Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Oct 1987, p. 25

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WH-ITBY FREE PRESS. WEI)NESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1987, PAGE 25 from6)499 Sq. Alum. Storm Doors in 5 colours 9 1000in stock f rom69 98 Agricultural & Commercial Steel Rlooflng & sidlng A 9 700 sq. ln Stock 140 U n. q. Replacement Wi ndows 9 Wood, vînyl & alum. from6Q sq. fi. 400 in stock Stanley Garage Doors 999 A complete range 2299. ln stock t romen Patio Doors Double-glazed CMHC Approved Alum., vînyl & wood 200 ln stock AIum. Ladders A complete range 4499*ela otf step & extension en ln stock from CALL FOR QUOTATIONS BIFOD' BIDIG RODCT R.R. 3 Brghton, Ontario Monday-Fiday8-5; Sat. 8.12 (613) 475-0521 I A DURHAM REGIONAL HOUSING AUTHORITY AN AGENT FOR THE, MINISTRY 0F HOUSING INVITES SEALED TENDERS For: SNOW PLOUGHING AND REMOVAL 850 Green Street, Whitby, Ontario 409 Centre Street, South, Whîtby, Ontario 315 Col borne Street, West, Whitby, Ontario 655 Harwood Avenue, South, Ajax, Ontario 1330 Foxglove Avenue, Pickering, Ontario 1910 Fayleo Avenue, Pickering, Ontario REFERENCE: DUR. SFT. 13187 Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1987, by the Durham Regional Housing Authority, 50 Centre Street South, 4th Floor, Rundle Tower, City Hall, Oshawa. On- tario, L1H 3Z7, c/o the Housing Manager, from whom details and specifications may be obtained, or telephone 434-5011, quoting Reference Number as above. The lowest or any tender flot necessarily accepted. ..VACATIONI SERVICES, ENJOY A WONDERFUL picturesque Autumn at RESORT TAPATOO NEW! Year round one, two and three bedroom housokeeplng cottages. Authentic Black Forest House ovorlooking Otter Lake includes Hotel Rooms, Conferonco Room, Bar and Restaurant. L.L.B.O. Licen- sod. It's worth a caîl. Soasonal rates 1-800-461-5410 or (705) 378-2208. B FLOR IDA, 10 Mobile Homes. Clear- water three bedroom mobile homes. Heated pools, tennis, close to beaches and major attractions, childron welcome. (Less than motel room). 683-5503. YOUR JUNK could be someone else's treasure. SelI it in the classif ieds. 668-6111. RATt£ES Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the f irst insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or rejeet ail advertisements. PRE-PAI D (cash, VISA, choque received before deadlinel $5 for 25 words; 12o each additional word $1 for 15 words for articles for sale under $50 (seo details in separate panel) Blanket Ads - to blanket a wider market (see separate panel for sample rates) BILLED $7.50 for 25 words; i15o each additional word AUCTIONSIAN NOUNCEMENTS 65it per agate line (14 agate lines per inch) minimum charge $5 pre-paid, $7.50 billed DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ads with borders, pictures. or graphics) Regular display rates apply - 70(r per agate line minimum sîze - 1 column inch - $9.80 (14 agate lines per inch) DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-6111 OSHAWA, Ont. S iitrads)" TENDER NO. ORI-TENDER Serviesedr il ercie THRDAY, OCTOR 22187 TendersDoce ntdt mpay e- Staine fro.m4 theMOntalo JamesBuStdiEg, 3P.KinBoxt79, Ori HAiaOntrnLVtK. (NOTE: Forpfurtrinformain tregadin hTnespes caletenders fi erceivte above d ressthlephOnet(705 Thelostro orn end er-o ncessarily accetritdfie,2 ca.lKhe Teders fficeat th )seil the small itei at you thought were orth advertising. MS items must seil foi Iess than $50 - price must be stated in ad - multiple item ads must total less than $50 Maximum l5 words r' Prepaid Cash or VISA only 668-6111 To th c WC ___________________ Vinyl Siding 9 colours avallable 1000 sq. In stock GUN AUCTION FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16 - 7:00 p.m. BUY OR SELL (Please consign your guns early for catalogue pur- poses.) Excellent opportunity to dispose of your new, used, or u nwanted u ns. Cal f or detail1s. (705) 324-2472 LOCATION: 1 mile west of Lindsay on the Lindsay Lit tle Britain Road. W. R. BUD MCKEE,AUCTIONEER D &M SALES BARN R. R. 29 LIN DSAY ~ANIADSw0-1 HOLIDAY AUCTION SALE MONDAY, OCT. 12 at 10:30 a.m. 870 TAUNTON ROAD E.. WHITBY (V2 MILE EAST 0F THICKSON RD) Sellînq the e'ýitate, of the latf EI'sip Crivývnpe (--fToronrto. plus sorne ex r,~;cir1dli QUO, 'icitudirg excep. t,01,i1 10 DC 'N;iri ut dininq rorf SLj1ie. t r r)- ,,tirvgfl cVa'soak cina i c~~ ~~ Oh' ir ak peristai tabie. 2 F~ ~ ~~~ý r ei hrie >r s abot r100 cc îî12 oaî erjcf OcupleyJ Jan< in riînnrware, -3ricîcr oak icr box, 3 trunks, mag. sewing cabinet, r lable. 4 tuo ýter p f~pi aý, im/frciiff il i,î (:jiiret oak buffet, walnut dining table, 6 press back bar stools (cast iron i e'<. rr,î'ï h tinvs ii r, ' V ' e ri f , .')r. ;) i <lno irf < f ,i f Autio salt.;;e c us <i , pt-, rii8ret 576-IM550 or 68391 li ~lY attendm. ining t.froom su.m.to5ex 9 n i 130 walut iing o sute Auon ae, athue rsday, Ocber, 576.1550 en raor, 86-3291 in NCORNEILINBR FRIDA1LICTLEBR 9 at pm reAYfi0Nied i oak iice xok bufet Gravle1garen tact, qyufehn DON CRNEI RRT - (i LITTOL RIT.AN,,I 263_8noN 1 f) ANTIQUE TO'AUCION.An, f ' t ran , k, d i sf f rI i e potRdToot.nformationf(416 Com4t5 th27RIN5D. BC AUCTION SALE SAT. OCTOB ER 10 at 10 a.m. Giant $300,000.00 boat auction and complote liquidation sale at the for- mer MEL DAVIES* MARINE Rosedale complete selI out of remnaining assets of Mol Davies Marine plus some invontory for the new owners Kings Marine. 9 good cabins (to be moved) 6-20X24, 1- 115X52 triple unit, 1-24X24, 2 garages, plus aIl contents, refrigerators, stoves, beds, couches, chests, dressers, Jeep, marine. & boat ac- cessories, snowmobiles, etc. BOATS - 20 to 30 used & new name brands boats, canoes, aluminum fishing boats, runabouts, day cruisers, inboard - out up to 25', etc. Don't miss this opportunity to b 'uy a cottage or boat. Note time open at 9, sale at 10 with furniture first, cabins 10:30, boats il a.m. Don't miss this one. OR VAL McLEAN AUCTIONS LIN DSAY,-324-2783 AUCTION SALE THANKSGIVING MON DAY OCTOBER 1287 at il a.m. Property of Helen Cave. No. 7 Hwy. 1 mile west of Brougham. Sale of Car, completo household contents, an- tiques, incîuding 1980 Buick Skyîark <certifiod), 8 h.p. snow bL 'ower, upright piano, Konmore microwave oven, chesterfiold, suite, 6 pc bodroomn suite, propane BBQ, love seat, antique drossors, Jacoboan hall troo, plant stand, 3 piano stools, dining table, codar chest, set.of 6 press back chairs, 3 antique mantle dlocks, china cabinet, silver tea ser- vice, set of 4 coppor coal hods, park bench, upright freezer, 30" 'loctric range, beds, 50 cream cans, brass and copperornaments, etc.,. etc., Ownor giving up house keeping. Terms Cash. JOHN ANNIS AUCTIONEER 655-4663 AUCTION SALE THANKSGIVING DAY, MON DAY OCTOBER 12 at il a.m. In the village of Claremont, the property of Linda Cardar, household furniture, Robert Bateman prînts, dishes, crystal, and collectablea Plus numorous other articles EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEER 640-5398 EAST CENTRAL ONTARIO HEREFORD ZONE SALE. October 17, Morrow Park, Peterborough. Show 5 sale 6:30. Registered Horefords, Catalogues, John McLaughlan <613) 392-1857, Box 35, Carrying Place. B NATIONAL CAPITAL SIMMENTAL Sale, October 10, 1 p.m., Hobb's Sales Arena, Ashton, Ont. 0f fering 58 lots - 3 bulîs, 19 pairs. 23 breds, 13 open hoifers. B m mumumw,7- 1 oý

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