Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 12 Aug 1987, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WHITBY FIIEE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12,1987 22' SAILBOAT well maintained and equipped. Summer dock with hydro paid. Includes traller. $12,500. Phone 668-9882 af ter 4 p. m. MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS. Work shirts $2.75, Work pants $3.50, Work boots $15.00. Send $2.00 for catalogue (Reimbursement 151 or- der). Miitary Surplus, Box 243, St. Timothee, Que. JOS iXO. B GRAIN STORAGE 47x100 for .41V per bushel or completely erected for .69 *per bushel. Cal Miracle Spar' tol free 1-800-387-4932.B GREENHOUSE &HYDROPONIC EQUIPMENT, supplies. Everything you need. Best quality, super low prices. Greenhouses $169, Halides $105. Over 3,000 products ln stock! Send $2 for info pack and FREE Magazine 10 Western Water Farms 1244 Seymour St. Vancouver, B.C. V6B3 3N9. (604) 682-6636. B CHESTERFILED suites, loveseats, sectionals, less than haîf price. Large selection. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725- 5181. MATTRESSES and box springs at haIt price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simfcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. 20 GALLION Aquarium. Fully equip- ped. Price $100.00. Phone 571-0510. ANTIQUE DINING ROOM SUITE, 7 chairs, 1 captain chair, 3 buffets, 1 large table with 2 leaf s, soîid oak. $9,000.00. Phone 427-5743. EVINRUDE OUTBOARDS - Factory Clearance, 1986 - 9.9 HP. $1,299. 1985 Evinrude 90 H.P. brand new, original faclory carton from $3,999. Cali King's Marina Box 98, Fenelon Falls, KOM 1NO(705)88.7-3321. B CHILDREN'S casual wear in mix and match kaleidoscope colours. Send $2 for colour catalogue. Refundable on first order. Galeairy desig ns. Box 329, Whitney, Ont. KOJ 2M0. B FILLER: Nothing for sale nere. if you had advertised here, thousands like you would be reading this now. Cali 668-6111. IPREMIUM PRODUCTS WAREHOUSE PRICES LARGEST INVENTORY IN EASTERN ONTARIOI PREPAINTED STEEL 1 2,9 ROOFING & SIDING 8' sheets (nom inal) mn-stock only GARAGE DOORS Wood & steel mn-stock 29 (8 x 7 steel 1 PC) SOFFIT Vinyl, white (10 sq. Il. PC) VINYL SIDING 6299 Over 1000 sq. mn-stock t(rom (100 sq. ft.) ALUMINUM LADDERS 25 Over 200 in-stock (2- 40') from ALUMINUM STORM DOORS6 9 Over 1000 in-stock, F 5 colours, f rom ALUMINUM PATIO DOORS CMHC approved, white 39999 or brown (wood & vinyl also in stock) f rom Wm. Mon Frg 86 BUG FORD ALUMINUM Sales Ltd. R.R. 3 Briohion, Ont. (3 4750521 asa¶2 EFR ALI ONE DOLLAR may get you fifty If you use our one dollar classifieds. 668-6111 KENMORE WASHER good con- dition $150.00. Also knotty pine water bed - super single. Both in ex- cellent condition. Phone 723-7983. PAIR 0F FORD 15 Inch wide rims with tires. $50,00. Phone 666-9819 PARKY'S 2nd Hand & PAWNBROKER PAW N% SWAP TRADE% HAWK BIY' SELL -The Oiily Pawnbroker in Whitby - O)shawa area.- 528 Simcoe St. South. Oshawa Phone 433-1785 WE PAY CASH _IANEDTO BUY/RENT OLD WRISTWATCHES WANTED Mens only - old Rolex and Patek Phillip wristwatches wanted - also wanted Eatons "Quarter Century" rectagular wristwatches (25 years service) will pay $1000 and up for this watch. Phone (416) 365-7240 or,. write B. Walsh, 173 Queen St. East, Toronto, Ont. M5A 152. B ~~CCAPS/ HART LODGE - Haliburton Highlan- ds. Senior discounts and family weeks August 22 & 29, 1 child under 12 free - varied accommodations some air-coh'ditioned, colour T.V.'s., Fireplaces. Includes breakfast and dinner daily - supervised aduit and childrens' activities programs, live entertainment, swimming pool, whirlpooi, sauna, tennis, shuf- f leboard and water skiing. Caîl 1-800- 46'1-7699. B CEDAR VALLEY Resort, Orono. Hwy 35/115. Clarke 4th concession. Beautiful camp ground. Season $665. Campg round cail 1 -786-2562, Toronto office calil 651-5754. VACATION Resort Tapatoo, Otter Lake, Parry Sound. Newly buitt 1985- 87 Features: Roomy housekeeping cottages with sun deck and takeview. Sandy beach, boats and al water activities, playground resort includes Hotel "Black Forest House" with dining room, lunch bar patio, conference room and hotel units. Open year round REDUCED fail rates f rom September 16. Caîl (705) 378-2208 or 1-800-461-5410. B FLORIDA, 10 Mobile Homes. Clear- water three bedroomn mobile homes. Heated pools, tennis, close to beaches and major attractions, children welcome. (less than motel room). 683-5503 COTTAGE FOR RENT? Advertîse it with a Blanket Classified - haîf a million readers of 49 newspapers in Central Ontario will see it. Only $120 Cal 668-61111 BUILDINGS- SPECIAL CLEARAN- CE. 20' x 24' - $2400; 24' x 24' - $2,700; 28' x 36' - $4,000; 32' x 36' - $4,400; 36' x 48' - $8,500; 40' x 60' - $8,200. Ph. 985-7930. *SSACRIFICE SACRIFICE $$$ Buildings priced' for immediate liquidation. AIl items ln stock. 28x40x14,$3,996, 40x6Oxl4 $6,500, 46x80x14 $9,250, 70x9Ox24 $21,789. Varlous sizes available up to 120 ft. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serlous buyers only. AIl buildings priced for Immediate delivery, caîl toîl free 1-800-387-2115, or 1-(416) 858-2446. B STEEL FRAMES for straight wal buildings: 60 GSL. 32x40(16) $2990, 40x6O (16> $4990, 40x100 (14) $6,990, 50x100 (14) $10,990, 60x100 (14) $14,990, 60xl2O $17,990., Toronto (416> 431-6236 Days 265-2160 Nite. B STEEL BUILDINGS Summer hait- price sale. Buy 1 building at regular- price and get double length for 50 percent more. Phone PloneerlEconospan 1-800-387-6896 B SUMMER CLEARANCE on steel buildings up to 40% OFF. Many sizes to choose fromn. Cail Miracle Span toîl free 1-800-387-491 0. B RESTAURANT, Hotel, deli, bakery, butcher, grocery, sub and pizza equlpment. Refridgerators, grills, f ryers, slicers, sub & pizza tables, ice machines, steam tables, walk-in coolers and freezers. Deli cases, scales, cash registers, gas stoves and ovens, dishwashers for sale or lease. Arctic Refridgeration Store Fixtures. Hamilton (416)528-8528. Toronto (416)283-2600. R AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST 15,1987 11 11:00 a. Kahn Country Auctions, Brock Roadf Pickering, 3 miles north of hwy. No. 401 (exil 399). Large clearing auction of antique and modemn furniture, collectable glass and china, many collectables, etc., for varlous estates and privale consignments, 10 include 9 pc. dining room suite, dressers, chests of drawers, washslands, sets of chairs, several, occ. tables and chairs. A large quan- lily of good glass and china, table Iamps, oi1 lamps, old crocks, many primitive articles, appliances, brass, copper, lots of bric-a-brac, and much more. Plan 10 attend this large sale. Terms: Cash, cheque.(with l.D.), or Visa. No reserves.* KAHN AUCTION SERVICES 683-0041 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, AUGUST 14 ai 6:00 P.M. 8 piecé oak dining--room suite, secretariat drop f ront desk, miniature corner cabinet, ginger- bread dlock, quantity of coal-oii lamps, 4 piece walnut bedroom suite, oak library table, waînut dining table, walnut buffet, 6 hoopback carved bottom chairs, 7 piece new pine bedroom suite, silver tea ser- vice, ciuantity china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R. 1, LITTLE BRITAIN (705> 786-2183 AL'(TIONEERS The people of Whitby and ares iove attending auc- lion sales. Let lhemn know about your next sale by adverlising in the most widely read pages in Whit- by - the Whitby Free Press classifieds! Cali: 668-6111 OUR NEXT AUCTION IS Aug. 22, 1987, Columbus Hall. Do you have articles to consign? Caîl Gary K. Powell auctions now at 655-4185 to ist your items and arrange pick-up. r iiN:îBORDERi< X)su PLé NMAKFS I-rNIOI<I- 'VISIBLIEF 668;~-6; n DALANA KENNELL Home raised ,~Sheltie puppies. Registered with .ahnt-,t For ahn-ulohusrience.or anet. AUTOMOBILES À FOR SALE I 1984 NISSAN 1/2 ton diesel, good condition. House windows. Phone 668-6026. 1986 PONTAIC ACADIAN, 28,000 km. 4 door, grey. AMIFM stereo cassette with built in equalizer, ex- cellent condition. Mainlance, keep up every 3,000 km. Must selI - back to school. Great second car. $5,300.00 or B.O. Phone 579-9899 anytime after 4 p.m. 1976 MALIBU CLASSIC, engine in good condition. AS IS. $800.00. Phone 427-2422. '78 HORIZON, as is 96,000 km. Engine runs well $200.00 or best of- fer. Phone 668-5040 evenings or 668- 6111 days. Ask for Doug. GETTING PEANUTS for your trade- in? Try for a better deal in the classifieds. 668-6111 CASHI orhn nyu ti or garagel Tum uiiwantd Me% stonmg into mooey O me witf, a... l* h4jL!CLASSIFIED AD 3 months old. Phone 1-613-549-7146. HORSE FOR SALE, Registered Canadian Hunter Mare, Bay, 16.3 hands, 8 years old. Has been even- ting at training level for 2 years suitable for upgradeing to pliminary very soon. Owner unable to continue riding. Phone 416-786-2549. LOST "& I 9 FOUND PORT WHITBY AREA, Grey & white stripped maie cat. Answers 10 Buff. If you have seen him, please caîl 666- 2127 or 668-0250 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of VINCENT SMITH, laIe of the Town -of Whllby, ln. the Judîclal District of Durham, Retîred Printer, deceased. Ail persons having dlaims against the Estate of VINCENT SMITH, laIe of the Town of Whitby, ln, the Judicial District of Durham, who died on or about the -29th day of Oc- lober, 1986, are hereby notified. 10 send full partîculars of their dlaimns 10 the undersigned SolcItors for the Adminisîratrîx on or before the 51h day of September, 1987, afler which date the Estate wiIl be distributed having regard onîy t10 daims of which notice has been recleved. DATED at Hamilton this,28th day of July, 1987. McLELLAND & DEAN 500-20 Jackson Street West Hamilton, Ontario L8P 11-2 Solicitors for the Administratrix, Marie 4osephine Smith. A To selI tl that you t worth adv *Items less th - pric stal - mul MW thai * Maximr * Prepa * Cash c 66É% DS ý he 3mail items hoüght weren't fertising. must seli for ian $50 re rnust be ,ed in ad Itiple item ads st total less n~ $50 um 15 words id! )r VISA only 3-6111 (~?'~' M10RTINT$ CENTRAL WHITOY, Walking distan- ce to down town. 4 bedroomn bungalo main floor $875.00 per month in- cluding utilities. Phone Gerri 666- 4085. ROOM FOR RENT,with kitchen privileges. Phone between 5 - 7 p.mn 668-4409. BLANKET.. E ' To Reach a Wider Market vAdvertise throughout the regional membership of the Ontario and Canadian Community Newspaper Associations. Example: ICentral Ontario Ail Ontario Ail Canada 49 newspapers 185 newspapers 555 newspapers $120 for 25 words $250 for 25 words $718 for 25 words _àmowý For further information pleasecali: 6raiB-61 11 IL . -mmummummud t ti h c it il IE ir n ai D E . . 1 2299, ý,9

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