'PAGE 10 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7,1987 Oops! A youngstergoes for a sp*iliwhile skating with dad outdoors in Whitby on Saturday BETTY'S FASHIONS WINTER STOCK SALE Fo300/ o oe 50% Off SPECIAL TABLE 0F ITEMS LESS THAN STORE HOURS: vîs.tMonday - Friday Saturday 112 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY ½/ PRIC E 9:30 - 6:00 9:30 - 5:00 MErar 668-4141 WHITB-Y FABRICS .~' REGISTER NO W 0 QuiIting V CLASSES START Januaryl13187 Compete Une of fashion f abrios At Whitby Fabries We Have the Best Selection of Quilting and Smocking Supplies in Durham Region. Corne in and Talk to Margaret or Shirley. They will be Pleased to Serve You! 215 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY 668-4821 Videotape recorders are stolen Four video tape recorders and $150 cash were stolen from Video World at 965 Dundas St. W. on the weekend. Durham Regionai Police report entry was gained to the store by entering a ' Vacant store next door. Once inside, dry walt was kicked in to gain access to the video store. YOU ARE1 IF YOU: C aptains needed for heart camIpaign The Whitby chapter of the Hleart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario needs volunteer cap- tains for the February campaign. A captain is- respon- sible for: recruiting and training canvassers; receiving and distributing supplies from zone leaders and instructing canvassers; receiving donations coilected from. can- vassers;\ makmng a* deposit. of donations to the bank; coilecting and returning ail unused materials, as well as receipt books. The greatest area of need is Dundas St. W., to Bowman Ave., Frederick St. to Ander- son St., A captain is required to oversee the 12 canvaSsers, for this area. Anyone imterested in becoming a ' volunteer shouid contact Jili Cameron (668-1829) or Jim Gartshore, president of the WhitbY chapter (668-322q) New rent control law a small -step: Cochren "The new rent control iaw effective January 1, 1987, is a small step toward creating a climate of investor con- fidence in the rentai market place", says Tom Cochren, president of the Ontario Home Builders' Association (OHBA). He noted, however, that Ontario remains with the toughest rules'amongst Canada' s six rent- controlled provinces. He added:. "Rent con- trois have existed in this province since 1975 and their price has been one of disinvestment, scar- city, deterioration in the rental stock and massive public costs. " The present apar- tment vacancy rate of 0.3 percent or iess in severai mnajor centres (with a 0.1 per cent rate in the Toronto area) refleets the current ren- tai housing crisis. The OHBA president noted AT NOMINATION MEETING. ENTITLED TO VOTE ON FEB. 11,1987 *ARE A PAID-UP MEMBER BY JAN. 20 *ARE AT LEASI 14 YEARS 0F AGE oRESIDE WITHIN DURHAM CENIRE INFORMATION AND CaII9-5 728-8611 Evenings 433-8643 MEMBERSHIPS 571-3505 728-2395 b i ~ & that most housing ex- perts consider apar- tment rentai vacancy rates of 3 to 4 per cent to be normal. "i congratulate members of the Ontario Fair Rentai Policy Organization, the- On- tario Rentai Advisory Committee and in par- ticular OHBA vice president John Basset, ail of whom played pivotaI roies in the deveiopment of this legisiation" stated Cochren. The- Ontario Home Builders' Association is the voice of the residen- tial construction in- dustry in Ontario. It represents. more than 2.500 firrns. Committee approves multi-way stop. A multi-way stop sigu only instail three stop for the intersection of signs. A fourth, wil Glen Hlili Drive/Wood later be installed once Dr. and Nichol Ave, bas Nichol Ave, bas been ex- operations committee. The request for the stop sign was made by residents. of the area who compiained about poor sight lines. The Town will now tended towards Hopkins. (It is n ow a dead end just west of the intersection.) Council wiii vote on the recommendation Monday. Jehovah's Witnesses gather iNorval, Members of the local conigregation of Jehovah's Witnesses were among the 1,824 assembled in Norval recently for a program of Bible instruction. 'This gathering was one of nine similar assem- buies heid each weekend across Canada. The highiight of the assembly was the bap- tism of 26 new Wit- nesses. In the public address on Sunday, W. Peacock, district overseer of' the Witnesses for Southern Ontario, examined the question: "Acts of God - What Are They? " FROM PAGE 3 100 beds private. There are now eight private beds. "At least if we go to this extent, we'Il be providing them with dignity, " said Whitby councillor Tom EdWar- ds. There are now 189 residents at the faiity in which ail 223 beds are for residential care. Fairview renovation NWDY- NEWLCTO momm