Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 28 Oct 1987, p. 9

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WHITBY FR~EE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1987, PAGE 9 Headquarters' alternatives diseussed before council vote Several present a tionrs and debates were made at regional council last week as the question of relocating the headquartcrs building again came under discussi on. Last March. chief administrative officer (CAO) l'or the Region. Don Evans. was asked by council to evaluate four alternatives [or housing the regionai government. Those choices to be considered were: continue in the same building at 60.5 Rossland Rd.. Whitby. with four sub-of'fices throughout Whit by and Oshawa; to expand the existing facilities to ailow for ail regional departments to be under one roof, to build a new headquarters building in downtown Oshawa on the former General Motors proper- ty at Mary and Bond Sts. on land offered f ree under a proposai l'rom the City of Oshawa; or to build on land across the street ['rom the existing facility at Rossland and Garden Sts.. on land off'ered free as part of a proposai by Graywood Developments Ltd. When the CAO*s report came back to council on May 8. it recommended tlfie Region accept the third proposai and consolidate its operations in one building on the site of the Oshawa proposai. Aller the report was received hy council. there was great debate as to whether the CAO had enough fac- ts and figures at his disposai 0<) come to ah accurate assessment.. Regionai council members voted to retain the firm of Peat Marwick Consuiting Group to review the report and, in part icular. 10 assess the financial and planning ramifications to the region of' the various alternatives. When the Peat Marwîck report was presented to council last week. il cleariy showed there was uiot rnuch to pick between the Oshawa and Whitby proposais. Mike Ross, one of' the three con- sultants who worked on the report told council members: "With the information given. there is nothing financially to choose between three and f'our (Oshawa and Whitbv's proposaH.they are virtually the sa me.- Garnet Watchorn. presîdent of' Graywood Developments. ad- dressed council and ran over the benefits he claimed made his 'i rm's proposai the better one. lHe said Graywood would donate l'ive acres of land. vaiued at some $2. 5 million-, design and construct a 170.000-sq. [t. office building f'or the Region with no contracting or design f'ees (which he claimed in ilt- self wouid save some $1 million)>: free on-site parking f'or 500 cars. his firm would lease the building to the Region for 2<) years at a no-prof'it rate and at, the end of' that period. sign over ownership to D)urhamn again at no prof'it mar-gin. Watchorn also indicated thÀt Graywood was quite f'lexible to other financing alternatives f'or which they would assume respon- sibility. H-e said there was up bo $3 million to be saved through -creative financîng,- which his firm was willing to share with the Region. 'We are the only ones who can of- fer these benefits because we have the incentive to do so," said Wat- chorn. He admitted that by donating six acres to the Region to construct a new headquarters building. the remaining 44 acres in his parcel of land would increase in value. "This is a strong incentive. ..you don't give away anything very of- Region headquarters.. FROM PAGE i dead." Emm said Whitby spent about $20.000 in an attempt to keep the headquarters in Whitby. Graywood Developments had made an offer to build a new headquarters had also as part of a major development north of the existing building. Emm said no Whitby councillor made a motion in favor of the Graywood location for fear it would also be defeated. "Our prime objective was to keep the regional building here," said Emm. A $25.000 consutant's report for council had concluded that the Oshawa and Graywood proposaIs were too evenly matched to make a recommendation. But Pilkey said the report favored the Oshawa location. IHe also said the Region was approached by the Durham Board of lEducation about the possîblity of a joint headquarters. -Because of the length of' the delay. the board is no longer dealing with the Region. They have gone out on their own," said Pilkey. He said Oshawa has made a secondary offer to the board for the nine acres of land at Mary and Bond Sts. -But the Region has first choice." 'he said. Mayor Bob Attersley said the Whitby location best suits the image'of Durham as an urban7-rural Region. Attersley also said General Motors. which recently moved [romn the Oshawa site. did s50 to get to open space. Chairman of the Region's finance committee. Ajax councillor Jim Witty. said there was "no way" the Region could build a new headquar- ters without debenturing. Alter the meeting. Herremna said the »Region may invite offers for a headquarters kithin two years. No debenture ten." he said, "And when you work at something for over 50 years you start to get good at it."- He was referring to Graywood's size and scope. adding they have some $750 million worth of con- struction projects underway in Toronto alone. Watchorn also stresses that by accepting the Whitby proposai. the Region would know what it was getting. 'When you deal with us, you deal with us," he said. "Oshawa is an unknown quantity. no developer has been na med yet. - S ce the dawn of civiliza- tion, silver has been one of Sthe most porecious metals known to man. Even today, investors around the world choose silver for its beauty and permanence. Now, for a limnited time only, we wil give you a Gft- of Silver when you choose from National's excellent range of investmcnts: GICs, Total Money Market Account a.nd Deben- tures. The more you invest, the more silver you'll get. Whitby administrator Bill Wallace made a deputation b>efore council stating Whitby was "vitally concerned- a motion woul d be made to relocate the regional headquarters building in Oshava. He complimented Peat Mar-wick on their report and expressed his pleasure that it showed there was no conclusive difference in- the financing of the Whitby and Oshawa proposais. -There is no conclusive planning or financial reason in favor c>f the Oshawa proposaI,- said Wal lace. -Respectfully, we submit you ]have now gone full circle and are now back to a Whîtby site." In fact. he went on to state that had the terms of reference for the Peat Marwick report been broader in scope to allow for a more com- prehensive study, a Whitby site for a new, building would have been c iearly recomrnended. , In summation, Wallace clearly surprised everyone by suggesting more i ndepth considerat ion should be given to constructing a new headqùarters on the 19-acre site alrcady owned by the Region at 605 Rossland Rd. He concluded this alternative could be accomplished in phases to permit council to adhere to its "no debenture- policy while eventually consolidating regional staff on the site with the timing being at council's pleasure and as current financing is planned for and made available. AMOUNT 0F AMOUNT 0F INVESTENT SILVER YOU RECEIVE $ 1,000 to $9,999 1 ounce of silver $10,000 to $49,999 2 ounces of slver $50,000 to $249000 5 ounces of silver $250,000 and more 10 ounces of silver This dazzling offer is good only until November 30, 1987, so act now. Make an invest- ment at your nearest National branch and you'l get our Gift of Silver to have, hold and admire for years to corne. *NAIONAL TRUST A National Victoria ansd Grey Tlustco CosnpanY WHITBY 352 Brock St.S. 666-1800 & 308 ttanwdas St. W. 6689324 AJAX Harwood Place Mail S. 683-7344 OSHAWA 32 Simcoe St.S. 723-5207 PICKERING Pickering Super Centre 831-6501 GICs, Debenure, and Total Motxey Market Acomnt quaif y A $10,000 minimum sn tbe Total Molc Sde.TlMnyMarketAcon srqle a ccivtctrem an %=a90asnseBondes o tqualify fr te iiof1 f pe persasi-Saine Rules and Regulatons apply. A We¶ivêouptoltloz. ofiler whenyoupun t nof National's superb uie tmetyNowvmber3Oe The War Amputations of Canada presents: In a new film called The Nakiska Kids, 17rmemnbers of The War Amps Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program ... .. challenge the siopes of Nakiska site for the alpine. events at the 1988 Winter Olympics. Chris, born missing his arms and legs. has always wanted to ski like KarI. At Nakiska. his dreamn cornes Chm hiKohwtWaAmp true, thanks to your support of the CiefampC/zrOfisKc ih rAinp CHAM Proram.Chadderton and Kari Hilzinger. The Nakiska Kids is available on doublc*Ieg amputee and well- boan, free of charge, by contacting knowi 'ilas the "silver-suied » skier the address below: inour T V. messages. The War Amputations of Canada. National Hoadquerters. 2827 Riveride Drive, Ottawa, Ontario KlV 0C4. s ~ The War Amputations of Canada is a regtttered charitable organization operated by amputees for atsputees on a non-profit busis. The War A."r, does nox receive govern- ment funds. Should you wish further information, plame do not hesitate to cuntact us. Toronto 4183 488-M.0 area codes 519. 613.705. dialttoil-f tee 1M0-268-8821; aI other area codes diat toit-fres 1-00-268-8917. Charitable Regêtfation Number. 0286831 09 10.

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