WI-IITI3Y FREE PRESS, WEI)NESDAY, DECEMBIZ 23, 1987, P>AGE 9 A VICTORIAN CHIRISTMAS On Wed. Dec. 9 we went (o the Sydenham museum. We saw a movie and drank apple eider. After the movie we went to the ."Toy Flouse". We saw many old toys like hand dancing, doîls and things like that. Afterwards we went to the "Robinson House." There were things I neyer knéw of like a batter hardener and some were antiques. The apple eider was nice and warm too. When we went home we got to suck a candy cane!! Adrianna Darling Gr. 4, Meadowcrest SNOWMAN I met a snowman when I was playing outside. Frosty the Snowman played tag. Frosty was Nancy Wing Gr. 1, Palmerston IETTER Dear Santa, Santa on Christmas eave don't be a skared I might have a cana hidin near the T.V. So look for it if you have enuf time. Say hello to* miss claus and Rudîf. Hop you have Merry Christmas. I love you Jason Carter Col. J.E. Farewell LETTER Dear Santa, Are you feeding -carrots to the rein- deer? How do you get fat? What are the elves names? I want Alf for Christmas. I love Santa. Sharlynn VanLuven Gr. 1, R.A. Hutchison Cfiristma from ee studts of our W1/Ft6by sdfwo( CHRISTMAS RHYME For that's how baby Jesus slept But P'm sure he didn't cry For Mary was there to talk to him And sing a lullaby. Mandy Marie Wright Grade 4, F.M. Heard ALL AROUNI) THE XMAS TREE Ahl around the Christmas tree the many presents lay the children running ail around on this festive day they ail are very happy as we can see because today is a holiday. Linda Porco St. Leo's LETTER Dear Santa and the Elves, I wanted to know if I could have about two video games and a few disks. I was wondering how you are doing. Should 1 write back at a time when you aren't busy? One more thing could you go down the chim- ney slowly we are going to have a [ire in the fireplace. Yours truly, Joey Kehoe Leslie McFarlane CIIRISTMAS IS.. Christmas is a timne for.... Christmýas trees.... llolly wreaths... Ringing belîs.... Ice cycles.... Singing for our neighbours.... Trimming trees .... Making merry .... And helping your mother bake.... Stepping lightly downstairs on Christmas... Rebecca Palmer Gr. 4, Kathleen Rowe TIME FOR FUN Christmas is a timne for fun, When us boys run and run, And giving presents to everyone, 1 got some soldiers and a gun. Ryan Peacocke Gr. 3, West Lynde 9 011