PAGE 10, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1M8 Region and-church enter into group hume agreement Durham Reglon bas entered into a purchase-of-service agreement with Ail Saints Anglican Churcb for ..- group home for ex-psychiatric patients in Whitby. The home, at 316 Coiborne St., can accommodate eigbt residents at one time as weil as serve as a drop-in centre. Garry Cubitt, com- missioner of social services for the region, said i a report that the borne would belp address the problem of lack of accommodation for patients. He said there is. a need for more than 100 supervlsedý beds or ex- psychiatric patients requiring 24- bour supervision. Board'and"lodging at tbe home is $26 per day. Counselling fees are $25 per hour. The total contract bas been estimated at $171,080, for a year beginning April 1, 1987. The Region's sbare would be $34,216 as fundig. Revised site plan needed Whitby's administrative commit- tee has asked for a revised site plan for an application to convert a Kent St. home to provide five additional dwefling units. Planning department recom- mended the revision to ailow the applicant,. Harry Saroyan, to make the site plan conform te converted dweiling zone provisions. The current site plan would alter tbe dweiling beyond tbe established sideya'd. That alteration is not permitted under the residential (RO) zoning bylaw for the preperty, at 206 Kenit St. SAMUEJL POLLOCK 'r .Samuel Pollock of Whltby bas been named as the new bisbop of tbe Cburcb of Latter Day Saints in Ajax. He -succeeds William Hoît, bishop since 1982 of the Pickering ward. Bisbop Pollock and wife Katbryn moved to Wbitby from, Califorîna last' October.. He became plant manager of Keysor Polymners Ltd. of Ajax wben the company underwent a reorganization. Bisbop Pollock will oversee a proposed 54,000 sq. ft. addition te tbe cburcb, located on Cburcb St. in Ajax. He bas named Donald McVeity as first counseilor and Andrew Rattray as second counseilor. Pollock named Latte Day Saints "bishop Hotel plans proceeding The first step in making the newly proposed botel for Wbitby a reality bas begun as a rezoning ap- plication has been filed witb the Town. The application by Don Rogers, owner of Signet Signs in Wliitby, has requested that the la *nd for the botel, te be located in the Tbickson Rd. S./401 area, be rezoned fromn 'Ml' industrial to prestige in- dustrial. The new zoning would allow the botel te be built in the area. The $7.5-million hotel is a joint venture between Don and Bey Rogers and Stonat, a Toronto-based company headed by former Toron- to Argonaut centre, Norman Stoneburgb. The tentative date for completion is early 1988. Letter FROM PAGE 6 B 8 elementary scbool which takes 5- 8 8 year-olds into kindergarten, and nine long years later graduate Our Reg. teenagers wbo bave lost mucb of 3.9 the incentive to learn, but know al about alcohol, drugs, cigarettes yT and sex. A reduction to six elementary O R and five high scho grades, With al job-related courses abolisbed, would enable average students to selected graduate frol?1 bigh scbool at age home or 16, with a reasonable degree of farieties, literacy and matbematics. Ail ji Trees, 3, Peace graduating students sbould then & LL bave the option of entering com- 83 munity coilege, or equivalent, at no costs, where they would undergo 3 real vocational training for up to Our eg. three years, or a two-year pre- 24re.9 university course designed to meet 299 the requirements of those in- stitutions. School boards would im- mediately regain 25 per cent of their elementary classrooms; ns wilh a reduce the need for more scbools, unded by E13 Brght icluding expensive vocational Ier. white scbools and the bated portables; 4put students into high scbool before the magic teens and emotional r eg problems -of pbry rdc h 8.99 acrimonieus Uiebate over Catbolic funding; and free up millions of tax dollars te expand tbe colleges and universities. .-9:OOpm. Education cannot be stuffed m..6:OOp down young throats. Whether or net 2,1987 scbooî-îeaving age is raised te! age 18 as suggested in Ken Dryden's report, the exciting prospect of college would previde the incentive for a bigb percentage te graduate and enter post-secendary schools. Ours is a wealthy country, but we can ne longer afford te squander the talents of se many of our yeung people, nor deny them a meaningful future. And finaily, tbe federal government must net be ailowed te bide bebind "provicial rights" as an excuse for inaction in d. devising a national policy on Yours sincerely, J.D. Oldfield ................................................................ ,Wldthy Nuke power:, Is it safe?9 'Nuclear Power: Is it Safe9. will be the topic for debate between Norm Rubmn of Energy Probe and Dr. Tom Drolet of Ontario HYdro Mardi il iOshawa. Rubin, well known for bis3 criticism of Hydre operations,. is the director of Nuclear Research for Energy Probe in Toronto. .Dr. Drolet has worked in al aspects of Ontario Hydro's operations from the operatmng stations (Pickering),- from* the radioactive waste man agement program to the research deper- tment. There wiJi be question and an- swer period. The public is invited to attend. The event wil take place i the auditorium of the McLaugjili Public Library at 8 p.m. March 11. 1