Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Dec 1986, p. 7

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WHITBY FREE PIRS, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 10, 198M PAGE 7 Longàrtimle -veterin arian recails 'rewarding 'ecareer - Durlng World War II, British native Richard J. Ketcheil struck up a friendship with a Goderich, Ont. veterinarian. Today Dr. Ketcheli, now retlred after 35 years as a veterinarian, looks back on that frien- dship with Dr. John See as the impetus for what By MIKE JOHNSTON If you're golng ta give a dog gr cat as a present this Christmas, Carabe Lang would like you ta do itnow. And if it isn't possible now Lang would like you to walt until after Chrstmas. 1 We do not approve of live thlngs belng given as gifts," sald Lang, imanager of the Pickering-Ajax-Whitby (PAW) animal contrai center on Thlckson Rd. N.. Whtby. But anyona giving an animal as a present, now ls the best time. he says was a most rewardlng career. "lIt's the hast thing that ever happened to me. I would have paid somneone ta let me be a vet," asys the 69-year- old resident of the historic Watson home on Dufferin St., Whitby. "It was neyer a bar- dship for me ta go to "They should adopt an animal wall bafore Chrstmas," said Lang, if only for what she cails 'the stress factor." Stress is nat put on the owner but on the pet. 1Many of the activities assaciatad with Christ- mas, whlch most people take for granted, put a tremendous amount af stress on most animaIs, said Lang. It la nat unusual for a pet ta have diarrhea or excessive vomiting. Lang said pine trees and Christmas plants SEE PAGE 26 work." On Nov. 15 Ketchel received a life member- ship in the Ontario Veterinary Association, given to 3&-year mem- bers. Just two weeks earlier, he and wife Marjorie celebrated their 40th nnversary. Not long after their marriage, Ketchell, who grew up on a dairy farm on the Somerset-Devon border in England, travelled in the hold of a U.S. ship ta New York. Marjorie would later corne over by plane. Ketcheli attended the Ontario Veterinary College in Guelph, graduating in 1951. He earned the top three graduate awards, in- cluding general proficiency, and was a veterinarian in Port Credit for five years. For the next 30.years he pract ised at a veterinary haspital at Markhaun Rd. and Eglinton Ave. About 90 per cent of bis patients were cats and dags, but he remembers budgies, canaries, bamsters, snakes, alligators and DR. RICHARD Ketcheil with the life membership ta the veterinary association. "the aid goat" as oc- casional visitors ta the cinic. He remembers a 23- old-cat and an.18-year- aId dog, and can't recal a St. Bernard or a Great Dane ever living past 10. The greatest satisfac- tian was the gratitude of animal awners. The, mast difficult moments were the l'interviews." "The saddest thing is ta tell theai that the best thing la ta let it go," said Ketchell. "'You tel them Muffy is dying, and sometimaes they -dan't believe it. " The Ketchelîs, who moved from Toronto tai Whitby in. 1972, also knaw theasadness. Their cat, Pong, died of can- cer, leaving anby Ping, 16. They also once had a dog, but he disappeared. Ketcheli says there have been mnany changes ln veterinary work over the years, but he sees the development of mlcrotechnlques for dlagnosis as perhaps the most significant. The least change bas been ln surgery, which he par-, ticularly enjoyed. The Ontario Veterinary Association divided into two groupa at the tisne of his retiremnent, in 1985. The association looks after Iicensing and, discipline of mernbers. Mean- while, the Saciety of On- tario Veterinarians, the other group, bas more and more assumned con- trol of cantinulng education prograrns in veterinary work. The samne division of responsibility had previously taken place in Britain. For many years, Ket- chahl was a Senate member of the Univer- sity of Toronto. He represented the Ontario Veterinary College of Guelph, which was' un- der the jurisdiction of the University of Toron- to until the University of Guelph was establlshed. BROOKLIN TREE MFARM CO., M 75 acres of Canadian- ,,,Wite Spruce, Colorado t'lu Spruce, Austrian Pine. MAny Tree, Any Size.,. MCut Your Own $12.00 Hwy. 7, 4 miles west of Brooklin M 655-8966 SAVE NOW ON GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFTS1 Il BEGI NNER GUITARS ONLY $49e,0 ELECTASO EFFECT GIJITAR PEDALS TUNERS Ali ai l5w pres $54.93 rom68.00 FTERBURNER CASSO PRACTISE KEBOQARDS AMP PROM $4 $9 120.00 HARMONY 5SPIECE SOVEREIGN DRUM SETS ACOUSTIC $229.00 $395."0 ARTLEy llarmsOtcaa.. FLUTE GulleratrInga.. OUTFIT Muaie sanda.. Al msoh mare. $330*00 sAIit Savioga. DECEMBER S NORMAN GUITAR MONTH AT ALTO Il 0 % OFF AMY MODEL .3 /0FR0M $210 &UP Wlshlng you a very Merry Chrlstmas f rom everyane at.. 445 Slmcoe St. S., Oshawa 434-1612 or 686-0663 OPEN: Mon.- . It. Il59 p. Bat. U1116 p.m. -. F SERIES A ELECTRIC GUITAR & 10WATAMP $259000 IT 777MUSC WA PENSION PLAN is changing for the better. OnJanuar j.' 7, 7 ur Canaa j.ja.:.... t. ia e gpt, Pninan wiIl cange.C'These , flcreased disabifity , AUhOlAaeejo chne u orPlan 'on a solid, benefisifoqualifyfordiilit!"Y fo depen dentc'h Idrn logte lancialfndatin. henefits, yourmntyam en t will 00w itepdpndI a A ntcildanwre l ia ft's important ta know what liesignilcntly incroased. Pbr exemple, the ited taoeflat-rate benefit, aven If botatsr. benefits areaval)able because yaur mnaxim umnisahility pension in 1987 will ents hailpaid Ints the Plan and die or Plan providesyau and/or vaurfam- increase fram $407 te mora thon $635 par hecamedlsabled. imonth Shosld the saens appn ow, yuor ily with a basic lave) o aingeAwll, nynantringorretumingts cil1anwe ld h fetited ouble.oe protection when ynu retire, become the erkfawil have disabiiity coveaga fils. disabled, or die. You will, ho;wver, afiar contributing in 2 of the lest 3 yaars, In have ta apply for the banal Ils when whichcostibutisnscould havebee~nade. Improved 'Combined' you believe you amreligible .viob neisbenefits lfysuaraantitladto acom- The information that folows hUVr eeÏS inationofsuuviveranddisablltybenaflts, highlights the majorimpravemants continue on remamage tha maximum msnthly amount ysu ceuld t'sgoodnews! If you racaiva survivorhbenafits, they wlIb receivawill nowble greater.*' now continue avenIf you remarry As fer combinad survivor and retire- Ilianc19If yeo ramarriad and hadl your survivor ment benafits, thias will now ha more gan- a elerom rrivbanefit disconttnuad, you cen have yeur emusly awarded tothose who qualfy. New flnancig arrangmntawlllmaka and hnltenttd keels your Plan moré secux than ever Sp i B uild ig on a solid bRigtrnoi e and your employeraeach S ttn pension fo datM>zl Being flnancishly contriue18% of your esuningaup10a CJ7dIS If yaur marriaga ends In prapared furthe future hua respomibsllty we mainu ameunt. u 1991, tue divorce, eachi apsusa wilhl ha entitled te ena ail share. Yeur naw Canada Peneion Plan contrbuton rate wilrlsebyO0.2% and from haif the "pension cradits" ysu earned nsw ives yen a stronger fouridation. Il's a thera ontfi 2011 by 0.15%. If ysu make the togethar. Aller january 1, 1987, the craditu sound base, and fit& up te you to build os maximum contribution, you wiII psy about con alsohae dividad if yeur marrlsge or con- dits fsundation. $26 more In 197.msn-law relationuhip ends in separation Its nover tao seen, er tsa lats, ta hagin building for your future. We hope yoobil A1 wider choice Shonarng your staut today. ofrtirment options pension Whenyouandyourspousa You mayneedfurtherinfonnation Ar jonuary lst, yeu umn bgin receiving raceive your CPP retirement paiens, di a ta better understand thase your CFP pension as aarly as sge 60. You benefitsyou'vahthearneddurios yurlife changes. For booklats about your could qualify aven if ysu ara net fshiy togetlercuushashared ifeitherofyounmies Cnd eso ln alteoi retireddis requeot.CaaaPninPnclth o- If you hagin your pansionhaefore age 65, free number below or fil) oui the your haneflts wi lia eus becausa you will__ coupon and mail ita: have contibuteid lesand wili get dia hane- , . ~ ~ . lits fora longer priod otime CPINF Or, If you choose net ta tart yeur pani P O. Box 54 00 sion ustil aflar age 65, lup ta age 70), ys eta tain D a br enineoldoma1 epsy-Scarborough, Ontario abl h mondi aftr your Osdi hlrtday. Far MiR 5E8 each monthi btwean that date and when your pension hagins, yeur hanafit will lbei lJUU-30JlY/-LJD adbusted by 0.5%. This adlustnent will apply for as long as yeu raceive diehaenefit. >linTronto, 973-6868 'd lika ta know more about my new Nm Canada Pension Plan. Pleasa sand me Nm due 'god news' Addless in EngishE] in Franchi] about CANADA\l~& PENSION PLAN I lRetiramerat Pension-__ ___________ Elflisability Pension _______________ El [Deat & Survivor Beneflts 4 a , / 4 Ce- El Penson Cradit Splitting Province _______ 1: lxbeRaiement s< [3 Financing your CPP 5%*b <JPstal Coda 02 I , Heaf and Welfare *, Canada Santé et Bien-être social Canada Qmad1 Animais suffer Christmas stress m ým

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