THEOS BUILDINGS - SPECIAL CLEARAN- CE. 20' x 24' - $2400; 24' x 24' - $2,700; 28' x 36' - $4,000; 32' x 36' - $4,400; 36' x 48' - $6,500; 40' x 60"- $8,200. Ph. 985-7930. is SACRIFICE SACRIFICE $$$ Buildings priced for immediate liquidation. Ail items ln stock. 28x40x14 $3,996, 40x6Oxl4 $6,500, 46x80x14 $9,250, 70x9Ox24 $21 ,789. Various sizes available up to 120 ft. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. AIl buildings priced for immediate delivery, cal toîl f ree 1-800-387-2115, or 1-(416) 858-2446. B MIRACLE SPAN ail steel buildings left over from National Show, many sizes to choose from. Caîl Toîl f ree 1- 800-387-4910. B A - Z PRE ENG. BUILDINGS. New types, steel & wood, quonsel. clad- ding. For true value, action & an- swers (416) 626-1794. Leave message or colleot after 6 p.m. weekends. Ask for Wally. Free brochures. B STEEL-A-DEAL -Building clearance - Save thousands while steel supply Iasts - imited time offer due to summer steel milI increase - ail styles available - PioneerlEconspan 1-800-387-6896 (24 hours). B helps end grief The death of a husband or wife cani leave the surviving spouse in shock, while depressions, panic, anger and loneliness cani follow. THEOS (They Help Each Other Spiritually) is a group of widowed men and women who find hope and healing to end grief through mutual help. THEOS is founded on the principle that widowed persons communicate best with other widowed persons who have ex- perienced a similar tragedy. Newcomers are aided through their immediate grief and given guidan- ce to help them cope with day to day living. Anyone recently widowed is welcome to attend chapter meetings. THEOS meets on the second Sunday of each month in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Cochrane St., Whitby at 2 p. m. For more information cati 668- 2648. Dr. Gillian Gilchrist of the palliative care unit at Oshawa General Hospital will be guest speaker at the Nov. 8 meeting. WIIIT3Y UFREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCIOBER 28, 1987, PAGE 33 Oh )itu.arie.s HIAROLD RIDDEIA, Hlarold Gordon - Fiddeîl of' Kirkland Lake died on Thursday. October 22, 1987, at Whitby General Hospital. He was 76. He was born in Barrie, Ont., on Jutv 21, 1911, son of Hugh and Margaret (Bruntonl Riddell. He ma 'rried Hilda Clements on Sep- tember 6, 1941. Mr. Riddell. a resident of Whitby for a short period, lived in Barrie for 25 years and Kirkland Lake for 52 years. He was parts manager for a Ford, dealership in Kirkland Lake, a Trinity United Church member there, Legion member and member of the Kirkland Lake Golf Club, Royal Arch Masons and En- core Club. He is survived by daughter Wen- dy lMrs. Ted Birchard), gran- dchildren Brent and Tiffani of' Whitby. Also survived hy sisters Mabel Mitchell and Dorothy Ken- ney of Toronto and brother Clare Riddell of Cambridge. 1He was predeceased by his wil'e in 1984. The funeral service was held rom the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel on Saturday. October 24. conducted by Mr. Riddell's brother- TOWN 0F WHITBY EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT HAS SEVERAL OP- PORTUNITIES FOR PART-TIME POSITIONS WITH THE RECREATION FACILITIES. * ATTENDANT I e ATTENDANT Il a ATTENDANT III MAINTENANCE *MAINTENANCE HELPERS CANTEEN SERVERS TICKET TAKERS ICE PATROL CASHIERS " CANTEEN ASSISTANTS " RECEPTIONISTICASHI ERS " LIFEGUARDS " SWIMMING INSTRUCTORS APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED AT THE TOWN HALL (PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT), LUTHER VIPOND MEMORIAL AÀENA, (WVINCHESTER ROAD- BROOKLIN, ONTARIO) AND IROQUOIS PARK RECREATION COMPLEX (VICTORIA STREET WHITBY, ONTARIO) PLEASE CALL 668-7765 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND AP- PLICATION FORMS in-law William Hares. Cremation followed. J. GORDON TWEEDY J. Gordon Tweedy of Whitby died on October 21, 1987 at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto. He was 72. He was born in Ottawa on November 25, 1914, son of James and Blanche (Warren> Tweedy. He married Evelyn Jennings-Muir on July 14, 1940. Mr. Tweedy was a resident of Ot- tawa until 1957 when he moved tb Whitby. He was production manager at Nabob Foods. He was a member of the Ottawa and Oshawa Flying Clubs and the Masonic Lodge and United Church. He is survived by his wife, daughters Margaret of Kamloops, B.C., Julie of Vancouver and John of Uxbeidge. and grandchildren Bradley. Also survived by sisters Margaret, Grace and Carol and brother Ji m. Mr. Tweedy was predeceased by sister Millicent and brother Charlie. Memorial service was held Saturday, october 24. 1987 at St. Mark's United Church, conducted by Rev. Brian Gee. J.GORDON TWEIEDY PROTECT THIOSE YOU LOVE Deat h is unavoidable, butit is pi'ssihle to proteet the bereaved frin ntnrc-ssarv sul'>erriig. Prearranging and prepayinig for your funeral saves Ioved omes fromn decisions and financial deliberations wlien ONTARIO FUNE PAL SERVICE ASSOCIATION stress. Arranging now means -or, triake the choices. And if you prepay too, the money is put in trust so that what you select today is paid for tornorrow. It*s certainly worth thinking about. Prearranging is simply more thoughtful. 1 W. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL FUNERAL DIRECTORS JOHN R. TOWN JAYNE LANGLOIS - TOWN 110 Dundas East 668-3410 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION The Council ofithe Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to pass by-laws to st'o .p up, close and seli part of the public highway municipally known as Powell Road, as shown below, designated as Parts 1, 2 and 5 on Plan of Survey 40R-10702. PA The Operations Committee of Council will meet on Monday, Novem- ber 16, 1987, at 7:30 p.m. in Commnittee Room One of the Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby. for the purpose of hearing any person who dlaims their land will be prejudiciaîly affected by the by-laws. Any person wishing to meet wîth the Committee is asked to advise the Town Clerk accordingly no later than Thursday, November 12, 1987. Donald G. Mcl<ay. Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario LUN 2M8 Phone: (416) 668-5803 CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY, ADULT SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS Applications are now heinq acceroted hy tilt Fown o Vti lt ) '1 positions of Aduit School Crossing Guard (in MARY STREET EAST at GARDEN STREET GARDEN STREET at BRADLEY DRIVE MANNING ROAD at HAZELWOOD DRIVE THICKSON ROAD at MANNING ROAD ANDERSON STREET at WILLIAM STEPHENSON DRIVE ROVER GUARD (vehicle required) Employment io comminence as soon as i90550)1s Applications are to ot)(-, ei o n) 3r t*l' rar 11.mlt 1987. and adlrressed t') Mr M H WaIta'-,l Ad rni ni sira tor Ccor;orat itn of thn ~roWO 0 ýf W'i )/ 575 Rossl3and Roal E.-rt WhithwOniano) Li N 2M8 NEED TO KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT rtbUR NEW COMMUNI1Y? Cati Phone 6688943 Our hostess wîlI bring gifts and greetings, aîong with heîptul community information.