Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 21 Jan 1987, p. 22

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WmRITY FREE PRESS9 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21,-1987PAE2 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ I AD~ SERVCES USINSS EP NEP NEP AUTION, ýA3 T1ON0 OPOTNTE ATDWANTED WANTED ~ ii ! £~~~CEWl BUSINESS eLPHL IL HANDYMAN avallabie, emnali 196 OMO CHIP TRUCK. FuIIyANIU CIOORLMEN repaire, altertions and ineide equlpped - three fryers, frldge, LV.NEXPIRIENCED HOE-HLE ST A. 4A.1A.2 painting. Cali66M8434. freezer, 3 sInke, etc. Large £IfI5U1U8*re ____________ awning. Can be viewed anytime. HMMKR Are you a mature il A.M. IOA.M. SECRETARIAL SERVICES. $8,5 00.fim. Cei 655 966l . equire d r e tyN e ed u g nl o erson interested ln Presented by M ac nnon AT ORVAL M LEAN Typ ng, telephone answering etc. fo_____il________ nmfmaonil e vrv MAL ODE Pors en~ orpositions ln the private Care ln Ajax- Ororkngwtha AutanSrvcs ed t AUCTION CENTRE, MAILn . - -ROITSc .b nrofessloriaI nur- KAHN Auctori Barn-. LINDSAY. Large sale f reasonebie rates. Cali 6554966. TREE REMOVAL SERVICE. We MIieut down oid and dangerous trees et vesy reesonabie pricea. Oelil Paul 655e96. Free estîmates. PAPERHANGINQ & Febrtc Wal with e feminine touch. 10 yeers experlence, free estimetes. Pmofeseional lob et reesonabie rates. COeil579-6422. UATrHiJB REFINISHîNO. i wlii corne into your home and comn pietely refinish your bathtubs & sinka, restoring them back to a botter thon new condition In any coicur with a six (6) year guaran- tee for ds littie as oniy $27500. Oei l Dan 655-886. EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS wil 50w garments endlor do aiterations. Reasonabie rates. Ph. 668-708. NEED ANY TYPINO done? Wlli correct spellng and grammar. Ph. 6684706. PART-TIME female worker seeka work evaning and weakends. Ph. 668-708. CAREEE1 TRANING 'A CÀREER IN TRUcKING. Tran- sport drivers needed. Now la'tha ime to trein for your ClauseA license. For pre-screening Inter- view and job placement Infor- mation, contact Mary Orrs Tran- sport Driver Training, Brampton i-800-265-1260. uNEMPLcIYED? The iJnem- ployed Heip Contre cen essiat wlth: Empicoyment Counsaltlng, Resumes, Unemptoymeni In- surence, Workers' Compen- sation, O.H.i.P. and weifere In- formation, or criais refarrets 10 otheragancies. Cait 579-1821. FREE. 1986 guide 10 study-at- home correspondance Diptomna courses for prestiglous careers: Accouniing, Air condiloning, Bookkeeplng, Business, C osmetotogy, Electronica, Legel/Mediel Secretary, Psychology, Travel, Granton (SA) 263 Adeleide West, Toronto, 1- 800-268.1121. BECOME AN AucTIONEER. 85 hours of instruction. Next clas March 14-2st. Contact South- western Ontario School of Auc- tloneerlng, PO. Box 145,* in- nerilp, Ont. NOJ iMO (519) 469. 3936,.(519) 537-2115. EARN MONEYI Save Moneyt Lea-nIncome Tex preparetion, ai home. For free brochure write: U & R Tex Schoois, 1345 Pembins Hwy.. Winnpeg, MB FUT 2B6. No obligation. f q ~ a à à l4I8~~~ **~ youma without experlenco or blg Investment of time or money. Ex- citing progrem gels you sterted fasti Free detalis write: Jemie Fischer, 4036 Brtît Oourt, Burington, Ontarto LX7LiZ9. OVERWEIGHT? M-L DIstributors wented. 100% ail naturel Canadien product. A sclenttflc break-through. No dietingi Ground floor opportunîtyl Fiavoured liquid beverage taken et bedtlme. Rush $4995 onte month's eupply. Cheque, M.O. or Visa (number & expiry date). Send for Information package or cail Steward Sherwood, House Of Sherwood. 497 Main St. E., Hamilton, Ont. LON 118. 1-4416) 522-334. Estabiished since 1962. MANUFACTURER of Diverified lina of Casuel Living Home Products ls offering deetership rights to a select ratait outlet In your ares. if you operate a suc- cessful consumer product reiated store and have 400 sq. fi. evaliabie, our quality producte wili be vsry profitable. Oredit worthlness & salies abtlity a muet. Professionel Point-of-Saie Adver- tisin-g provided. lvetment of $4000 for fioor displeye. Contact Doug Oourtney, CasueliIn- dustries Inc. Box 616, Grand Bond, Ont. NOM iTO 519) 238- 2110. LEASE TO OWN your own business equlpment. Ooffee Shop $245 par month; sub shop $295; Pizza business $595; Del Store $695; veriety Store $695; Grocery Store $795; 40-seat Restaurant $948. Installation, deiivery .& taxes extra. 30 day limit. rctic Refrigeration & Equlpmant, Estebished 1945. Phono Hamilton (416) 528-8528; Toronto (416) 283-2600. BEER à, WINE Distrtbutorship. No seling rsquirad. Canadien compsny sa Intarviewlng and selecting ditrîbutors for beerlwine products. Company wiii place producis ln ratail outlat, distributor wiil service outiets regulsrly. Each location required $800. You msy contact for 5 to 25 locations. Company provIdes consultation, Inventory. Ail locations secured by con- tract. For appointmant Oelil1 (403) 295-8293. EARN MONEY processing mail. Deteils, send self-addressed, stemped envelope 10: C.R. Burridge Assocites, 401 Wen- tworth St. W., Unit 31, Oshawa, Ont. LJJ . UNLIM«ITED INCOME. Joîn aur mail order program, work et home. For more Information send $1.00~ for postage and handllng to J & E Entorprise, Box 39-P, Station M, Toronto, MOS 4T2. E~TDNTOAL SERVICES *"GRAMMER for people who hate gremmer"' le the ideai pooket reference- book for business people. $3.95 par copy end availabta et Dickson Printing & office Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Deaer inquiries Invited 683-1968. ~N~EMETS CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcomning merriage. Pisase appolntment please Cali COMMAE 5.501 THE NUMBER ONE Educetional company hes openinga for for- mer Teechers, Principals, Superîntendents to Introduce dynsmnlc new reeding progrem 10 schooi administrators. No saiiing lnvolved - exclusive echool essignments. Reception 10 progrem hes exceeded, expac- tations. Work 4-5 hours par day during the achoot year. If ln- terested In exciting, personeliy rewarding financiel opportunity, servlng the educational 'com- munity, celi for personel Inter- view. London area 519) 657- 1891.- Other arae (416) 624-5774. RELIABLE bebysîtter required, my home, Wed.-Fri. Bam-5pm. Gardon & Bradley. Non-smokar. References required. 668-9759 et- ter 6pm. TAX PREPARIERS requIred for Whltby, Pickering & Ajax for tex season. Experience preferred. For detalla cati colect 0-416-27- 1455 TAX TIME SERVICES. -Training providied. Please. cali COMOARE' 571-3501 EXPERIENCED, reliabie babaysit- ter for one child In our home near the Cantanniai Building. March 20 - Juna 30. Mon.-Fri . 8 am - 5:30 pm. Referencas required. PMesse catil before 5 Pm. 666-1603. LEGAL SECRETARY required for Whltby iaw firm, commencing February 1, 1987. General Prec- tics. . Pisase send resume 10: Robert J.M. Snieii, Law Office, At- tn: Ms. Netalie Fraser, 185 Brock St. N., Suite 209, Whitby. Ont. Li N 4H3. MA CHERIE Home Feshion Shows. Est. 1975. Join our suc- ceseful femiiy of Independent representatIves ln prasentIng quelity lingerie and leisurewaar et In-Home parties for women. Cai tolifree et 1-800-263-9183. TRUdCINO CAREERS. Driver job training wlth pacement hetp la avattable. Complate datails cen be maiied 10 you. Phone Rodgers Schoot et (416) 769-3546 with Postai Coda. TeDr. J.O. Ruddy General Hospital htyhs Gormmdeopn t ree ccuian.Th n diiulWltby, co rtalo o h a-ody cnrL iN 5couT2 npyladbsns f sing service provldlng meal preparatiort, cean- Ing and other househald duties for aur clients? Ap- plicants should be willing ta par- tIcIpate Iný a 3-day training course & orientation & be avaliable to work a variety of shifts. For appointment please cal COMMAE 571-3501 TjENDR_ GENERAL CONTRACTORS Tenders are Invited ta Repair Washrooms at the Psychiatric Hosp- ital, WH ITBY, Ont. TENDER ORI-86-270 >Sealed Tenders will be received until 2:00 p.m. Local time on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5,1987. tender Documents may' be obtalned tram the Ontario Ministry of Gaver- niment Services, Orillia District Of- fice, 24 James St. E, P.O. Box 790, Orillia, Ontario. L3V 6K7. Note: For further in- formation regarding the Tenders, please ,cal I the Tenders Of' f ice -at the above. address, telephone (705) 325-7403. The lawest or any Tender not necessarily accep- ted. FOR SALE] LARGE?7 ROOM brick house with large sunporch, back kitchen and attached garage. Corner lot, 1 block f rom shopping ln vilage of Canningion. $91,5wo. Cati 705- 432-2652 for appointment oniy. Evenings and week-ends. No agents pmase. MIYRTLE AREA, 2 bedrooni,eise- tric heat, frig a stove. $450 per I miles north of Hwy. 401, Exit 399. lncluded ln this sale are ln WALNUT: 9- piece diningraom suite, Gibbard tea wagon, secretary desk, pie crut table, china cabinet, 2-, tier parior table, 5-piece Victorian settee set, Vic- torian sofa, selection of gramaphanes Including an Edison cylinder, piano bench, plana stool. in OAK: an 8 ft. banquet table, buffet with mirror, round dining, table, stacking bookoase, china. cabinet, 4 diningroom chairs, dressers, large rocking chairs. PINE: A hall stand, aval dining table, dry sink,- 5-drawer bracket foot chest, 2- pce.. cupboard, war- drobe, round pedestal table, harvest table, cash register, mantie, blanket boxes, lift top commode plus 2 mahogany music stands with doors, cedar chest, 3 sets of 4 pressback chairs, press back armchairs and nur- sing rocker, early Win- dsor arm chair, 3 spin- ning wheels, 5 assorted wicker chairs, hall stand with seat, assarted drap leaf tables,. aid sleigh, wash stands, cobbler bench, weavers bench, spool bed, 6 hoop back Windsor chairs, brass cash register, leather side chairs, stain glass church window, Q.G. dlock & other dlocks, 2 aid street iam- ps, brass taps, 20 player piano rails, f ish carving set, selection of silver pieces, collection of an- tique tobacco pipes,, china selection, pressed glass & ather glass, pic- tures, baskets, cracks, decays, and sealer collection. Partial listing oniy, note: new location, preview 9 a.m. Terms: Cash, Visa or approved cheque. AUCTIONEER EARL MacKINNON 655-3526 SAT. JAN. 24 6 P.M. AT ODDFELLOWS HALL IN Part Perr on Region Road 2. Estate of MEARLE PHILLIPS tram Uxbridge who Is giving up housekeeping plus added consignmen- ts. Guelph pump organ and stool, small freezer chest, antiques include: vlew our semrplas of angreved month plus utilîtles. Firai& u sideboard dressers, "'".' '"' uW -b" wadding Invitations et your , ' ~ ' months rant. Oel 655-3504. carbteyrdo ln ol ecoe leisure ln our Ajax Pieza store. DMo - R AAPARTMENTS/ ___________ crs,attery raiaplashn tawkl e oed b DIckson Printing & Off ice Sup- wt P es CONDOS FOR RIENTNisn pl e ,T31 9 8 truR & e s ,c nk s ,a n d 2crac k s lu s e, H e oer b yt h experienced nurses WHîTBY, 3 bodroom ground S1 ! f I dehumidifier, gaod car- lomue dried prthe aids, and experien- f loor, Triplex $700 Plus. 1439- see vou'~ pets, colour TV, hand comheplasthied opert FREEumu. I eed foemkr ____7 ___72.___ do il' toals, and much mare. modern. preie , busyor - - PEARCE AUCTION "lIt sure can't be the' FREE.~ Drop imb the Dlckaon servic.1 g- SRVICEStechmology," -he said of end ffie Sppt stre. Please caîl for ap- . FRRN Printing Pa and pick u u rPYsoe lsng oiRO 55803reasons for thç plant fn re A lsa n coy plh 18 c p ointmet rnri n 7""' closure. he also lamnen- Caenar riie i wocoous C MC R FURNISHED or ' unfum nished,-L C ted the loss of a "lot of cinar meePfrndy frn ce. 571-301 renovated rOO oom K AD tc1ejobs." 683 ks-frhnd eeee 7-1968. & ieundry facilities. 430-0404. -- ------------ J *1 d niture. 1907 Renfrew double Icebox, rail top desk, church pews, pine Ilft top desks, 2 Q ueen Victoria pictures,' an-~ tique Ice creamn table and, 4 chairs, 1826 unique box- stave, new Halilian Mar-' ble-top dIning table and 8 highback oak chairs, new cannonbà ll bedroomn suite, pain- tings, hanging iamp, Î' pool table, china cabinet round oak table, rototller, snow blower, 75 jeep with blade, '76 Chev pick-up, '76 Comet, il hp riding tractar with mower and snow blower, antique dIshes. For compiete auction service cal (705>)324-2783 McLEAN.AUCTIONEERS Nimigon wants apology FROMPAGE2 Fenneil have stated that they wil not support the workers who are attem- ptingto save their jobs. Fenneil has said that the federal government should not get involved in the fight while Cureatz blamed the-- elosure on the NDP's ineffectiveness, ta have premier David Peterson do something for the workers. "'Sam Cureatzha turned his back on the workers,"i said Nimigon during the union meeting Sunday mor- ning. "luis ridiculous statements are going to haunt hlm in the next election, because I'm going ta make sure they do,"' said Nimigon. He then reminded Fenneil that he may need one of the jobs at Cadbury corne the next élection. Neither Fenneil nor Cureatz attended Sun- day's union meeting. Fenneil said he had ta:F attend another meeting. r Durham West MPP, George Ashe says he - - wil assist in any way in what is largely a federal . matter. "If I can, I shail get involved," said Ashe, who wondered if Cad- hn-~ r ,-,knuy theW hitbV THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMVENT REQUIRES ATTENDANT 1 - MAINTENANCE PART-TIME AT IROQUOIS PARK ARENA DUTIES . Must be able ta drive a Zamboni for resurfacing Ice or have reiated experience on heavy equipment. - Knowiedge of cieaning practices and techniques. . Knowledge of lce compressors would be an asset. . Other related duties as asslgned HOURS OF WORK Must be able ta work weekends and shift work. SALARY $9.13 per hr. Applications may be picked up at Iroquois Park Complex and addressed to the attention of Steve Wallace. Supervisor of Faclities. r,77Týý- ýrýe7 au MUR 0 mm 7-ZZI PAGE 22 1

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