WIiITBY FRZEE PRESS, WEDNEST)AY. DI)ECEMliffl 23. 1987, PAGE 17 UIOU6EI~ EAT, ..and be merry! Fresh, crunchy vegetables with assorted horseradish-Iaced dips make great tastinc- Veggie dips get their zip from horseradish (NC)- Everyone loves a party and to- day's thoughtful hostesses are putting out trays of crunchy fresh vegetables aiong with the more traditional mun- chies for health conscious guests. An assortment of colorful raw veg- gies - carrot and celery sticks, broc- coli, green pepper, radishes, cauli- flower and sliced cucumber - with two or three nippy dips makes a wel- corne snack any lime. These three dips gel their zip from the addition of horseradish. Ils langy fiavor enhances cream cheese and de- villed ham, sour cream and onion or bacon. Devilled Ham Olp 1 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese, softened 1 (4-1/2 oz.) can devilled ham 2 tbsp. Horseradish 1 tbsp. finely chopped onion Pinch of celery sait COMBINE ail ingredients in small bowl. BEAT well, until smoothiy blended. Chili Bacon and Horseradlsh Olp 1 cup sour creamn 1/2 cup cooked and crumbled bacon 1/4 cup mayonnaise 1/2 smali onion, siiced 2 tbsp. Horseradish 1 tbsp. finely chopped parsley MEASURE ail ingredientsis m blender container. Cover and blend 20 seconds or until almost smtooth. Chili. If desired, garnish with additional crumbled bacon. NOTE: This also makes an excellent sauce for cooked green vegetables and baked potatoes. Party Diii Dip, 2/3 cup mayonnaise 1 cup sour cream 2 tbsp. H-orseradish 1 tbsp. finely chopped green onion 1 tbsp. fineiy chopped fresh parsley 1 tsp. seasoning sait 1 tsp. diii weed COMBINE ail ingredients together Edith's Crabbies 4-1/2 oz. 2 oz. 4 oz. tinned crabmeat butter velveeta cheese Paprika English muffins Mix butter, crabmeat, velveeta, together to form a soft paste. Cut english muffins into 1" squares (8 to 1 muffin), put on a fiat oven sheet. Spread on crabmeat paste and sprinkle with paprika. Place oven sheet in freezer unti crabbies have frozen. Place frozen crabbies in freezer bags and leave in freezer until needed. When required place on cookie sheet arnd put under broiler until crabbies are browned. Little Frankies in chafing dish combine one can cherry pie fiiling with one-haîf cup rose wine or 14 cup cadi of sugar and orange juice. Add 3-pounds of cock- tail franks, or cul regular hot dogs in pieces. Heat to serving temperature. Keep warm over low flame in chafing dish. Spear with toothpicks. Makes about Il dozen picces. Diily Cheese Balil flavored with chopped pickles is guaranteed to please the crowd. DiIIy Cheese Bali-festive make-ahead a real crowd-pleaser FUN TH F(--L4D (NU')- Ei*lertinîing takes on a new~' dimension ti im re ol vear as the %%e.the-r îurns chiih' and hoiidav les- t iVities ,.!Ci nie iiiiiswingi. \Vheiher yoti're gu' e .Lests in %.titrseii o sîmpi' iooking for a spe- euimi dish b otake iii .nother party. 111k Diiiv (*heese Bail ks a gwaranteed crowdC phraser. ('hopped diii pickles give it extra tang and ertinch. You can prepare ihis ie:heball weii ahead ol urne, store ai least over- night in the~ retrigerie(r and tihen roli it in chopped nuis .and patrsiev f«or .a1n hors rFcr thmîi t 'i mi las ies1ter- rilic but looks sensaiiona.îi Diliy Cheese Bal i (1) pkg. (8 oz./250 g) creamn cheese. softened 1-1/2 cups (375 ml) grated sharp cheddar chee.se 1/2 cup (125 mL) chopped 1Bi('KS Dll Pickles 1/4 cup (50 ml) f-ineiNy chopped green dnion 2 fbsp. (25 mi.) mayonnai.se 1 tsp. (5 ml,)-Worcheýstershifr Sauce 1/2 cup (125 tmi.) finely chopped %%ainuis 2 tbsp. (25 ml,) Iinely chopped parslec, C()M à B1N1: irsi 5 ing.redicenis. heai meg unltil si>otii. O V [R a ndlchil itiii l irm ior t wern igi. SHF1 Pintmia hall and roll in mrixture of, nis anid parsiey% Si RVUiti woh soried crackers-. - a I p rt .. UZ 430-02. Fr m80 e sr igI1lrokS. .Witlie p t I $ f I I I I f I f f f I s I I I Mw qwý qb«b -%. ýý-rb bý .b - - - - -