Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Sep 1987, p. 43

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t' t. EVERY SATURDAY FOR .FREEL-DISTRIBUTION. vu o WHITBY, ONTARIO, DlEj'CEM73ER 4, 1880. -- I I PHAR MÀAZYM wu Rn* HOWSE, SUOCESSOR TO For Coughs, l'E TORIA, For Colds, l'EOTORIA, For Hoarseness. P EOT.ORIA, For Bronchitis. l'EOTOIRIA, For any affection of the Chest or Tro"at. <X iXTO ADVERWISERS. '0.~ W. B. Smith Druggist, ......lot page. la.& J. Campbell, Dry (loode ... 8rd page. C. P. Stewtirt, Dry Goode,......Srd page. W. J. Gibon, Grocories, ..... Dra page. 9. Frazer, Groccries,........... ra page. Mrs. Allun, Stationery,.........4t1i page. L. ]ia.rbs.nks. Elawing MLchines,lth page. C. Nourso, ................ Iht. J,ýc . H. T. Clute, i',cing Maohiuui, ... 4th pagt. John Farquharson ..............lt page. B. H. l3uo)den ..... ............... lut page. H.sniilton & Harrowcr..........4t1 page. W. J. Gibson ..................Bnd page. B. 1H. Nunu, Boots Shoas ..Ond page. Dr. Gelbraith's Card .........Bnd page. Cboap Printing,................Srd page. Yeomnan Gibson ...............lot page. A. H. Day, locale ............... lut page. Farewell & llutlftdga ........... let page, L. r% B]arclay.................... lot page. E. Prost, dry goodu ...........2d page. J. A. Douglas.................... 2nd page. The FREE PJRESS, Ia published every Seturclay. All coniruni- ationu '<ll receivo prompt attexition, Addross, DRAWER 50, WHITBY PAO Town Matters. The cantest for the Mayoraiity bas commncei the gentlemen in the fid are Dr. Bogart and- W. H. Billingo, Esq. The former lins sbly fillled a place et the counocil Board k îr the past two years and je well qunlified for the position. The only objection we bear to hirn je t1vt ho bas not been here ns long as Mr'. Billings. Surely the people of Whitby who were born liera tnd, those *who 'settied lieae tiret do nc't menu tu siy they znow al and thiat those who corne hors afterwnrds know nothing. tIow long doas it require a person to live heru before lie is quali. fied ta fill a position in the gift of the people- Howijeit that the aId inhabi- bave not done more te make the town prosperous? Wby have t1fey allowed the tawn to keep ini about the lamne state as regarde the numnber of population but largely increaspdil s taxation during the peet twenty yeae. It je time they puit aside ait the oh] fogie notions about the length of time n man lias rasidad amomcgst thema. Choose tLobehst man you can get for the position. WO are ail Canadiens and ail bave an equal intereet in eeeing the country prosper and particulerly tliat part in which we reside. The 'stand back-stranger-cry, used by some mien boe bat; done mucli to retard the pro. grass of the town. If Wa want to pros. par we muet do ail wa can ta encourage others to cone ble and when they comae extend the hand of fallowship to themn and enable theni b feel nas if they were as weicoa as if tbey lied beauliereanil their lives. THE NEW COTJNCIL. There will be several changes in the concil for 1881. Tho Mayor, Iteeve, and severai of the prent couecillors noL intending ta mun for honore in 1881, w. hope soma of our best business men will allaw therneelves to be brought eut se thiat next ypar we may have oua of the ba councils that ever rued our town. POLICE MAG[STIÂ5E. We undarstand that!Mr. HEarper -Will rece.ivthe poe n f oieMge 0fly shieets Manday. 0axner Brock & Dundas Sts. The Bey. Joaeph Wild ef Toronto feul. ed te appear in Brolin on Thumsday. \V Il I lJB 'Y !.,&. large audience was disappointed. Gold anil Silvear Watches, stem and key winders et Taylar's. CocxacuvR.-Read Mr. A.IL .Day's acinouncoent u oncir second page. AUTOGR.tPII ALBUMS.-VOry Ocliica lec- ion et Mrs. Alin's. PIÂNo.-Twvo now itpri.-*lt,Pianos ar- rived eat the Royal this -teeýk. GIF BoK'. A li.~"asortient jusL reueived et Mes. 11ir 13cok!;tore. EXCITED.-Alrndy ;nupal vet are baing discussed fneel.1 on the etreets. Busy -Ai themrqat are busy getticig raady for the Xmas trade. AÀ xi-ilck je now six cents pèr quart. Bread fourteen zc.,nts a loaf. SNow BALL.-They boys are having e fine ime with the àncu. LOST.-A. lady eLos lier purse Fnidey whîile in town. Wbitfleld's epizoatia odors will re- lieve the liorses at once. To TUIE I>UBLC.-Reild the ndvertisa- niant ici the Plrec Prcsn cnd tllu the Mer- chants thet you did se. CENTRE WAti.-Mi'. Cormack infarm us that hae wili not ha % candidate this yeer. SCmsOOLE -The salaries paid ici the Uxbridge Higli Sohools 'umounts ta $2. 270. Ini the publio echaoal te $2,100. CURLIN.-Tbe curlers were practising on Thursdey evoniug. The ice is net veîry good yeL. Horses suffening froti the epizootiec eci ha quick ly relievod b:- using Whitfield'e epizactie powders. Z W À VLY I-1 u lîi'.7pedestrians ceto-plain ef the 'lad st 'te tho aide '.'n!k since the snow fell. MECHAliICS INSTITUTI.-A ntumber cf new bocks have ~x~~ ~e for' the lib- ary. SANTA CLAUS.-Theê stock cf Xmns pre. sente eit Mre. Allin'e is very complete cali ici and ses. For pricn and quaiity they cannot be excellad. FoUND.-Mrs. Iirg lest lier muif in the Market Wednesday. IL wns found ici tha hanse cf the party wiîo oak iL who resides near Audley. GaLD 2,-PECTACLE.-Jiist the tliegc for tha old fclks nt Xuuce geL a pair et Tay. lor's haelbas thîn -ici 9 and 14 karat frames froni $6, te $1'). Fine jet antd garnet jewelry. . Neck. laces, Broaclies, luhrings and Bracelets, new desiges and prices ta suit anyonea t et P. Tayior's. The Y. P' C. auti L. A.. lold their me- gular :meeting on Tuesdey evening next, the committee have arrangad a flue pro- gramme an d pri* aise an intarasting time giva theni your countenance. S. O. E.-Reuember the Son's ef Ecig land suppar on Tbursday next. The iodge room will ha open for those wlio wiehi to attend f"om 7,80 ucitil supper ime. Lodlga rcom aven the Montreal Toegrapli Office, COMMiTTD.-& men from Frenchi. man's Bey was trougit before the May- on an Friday chtrgad( with etealiig a robe froin. Mre. Fuiler'r, leigb whilst ici Jew. eil's Rbed on Tbursday avening. Ha wae committad for trial. APPLICÂTîcmc.-Five applications for WVe do not hcid oursieives rasponsible for the op)inions oxcîraeed by our corresltoncieiîts. Ail commncicationas imusc hoacccnpaniad by theo ltine acnd adidress of the writur ;oct noessariiy for publication, butas e guarantea cf gacd faith. To lite Editor of ilie Free .Pres Sut,- Althoigli repeated applications have beau made ta the miumbers efthLe1 council, to appear and lay before the people A stateanent ef their dainge for Lhe year, they have uaL responded Ltelthenp poal, will yau, therefore allow me ta ou- cupy a space in your valuable paper, te Icuy before the public sucli information as I bave gatharedby occasionally attend- ing the cocincil and by keepîog yorir pa- par on file for rafèrence. Harper, King, Fox, Smith, Huggard, Cormack, Barues and Bogart were mai- barp cf the aid as v'ell as the new concil. At the last meeting, a petitin sas ro-ceiv. ed from Mr.Higgins and Mir.Dtirtcîell,sLaL. ing that they würe six Dollars short in the amoucit requirad in cocinectioa witlî the Governor General's vieit, asking te cocncil tb prissent theni with Liant 1 ount. -'t wce moved by Mr. Huggfard, seeondad by Mnr. King, that the petition ha graeted, or ici cîbar werde tha peopla ha tcxed for the bencaLL af the petitioners it %vas stranously opposai] by Mn. Camp- bail the titan Deputy Reave, and Mn. Fox, anid wes ficielly witlîdrawn. Next wcu the report on tcwc praperty, raconi- mendie g the paymant cf certainaceecula emlong wlîicli was Mn. Bannes $117.20,' again,_Mr, Bannes $57,54, King Bics., #129,60 vaily iL is good'La ho a Couecil. mcci. Next comas te pintieg com- mnittaa Mr. Hîggicis $69.85, Mr. Sarney $39.10. making altogether for thé yeer $477,80. At the meeting lield Febrciery lOtît, The committea on tawn praperty egain raporteil amonget whichî was an acecount cf Mr. Berna $385.971~ 'mark the hlnf cent, wlio would caL ho a momber cf the the ceuutoil. On A1pri1 5th the lamp question was eettled by awarding the contracte as foi- iows:- North ward C. Scott tweety-two lampa $75, or e little over $3 lper., lanip, centre wîcrd J. Newbery 18 lampe $110, or e over $6 par litmp, sentît werd J. Prend foot 5 lampe lest yenn $64,42 cr a littie aven 12 per icmp, wlio waul'l noL live ini the petty waril, wili the ratepayens cf the town, naad, mark, Icamci, arid inwitrd. ly digest the above. WARWICK. CauntyJudge's Criminal Court. 3scdgé Essmnlîsm Preding. Tliursctay, Dec. 2, 1880. John Golicen sentenced te diree ycars i thie panitentiary for q'tealing a hanme from Johin Vanca. And twa yeare furtîs- Pr to commence et thn expiration cf for.; mer sentence fer etealing a horse the pro. party of John T. Beach. Nelsou Rose pleeded gcilty ta steeling fivebarrels of apples the property of R'. J. Brown et Est Whitby anid seau enced to 4 yea'rs ici Befrmatory. Nichoice Shearin pleaded guilty ta a similer charge and sentenced ta llve yeers in the Referitory. Autonisis fng the World. For a perfect renavation of exlmentedl and enfeebled constitutions, femiaIe weck. nese and genanal decline, nothing 80 eurely and spedily producos a perma- nent cura as does Eloctrio Bitters. Their, woederful curas are 1astouiebieg te wonld. For ]idney and Urinary Com- plaintesLlîey are e perfect speciflo. Do coL give up ici despair, for Elvctric Bitt- ere wiIl positively cure, sud thtat wlîoro everything eIse fails. Solil by T.. G. Wlîitfleld et f!ý"ty cents a bottle. s C .*f >f 5t f *4 * ~3 6* ~' '~* ~ C 4 e tt s t t i i ius i a s 4 t a4 Sà Sa '1 1¶ LSe /5 No. 11. $1 FEE.-At the scbaol board meeting Mr. Earewell îacondad by Mr. Dow, movad that ail cencditates for the outrance fxaminetiou ta [lieHigîx echoal whcsa parente are non-residents af the county be charged $1. CaunucSPONDEcE.-Tlîa colcimus of the Firec Prees iara open te the public te, dis. Culs public questions. We do nut hid ourselves rasponeible for thae pinici expressedl undAr this lieading and hope tiiose who contnibuta wiil ha cereful what tbey write. RESIGNEiD-Wa are sorry te hear nt. the lest meeting of the seheool board that MisPalmar liad resigned lier posi- tion in the Henry etreet sohool, eithough we cacigratulate lier an obtaining a better situation. Mr. IING.-Wa are sorry that 1Mr. King through ill heaath will noLha ablla to nccept nny office in the Town council ciext yeer. Hie positively refuses to ec- cept any nomination. The Chrouicle suggests thet lie bc putin by acclamation but it wculil ba an injustice ta farce Mr. King icito tlhe office. Better let hi hava a veRr'e resL from municipal dutties. E*ery day the trade increases et the new Cash Store, narthi entrance ef the Campbell loec, beceuise 'the goods are aIl newly Louglit at big reductiens, cw- ing ta the advatnced season for whala- sale purclinses, nnd sald correspondingly chEap by Mr. Frost. New goode cmriv- ing weekly. As oui customers jgot te know wwhere E. Frost iii doing business they kindly puy us a visit and geL bar- gains for their kindeese. No houise can or are dispoeed te do better fer -thieir patrons thautu te liberal wey that E. Corres poiidence. THOMPSON-At Whitb, on 3Oth. Nnremlbr. the wife of Mr. W. J. ýFhompson, butelier, of MÂRBIAGE. McCLELLAN-BA14NETT--On Tuesday, Nov. Bth, at the resilcsce cf the bricdes tilier, b ythe ]0ev. Proce<sor Vrc<ch, lohet L Me- Clellb1?, Bq. isq.. cf Caledon. Peel, to Mary . :rarnett, second daughter cf Mr. Thomnas Barnott. NU, W ADVERTIsEmrETS. P11IVATE TUITION -IELOCUTIOtN! THE JEY. IR. W1RENCH1, Itecently Professo-r cf Elooxition i.c Slitrgeon'sq Pastor's College-by rjcspurl'eea g'..'tngil sertes of Lectures on Elocution, et tie Congre- gational Parsoungo, to begin the fiîub week lu Dccemuber (D. V.) To Oeesttlesneuîon on ne net 7.30> p.on. 'ire Ladies, on Trseay, - nt 7 plan. Any puî'il preferring itidividuelil attention may ho tanghit a lone on a Thnrnrliivy aftenoon <or Ievening. Mr. Wrenchi bas Insitrnated (lrv m 'an, Students, Local araii~.nd oIî'rfil a serios of Tirolve Lassons, 11llnettil 'au a IJiek Board, Mr. Wrenoh guarnteas thent b::a: coînhination of theory andi practice, pictil4 of avernge abfllty, ma,% learn ta rend niu<lqliclc witlc more or tees aci, ccuracy, eaeanati, force ami grecefulus. Térnand ather particulers upon application et the Parsounge. Deconiber 4, 1880. L ADIES' PURSE LOST 1 On Dundesi or Brook Streets, nu Fritdav, 3Bn! Instant, a smail black Morocco Purse. cnittain- ing itatween 8 0 and Î310, cnisting cf onn five dllar note (quite uew.) ea o lllar golîl ple.n soina emali change and the balance luiii sil Bills. Vie linder ivili hae uitablv rewartled lèy Ieaviug it et this office or et the Post Oitlezt. ST. JOHN'S PORT WHITBY! Speclal, Sermons '<dll bo preachod et St, Joli«<*f Part Whitby, dunlug tu1e seasous cf Advent as follows. SUNDÂY Dec., 5th Subjeot, "Hall."V f Il 1th 'Hejac'ei." Sittinge free, end tho public Inviteaî To the Ratepayers af .lhe Tcî.: ",f JVhitby: Gentlemen . living beau, uoiicited l>y a large nuinu1er cf Youi tu ellow Inyself tu bo broaght forw'udl as a candidate for the cilice cf 2S.dZcOI?, Y.' For the 00jintg ycar. I l'ave oaitut Ota do,-. lf ele.-te(l 1I wili 11sa ovcry cftatu W a h <àtý 1 iiteromts of tie Towan as a -wbc'lo andi<~:iz the taxal'ioni. I have the bonor ta be, Yaur obedicut servant, D. P. flO(UI'I. Whitby Dec. 2, 1880. The rivai candidates for the Mnyar'a chair for 1881 are buisy canvast.ingeand1 the 'sports' are alrnaulyiytalig iheir monoy on the resuit.

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