de Noel pour moire? Maman repond "oui." Apres le petit ours de Noel va au lit et dort. Quant L'ours de Noel est dans son lit et dort, Pere Noel met des cadeaux en-dessous de L'arbre de Noel pour le petit ourson. Quand l'ours se reveille, il court a l'arbre de Noel et ouvre tous les cadeaux. Il est content. Shannon McCready Grade 2, F.M. Heard C is for Christmas H is for a handful of love R is for rabbits on the frozen ice I is for Icicle S is for the star the shepherds T is for tonight we're decorating the tree M is for the moon A is for the angels S is for the Son of God Joanna Young Gr. 4, Pringle Creek COMING EVENTS MEETING The Whitby-Oshawa Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society (Durham Region) will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 5 from 7:15 to 10 p.m. in the auditorium of the Whitby Public Library, at 405 Dundas St. W. This meeting will have library holdings available for viewing. MEETING The Alzheimer Society of Durham Region offers a family support group on Wednesday, Jan. 6 at 2 p.m. at the Alzheimer Society office, 40 King St. W., Suite 606, Oshawa. For more information, call 576-2567. PAPER MACHE Paper mache donkeys will be made in aprogram at the library Tuesday, Dec. 29, 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Registration began Dec. 1 for the program which costs $1 and is for age 7 and over. HANGUP "Eyes of God," colored yarn designs woven by natives of Mexico and Bolivia, will be made and joined to form wall hangings in a program at the library Wednesday, Dec. 30, 10:30 to 11:30 a.rM., for age 7 and over. Registation began Dec. 1 for the program which costs $1. CLOCA TOUR The Central Lake Ontario Con- servation Authority will hold its bird feeder tour at Lynde Shores Conservation Area, Whitby, star- ting at 1 p.m., Jan. 9. Meet at parking lot off Victoria St. CHEATWVE 11OUR The popular "Pre-School Creative Hour," with Jane Otten- brite. will be offered at the library 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 23, 30, Feb. 13, 20 and 27. Cost is $10 and registration is tindvrway at the children's desk smmi m m mu mi mi m lm Mmmi umm mimsIw jEVERY NIG at 7:00 $3500 MUST GO * EVERY AFTERNOON at 12:10 - Friday & Saturday MIDNIGHT MADNESS at 11:00- $1500 & $500 MUST GO Jackpots - !Clean Surroundings/Air Changed every half hour! M Dundas at Garrard, Whitby, just E of Thickson, N side, rear entrance I ail proc~eeds to c/arity/icnced 433 -0O75 1 amimim mam m ms mamimmmi mmem imiesmi# TOWN OF WHITBY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SKATING AND SWIMMING SCHEDULE SKATING IROQUOIS PARK ARENA TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22/87 .........................2:00 - 4:00 P.M. SUNDAY, DECEMBER27/87..........2-00 - 4:00 P.M. MONDAY, DECEMBER 28/87.........2:00 - 4:00 P.M. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29/87..........................2:00 - 4·00 P.M. LUTHER VIPOND MEMORIAL ARENA WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23/87.................2:00 - 4:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30/87.................2:00 -4-00 P.M. SWIMMING ANNE OTTENBRITE POOL PUBLIC TOWN OF WHITBY PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 1988 SUMMER ICE & FLOOR RENTALS The Parks & Recreation Department is accepting ap- plications for summer ice requests at IROQUOIS PARK COMPLEX and floor rentals at both IROQUOIS PARK (Whitby) and LUTHER VIPOND ARENA in Brooklin. If you are interested in renting ice between ApriF and September, please contact the IROQUOIS PARK COM- PLEX AT 668-7765 or the Parks and Recreation Depar- tment at 668-5803 ext. 308.