Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 29 Apr 1987, p. 25

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WHII')il? PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29,1987, PAGE'15 .w CALL &,. PROFESSIONALI DRESSMAKING & ALTERATIONS inciuding bridai and evening wear, taiiored suits, saddie seat suits and customn made drapes. Cail FREDA JORDAN 1-649-3340. P & P MAINTENANCE CONTRAC- T(%RS LTD. Ground maintenance, bat îoe & dump-truck service, crane service, post hole digging, tank Installations & removals, piping & weiding. 655-8980. FAUSTA MOVING. Light moving, basement clean ups, garbage removal, 24 hour service, reasonable rates. Calil 579-7603 (R>, 576-5638 (B), and 363-1035 (B Tor.> R.R. INTERIORS Home repairs and remoulding. Framing, dry waII, paint, and stucco. The complete job done clean and fast. Quality '"tailor-made"l kitchen cabinets and waII unIts to f it your requirements at "off the rack prices". Please cati at 655-4452 and leave return phone number. Free estimates. The family of the late Murray anld Lucille Robinson of BrooklIn are gratef ul for a caring community, and wish to thank their many friends for a multitude of kindnesses ln their recent bereavenlent. ADULT VI DEOS Take home an EROTIC STARLET this monthi1 As low as $12.50 eachi1 To order cali1 toi f ree 1-800-663-7934 Cool Blue VI deo WOMEN IN ABUSIVE relationships. For help caîl AUBERGE Transition House for Women & ChIldren. Tol Free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311. Conf identiallty assured. AN INVITATION ... to investigate the Bahai' Faith - Uniting the world one heart at a time. 668.7653/668-8665. FREE SINGLES BULLETIN! Meet someone nice by phone or correspondence, Iocally or province- wlde. For further Information write: Barb, Box 2246-A, Sudbury, P3A 4S1. State age. DATES GALORE: For ail ages& unattached. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances. Cail tollfree 1-800- 263-9163. Hours Noon toîl 8 p.m. ADOPTION SEARCHES, lnterested contact Trlad, Box 5114, Stn. A. Calgary, T2H Mx (403) 256-0729 evenings.. ADOPTEES searching: Donna Margaret Alyward i0-Jan-64 Scarborough, Helen Jane Palmer 10- Jun-22 London, Douglas Howard Brown 12-Oct-50 Toronto, Pamela Maxîne Dickey 17-Feb-63 Toronto, Linda Ann Browell 09-Jun-50 Toron- to, Barbara ??? 22-Mar-56 Oshawa, Anne Myles 26-May-52 Sudbury. ADOPTION SEARCHES, Contact TRIAD, Box 5114, Stn. A. Calgary, T2H Wx (403) 256-0729 evenings. BIRTHRELATIVES searchlng for: Albert Garstka 23-Jul-34 Edmonton, Sandra Michelle Towie 31-Jul-53 Calgary, Leasa Newcomb 24-Oct-59 Toronto, Dean Allan Pierce iS-Jun- 62 Barrie, Muriel Anne Pierce O-J ul- 66 St. Catharines, Charles David Or- f ice 19-May-54 Ottawa, Sandra Lee Thompson 06-Oct.-67 Toronto, Kirk Richard Norman 23-Jan-57 Toronto, Elizabeth Anne 12-Nov-68 Victoria. MIXED HARDWOOD LOGS for firewood. Double loads - 12 cord.*M NFATRR Merrili Barry (705) 754-2258. West FCUE' Guilford.CLA NE ( )L'IVESTOCK EASTERN ONTARIO SIMMENTAL! Live calves born! Heavy calves weaned! Proffitable calves marketed! Use Simmental Buils! Breeder directory available. Ontario Simmental Association, David Chambers, Hastings, Ont. KO L 1 YO (705> 653-4716 18 PIGS for sale. Cail 655-8062. ~~ TRAVELI ýSERVICES RELAXING VACATION, excellent fishing ln nature's best surroun- dings - ail at 'MUSKY BAY CAMP' on West Arm of Lake Nipissing. Showers, laundromat, safe swim- ming. Weil equipped dlean lakefront, cottages with own dock. Weil spaced for privacy. Campers enjoy ail the amenities. Write or cail R.R. 3, St. Charles, Ont. POM 2W0. (705> 867- 5630. FLORIDA, 10 Mobile Homes. Clear- water - Three bedroomn mobile homes. Heted pools, tennis, close to beaches and major attractions, children welcome. (less than motel room). 683-5503. 5 DAYS of spectacular scenery CRUISING RIDEAU or Trent-Severn Waterways on confortable cruise shlp Kawartha Voyageur. Write On- tario Waterway Cruises, Box 1540 Peterborough, K9J 7H7. ANTLER'S KINGFISHER LODGE. The only lodge on 65 miles of the beautiful Upper Ottawa River. AN- TLER'S KINGFISHER LODGE, Deux Rivieres, Ontario. KOJ iRO. *lIn Mountain River Country * TWIN ROCKS RESORT: Modern Housekeeping cottages, seasonal camping on Kushog Lake. Beach, Marine rentaIs, docking, store. Beatuflul park setting in the Halibur- ton Highlands. Sendical Tom or Melanie for brochure: Dept. M. RR 2, MINDEN, Ont. KOM 2K0 (705) 489- 2247. Now booking for Victoria Day weekend. CEDAR VALLEY Resort, Orono. Hwy 351115. Clarke 4th concession. Beautiful camp ground. Season $665.00. Campground caîl 1-786- 2562, Toronto office caîl 651-5754. ST. LAWRENCE RIVER CRUISES. Romantic cities, the world-famous 1000 Islands, the remarkable Inter- national Seaway & Iocks, Upper Canada Village, spectacular shorelines & more. Spend three or f Ive nights aboard the elegant cruise vessel Canadian Empress. DiaI-a- brochure 1-800-267-0960 toîl f ree. RESERVE NOW & SAVEIII Join our Agrîcutural Tour to Britain, June 23rd to July l3th or our Agricultural Tour to SCANDINAVIA, August 29th to Sept. i6th. Discounts avalable to May lst. Caîl Clare Burt Tours (416) 451-4995 or 1-800-268-3090. e St. John Ambulance The eeder ca-g colours, avaltabte, f rom .... q6. ALUMINUM STORM DOORS Over 1000 In stock ln 5 colours, 59.99 ftram......................... ea. AGRICULTURAL & COMMERCIAL STEEL Rloof lng and sidtng, 30 ga. gatv..-3 75 n stockonly s.t ALUMINUM REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Over 200 ln stock, varlous sBzes, tram 6."ç sq. ft. White (18"x12'x6") .......... 14." Mit.1 ALUMINUM PATIO DMORS Double-glazed CMHC approved 399 (wh lte or brown>, ftram ..... S390. ALUMINUM EXTENSION LADDERS Over 200 In stock t ram.... 59.9, Wm. BIGFORD ALUMINUM' $dm .Ltd. R. R. 3 n'Nolen, Ont. -i<l>475-0521 s- ~JQPOtTNIIERfTUNITIES FARMERS WANTED who are paying too much TAX or are not using ail the tax breaks avalable. Phone us today! Appolntment times available to process 1986 tax returns ln your home. Farm Business Consultants, 2109 Oxford St. E London, N5V 2Z9 Caîl toîl f ree 1-800-265-1002. In business year- round for 35 years. GREENHOUSE & HYDROPONIC Equipment, supplies. Everything you need. Best quality, super low prices. Greenhouses $169. Halides $105. Over 3,000 products in stock! Send $2 for info pack & FREE Magazine to Western Water Farms 1244 Seymour St. Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3N9 1.604-682-6636 A-Z PRE-ENG. Buildings. New Types, steel & wood, quonset, clad- ding. For true value, action & an- swers (416) 626-1794. Leave message or coliect after 6 p.m. week-ends. Ask for Waliy. Free brochures. B HALIDE & SODIUM LIGHTS. Com- petitive prices, f ree advise & service. Vour one stop indoor grown shop. Homegrown Halide and HydroponiCs. 2337 Weston Road, Weston Ontario M9M 2R4 416-745- 5007. HYDROPNICS GROW INDOORS, without soil, - even in the wvinter! Best selection & prices in Canada. Send $2 for catalogue. Canadian Hydroponics Ltd. 8318-l2Oth St., Surrey, B.C. V3W 2N4. OPPORTUNITY for ambitious self- starting ladies to introduce a sophisticated skîn care line to this area. Ph. 728-0685. HALIBURTON SCHOOL 0F FINE ARTS. of fers 80 one-week craft workshops ln ail mediums July - August. For Information & Brochure:, Box 339, Haliburton, Ontario KOM 1iSO 705-457-1680. TRUCKING CAREERS. Driver job training with placement help is avallable. Complete details can be mailed to you. Phone Rodgers School at (416) 769-3546 with postal code. MAKE MONEVI SAVE MONEYI Learn basic bookkeeping by correspondence. For f ree brochure, no obligation write: U & R correspondence school, 1345 Pem- bla Hwy. Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2B6. A CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class A license. For pre.screening interview and job placement information,ý contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training, Brampton. 1-800-265-12607 BECOME AN AUCTIONEER. 85 hours of Instruction. Next ciass May 30 - June 6187. Contact South- western Ontario School of Auc- tioneering, P.O. Box 145, Innerkip, Ontario NOJ iMO (519) 469-3936, (519) 537-2115. TRAIN TO BE A PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEER. Canadian Livestock Champion instructors. Professionai results. Jordan & McLean Schooi of Auctioneering, Box 94 Ktscoty, Alta. (403) 846-2211. FBARN SWALLOW POTTERY Spring Open Hous To 0 Saturday May 2,1987. 10 arn. to 4:30 p-. Sulnday May 3, 1987 Functional & decorative hand made pottery by Deanna Jones. Top of the hili ln Greenwood (Westney Rd. and Hwy 7 area) 427-05981 REMINISCE With schoolmates of yesteryearl!l at Rolph Street Public School, 75th REUNION. Saturday May 23rd 1987 1-5 p.m. Tilisonburg, Ontario. Further enquiries 1 (519) 842-2077. (/~ ANN.........% OPEN HOUSE The famiîy f Frank & Mary Simnpson Invite ail those who would like to share ln the celebration of their parents 4th wedding anniversary, Sunday, May 10, f rom 2 tili 7 p.m, 56 Bagot Street,_Brookîin. Best wishes only please. GIANT YARD SALE RAIN OR SHINE 9 A.M.- 4 P.M. Saturday & Sunday May 2& 3. 615 Winchester Rd. lst house east of Thickson Rd. South side, Brookiin. Somethiflg for everyone i YARD SALE, May 2 and 3. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Giant court garage sale. Household items, f urniture, toys and books, air conditioner, bicycles, many other miscellaneous Items. Belmont Court, Whitby. GARAGE SALE ENTHUSIASTSI 1! Get your detailed map of Whltby for 50 cents at theWhitby Free Press BLANNKET To Reach a Wider Market 7Advertise throughout the regional membershtp of the Ontalrlo and Canadian Community Newspaper Associations. Central Ontario Ali Ontario AI l Canada 49 newspapers 185 newspapers 555 newspapers $225 for 25 words $718 f or 25 words For further information please cali: I 668-6111-J SUPPLIE$ SERIU 1

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