PAGE 26, WHITBY FR RE PRESS, W EDNES DAY, OCTOBER 7, 1987 Obituaries NEED HELP???? Lsten to the Back to God HourI Sunday 7:30 a.m. CHAM 820 HamIlton, 9:30 CKAN 1480 Newmarket, and 7:30 p.m. FM 108 Burington, or watch FAITH 20 Global T.V. Monday - Friday at 5 a.m. B DATES GALORE: For ail ages and unattached. Thousands of memtbers anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances caII tollfree 1-800-263-9163. Hours Noon tili 8 pm B DIVORCE BY MAIL. Low cost legal ation without court vi sits. Money back guarantee. Also separation agreements. Experienced since 1979 Free information Divorce Aid Kit- chener (519) 578-5959. B BAHAI' FAITH. The source of al Iearnlng is the knowledge of God, exaited be His Glory, and this can- flot be attalned save through the knowledge of His Divine Manifestation. Cali 668-7653 or 668-8665. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE RELATION- SHIPS. For help cail AUBERGE Transition House for Womfen and Children. Toîl Free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidentlality assured. LOSE AS MUCH AS 29 Ibs in one month. Guaranteed results - 100 % 30 day refund. Phone Gary at 434- 1248. Visa accepted. FREE: 1988 guide to study-at-home correspondence Diploma courses for" prestigious careers: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Elec- tronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West Toronto. 1-800-268- 1121. B COMQI irn NOTICES for COMING EVENTS for local non-prof it organ izations are published f ree of charge on the Comlng events page'. Deadine is Frlday at 5 pm for publication the following week. ITS A BOY!!I Greg& Anne Malta (Hobbs> are thrilled to announce the saf e arrivai of Brady Craig Guiseppe, Malta, born September 27, 1987 at 1:41 p.m. weighlng 7 lb. - 1 oz. A baby brother for Mikaela. First grandson for Dr. Kenneth & Eva Hobbs of Whitby & Joseph & Maria Malta of Scarborough. First great-grandson for Mr. Craig Hobbs of Ottawa & Mrs. LydliaStumpf of Pickering. Special thank you to Dr. M. Bain and ail the staff at Oshawa General Hospital. letI TRUCKING CAREERS. Driver job training with placement help is avallable. Complete details can be mailed to you. Phone Rodgers School at (416) 769-3546 wlth postal code. B A CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class A license. For pre-screening interview and job placement information, contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training, Brampton. Ph. 1-800-265-3559. MAKE NEW FRIENDS WORLD- WIDE. Become a ham radio operator. Easy correspondence course shows how. Free booklet. Northland Academy, Dept. 811, Box 3532, Thunder Bay, Ont. P7B 6E2. B (~EOfATNALj "ILEARN HOW TO BE CREATIVE, -EXPLORE THE WORLD 0F ART." Private and group lessons in drawing and painting for ail ages. Phone 666-1502. 3PIANO LESSONS AVAILABLE, wilI prepare students for conservatory examinations. Special attention given to beginners. Phone 668-9021. meliza you have cash C >111 onhand in yu ti or garagal Tum urnwantud > atoragea into monay wiha... CLASSIFIED AD the WHITBY FREE PRESS wiII be closed on Thanksgiving Day -Monday, October l2th, 1987 iDeadine for ail classified and display advertising E wiII be this Friday, OCtober 9th at 5 p.m. BLANKET To Reach a Wider Market IAdvertise throug hout the regional membership of the * ntaria and Canadian Community Newspaper Associations. stxample: Central Ontario Ail Ontario Ail Canada 49 newspapers 185 newspapers 555 newspapers $120 for 25 word s $250 for 25 words $718 for 25 words For further information please cali: 668,6111 JohnI lelll 'v yaîes of, Whitby dred on SepleinIieî 25, 1987 in He, was 62 Hie was l)orri in Guelph. Ont., on Atiguis 26. 1925. son of' George Normniand Elleil Carneli t Yates. lie maî-ried l>orothy Marie Maw. who p,-edeceased hiîin. Mr. Yates wvas in employee nIt he Irewers lvtail helore rel irmng. He was a mnember of' the Royal Canadian Legion, and Ail Saints Anglican Church. Ilvie ksurvi ved 1w son George. datigh ir-f <jr-cii Adain. Nlark, laiiev and C assan lrýi , sise1 %->\, VV tiid 1)')fl>iS Ken arnd Litîk, Mir. Yaté,, w;.ý piedeceast'd li his w'Nue, and h-n eIn, Ralph. -11-1î adiEric F'urercr sîl n-s\eie held firom t he W.C 'l'owrr F"nnrral C(hapjel, I i rr-rre ti Nlrrurît Lawri iand( Sti rokt' Vourn<lmIin a jr 'ilMY(VSIT Mi, III.AKEI< Mary Stuar~t laike"<>1of Wlit liýv di cd mi Septem bvr. 28. i1987 alr Oshawa ,i( erîer-a I1Hospitl a. Shi' wa- .Maryv Siti rtBeat i îewas b rrnitit Crlasgow, Scot land, on Novernher 211, 1926. She married Ronald Blaker on January 21. 1950, living i Ajaix eight years and Whilhy 22 years, She was empioyed as a civil ser- vant, and was a mernbrr of* St. .Irhn's Anglican Churcli, Whithy, l'or:ii> years. Mrs. Blaker is survived hy her husband. sons Barry of' Oshawa, Jeremy of* Bowmanvilie and daughler Auix Mrs. Michael Brown) of' Whilhy. and gr i-n ddaughl ers Mairina a nd Ja la m Blaker. Trheiluneril was held ai SI Johifs Anglican Church, Whii hy. on (O- tober 2, 1987. c<nducted 1w 11v Stanley lsherwood Interment at 5 John 's Cemetery. Contribut ions 1<) thle Uanartd n Cancer Society apl)recialed. LEON MAKOWCZYK Leori Makowczyk olU R.R. 2, Whit- 1w (lied on September 24, 1987. lHe W;Is 6W H-e was hr)rn in Peresudowice. Poland, on Janîuary 29, 1919. sonlif J<Seph and Anna Makowezyk. H-e mriried Mary Prystul) on Octoheî- 14.19 . Mr. Makowezyk. a lilel-ong rt'si<tent of, Whitby, worked at (eneral Molors hetlo-e rel ir-ng. PROTECT THOSE YOU LOVE Death is unavoidable, but it is possible to proteet the bereaved from tinnet.-.ç.çrv suffering. Prearranging and prepaying for your funeral saves loved omes from decisions and financial deliberations wlxen ~1ONTARIO FUNERAI. t ,SERVICE ASSOCIATION they are already under great stress. Arranging now means You inake the choices. And if you prepay too, the money is put in trust so that what you select today is paid for toniorrow. lt*s certainly worth thinking about. >Prearranging is simply -more thoughtful. W. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL FUNERAL DIRECTORS JOHN R. TOWN JAYNE LANGLOIS - TOWN 110 Dundas East 668-3410 He is survived by his %vîte,' daughter Helen Brooks and son-in- law John Brooks, son Peter Makowchik and daughter-in-law Katherine, grandsons Kevin and Randal Makowchik. Aiso survived hy sisters Antonina 1Layter, mary Shulga and Olga Goreglad, nieces and nephews .Nina and Annie Layter, Mike and Steve Shulga. George and Paul Goreglad. lie was predeceased hy his parents. Funeral services were held Mon- day, September 28, 1987 -at St. Mary's Ukrainian and Orthodox Church, Oshawa, Rev. Lehuniak conduct ing i nterment at St, Mary's '2emetery. Volunteer service training CNIB York-Durham Office and Whitby Community Care will be conducting a direct.service volun- teer training program this Novem- ber. This course is designed to prepare volunteers to work with visually impaired and blind residents of the area on assignmen- ts such as visiting, shopping and driving. Further training is available to prepare volunteers to work directly with rehabilitation specialists. These volunteers specialize in the para-rehabilitation, para-mobility or case aid areas. The instruction will be provided by Dave Gregory, district administrato'r for thft York-Durham area, and Marie Brooks-Smyth, administrator of Whitby Community Care and vice chairmnan and volunteer coor- dinator of the CNIB Durham Region Advisory Board. The training program will take place at the Whitby Community Care offices, 400 Dundas St. W. ini Whitby on Nov. 14 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Nov. 18 and 25 from 7 - 9:30 p.m. lnterested participants can con- tact Marie Smyth (668-6223) or cal (collect CNIB Markham (294-5752). Health nurses. may strike FROM PAGE 5 Durham nurses are $12,94 an hour while in York it is $14.09, she points out. Durham nurses aiso want defined work hours so overtime is paid for evening work. They aiso seek a two-year contract. The strike vote was held Monday before Thursday's conciliation, meeting, Public heaith nurses, who must be registered nursing assistants with a university degree, teach pre- closely but it is to early to teli what effect it wili have," says Crystal Glaspeil, president of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce. Glaspeli says protectionism is a detraction to free trade and any deal should remove the feeling of protectionism. The Whitby Chamber of Com- merce represents just under 200 businesses in Whitby which GlaspelI says ail will be affected by a deal -"Ail .over the world will be affected'"shé sà ys. . '.j .~CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY REQUIRES PLUMBING INSPECTOR Applications, in writing, wiIl be received by the undersigned for the position of PLUMBING INSPECTOR in the Town of Whitby Public Works Department, until Wednesday, October 2lst, 1987, at 4:30 p.m. The successful applicant must have several years relevant plumbing experience in building construction. The applicant must have a Cer- tificate of Apprenticeship and hold a current Certificate of Qualification from the Ministry of Coleges and Universities. The ap- plicant must also have a sound knowledge and working experience with the Ontario Plumbing Code and other related Provincial Reguations. Duties and responsibilities to include on-site inspections of the buildings under construction andior renovations, to ensure that the requirements of the relevant Provincial Codes and Reguations and Municipal By-Iaws are carried out, to review and approve plans, hold a Current Ontario Motor Vehicle Class 'G' Drivers Licence and to be able to communicate effectively with other staff members as well as with Town Off iciais, Contractors and the general public. Applicants should possess strong interpersonal skills, have a keen sense of accuracy, thoroughness à nd detail. Salary to be commenstirate with expérience, skill, ability and qualifications. Good f ringe benef its. Please submit your detailed resume indicating education, experien- ce, references, etc. to: WVm. H. Wallace, P. Adrn., A.M.C.T., C.M.C., Administrator. Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, Wh'itby, Ontario. Li N 2M8 Note: We thank ali those persons who appiy, but advise that acknow- - edgement wiIl oniy be forwarded to those applicants who are successfui in obtaining an interview. M. MOURIR -. e..,o