Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Jan 1987, p. 6

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PA&GE 6 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUA.RY 14,1987 Parkig problem at seniors centr"'e Parking and building capacity are the biggest concerna at the Whitby Seniors' Activity Cen- tre, according to a Whitby parks and recreation report. The report was prepared , from discussion with the cen- tre's board of directors. They feel that the number one problein at the centre is the lack 0f parking. A survey at the centre shows that in a one- week-period, 433 seniors travelled to.the centre in their own cars. On one Wednesday, 55 seniors drove to the cen- tre located at Brôck St. S. and Burns St. There are only 31 parking spaces available. The parking problein is compounded further by résidents of the nearby GreenSt. apar- tment building and patients of the nearby medical offices who are using the parking lot to the south of the centre. Ini an effort to alleviate the problein, funds have been set aside for parking needs. In early 1987, the town wiil be looking at locations suitable for seniors parking. Another problem at the centre is the building's capacity. I 1980, the centre had 630 members. Ini 1986, membership grew to 934.* The report suggests that the increase, in membership is due to the "aging of, our population and the quality/quantity of programs offered at the centre.", Two ways to solve the capacity problein art- expansion of the present facility or the creation of a second faclty. However, the recreation departinent lias decided to wait for the resuits of the Cen- tennial . Building feasibiîity study before recommending which direction to take. Credit couselling service handled 437 cas'e's"',in 986 The Oshawa & District Credit Coun- seiling Service handled 437 cases for famiies and individuals during 1986. The service helps people who have con- cern or difficulties with their financial obligations. Some cases require only. budgeting advice or credit guidan- ce but in others the ,agency helps people set up payment arrangements through an debt payment prograin. I the debt prograin, the agency becomes the direct adininistrator of the client's payrnents to creditors. In 1985-86, the Durham Region Service helped people return $22,428 to the credit- granting community. To provide assistance, the agency first arranges a confidential appointment and com- plete assessinent of the indlvidual ' s or family's financial situation,i- cluding income, living expenses, debt amount and monthly payments, says executive director Lynn Britton. After .analysis, alter- natives are then con- sidered. The service is provided frèe of charge to those residing in Durham Region. The agency's 1985-86 annual report indicates that Oshawa residents made-up 58 per cent of the caseload. Whitby SEE PAGE 12 THE CORPORATION 01 THETOWN OFWHITBI NOTICE 0"F INTENTION The Council of the Corporation of the Town Whitby Intends to pass a by-iaw to restriot ti operation of aduit entertainiment parlours to tih area of the Town ldentified as the "subjeot are, on the foliowing location sketch. ' ht lai The area Is composed of lands zoned M-i, Restric- ted Industrial, by Zoning By-Iaw No. 1784, as amended, Iocated south of Victoria Street East, bounded on the east by the OshawlWhitby boun- dary and on the west by Thickson Road South. The Operations Committee of Council wilI meet on Wsdnesday, January 28, 1987, ai 7:30 p.m. ln the Meeting Hall of the' Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, for the purpose of hearing any person wishing to make represen- tat ion with respect to the by-law. Any person wishing to make representatlon at this meeting is asked to advise the Town Clerk accor- dingly no later than Monday, January 26, 1987. Any person wishing to make representation but who Is unable to attend the meeting can submit their written comments to the Clerk. Ail such submlssions wilI be forwarded to the Operations Commlttee for consideratlon. Copies of the draft by-law and additional Infor- mation are available by calling or writing the Clerk's Department. Donald G. McKay, Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8 _______________ Phone: (416) 668-5803 of e at 1I Peter Perry award" tickets stili available Tickets are still available for -the presen- tation of the Peter Perry Award on Jan. 23, says the Whitby Chamber of Commerce.' Tickets are $10 each and are available at, Middleton's Stationery, 113A Dundas St. W,. Seating is limited, 80 those who wish to at- tend are urged to get their tickets as soon as possible. Only a limited number 0f tickets will be available at the door on the niglit of the award presentation. The Peter Perry Award will be presented to Whitby's outstanding citizen of 1986 at the Whitby Centennial Building at 7:30 p.m. on Jan. 23. This year's award lias a special significan- ce as 1986 marks the lSOth annilversary of Peter Perry's arrivalinm Whitby. The format of the evening wiI consist of a variety show directed by Bert Heaver i the- theatre, followed by the presentation of the award and a reception for the winner upstairs in the Regal Room. Ail past Peter Perrys and members of the Perry famlly have been invited to participate in this special event to honor Whitby's out- standing citizen. March of Dimes fundraiser' The Abiity Fund, the major fundraising cam- paign of the Ontario Mardi of Dimes, began Jan. 1 and wii continue until Feb. 15. Thousands of volunteers açross the province wii raise over $400,000 to contributç towards the campaigà goal of $1,16 million: Honorary campaign chairman is the Honorable Paul Martin. January Luncheon Special 11:30a.m.-2:OOp.m. reg $5.50ý 2 for I Bring a red Dinner Special SUNDAY & MONDAY 6p.m. - 9 p.m. Choose any 2 Entrees get the Lesser for FREE We also have large Banquet facilities for special occassions. Ends Jan. 31187 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY & SATU RDAY NIGH.S. NOON HOUR FITNESS CLASSES downtown , THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY BDDD:DOFDURHAM DURHAM PUBLIC NOTICE Take notice that the Rgonai MunlcipalitY of Durham ls con- aldering AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL 0F- FICIAL PLAN The amendment, as submitted by the applicant, proposes to permit residential development on those lande which are surplus to Ontario Hydro's requlrements and where resident!al develop. ment can be consldered an appropriate and compatible use ln a Major Open Space desîignation. ln order to assiat ln the evaluation of the amendment application, the public Is lnvlted to provide Input by way of submisslons to the Region's Planning Department. Information reiated to the amendment application la avallabie In the offices of the Planning Department, 105 Consumera Drive, Whitby, Ontario LiN 6A3 or by calllng Mrs. Valerle Cranmer Planning Department, (416) 868-7731.1 Submissloni conceming the amendment application muet be forwarded to the Commissioner of Planning, at the abovenoted address, and muet be recived no later than Friday, Febru ary 13,, 1987. Please Include your address and telephone number In any sub- missions made. File No. 86-871D Marie H-ubbard Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P. Chairman, Planning Committe. Commîssionerof Planning BIiNDA'S Arîîsîic Interiors WE WISH TO THANK YOU FOR MAKIN'G 1986 AN OVERWHELMING SUCCESS. -WE INVITE YOU TOJOIN US IN OUR ANNIVERSARy SALE AND ENJOY A CUP 0F MULLED, CIDER IN A WARM VICTORIAN ATMOSPHERE. 30%O OFF KAUFMAN GEORG IAN G RACE AND KING'S OAK COLLECTIONS ALSO U PTO 50%C/ OFF on other f urnishings, Iamps, pictures, and decorative accessories SALE UNTIL JAN 31 BRENDA'S Artistic Interiors 129 KING ST. E. BOWMAN VILLE OPF-rï TUES- SAT 623-3033 Now in WHITBY, AJAX, PICKERING& PORT PERRY * CALL 436-1593 1 m 1 t -ru J 1

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