Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 Feb 1987, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18,1987 ARICESIj~ ARTICLES GRGEI HOUSEHLOI( /I FOR SALE W FOR SALE GOt ALSiODS I w -, IlETEFELD&-ovse(9o- FIEU sngecrZmw LADIES DIAMOND) SOLITAIRE. Modern cut, britant dtamond, 1.23 carats, appraised $6500. wiiI sel $3500. 282-5128. "~MICRO FURNACE January Sale. Reduce heating costs. Get rtd of those hard to heat areas. Have heat where & when you need IL. For f ree demonstration cali 683-2638. SWIMMING POOL SALE. 1986 ln- ventory, Ingrounds, Ongrounds, Abovegrounds. Save hundreds. Limted suppty. Book early. Don't buy until you compare our guaran- teed lowest prices. (613) 547-6434, (519) 658-8221. USED STORE display racks for books and cards. Whitby Free Press 668-6111. $$$ SACRIFICE SACRIFICE $$$ Buildings prtced for immediate liquidation. AtlItems ln stock. 28x40x 14 $3,996, 40x6Oxl4 $6,500, 46x80x14 $9,250, 70x9Ox24 $21 ,789. Vartous sizes avalabte up to 120 ft. wlde. Factory direct clearance. Sertous buyers only. Ail buildings priced for Immediate delivery cal toîl f ree 1-800-387-2115 or (416) 858- 2446. COMMADOR VIC2O, 12 string Ibanez gutar with case. 725-1303. WATER PROBLEMS? lntroducing New Technotogy for treating wells and cisterns, offering source to faucet protection throughout entire water system. Rusty ... Smeliy ... Bad Tasting...Water, bacteria, staining, and more. No Sait or Messy Chemicals ... mainltenlance f ree. See the resuits for yourseif with our 6- month trial offer. Cati now toit f ree 1- 800-268-2656 or write Aztec Water Purification Systems, 203 - 1030 Kamnato Rd., Mississauga, Ont., L4W 4B6. Area code 807 cali 1-416-624- 4344 (coliect). MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS: Workshirts $2.75, workpants $3.50, workboots $15. For catatog, send $2 (reimbursed f irst order): Miitary Surplus, Box 243, St. Timthee, Que. Jos ixo. SUPER CHIF Now availabte. Receive HBO, Showtime, Movie Channel, Ec- stasy, Chip - $300, Decodes - $896, Receiver $125, LNB $99. (604) 873-3295. F.M. Satellite Corp., 837 West 7th Ave., Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 1 C2. MIRACLE SPAN INTERNATIONAL Equipment Show Speciats for February only. Example 25x32 $2,967; 32x34, 40x42 $4,871; 46x90 $9,887; 70x120 $27,887. Other sizes available. Cali toli f ree 1-800-387- 4910. Port Perry Pet Shop Durham Region's Largest Pet Shop WINTERq BLUES AQUARIUM SALE.! ~ FEBRUARY 1-28 COMPARE ANYWHERE 16" (approx- 5 U.S. GAL.) 20" (approx. 10 U.S. GAL) 24" (approx. 15 U.S. GAL.) 30" (approx. 30 U.S. GAL.) 36" (approx. 32 U.S. GAL.) ON LY siodo ON LY $14-00 ON LY $1 8.00 ONLY $37-00 ONLY $41 .00 aquariumLarge sizes ln stock too! Put somne colour back. in a grey winter with. a flashtng tropical fish. tank. QUALITY AQUARIUM Supplies by mail now available In Canada. Detailed catalogue (120 pages) $3.50 Includes postage. Calgary Aquarium Suppty, Box 366, Station G, Calgary T3A 2G3. STEEL BUILDINGS Haif Price Sale. Buy one building at regular price and get double length for 500/ more. Phone Pioneer/Econospan 1-800- 387-6896 or (416) 678-1585. NORTHERN FOOD TREES. Old fashioned apple, pear, apricot, nut trees, shrubs, evergreens, seediings. Guaanteed deiivery. Reasonable prices. Catalogue $1. Golden Bough Tree Farm, Marlbank, Ont. KOK 2L0. No Phone. SPRING IS COMING' Gardeners - Everything you need 15 here. Over 3,000 products! 1000W Halide $179. Greenhouses $149. Everything for the greenhouse and hydroponic gardener at incredibly low prices. Send $2 for info-pack: Western Water Famms, 1244 Seymour Street, Vancouver, B.C. V613 3N9. (604) 682- 6636. HOBBIT 'HUNT - Beautiful books for children needs Consultants for presentations, homes, day-cames, schooîs. Your hours, highest com- mnissions- Home-makers, teachers - Cati collect (416) 283-5702. 1011 TABLE SAW Spectal Delta 10" motorized table saw with stand ready to un. 1 H.P. 3 DADO and ln- sert. 2-Year Warranty. Model 34090AS. Speciai price $599. Sid Tatham Woodworks, Woodstock, Ontamio. N4S 7V7. (519) 537-2660. USED DESKS, FILES, Storage Cabinets, Stacking, Office Chairs, Steel adjustable sflving, store displays. Btair's New & Used, 21 Alex Ave., Woodbridge. Phone (416) 851-8100. Near Hwy. 7 & 400. Mon.- Fmi. 9-5, Sat. 10-1. PRECIOUS MOMENTS FIGURINES. 275 different figurines, plates, or- naments (some dlscontinued). Save 17% to 27%. Send SASE for com- plete ist to The Homestead, 3905 Route 147, Lennoxvii1le, PQ. J 1M 2A3 or tetephone between 7-8 a.m. when ates are cheapest. Quebec's largest collectible store featuring coîlector plates, figurines, wildlife prints at discount pices. ( SKI SUPPLIESI (Z FO SALE DOWNHILL SKIS, 170 cm, Fischer. $49. 683-6638. A BASEMENT SALE. 7 pm-9 pmn on Fmi. Feb. 20 only. Appointments only 6 pm-7 pm. Tools, colectibles and junk. 668-3796. WANTEI1TO BUY/RENTI OLD WRISTWATCHES WANTED, Any make - mens only. One-or one hundred. Old ROLEX wrtstwatches wanted. Also wanted Eatons "Quar- ter Century" sq. wristwatches (25 year service). Will pay $750 up for this watch. Wlil also buy straps, crystals, parts, etc. for otd wristwat- ches. (416) 365-7240 or write B. Walsh, 172 Queen St. E., Toronto, Ont. M5A 1S2. WANTED: 1 will pay up to $150 CASH for 1940's ADDISON 2-Colour Plastic Radios. Cali (519) 647-2033 or write Don Ellis, R.R. 2, Lynden, Ontario. LOR MT. WANTED. Good used' building mateials of ail types. Garage doors, windows, lumber, plywood, concrete blocks, roof trusses, f loescent lights, fuse panels, and anything related to the building industmy. Call 655-8966. Will pay Instant cash. WANTED. A good steady supply of hardwood Iogs or trees suitable for cutting and splitting into f iewood. 655-8966. WILL PAY CASH for any pick-up truck, egadless of colour, breéd or condition. 655-8966. REWARD $150 paid for Addison Two-Coiour plastic radios. Sorry, none needed with white plastic. Cal collect (416) 641-1420. DOWNHILL ski equipment, ladies boot sizes 9 & 7, boys boot size 5, girls boot sizes 1 & 2. Also skis, poles & bindings. 655-3563.. EXECUTIVE transferred. Requîmes short-term accommodation ln Whit- by until mid-summer. 1 bdrm. w/kit- chen prefemred. References 1-613- 833-3377 at ter 6 p m. Helpyu eatFn Help your'Heart Fn To seli the small items that you thought weren't worth advertising. *Items must seil for Iess than $50 -price must be temporary, dark bugandy vetour $450, new or dark bugandy vetour sectionat, new $450. 282-5128. MATTRESSES and box springs at haif price. McKeen FurnIture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. CHESTERFIELD suites, loveseats, sectionals, Iess than haîf price. Large selection. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725- 5181. KITCHEN TABLE with 4 chairs, leaf, burgandy & pinks $300. 282-5128. PINE BEDROOM suite, 6-drawer dresser, hutch hirror, armoire, night stand, waterbed with bookçcase headboard $750. 282-5128. WATERBED, new, complete $165. 282-5128. OAK TABLE with 4 chairs, $950. 2 months old. Also buffet & hutch. WIII seil separately. 282-5128. OAK BEDROOM suite, dresser, wing mirmor, cannonball headboard, 2 ntght stands, hi-chest $1800. 282- 5128. WASHERIDRYER, $350. Washer 1 year oid, used twice. Dryer 8 years old. 668-1436., SKLAR chesterfield & chair. Clean, good condition. $125. 666-2531. hardwood $65 sîngle cord. Free delivery. F111 your trunk for opily $25. 655-8966. MIXED HARDWOOD LOGIS foeý f irewood. Double ioads - 12 cord. Mermili Barry (705) 754-2258. West Guilford. APARTMENTS/I CONDOS FUR RENTI ONE BEDROOMf apartment tlIt les & appliances included. $475lmonth. lst & last required. Available im- mediately. Phone Stu at 668-9444 or Ray 723-5444. ~ FO RENT WHITBY, near Palmerston School, brand new 3 bdrm., 3 baths, garage, ail appliances, $lOOOImonth. 1-484- 6021. (EDUCATIONALI Please check your advertisement for errors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the tight to classify or reject ail advertisements. PRE-PAID (cash, VISA, cheque received before deadIine) $5 for 25 words; 1 2o each additional word rý BILLED $7.50 for 25 words; i15e each additional word AUCTIONSIANNOUINCEMENTS 65e. per agate line (14 agate lines per Inch) minimum charge $5 pre-paid, $7.50 billed DISPLAYICLASSIFIED 70o per agate uine (14 agate uines per inch) DEADLIN E Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. J To Reach a Wider Market Advertise throughout the regional membership of the Ontario and Canadian Community Newspaper Associations. Example: Ail Ontario Ali Canada 180 newspapers 532 newspapers $95 for 25 words $698 for 25 wo rds For further information please calil: 1 668-6111 lul 4'

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