PAGE 12, WH1TBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1987 Your opinion% tPeaches * 'N t Jeans t *Designer Jeans* * & Jackets * *Downtown *24Whitby * 14Byron St. N., Whitby * 430-0994* lplease Learn ToDance CEERAIG ! . 4 Pilvate CEEBATNG ~ HURP.WLssons $390 Fmu5sn rolld 1 puny New Students Only! lOA.M 'Il Mon.-Fri Sat. Nooi 5PM. YIrthuar urray Franchised " ~Dnc tudios PM121 Brook St. N. Whitby fl 10430-0014 CLEARANCE OF ALL WATCHES & ~$y WATCH BANDS UP TO 40% OFF SALE STARTS OCT. 21 WIII LE QUANTITI ES LAST A Touch of Class Downtown Whitby 668-3722 FILL IN THE SU RVEY FORM TO EXPRESS YOUR OPINION 0F D OWNTOWN WHITBY The Whitby Free Press ln cooperstion wth William D. Little Marketing and Motivation Ltd. want your opinion on Downtown Whitby. What new shops/services would YOU like to see in DowntownWhitby----------- What new faci lit ies/attractions would you like (e.g. park, skating rink, movie/live theatre, meeting hall) E o When you shop downtown, do you a) drive and park ............... b) gel: driven & dropped off ... c) walk ........ ..... d) take a bus or taxi........... If you drive, is the parking convenient....... adequate.......... Are parking meters a deterrent to shopping downîown? YES LIINO [ What lime of day/week are you MORNING MON-WED most likely to go shopping THURS except groceries) AFIERNOON FR1 Please circle choices SAT EVENING SUN Would you patronize downtown shops if they were open Thursday and/or Friday evenings? YES El NO nl Do you enjoy shopping in a heritage almosphere? YES [El NO[: If equal facilities were available, where would you be most inclined 10 shop: Where are you currenlly most likely 10 shop for the following: Groceries....................................... Food specialties <Meats, Cheese, Baking, Fruits & Veg.) ............... Shoes............................................. Clolhing......................................... Drugs, Cosmetics, Toiletries ............ Jewelry & Gifts ................................. Craft & Hobby Supplies (Wool, Yard goods, etc.) ................... Hardware....................................... Flowers, Plants, Access ............... Pet Supplies .................................... Furniture....................................... Furnishing Accessories ................ Decorating Supplies (Paint, Wallpaper)................................ Carpets, Draperies ........................... Stationary & Greeting Cards ........... Lug gage & Leather Supplies ........... Sweets.......................................... Books, Magazines ............................... Home Entertainment (Stereo, Video, Records, Musical instruments) ..... Downtown Local Plaza -~Major Plaza 0oecn .E C M :3O 0 0. 0 cic. CCe ADDITIONAL COMMENTS-------------------------- -- Deposit your comDeted ciuestionaire at one o-: Please indicate where you live Peaches & Jeans, The Terrace by putting an X on the map Promenade Books, Pearson L Rosia Scottish Bakeshop, Alhol St.- Mercantile, Whitb' Plaza o r Olde SilveThimble, Brock St. S. ~ ~ . Whitby Optical, Coîbome St. Wo Michael's Jewellers, IGA Plaza i y40 Towne Rlowers, Towne Plaza orbrxing or mail t0 WHIT BY F REE PR ESS, 131 Brock St. N/Box 206, Whitby, Ont. LUN 5S1 ____0L*D-E SILVER THIIBLE QtJIT SHOIE 119 Brock St. South Whitby 430m0297. FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERY LTD. *ANTIQUES *NO.DIP RESTORED STRIPPING *CUSTOM eREPAIRS UPHOLSTERY *REFINISHING A large select ion of Victorian parlour furniture available 413 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY 668-5481 106 BROOK ST. SOUTH WHITBY 668m6491 t FCOME IN & SEE US AT OUR NEW LOCAT'ION EN. <W:C. ANR R =YIN G *Nf Jt LiNIr OF CRO>SS STiTCI U A< ( SORIFS S R.AND'W & M ACHIiNE OKNI I IN<. IARNS * 1<CEiSSORIE-S. PA.4TERNS *LFESSONS SsIN(;ERI R0O*1FIi2RP.4ss.41'/ N BO(ND) ANITI-7NG(; MAIIINF.S '121 BROCK ST. SOUTH S <(416) 666-1833 u e. u e