Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 17 Jun 1987, p. 24

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MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS: Work shirts,$2.75, work pants $3.50, work boots $15, Send $2 for catalogue (reimbursement i et or- der>. MlItary Surplus, Box 243, St. Timothee, Quebec. JOS iXO B HALIDE & SODIUM LIGHTS. Corn- petitive prices, f ree advice and ser- vice. Your one stop Indoor grow shop. Homegrown Halide and Hdroýpon iS.2737 Westofl Rd, Weston, ont. M9M 2R4 (416) 745- 5007. B. STEEL FRAMES for St-WaII buildings 60 GSL. 32x40'(16) $2990;40'x60' (16) $4990.;40'x100' (14) $6,990; 50x100 (14) $10,990; 60x100 $14,990; 60x120 (20> $17,990. Toronto (416) 431-6236 Days, 265- 2160ONite. B 888SACRIFICE SACRIFICE s Buildings priced for immediate liquidation. AliItems ln stock. 2840x14 $3,996, 40x6Oxl4 $6,500, 46x80x14 $9,250, 70x9Ox24- $21,789. Varlous sizes avalabie up to 120 ft. wide factory direct clearance. Serlous buyers only. AIl buildings prices for immediate delivery. Cal toli f ree 1.800-387-2115, or 416-858- 2446. B MIRACLE SPAN SPRING SALE on ail steel buildings. Many sizes with industrial sliding doors. For best selection, Cali Miracle Span 1-800- 387-4910. B EVINRUDE OUTBOARDS Factory clearance, 1986 9.9 H.P. $1,299. 1985 Evinrude 90 HP brand new, original factory carton fromn $3,999. Call King's Marina, Box 98 Fenelon Falls, KOM 1 NO (705> 887-3321. B BUY VOUR BINGO products where tast deliveries mnake the difference and lower prices add to your profits. Phone orwrite for f ree brochure and price list. Dealer inquiries invited. T.J.F. Manufacturing Inc., P.O. Box 10, McKeiiar, Ontario. POG 1iCO (705) 389-2020. B A-Z PRE-ENG. Buildings. New types,, steel and wood, quonset, ciaddino. For truce value, action and answers (416> 626-1794. Leave message or collect after 6 p.m. week-ends. Ask for WaiIy. Free brochures. B 1986 YAMAHA outboard motor, 20 H.P. short shaft, gas tank, and f it- tings. $1400 Cail 668-2946. ONE door and hood for a 1973 Ford Van. $40.00 for the pair. Cail 728- 8065. START YOUR own business. Foley Automatic Saw sharpening machine and manuais. Caîl before 2 week- days. $600.00 or best offer. Caîl 728- 8065. ,BLANKET... To ReaCh a Wider Market Advertise throughout the regional membership of the Ontario and Canadian Community Newspaper 49 newspapers 185 newspapers 555 newspapers $120 for 25 jwords $225 for 25 words $718 for 25 words RESIDENTriALICOMMERtCIAL. Cassar Property Maintanence, 666- 2803, property repaire, reasonable rates. BRICKS, BLOCKS & REPAIRS, Lin- cenced tradesman. Top quaîity work, Cali 433-1783 after 6 p.m. isi, 2nd, and 3rd MORTGAGES, debt consolidation, cottage financing. Private funds for unqualified deals. Brenda Harrison, the Mortgage Fac- tory. 985-2702 or 666-4986. CUSTOM ART WORK and design. High quaiity, low prices. Cali John at 668-7504. AtiTOMOILSJlI$ REDUCED to $3,300.00. 1979 Lincoln town car, fuliy loaded, brownltan vînyl roof. Certified. Cali 666-1530. 1977 ACADIAN 47000 miles, good condition. Cali 668-8569 after 5:30 p.m. 1983 BUICK PARK AVENUE ex- cellent condition. Fully ioaded, ap- prox. 75,000 KM. Air conditioned. Asking $11.000 Phone 433-0208. 1979 FORD Wagon. New brakes and tires.uan-o141r-4m u.nuu.u '.J A CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers.needed. Now Is the time to train for your Class A license. For pre-screenlng Interview and job placement Information, contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training, Brampton. Ph. 1-800-265-3559. FREE: 1987 guide to study-at-home correspondence Dipioma courses for prestiglous careers: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Elec- tronics, Legal/Medical Sectretary, Psychology, Travei. Granton (SA) 263 Adelaide West Toronto, 1-800-268- 1121. B TRAIN to be a Professional Auc- tioneer. Canadian Livestock Cham- pion Instructors, Professional resulte. Jordan & McLean School of Auctioneering, Box 94, Kitscoty, AIts. (403) 846-2211. .B BECOME AN AUCTIONEER. 85 hours of Instruction. Next class May 30 - June 6187. Contact South- western Ontario School of Auc- tioneering, P.O. Box 145, Innerkip, Ont. NOJ iMO (519) 469-3936, (519) 537-2115. B DRAWING AND CARTOONING FOR MONEY. Exciting New Guidebooki Easy to folîow. Turn your artwork In- to CASH I Popularityl Details, Hofer Publishing 719-Ai McPherson Ave. Saskatoon, Sask. S7N 0X9. best of fer. Cal 668-2189 af ter 5 p.m. LIVESTOCK BAHAI' FAITH. The essence of c~v)religion le to testify unto that whuch BABY CHICKS, Brown Egg and Meat types. Also Capons, and ready to lay pullets. Contact Bonnie's Chick Hatchery, Elmira(519)669-2561. B VINYL SIDINO 2 8 colours, available, from ....6 es'q ALUMINUM STORM -DOORS Over 1000 n st ock ln 5 co lours, 169 .91 tram ...... .... ............... ea. AGRICULTURAL & COMMERCIAL STEEL Roof ing and sldlng, 30 ga. galv... 3 7.t ln stock onIy sq. ti. ALUMINUM REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Over 200 In stock, varlous sizes, tram69 sq. t t. ALUMINUM SOFFIT Whte (18'x12'x6") ......... 149 ALUMINUM PATIO DOORS Double-glazed dMHC approved (white or brown), tram ......3 9' ALUMINUM EXTENSION LADDERS Over 200 ln stock trom .... 5 9Ja Wm. BIGFORD ALUMINUM RR.L3 B or nl Ont. Mo i.<1>475-0521 ~~ that which He hath ordained ln Hie mighty Book. Cali 668-7653 or 668- 8665. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE RELATION- SHIPS. For help caîl AUBERGE Transition House for Womnen and Chiidren. Toîl Free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidentiality assured. DATES GALORE: For all ages and unattached. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances caîl toîl f ree 1-800- 263-9163. Hours Noon tili 8 p.m. B MASTER PSYCHIC Readings:health, spiritual, u nexplained phenomena, seifatunement, pastlife; WiIi teach you to heai yourself with mind power. Everything is possible. Cali Leo Jean (519) 622-1022. B IT'S A CHICKEN GENERATION. 101 Chicken Recipies. Cookbook. Send $4.95 cash or Money order to: Starr Timperley, P.O. Box 497, Bright's Grove, Ontario NON 1iCO. B OVERWEIGHT? Lose weight, while you sieep without dieting? Many people have with CALORAD Diet drink. No powders, no systems, and lees than $2lday. For information caîl Don 728-5618 after 6:00 p.m. or Saturday. THE FAMILY of Reid Cook wish to invite friends, relatives, and neigh- bours to a tea ln celebration of his Bth birthday. Sunday June 21, 1987 at 1.0.0.P. Hall, 211 Brock St. Whitby f rom 2 to 4 p.m. Best wishes only. MR. DONALD A. BAILEY, B.A.,M.Div., LLB, recently received his iaw degree from Queens Univer- sity. Son of Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Bailey, Brooklin, he presently resides in Kingston where he is articling with the f irmn of O'Connor, Ecciestone & Kaiser. FLORIDA, 10 Mobile Homos. Clear- water three bedroom mobile homes. Heated pools, tennis, close to béaches and major attractions, children welcome. (iess than motel room). 683S5503. RELAXING VACATION, excellent fishing ln nature's best surroun- dings - aIl at 'MUSKY BAY CAMP' on West Armn of Lake Nipissing. Showers, laundromat, safe swim- ming. Weil equipped dlean lakefront, cottages with own dock. Weil spaced for privacy. Campers enJoy al1 the amenities. Write or cal1 R.R. 3, St. Charles, Ont. POM 2W0. (705> 867- 5630. CEDAR VALLEY Resort, Orono. Hwy 351115. Clarke 4th concession. Beautiful camp ground. Season $665.00. Campground cail 1-786- 2562, Toronto offi!ce cal 651-5754. CRUISE ON THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER. Romantic cities, the world famous 1000 Islands, the remaîkable International Seaway and looke, Up- per Canada Village, spectacuiar shorelines and more. Four or six days aboard the elegant cruise veseel Canadian Empress. Diai a brochure- 1-800-267-0960 for brochures and reservations. B NOW BOOKING annual Fail Color Cruises through Kawartha Lakes between Big Chute and Peter- borough. Heated cruise ship "1KAWATHA VOYAGEUR". Ontario Waterway Cruises, Box 1540, Peter- borough K9J 7H7. B BEACH WOOD RESORT Buckhorn area. Lakeside accommodation, fishing, tennis, water skiing, win- dsurfIng, children'e program. Weekîy from $326 (PPDbI.) Includes three meale daîîy. R.Rl. 1 Lakefieid, Ont. KOL 2H0 (705) 657-3481. CAMPERS, Kamp in Komfort, Niagara Falls KOA - featuring: New Indoor pool, spas and sauna, two heated outdoor pools, completeîy renovated washroom, actIvities. Phone (416) 354-6472 and Winsor South KOA - quiet country cam- pground only 13 miles f rom Am-' bassador Bridge and Detroit. (519) 726-5200. Res. Sugg. M1/C or Visa. B STEAL AWAY for a few daye or more. Lochaven Inn, Haliburton Highlands. Family special until July 11. Children under 10 free. Mid week package discounts. Caîl (416) 793- 0566 or (705) 754-3531.- B HART LODGE, Haliburton Highlan- de. Breakfast and dinner daily. Swimming pool, eauna,rwhirlpool, tennis, shuffleboard, boats, super- vised children's and adulte' programs ail summer. For. lower spring rates, seniors specials or summer family weeks cal f ree 1-800- 461-7699. B FIDDLE & STEP DANCE CONTEST July 10 & 11. Community Centre Fergus, Ontario. Camping on groun- de. For Information caîl Merv Woods (519)843-1630. 1 B DON'T MîSSEganville Homecoming '87 July 3lst thru August3rd, 1987. For particulars write Eganville Homecoming '87, Box 570, Egan- ville, Ontario KOJ iTO. B CHECK OUR PROFESSIONAL PAGE .FOR OTHER SERVICES. PAGE 24, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17,1987

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