Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 1 Apr 1987, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1987 ARTICLESI FOR SALE ORIGINAL SIGNED'PHOTOGRAPHS trames & maits for sale. Excellent prîces. Caîl Susan at 655-8896. SOLID OAK PEDESTAL table with 4 chairs, 2 leaves, new, must sel $1200. 282-0959. BUILDINGS - SPECIAL clearance 20'x24'-$2400; 24'x24'-$2700; 28'x36'- $3900; 32'x36'-$4400; 36'x48'-$6500; 40'x60'-$8200. Cail 985-7930. EVER WANTED A TITLE? Become a Scottish Laird. Souvenier Land now available. Handsome land deeds bestowlng the titie Laird on owner. A' unique gift $1 3.95. 666-1226. TREES, SHRUBS for sale. Maple, forsythia, cedar, peonies, lilac $3.00 ea. Rhubarb, Iris, týorseraddish $1.00 ea. Strawberry, raspberry, 3 year asparagus 50s ea. Colorado Spruce $1 0.00 & Up. 655-4525. 1121 THICK, qullted vinyl, sand colour, two sectional cover for 1982 or 83 GMC short box $35. 668-6126. EXCITING NEW GUIDEBOOKI Easy to follow. Turn your artwork into CASH! Popularityl Details, Hofer Publlshing, 719-Ai MoPherson Ave., Saskatoon, Sask. S7N 0X9. NORTHERN FOOD TREES. OId fashioned appIe',' pears, apricots, nut trees, shrubs, evergreens, seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prices. Catalogue $1. Golden Bough Tree Farm, Marlbank, Ont. KOK 2L0. No phone. EVINRUDE OUTBOARDS - factory clearance; 1986 - 9.9 H.P. $1,299. 1985 Evinrude 90 H.P. brand new original factory carton, from $3,999. Caîl Klngs Marina, Box 98, Fenelon Fals, KOM 1iNO (705) 887-3321. USED DESKS, files, storage cabinets, stacking, office chairs, steel adjustable -shelving, store displays, Blairs New & Used, 21 Alex Ave., Woodbridge, Phone (416) 851- 8100. Near Hwy. 7 & 400. Mon.-Fri. 9- 5. Saturday 10-1. OUT 0F PRINT & Rare Books, Pam- phlets & other EPHEMERA. Catalogues issued. ANDOR HOUSE, Box 235, Teeswater, Ontario NOG 280. ARTICLES. (9y. FOR SALE1 $$ SACRIFICE SACRIFICE $$ Buildings priced for Immediate liquidation. Al Items ln -stock. 28x40x14 $3,996, 40x6Oxl4 $6,500, 46x80x14 $9,250, 70x9Ox24 $21,789. Varlous sîzes available up to 120' wlde. Factory direct clearance. Serous buyers only. Ail buildings priced for immediate delivery. Cali Toli free 1-800-387-2115 or (416) 858- 2446. EXERCISER $60; antique radio $50; electric chain saw, 10 Inch $40; an- tique dentist's drill (treadie type) with accessories $60. Ph. 683-2166. WATER PROBLEMS? Introducing New Technology for treating wells & cIsterns, offering source to faucet protection 'throughout entire water system. Rusty ... Smelly ... Bad Tastlng... Water, bacteria, staining, and more. No SaIt or Messy Chemicais...maintenance f ree. See resuits for yourself with our 6- Month triai offer. Cali now tolif ree 1- 800-387-3423 or write Aztec Water Purification Systems, 6380 Tomnkin Rd., Unit 5, Mississauga, Ont. LST 1 K2. Area code 807 caîl 1-416-672- 2300 (collect). MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS: Work shirts $2.75, Work pants $3.50, work boots $15. Send $2 for catalogue (reimbursement lst or- der).'Military Surplus, Box 243, St. Timothee, Quebec. JOS iXO. CHESTERFIELD suites, loveseats, sectionals, less than hait price. Large selection. Mc Keen Furmit ure, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725- 5181. EARN 15% PER YR. ln US. Dollars. Guaranteed! By way of leasing Marine Cargo Containers. RetalIin- corne - 5 marine Cargo Containers pay $2,325 per year, 10 pay $4,650 per year, 25 pay $1 1,625. Length of lease is up to 15 years (5 Year in- crements). Minimum investment $3,100. Ail above ln U.S. dollars. Ask about our Capital Appreclation program. Cali (416) 368-3585. Write: Pacific Rim Container Sales Ltd., 2nd Floor, 33 Yonge St., Toronto M5E 1S9. Please check your advertisement for errors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space oCCupied by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject ail advertisements. PRE-PAID (cash, VISA, cheque received before deadiine) $5 for 25 words; 12o each additional word BILLED $7.50 for 25 words; 15ç~ each additional word AUCTIONSIAN NOUNCEMENTS 65o per agate 1 ine (14 agate. uines per i nch) minimum charge $5 pre-paid, $7.50 billed DISPLAYICLASSI FIED 700 per agate 1 ine (14 agate 1 ines per i nch) DEADLINE Monday nmon prior to Wednesday publication. 411,1£ -sâgb,~p~ NSUPPLIES HOMS ______________ _FOR SL MANUFACTURER'S CLEARANCE LARGEST INVENTORY IN EASTERN ONTARIO VINYL SIDINO 8 Colours, avallable, from ...62.99 ALUMINUM STORM DORS Over 1000 ln stock ln 5 colours, 1 5.9 fron...................... y AGRICULTURAL & COMMERCIAL STEEL Rooflng and slding, 30 ga. galv.. . 709 In stock only ALUMINUM REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Over 200 ln stock, varlous sizes, from69 ALUMINUM SOFFIT Whte (18"xl2'x6') ............ 14.9' ALUMINUM PATIO DOORS Double-glazed cMIlc approved (white or brown), from ......39' ALU MINUM EXTENSION LADDERS Over 2W ln stock from ..... 59 0"e Wm. BIGFORD ALUMINUM R. Ri. 3 UdghtoOnt. Mo(8r.<13) 4750521e1 HOUSEIIOLDI REPRODUCTION Pine Corner Cup- board with Ieaded glass doors. Ap- prox. 6'7" high x 3'9" wlde. Asklng $850. Ph. 668-6549. OAK DINING SUITE, pedestal table, 2 leaves, 4 chairs, buffet & hutch, new, paid $3600 - seil $1700. 282- 0959. MATTRESSES and box springs at haîf price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Slmcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. FOR SALE, stove & f rig $500; dryer $150; portable T.V. (Quazar il) $150 or b.o. Cail atter 7 pm. 655-3729. BEDROOM SUITE, 3-pce. Vanity wlth 6 smail drawers and round mirror, chest, double bed, walnut, waterfall design, $250. Ph. 668-2207. f~ WANTED TOI BUY/RENTI OLD POCKET TOBACCO TINS, paying $200. & up. Example - Master Mason, 3 Strikes, Ty Cobb, Torpedo, Gold Dust, Taxi, Big Ben. Aiso other !inte resting tins. Paying same price for plastic Air-King, Temnperdios-41-6-65) COUNTRY LIVING IN PICKERING. Cosy 2 storey, renovated century schoolhouse on ½/-acre lot, 2 bdrm., large living/dining area, new.garage, new woodstove, close to commuter train. $1 69,900. 655-4059. I AM A PRIVATE SALE ln desirable Regency Village. Top of the uine model inciudilng 4 bedroom, en-suite waik-in closet, main floor Iaundry & family room, greenhouse kitchen, 21/ baths, double car garage and on top of ail amenities. Only $179,900. Cali my owners at 666-3776. COTTAGESI ~~ FOR RIENT WATERFRONT, 3 bedroom cottage Juiy andior August. Aiso short term 2 and 3 bedroom avail. The Pines Cottages, Cameron Lake. Phone 655- 3839. APARTENTS CONDOS FOR RENTI PICKERING VILLAGE. Large 3 bedroom apartment for rent. Please cali for appoint ment. 683-4160. References required. LARGE 2 BEDROOM basement waik-out apartment ln quiet home. Ample parking, utilities Included. $525/month. ist & Iast. Fridge, stove & carpet. Available April i. After 5 655-8830. WANTEDI r To Reach a Wider Market Advertise throughout the regional membership of the Ontario and Canadian Community Newspaper Associations. Example: Central Ontario All Ontario Ail Canada 49 newspapers 185 newspapers 555 newspapers For further information please calîl: 64 h.. $120 for 25 words $225 for 25 words $718 for 25 words MARTY BYKERK For an explanation of our Home Marketing Plan and FREE EVALUATION cal: Off: 576-5544 Res: 655-3410 40 KING W. OSHAWA u LEPAGE - Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd.. Realtor 38*6111 . mmumq AUTOMOBILESI FOR SALE1 1977 MONZA hatchback, for parts. Good doors, fenders, 305 2BI with 4- speed, and posi rear end, also 4 cyl. 2BTI with 4-speed. Cali Greg 655- 4455. 1979 FORD LT D, 4-door, $2,000 cert. Cali Jlm 723-4937 days, 434-5268 evenings. 1986 CHEVY NOVA. Lady drîven, 1 owner, automatic, many extras, red exterlor wlth grey & black Interior. $11,500 cert If led. 666-1631. -1984 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX LE, air condltionlng, pw, very good con- dition. Cali 416-786-2549 after 6 pm. 1979 FORD FAIRMONT. station- wagon $2,000 cert., $1,500 uncer- tif led. Ph. 668-7995 or 427-8971 before 5 p.m. Ask for JIm. 1977 NOVA, Ai motor, new springs, exhaust-& brakes, ps, pb, needs a lit- tie body work. $750 as Is. 668-4549. 1977 FORD GRANADA. As le $500. Cal 668-0505 after 4 p.m. SHARED ACCOMMODATIONSI WHITBY - Large, dlean 2 bedroom, plus den apartment -avallable to share for female- non-smoker. Phone 430-0812. FiŽICHILO GARE I!" ~ SERVICESI RESPONSIBLE energetic young mother offering fuil-time and before and after school day care ln her Brooklin home. Please cali 655-8706 at ter 5 p.m. TRAVEL I SERVICESI ST. LAWRENCE RIVER CRUISES. Romantic cities, the world-famous 1000 Islands, the remarkable Inter- national Seaway & locks, Upper Canada Village, spectacular shorelines & more. Spend three or f ive nights aboard the elegant crulse vessel Canadian Empress. Dlal-a- brochure 1-800-267-0960 toi1 f ree. 5 Days of SPECTACULAR SCENERY cruising Rideau or Trent-Severn Waterways on comfortable cruise ship KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR. Write Ontario Waterway Cruises, Box 1540 Peterborough. K9J 7H7.

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