The Brooklin Horticulturai Society will hoid their Christmas Show and annual meeting on Wednesday evening of this week at Brooklin United Church. This will take the form of a dessert and coffee party beginning at 7 p.m. Everyone is asked to bring a dessert of their choice ail ready for serving. There is a decorative show planned and the classes are listed on page 27 of the yearbook. This the evening when the prizes are awarded for ail the hard work and accomplishments of the members. The new siate of officers and board of directors wiii also be installed. This wiii be the final meeting for 1987. There was a good turnout at the euchre party iast Thursday night with 13 tables playing. Prize winners are as follows: Hligh to Jean Johnston and Pat Jackson. Second to Don Wood and Margaret Gall. Low prizes to Doug* Humphrey and Olive Ormiston. Lone hands to George Harper and Wilma Lynde. Door prizes to Harold Whitbread and Erma Wood. 50/50 draw was won bY Audrey Bentley. Plus bus prize won by Rachel Harper. The next euchre will be on Thursday, Dec. 3.Everyone weicome to attend. We were pleased to welcome Rev. Dorothy Bulmer once again to Burns pulpit last Sunday morning, in the absence of Rev. McEntyre. The sacrament of hoiy communion was observed. Mary Briscoe and Bob Nixon read the scripture protions. The senior choir sang 'He Hideth iny Seul' Rev. Bulmer's sermon titie was High school hockey FROM PAGE 23 automatc season ejection for the second in high schooi hockey. Moore also wants ful commitment from each player and is therefore restricting the league te non-al-star players. Moore has no plans te spht the league in two, one junior and one senior, ciaiming that it competes too much with the minor league system, something they want te avoid. 'The spirit has been tremendous from the students," says Moore, who is iooking forward to the LOSSA final which wiii be during the week of February 22. Missions? Who? Where? On Monday , Nov. 30 the consultation group will hoid an open meeting at the church at 8 p.m. White Gift Sunday will be on Sunday, Dec. 13. Aiso the church school will hold their Christmas party at 9:30 sharp. Something a little différent this year, we will enjoy breakfast tegether before presenting our Christmas program with each ciass taking part. corne aiong and share this happy. time together around the Christmnas tree. The Kir Guild is sponsoring a speciai cooking demo at Burns Church, Tuesday, Dec. 1, 7:30 p.m. presented by Creative Cookery. Tickets $3. Advance sale oniy 655-4825 or Ashburn Store. OhituarieS, DAISY EDNA R1VET Das Edna Rivett of R.R. 1, Dunchc, Ont., died in Parry Sound on November 14, 1987. She was 63. She was boni in Oshawa on May 8, 1924, daughter of John L. and Myrtie H. (Hopkins) Linton. She married Edward C. Rivett on May 27, 1944. Mrs. Rivett lived in Whitby for 62 years before nioving to the Dunchurch area in Parry Sound district last year. A housewife, she was a member of TOPS (Oshawa), the Baptist Ohurch and the National Society of Tole Painters. She is survived by her husband, sons Ted of Oshawa, Marvyn of Churchill, Ont., Dean of Lindsay, Vernon of Parry Sound, aughter Nancy of Toronto and seven grandchildren. She was predeceased by brother Marvyn of Oshawa and son Keith of Whiitby. The funerai service was held from the W.C. Town Funerai Chapel in Whitby on November 17, 1987, with Rev. H. Kleinhaus of Parry Sound conducting. Interment at Bowmanviile Cemetery. No hunting in forest area Regional council has approved a recommendation that prohibits hunting and the discharge of firearms in Durham Regional Forest main tract The permitted public use of the forest included recreationai and educational activities, one of them being hunting during certain seasons of the year. But this has led to problems and concerns, Permission has been given to the Durham Board of Education to use the main tract (one of the six tracts in the area) for educational courses throughout the year. This area is used because students have use of the junior ranger camp which is operated by the Province during the summer months only . As a resuit, there are many students in the main tract of the forest and Durham Board of Education asked the Region to ban the discharge of firearms as they fea red for the students' sa fety. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMI3ER 25, 1987, PAGE 31 In %your plans for the future, there may be an area you've overlooked. Consider this a test to see if you're really prepared for what the future will briing. Do you have adequate insurance and benefits? Do you have a pension plan? Hlave you preplanned and prepaided your funeral arrangements? Now if you're asking yourself what making funeral arrangements bas to do with sensible planning, let us explain. While its difficuit to talk about an emotional subject in dollar and cents, it is necessary. By preplanningand prearranging funeral arrangements now, you can guarantee that the money wiUl be there for the future, with no financial strain imposed on the people close to you. SONlARtO FUNERAIL StEiviCe ASSOCIATION e IPIIRqOUfil W. C. Town Funeral Chapei Ltd. Whitby 668-3410 John R. Town Jayne Langlois - Town 110 Dundas St. East 668-3410 IEVERY NIG Tat 7:00 $3500 MUST GO EVERY AFTERNOON at 12:10 -Friday & Saturday MIDNIGHT MADNESS at 1100- - $1500 & $500 MUST GO JaCkpots M !Clean Surroundings/Air Changed every haif hour! *Dundas at Garrard, Whitby, j ust E of Thickson, N side, rear ent rance - ~ ~ ~ à : Zi3p' - 0dstc c '7 rtyIi'5 c'1 i77»» DURHAM 0F DURHAM PUBLIC NOTICE Take notice that the Regional Municipality of Durham is considering AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AND THE OFFICIAL PLAN 0F THE FORMER PLANNING AREA 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY The amendment, as submitted by the applicant, proposes highway commercial uses including an automotive dealership within the site indicated on the map below. In order to assist in the evaluation of the amendment application, the public is invited to provide input by way of submissions to the Region's Planning Department. Information related to the amnendment application is available in the offices of the Planning Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario LiN 6A3 or by calling Mr. Neil Henderson Planning Department, (416) 668-7731. Submissions concerning the amendment application must be forwarded ta, the Commissioner of Planning, at the above-noted address, and must be received no later than Monday, December 28, 1987. Please include your address and telephone number in any submissions made. File No. 87-80/D/WW Marie Hubbard Chairman, Planning Committee Dr. M. Michael M.C.I.P. Commissioner of Planning STUDENTS AT Col. J.E. Farewell heard author Ber- niee Thurman Hunter last week. Hunter has had a number of books published including 'Margaret in the Middle' and 'As Ever, Booky.' Free Press photo Ashburn news SARGEANT'S RENTALS LT». 463 Rltson Rd. S. BOOK NOW 571-1011 WAREHOUSE LOCATION 70 BLOOR EAST