Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Jun 1987, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1987 CEDARSj4 /, 1. Whirte. kCRMTS a mmuSty r- Juna ta the perieci monlh for piantlng al your Evergriens. Trou. Roues. Sbrubs and Vines... Whita Rse container grown plants suifer no transplant shock ... They con be pi anted ingytlme In luit test and' bloom ta mours a faut stufl towards a fult. bshy specimen.. QUALITY WE'RE PROUD 0F AT WHITE ROSE 1 FOlR grow into naturaliy dense and bushy speci mens, making it a Number 1 choice for hedging or foundation pianting ... Par superior to the native White Cedar. Maintains its shape with litIle or no pruning at al! BUY NOW & SAVE BIGi ¶ SPERA 48 CIIN AND VALUE 1 Moit are iaded wilh buds ready ta buratIt blotom i Hurryln whIle selection Is 'alita bust Il FLOIB@DA$ GIRL GUIDE Orange- saimon with pinli flush centra. ..8 ARNAUD DELBARD Non-ta ding shrimp Pinki palis .... 6.9V8 BORDURE ROSE Rose flush over a creamn coioured base ..- 6.9VO RASPBERRY ROSE Raspbarr red colour with fruity raspberry fragrance . .. 7.98 TOMMY THOMPSON Bright orange vibrant blooms . 7.98 DEB'S DELGHT An abundance of flush Pinki blooms .. . 7.98 LITTLE'DEVîL Brilliant tira angine- rad blossoma... O*V GRANDIFLORA JACQUES CARTIER Brght vrmillion rad compactiplanit . . 'o. VO JEANNINE Multi-shaded pinti rosa with delicatescent. -.. 7.98 JOHN MacDONALD IClusters of deep rad roses wilh Ivetvty shina jthat sparkles. . 6. O IfYBRID TEAS CAMARA Fragrant orange.1 vermition wilh a vaîvat texture...7*9 CREPE DE CHINE Large red satiny btooms with a splcay fragrance. DOLCE VITA Sîlverdusi- ed reversa petls . 9 OLYMPIAD A greal abun- dance of brlght _ rad blassoma...O* O GREAT CENTURY Tender carmine tiower wllh delicate parfume. .9 HALLELUIAH Beautiful large deep rad satlny fiowera. . . 7.98 ISOBEL CHAMPION Beautifut velvetean rad rosas. ...* 7.98 JOHN BRADSHAW Fragrant, 2 shadad 9 pinhi rosa .. . 8 JOHN SNOWBALL Fuît cenlred snow- whita lowers. .. 7.98V LANCOME Longlasing rad frag rant flowers MME. *DELBARD Deep red with edgas.- turnlng blacki. . . 7.98 PINK PEACE ifuge yellow buds wth pinhi flush.. 7.98 WOMAN Delicte i vory base with pinhi flush centre. ... 7.98 Luah hues aifg rsen. glad dOue .Fine Iacy tllage to breidlouiid beaules ... Evergreena are the tMast permanent partaf1any landscape ... ued ain Saccent. ln cambinahlans or "M as ground cavera. 30Y&AR8j CUSTOMERJ SPRADERS GO LD C OAST Outstanding golden toliage.... Compact growth and lacy fluage. Golden colour19 deepens with cold weather. 18-24" wîde 19 5 MUGHO PINE Hardy compact mound- shaped plant thrlves weil n sun or shade. Grows fno.@n biggar ihen 2-3 wide and 18" fait .. . 15-18" wide 39.9 GLOBE CE DA R Lovely brighl green, arows naturaliy in a symmatrical globe shape. Grows Up 10 20" j hgh and 30"wide ........ 2" wide 12.9 KOREAN BOXWOOD Very versilile plant wili grow ln sun 0r shade. Needs only 1 clipping ayear.4~l 15" Tali ............... M4 9 UPRUONTiS WICHITA BLUE Abroad based V pyramidal wilh silver-blue iacy toliage. Retains r A 5 its colour lhroughout the season. Vary hardy. Our reg. 29.95................ 3-4181la 2 SPINY GREEK owarfgrowîng ee pyramidal wilh slvery biush-graen needies. 8 Exlremety hardy. 2-3'TALL Our reg. 24.95 .. HIC KS YEW Naturel uprlghl shape. ~ O Darkmeat & glossleat of ail yaws. brght red berriesinthe fait. 18-25" Tait. Our Reg. 24.95 PYRAMIDAL Y E W Dstinguished upright, dark green Japanase Yew cllpped int a dense pyramidal an shape. 15-18" TALL .................... 16.95 THEGBAZIG 2- NELLIE BEAN A new summer Hybrid Llac. Single purpie flowers borne on large long trusses. Very hardy. ' 9 Grows Io 9' . .. 6. SNOWBERRY Easy to grow shrub with an abundenca of snow white fruit Grows 5'.. .6.98 GOLDEN ELDER Spreading shrub with golden foliage. Whiute flowers ara foi1- lowed by berries. 69 use as specin ensla brîitten Up 11ta uet crner or saon iniarmai edge and dozztelhBe neîghbourhood with the mal- nllcent dispiay of bloom. OU!, selection ls outstandîng tor sun. shade. dry or wiet souls. PINK HONEYSUCKLEý Rlosy pinhi tlowera are borne ln great abundance. GrowS 8-8' . .. 6.98 BEAUTY BUSH Covared with Pinki trumpet*ç shaped lowera. Graws 5-61 ... 6@. 8 VO GOLDEN NUNEBARK Beautif ut dented golden touiage with tragrani pinlish white tlowers in June. Growa 6-8, -.. u98 SILVERLEAF DOGWOOD Strmtclng slvervariegated leaves Grows 5-6'high,. 0 .9 sun or shade . . Ia PLUS MANY, MANY MORE 1 EXCELLENT IN SUN OR PARTIAL SHADE I FROBEL compact shurb LITTLE PRtNCESS with rad faîtage. Pinki ftowars Dwarf compact shrub coverad borna ln profusion. Grow to3'. with pale pinhi flowarsa& tiny BILLARDII Lileraily ight green leases. covered with rosy rad spikea of f lowers, soma as long as 8-12" Grows 5-6' TALL. JZ 8, PLANT AT ONCE 1 ENJOY BLOOMS VEAR AFTER YEAR i SWalch leur perennel gardon grec leoha nier@ beautlifaimach Yser. ,SpécIiIsiaectllet ai81i a : sdie n et a¶V5leIIr. n seanmd hey wcliIncreasê la* se*mcd beauty evarvypamr i OVER 50 VARIETIES GOLDEN CARPET Thichi evergrean toulage literalty coverad with gold and yailow flowers ln July. Low spreading. AJUGA Delicate purpia fiower spikes. They wiil thrive on the shediest banks. GARDEN PHLOX Brillilant giant llowers made of up numerous florets with a delicata fragrance. PERIWINKLE Evargrean lrailing plant. Blue flowars in June. Excellent ground cover in shady location. ASTIBLE Beautiful Parannial with feather- y spikes. Grows 2-2W 'high. Loves moisI location. ln pinhi. rad and white. BABY'S BREATH Perfect for bouquets or add charm to the gardan. Grow 2-3' high. In delicale white. DRAGON BLOO Craeping plant with dark red crimson flowers in Auguat and Saptember. Bronzy red buds and branchas. ,mant Colour àX.NNUALS Large advanced planta ioaded wilh blooms ready Io bursti nto, colour fa accent your garinor patio ..Includes Impalmeéna jor Begonlas, Marigolda and More!' 31/2" POT SAmâàLE Large indîvîdual 77< plants LYTIIRUM Exlramely hardy showy peren- niai. Sun or shade. aven ln moist locations. GUEM-Mrs. Bradshaw Equisile double rad flowera. Lovety cut or ln the garden. KNIPHOFIA RED HOT POKER Striklng 2-3' lait orange scartet fiowars with bright yellow base. HARDY PRIMROSE Beautitul Spring ftowering dwarf perennial. Lovely shades of f resh cotours. ARMERIA Statice tuka fiowers on 18" stems & lutta 0f grassy leaves. BALLOON FLOWERS A truly beautiful blue perenniai. Growa 15-18" hlgh. SHASTA DAISY WIRREL SUPREME Superb Engtish Hybrid wllh doubla crested centre. Planted only ln watt dralned soit. RUSTIC BARREL -Plant everything fram e amati vegetable 10 a lower ing shrub. ornementais or evaîgreens Great for patios or balconies 'J UST FOR qq SDAD! QUALITY FOLDIN riÀi FOR THE YOUNGER SET Ail the comtort & the sae sturdy quality wire mesh Schairs & tables as Our aduit MAI furnitura Kida will love il'-- WIRE MESH CHAIR n red, white and vanille WIRE MESH TABLE ln white and vanille YOUR CHOICE ~88 A CHILDRENS /1VE 30Y,~A8 ICUSTOMEN> Il9A t4-1 42" ROUND WERZALIT Steel legs, whte -7988 Our reg. 13999 ........... CHAIRS RIVIERA CUSHIONED CHAIR Deluxe powdar coalcd whitie steel highback trame, complets wilh plush textilana cushion n your choica of 10 coloursSAI Our reg. 129.99 2Pc. Complets ALL RESIN 5 POSITION CUSHIONED CHAIR Complets with Textimana cushion wth head- resI. Available n 5 beautiful colours FI, .Af Our reg. 17999 2Pc. Complets .3 . Comtortabla highback stecking chair ... for yeara of anjoymant ! Availeble in white or vanille. HIGBAC 'BAEL'CHAIR Extra wide seat & back for extra comfort.. .Flat back & seat - White - Stacking ËBYl328 88. OPEN 7 DAYS ÂA WEEK OPEN SUNDAYS t ONLV WHILE QUANTITIES LAST t SALE ENDS JUNE 18 1987' HOURS: Monday to.Saturdayg:00a.m.-9:00p.m. Sundey & Holidays 9:005 m.-6:OOprn PATIO FURNITURE NOT SOLO ON SUNDAYS OR HOLIOAYS WHITBY 1243 DUNDAS ST. L. W. Cf THtCOKU50ni. OSHAWA 300TAUNTON RD. cerna Mieow/T5UUt» r' IfÀ ~rL' mb', b .;àm J'i EXPANDING TRELLIS Maintenance tree attractive white durable plastic. Non-fading. Ideal for climbing roses, clematis vines or just for decoration. EXPANDS TOI 8' ýYÀ dm Our Reg- y n "

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