Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Sep 1987, p. 46

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MAUD SEABRIGHT'S TeI a d 0 CHAPTER III. * I handsomè lie " thicughit edl .idin a. iud of involuntary mon tl iwhisper. And s0 the world goos roniîd.t i w could nover be strangors again. '1'li-gttiem*àail was not in any wIIy ý2ficiOus. ie simply saw the giri'a, v.auti,, and politely oscorted lier back CAIJI AN Df L EiX A M3 IINE OlUJR Ti. ta> the train, wvich tlion daslîed ou- b o v n e h ty u a n t wards towards itvi destination, b o v n e ,t a o a n The gentleman laving made some cssual remark ),s to the local sceîîery, Mary Watson, as we must cati lier, É repieid that it was a'Il 110w to lier, but rmindod lier somewhat of Nor-L inandy. .T The gentleman sligbtly raised liii H A e.ýcbrows, aud asked if she kuew Nor- aundy well. Mary Watson was at once at home, and, spokce entlîiiiastically of C2aen and Falaise, and other places wii __________________i__________________ sliî L.JWstrîig!" aidthegenie-our lîcroine foît ratiier afraid tliat or2 man. "I sRief know eet vonthe dead mothier of Ada had found M'el, if so, siw liopedlie would not are aud IIng tl o. y iaeve spt yla lier mothér-indlaw a little to mnoli not remain at Corcellan Towers very aee afln pasediîîoMy anpdy sfor lier. long. baverbeewas a Iuk i on d ' yo l. IIould neyer live long quiet StiR it mattered littie to her, 80 ed away like old acquaintancep. tunder lier thumb," thouglit lier new that she did lier dîity, anîd the ime Then came anotîxer junetion, a governess would aoon coule wlieîî she woîîld Mary Watson Lad to aliglit. -0erfo r.iglaaî oah Suie tlninked lier conipanion, wio CHAPTER V. Lo cirve ont for herself another and fonneane to bava lier specially LIFE AA àGOVERNESE. more pleasaîit lite. atteuded to; and 80 tliey parted, if Miss WTATsoN, atter a brief* time, So very neatly, but simply dressedl, Lothli ad told the truth, with regret. did not dislikQ lier place. the new governese went down soon A very respeetful porter came up Mrs. Corcelian, if liauighty prouid, after tic diiiner.bcl sounded to the Io Mary Watson as soori as the train aud dignified, was kind in l)er vay. dawing-roorn, wliere Mrs. Corcellaiu hadl started,.and touched lis bat. Ada was a sweet tittie creature. and lier son Arthur were waiting the Tliere isa carriag,;. waitLing for a She had been hitherto raLlier a. sumrnons to dinner. yourla lady," lie said, "Are you fraid of lier grandrnother's cotd man- Our lieroine went in, in lier quiet bound for (lorcelian Towers, miss?" uner, but lier governeas won upon . lier unpretending way. was ue rpîy.at oce. As I was saying, Arthiur, yoa will Tle porter gave a signal, and'.att "It is quite a treat, I assure yoil, inî îr" r.Crelnwssy once a coacliman appeared, who in- Miss Watson," said Mrs. Carruthers, rg vited Miss Watson to follow birn. the housekeeper, wlio Lîad been "IReally now" cried a famiiliar vnice - -fourteen years in the family. spealzing merrily, "and 80 you are CHAPTER IV. "4And so iL wss with ier mother, Miss Watson ? I arn very glad to find CORCELLAN TOWVERS. poor thingl" the other went on. ià 50. "IA dearer girl nover lived! But Mary Watson lookzed ulp and saw Maiîd found a stately old ýbarniage those who mate with thc true Cor- lier pouLe raiiway cniîpaîîion, g!izing awaiting lier; nolacraetît cellaxîs Lave a strange time. Theèy at lier withî cordial !uleisure. wotild have passed muster iu Loiidon , odadtubtbrMs Tllis is au agretole surprise," lie at a drawiug-room, but a fine speci. Ada's motuier was to gentle. Mywoto, lain Ild letty men of the antique. maser thau wuiom a nobier man No¶ I shah hoc irfotly satisfiedl At ail events, it was pictuiresque, Aa sin SPA n od; nd 0 wre il tiehelng nenver lived, loved lier dparty,. but, iflie l"andertoo mUe ll toetleptrniuin 1,or a marnent Mrîi. C-rcelian was ai. Coreellan Towero. E';erytliing of Mrs. Coreellan."' o lnoud.t sek Afra could be spokçen of in the pasý tense. The governess listenad to this m(nient, liowevor, she recovered lier- Cor-ellan Towers have been in for.soy itkeneot. self. mner times the residence of a riclu, l"Mistress nover nîcant to be un- "< Artliur," she said, sti iÀly, "do you biauglîty, and proud family; iL waa kind," the housekeeper %vent on. 0ew Luis Young lady ?" naw the dwelinig of a poor, liaugh- Ilu eae fab~î n ru Well, to say kinow, I do not," was ty, and proud family; so it appcared f.,iy PorMs Aasm the uererrY rcpiy ; ,Wflîappened, to Mary Watsou betore blie hiad l'ii fore.TMis cas liranc. ho wover, to travel togetlirr the day, I been ini the bouse an hour. Mistress so ofteu Loid lier how, presumo, Miss WVatson came here. la IL was s fi ne old mansion, one of nta àliligti ariy h Lnot e P the really splendid aucient sehool; lhad dragged iL down, thiat I believe Yes, sIaeid ur lerr orel, ity iùs ftirniture was massive and ricli, suie sieckened sud died ont of the w a udIrneibr r oreln o but old, whule the girl's keen glance wearied and worried, poor thing, to we re very civil to poor nie, a stranger. indicated to lier vcry quieckly tbat an unltirnely end." ",It's a way I've got," lia auswered, thiere were not suffilcient servants "'But hier liusbandl?" cried the lau ghin]g ; "iso, at toast, thiey ti me. to support the dignity of sucli a governes inrahe an indignant A.low me," as dinner was anounced, place as Corcellaîî Towers. toue. and lie actually offeréd bis arm. But Mrs. Cerceltan was indeed a lWas a good doalafbseut, attend- (To be oontinited.i lady, as grand as the bouse, if in,' to some business," the biouse- ~ -_______ y~t as old. There wss something kjeeper went on, lu a low tone. 0f GO TO eo laft.y lu ber manuer that. our liero- course,.'what I ray is sacrd b- T--) SI é\'l 1i "A swieetgnlecid" bevdasked our heroine lhstlessly. use for sale - 41A wee , ente chld, obervd "You wili see him at dinner," was ,Mary Watson, wben the ittie one the repiy. "Mistress bas gone to AT -I-R. SiNG V'S. r was talion away after havlng been meet hlm. That is wliy she bas taion introduced to ier governoîs; "1raLlier Miss Ada with her. OYSTERS served up -En aiiy timid aud diffident." Our beroine, wlien dressing for style, please give me a -cail and '-Like lier nother," was the ratli- dinner, thouglit once or twice about find out prices before ordc;-,ing any or snappisli remarli; "no energv. the master of the bouse who was comn- where else. Don't forgret the placeP I- could nover make aîîything of ing home. of usiess ber-no life." What would lie ho like ? Would o uies Sci-ing that Mrs. Corcellan had j hoelu any way rosemble bis grini, R, S.'O T.V', cnergy cuougli for a dozen, women stiff, sud exceedingly hauglity moLli- Dna tet ity >)plo Tell îillînery iABGE STOCK AN~D YOUJ WILL Lget better value in the County. ON HOUSEE ___1~__ fldIwvto Oct hiell. Tie great recret of obtaiîîing richetî, ili first ta practice ecouorny, and ai; good aid "-DerLcou Snyder" saye 'IL used to worry the Miea ot of me to pay enormone doctor's bille, buit now I have 'laruck it dicli.' lîsailhand bappinesa reign su- preme iu our littie househald, and ail imply because we use no other medicine but Eleotria ]ittere and only coete fit ty cents a bottie." lSold by T. G. Whit- field. W HAT'S WANTED 1 À PURE WHITE IMPROVED SUFFOLK BOAR! CROISSED WIT T TE YORKSHIRE WHITE 'WILL ST&ND FOR SERVICE ON LOT P1 DUNDAS STREET, CON. i, WHITBY. TERMS el AT TIllE 0F SERVICE. JOHN HALLET, .Proprietor. Lyiad's Creck, Nov. 12, 1880. 4111. Money To Loan! AT LATES 0F INTEREST TO SUIT THE TIMES. MORTGAGES BOJIGIIT. IRROVED AND WILD LANDS FOR SALt IN MOST THE PRINCIPAL TOWNSHIPS IN TUE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO. For al Infarmantion repccting tuie above, Apply to- JOHN FARQUHARSON, Mýoney and Land Cominnisionor, Whitby, Ont Oct. 6, 1880. 3-liin L fMAN T. BARCLAY, Attorney- y>,d-Law, Solicitor, &c. Orricp,.-Court Houso, Whitby. JE. GALB3RAITH, M.D., Gradu- e i of Quocuei and Victoria Universities, 11101LJor of Colloge af Physiciaiîe and Surgeons, Ontario. OrFFci-Brock Stroot, Whitby, (thre doors Soutli of Royal Hotel.) Novemnber let, 18W. 5 2-ly C. NOURSE, General Insurance Agent. Rtepireenting the foliowing Compane:- PHoeNIX, of London, Eng., Pire, BRITISHI AMERICA, of Toronto. Fire WESTERN, o! Toronto, Fire. LANCA SHE. Eof Eagiand, Fire. QUEBEC, of Quebee, Fire. TRAVELLERS, of Hartford, Conn., Accident. Aiea Appraiser for Canada 1Wnanexut Loan and Savlng'e Company, Toronto. Opvnas :-Opposite Royal Rotel, Brock-etreot Whitbv. Oct. 8th, 1880. 48 SECOND AKNNUAL 8UPPE R LODGE SUSSEX S.0. E. No. 50 IN THE COU NCIL Chamber, WHITBY -ON- Thursday, 9th December, '80. Our Annuel Supper wiii beciîoid on the ubove date, ut 8X3 p.m. The Blli!of Faro will bc V4'iret (Aues. Af ter Surppr seescles ili bc given hy a nuxuber o! talei>ted gentlemen; tîx w-halo proceedinge ta be iutoraerscd with xnusic aud ernging. JOHN BLOW, CHAS. SARINEY, Chairinan Coxu. Scc. Coin. TICKETS $1 echd, can bco btained fro>,> tlic above, or ut Wlîitfieid's Dru,,, Store. na i t the door. 2i VTi T B -Y- BOOK AND FANCY GOODS SUBSCRIBE NOW -AT- MlS. ALLIN'8S -FOR- THE WEEKLY "GLOBE"' withi portrait of thO late HON. GEn. BROWN, from now to end of 1881 for $1.50., THE WEEKLY ".MAIL"y for $1.00. THE WESTERN ADYVER- TISERýwiLh portrait of Hox. E. GLADSTONE. TIHE WHITBY GAZETTE Parnsan$ co1.00. ln L hi ayo -:0:- tage ta cal! and liiepeet oui- stoec C SGHOOL nBO'UOKS -AND- STATION -ER'Y! which le vory cheap, and which wiii be sold at price that defy conipetition. No trouble to show Goods!1 A Call Solicited 1 A full stock of autborized Seliool books in Iron binding at the lowest rates. The new Preebyterian Hymn Book. M RS. ALUN, Whitby hiook & Fancy Goode store, Odd-Fellowts' Hall, - Brock Street. Whltby, Aug. 26, 1880.2.3 D )ON'T FRE THAT I CONTINUE TO SELL THE CENUINE SINGER TEE BEST IN TRE MARKET, OVEe TIIREE .MILLION i'USE AT THE PRESENT TIlE. And that I "cil tbem uat a very eail irvano over the price of comnion maoince. AUl ina- chines Iully guaranteed. Inetructions in Uuofo Machines and attaclimente. * L. FAIRBANKS,. Siole Agent for Connty, Sept. 541580. Office Brook Sb Whltby. B EFORE BUYING A Sewing Machine CALL AND BER TUE R-A-YMQN1.D AT MY OFPICE B3ROCK ST., WIIITBY. -0- The boat machine naiifactiim,'dil, Coueîîll,, wlth Patent AutosnatIc lBaiblu Wli,,l,-r. C,~î for Ciali,, or approved credit. Mudy le Ipaitl for lu xnouthly inbtallueute. H. T. CLUIS, AoNT Whitby, Sept. 24. 16MO. TIi]~i-'ll~I~PiIEFS leîritate',ry ,>î,titliv m,,ri11î aby Ui,,îe. Nîxa', t tli,, i -rru Office, voriicr Brueli & fldaiest@., W lltby the ý]Pr"iLcesa ets,

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