Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Jun 1987, p. 21

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1987, PAGE 21 Whitby minor basebali T-BALL RESULTS May 21- Top Quality 19 Foran's Roof 15 Barry Bria 24 Fawcett Motors 20 Mitchell Bros 21 Butler's Deli 20 Dom's Auto 25 TlmùHorton 14 Cartier McNam 21 ITT Camnon 9 May 22- Fifewood Saînts2l Legal Beagles 18 Firechiefs 20 Georgian Hotel 18 SandozAnca 21 Peacock il May 25- Bsry Brian 20 Forans Roof 19 Cartier McNa 18 Flfewood Saints 18 May26-. Top Quality 22 Mitchell Bros. 16 Butler's Deli 22' Peacock Sports 14 Firechiefs 31 Dom's Auto 31 rrT Cannon 24 Tixn Horton, 18 Legal Beagles 23 Georgian Htel 14 Sandoz Anca 22 Fawcett Motors 19 May 27- ITT Camion 21 Georgian Hotel 16 Legal Beagles R3 Tim Horton R3 STANDINGS TEAM' W Top Quality Colision 5 MTTCannon . 4 Cartier McNamara 3 Fiefewood Sâiiits 2 Legal Beagles 3 Sandoz Aica 3 Miltchell Bros. 3 Barry Brian Associates 3 Firechiefs 2 Dom's Auto Parts 1 Georgian Hotel 0 Fawcett Motors 1 Forans Roofing 1 Buter's Dell 1 Tirs Horton Donuts 0 Peacock Sports 0 L T PT 0 0 10 20 8 0 28 03 7 2 17 1 17 1 17 1ý1 7 21 5 22 4 33 3 3 13 31 3 31 3 42 2 50 0 SQIIRT May2l- Brook. Kinsmenll Pringles 10 Donut Pres 8 Dairy Queen 7 Crouch Collars 6 Peacock 4 Pizza Pizza 9 Consumers Gas 0 Sorichetti Grp 15 Merrick Homes 7 May 22- Bob Myers 1 Scott's 1 Whitby Jaycees R5 Br. Kinsmen R.1 e ~ Jk Homes il Dairy Queen il Solcetti Grp 7 Peacock Sports 3 Dodd & Souter 7 Crouch Collars 4 Pringles 41 Consumera Gas 2 May 25- Sorichetti Grp 6 Pringles 4 Br. Kinsmnen 7 'Fitzgerald b Donuit Press 12 Crouch Collars 6 May 26- Consumnera Gas 4 Dairy Queen 3 Merrlck Homes 5 Dodd & Souter 0 May 27- Sorichetti Grp il Merrick Homnes 9 Crouch Collars 15 Bob Myers 3 Peacock Sports 4 Dairy Queell 1 Pizza Pizza 2 Whitby Jaycees 1 Pringles 10 Swish Mtce 6 si rrAM rANDINGS W L T Br, Kinsmien Whtby Jaycees Consumers Gas Swish Mtee Bob Myers 222 il 3 14 i 141 031 TYKE M~ay 21- NRS Realty 16 Kurz Foods 13 Whitby Lions il Whltby Cleaner 10 Flreflghters 12 Century 21 7 Nurse Chev 16 Cdn Tire 5 Munn's Press 9 Klwanls Club 2 May 22. Vlck Ins. 24 Jlrn Davidson 7 Br. Slopitch 21 Rolston l'urina 8 May 26- Cdn Tire 15 Br. Slopitch 15 Klwanls Club 19 Davidson 7 Munn's Press 18 Vick Ina. 3 NRS Realty 24 Roston Purina 2 Whtby Cleaner 16 Firefighters 5 Century 21 12 Lions Club 10 Nurse Chev Old 14 Kurz Foods 12 May 27- Century 21 12 Lions Club 10 1 STANDINGS TEAM W L TPT Centuny 21 4 1 0 8 Vick Ins. 3 2 0 6 Nurse Chev Olds 3 1, 0 6 Munn's Press 3 0 O 6 Firefighters 3 1i0O*6 Kiwanis Club 2 2 1 5 Br. Slopitch 2 1 1 5 Canadian Tire 1 2 2 4 Lions Club 2 2 1 5 NRS Realty- 2 2 0 4 Kurz Foods 1 2 1 3 Whitby Cleaner 1 3 0 2 Jim Davidson 0 4 O 0 Roiston Purins O 5 0 O May22 Kinsmen Club 12 Shoppers Drug 4 Br. Electric 10 Checkers Var 6 May 25-1 Perkins Paints il Shoppers Drug 10 Kinsmen Club il Checker's Var 2 Br. Electric 14 Propane Place 3 Whitby Audio 9 Bell Canada 9 Mr. Grocer 13 Whitby Toyota 8 May 27- Whitby Toyota 7 Whitby Audio 6 Perkin's Paints 9 Red Wing Orch 3 Kinsmen Club D5 Remax Realty 0 Propane Place il Br. Electric 9 STANDINGS TEAM W L T PT Kinsmen Club 5 0 1 il Perkins Paints S5 1 O 10 Brooklin Electric 5 1 0 10 Propane Place 3 2 1 7 Bell Canada 3 1 1 7 Whitby Audio 2 2 2 5 Whitby Toyota 2 4 0 4 Remax Realty 2 3 0 4 Shoppers Drug Mart 1 3 0 2 Mr. Grocer 1 4 O 2 Checkers Variety 0 3 1 1 Red Wing Orchards 0 5 0 O BANTAM May 21- Pizza Delight 15 Durham Equip 1 Whitby Rotary 9. Owasco Volks 7 May 25- Durham Equip. 6 Snowden 4 Pizza Delight 7 Gus Brown 6 May 26- Owasco Volks 9 Petro Canada 5 Durham Equip 9 Whitby Rotary 3 Snowden-' il Goldhawks 10 Pizza Pizza b0O 1 i Sorichetti Grp 5 2 1 i STANDINGS Donut Press 3 1 2 8 .TEAM W L T PT Crouch Collars 4 4 0 8 Pizza Delight 3 1 0 6 Pringles 3 3 1 7 Durham Equipment 3 2 0 6 Dairy Queen 2 3 2 6 Goldliawks 2 1 0 4 Peacock Sports 2 2 2 6 Snowden Rubber 2 1 O 4 Merrick Homes 2 5 2 6 Whitby Rotary 2 2 0 4 Dodd &Souter 2 2 2 6 Gus Brown - 2 2 0 4 Fitzgerald 3 1. O 6 Owasco Volkswagen 1 3 0 2 Scott's 2 1 2 6 Petro Canada 0 3 0 O Football tryout June 14. A mini-try-out camp will be held the team which will consist of boys June 14 in Oshawa for the Oshawa 18 and under (cannot turn 19 in Hawkeyes Legionaires midget 1987). football club. Cal an Bunting (433-4648) for in- formation on location of camp and Experience is not required ta, join. equipMent needed. Part-Time acting in Movies, Television and.CommlerciaiS Ail Types, Ages and Nationalities Wanted. 61 Commercial Avenue. Ajax, Ontario LIS 2H3 427:9204 Durham Girls Soccer Sports honors FROM PAGE 20 pionsips H isoher Brian was first in the Ontario open judo championships and first ini the Ontario champion- ships. Whitby Curling Club members Ron Cameron, AI Gilchrist, Dave Werry and Larry Wood were honored for their first-piace finish at the provincial intermediate championships held in Minden, March 18-21 iast year. Members of the Whitby Iroquois Swim Club were honored for their performances at the provincial team championships held in Sud- bury in March. Wendy Primeau won the 200, 400 and 800metre freestyle; Heather Armitage, 100-metre freestyle, 100- metre backstroke, 50-metre freestyle, 100-metre and 200-mýtre butterfly; Julie Leswick, 200-metre freestyle, Scott Currie, 100 and 200- metre backstroke; Heather Ar- mitage, Wendy Primeau, Janice Currie and Julie Leswick, 15 and over women'S 200-metre freestyle relay; Wendy Primeau, Jili Morrice, Heather Armitage and Laura Mark 13-14 girls' 200-metre freestyle reiay; Heather Armitage, Michelle Primeau, Janice Currie and Julie Leswick, 15 and over womfen's 200-metre mnedley reiay . Member of Whitby Garrard Road Minor Lacrosse Association's tyke team were presented with medals for their first-place finish at the provincial 'A' championship, and the midget ail-star team won a bronze medal at the 1986 Ontario Summer Games held in Peter- borough. - In 1986, the Whitby Junior bal club wereboth the Ontario Basebal Association provincial and the Eastern Ontario Basebal Association champions. The Whitby Iroquois Soccer Club's under-12 representative team won an international tour- nament held in Sarnia, in July 1986, and international team tournament held in Ottawa in September 1986, and the provincial invitational tournament in Whitby held in June 1986. Volunteers honored were: Sharon Woermke and Murray Morgan for their contribution to track and f ield; Marie Ferguson and Laurie Baldwin for the Whitby Figure Skating Club; Peter Husted and Gordon Tucker of the Whitby Garrard Road Lacrosse Association; John Moore and Dave Wall of the Brooklin-Whitby *Minor Hockey Association and Ed Allen and Gerrit Plakmeyer of the Whit- by Iroquois Soccer Club. SQUIRT Hutchison........................4 jeffrey Park.....................i1 scorers: Meghan Aikin, 2; RobYn Healey, Mellasa Redmond, Deborah Whelan. Pickering S.C ..................1.5 Whltby Roy Cdn Leglon............ 2 Scorers: MoUssa Lawrence, Sarah McRae. Wbltby Color Your World........... 3 Ajax............................ 1 Andrea Kirk, Jilian Bassie, Carnie-Jo Porter. ATOM Whtby Optimiste ................8 Pickering S. C. No. 1............... 2 Angle Crockford, 6; Andrea Babony, Erin Cameron. Group 74 ........................4 Pickering S.C. No. 3 ...............O Jenette Bradley, 3; Rachel Armitage. Checkers Variety.................O0 Pickering S. C. No. 2...............O Color Your World.................O0 Group74 ........................O Ajax No. 2....................... 4 Cheekers Varlety................. 2 Scorers: Alison Leitch, Melissa Coe. MOSQUITO F.I.S. Electronles................. 6 Darlington.......................O Scorers: Jennifer Mazzotta, 2; Patricia Fleming, Diana Nledzwiezki, Carri Van Vueuhel, Elaine Vickers. Seniors lawn bowl June 17 The lawn bowling event of the Whitby tearns will take part in Durham Senior Games will be June the event, open to seniors (55 and 17, 10 a.m., at the Oshawa Lawn over) in Durham Region . Bowling Club. Cail 723-2523 for information. Ontario lacrosse As of June 2,1987 MAJORISENIOR TEAM W L GF GAPT Fergus 6 1 80 56 12 Brooklln 5 0 78 33 10 Orangeville 3 4 71 82 6 Peterborough 2 2 38 37 4 Owen Sound 1 2 39 39 2 Scarborough 1 3 36 48 2 Sarnia . 3 22 37 Peterborough 5 St. Catharines 5 3 Brampton 5 4 Whltby- 4 2 Bay Area 1 5 Etobicoke 1 7 101 86 10 10999 10 73 53 8 36 78 2 59 12i 2 Whitby men's slo-pitch STADINS U WTO L T 5, PT8 Oshawa jaycees TEAM Hermetic Service Brothers Pizza Kelsey's Restaurant Casey's Restaurant Ian Barron Motors Texaco Chiefs Circle Taxi Peoples Jewelry Pat & Marios Waterbed Company M.S.,, Cup Celebrity Golf Tournament & Dinner N'>GOLFERS WANTED Durhamn Regional ~m a u m Multiple Sclerosis Society TO >P LAY W ITI MTHME Tuesday, June 16, 1987 STARS From the Musical Group, 'CHALK CIRCLE' NHL PLAYERS: DAN DAOÙST from DERRICK MURPHY & BRAD HOPKINS TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS ENTERTAINER: HAGOOD HARDY JOE CIRELLA & JOHN McCLEAN from TV. PERSONALITY: CHUCK 'SPYDER' JONES NEW JERSEY DEVILS CIFTO-TV NEWSCASTER: TOM GIBNEY SEAN WILLIAMS & BRENT GRIEVE f rom ENTERTAI NER: TOM COCH RAN E OSHAWA GENERALS Get a "A HOLE IN ON E" and win a first class round trip ticket for two anywhere in the world by AIR CANADA (of which $50. is tax deductible) $20for a threesome (of which $120. is tax deductible) iFee includes: Green tees, Powercarts, Prizes & Dinner. ; $25. if you wish to attended the dinner only. - ___TICKETS GOING FAST: Contact: Mr. Lloyd Fenemore (416) 434-6131 Jim Bradf ield (416) 579-8211 or American Express Travel office at The Bay, Oshawa. REG ISTRATIONS ACCEPTED AT The Oshawa Centre, M.S. BOOTH THIS THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY. Pickering Pots ............... ..... 7 Whltby Cafad8flTire ...............O0 Whtby FreePress.................1 Whtby optm ite .................O0 Scorer: Amber Marahal. C entury 21....................... 1 Whltby Optlmias.................1 Leaf Worsley, Jennette Croucher. F.I.S. Electrofllcs ................ 14 Pickering Viilage ................O scorers: Heather Bird, 4; Catherlng Klitchlng, 2; Jennifer Mazzotta, 2; Louise Reid, 3; Jessica Jamnonaco, Dmna Nledzwledzkl, Carrne Van Veghel. Ajax DIckson .................... 2 Canadian Tire ............. ...... 1 Scorer: Mary Ellen Murphy. Pl ckering Pots.............. S*** Whtby FreePres .................0 PEEWEE Witby Midas Muffler.............3 Pickering S. C...................-2 Erika Gamble, 2; Becky Calder,1. Whltby .........................5 Darlngton....................... 1 Scorers: Nadinie van Staveren, Amy Howey, Catherine Campbell, Mary Beth Challoner, Donna MaPherson. BANTAM WhtbyT & EBeer................ 7 Scugog ......................... 1 Scorers: Louise Mazzotta,' 3; Angle Beer, 2; Maria Guidotti, Heather Fleming. Week of May 25, 1987 L T PT

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