WH ITBY FRE E PRESS9 WEDNESDAV, NOVEMBER 26, 1986è PAGE 25' WH1TBY'S MOST WIDELY READ ~~~J ~~~~ TINING~~IIS~~EJ ~ 2 CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcomning marriage. Pieuse viuw aur sampias aI ungravud, wudding Invitation$aiutyourl aimeuru ln aur Alax. Plaza store. DIckson Printlng & Oficu Sup- ples,u63-1968. SOUTHWOOD SECONDARY SOHOOL, Cambridgu, 25ih AN. NIVERSARY REUNION May 29. 30, 1987. Former studenîs plusse ruoltur 00w: Miss Scot, S.S.S., - 30 Souihwood Drive, Cambridge, Ont. NIS41<3(519)621.5920. SCEVCE LET ME UNTRODUCE your 3-5 rA A7 eaar old ta the magie aof «IU SALES I ;omputars. Individuel attention, saesonabie ratas. Phone EARLV EXPERIENCES, 723-0S42. CHAIRS, bedroom tumitura, %FTER NOUAS BABYSITING. veekende, uvuniope, urnes ïhopplng or umerg ncy sItiing ivaiteble ln my home. S2lhour. >11i Merle 666-3776. IAY CARI enaluablu (n rny home, >ables 'Inciuded, nutrillous neale, epeclous piayroomns, In- armai lesmnIng uclinIlls. Aek bout aur pick-up service, soneble rates, fris bunny rab- Ost for ail nea corners and plan- y af pute ta play wlh. Culi 655. me6. OATURE WOMAN munIs la sebyilt 1 day a 'weak. Good op- :ortuniti la do your Christmas hoppIng. Cuil aller 7 p.m. 66- BABYNE EDS BABY ITEMS tom sele: crib, $30. 1lghcham, Slveramesse, $50. 'hange table with tub, $25. >reaming table, $25 Cur sesie, Itrolea, $40 ea. Double etroilur, berego, $100. Fiachur Frice r blle, $12. Englleh pramn, $40. onu 668-3990. EWARD for losi Siamuoe cul, 1 r. aid, nulered mule, unomers la ruddy". 668-3483 (day); 668-3704 venIng). cutîury, nem - swualshirts, T- shirts, caps, sntIquus end more. Sun. Nov. 30. 12 pra. - 5 p.m. Coe Jouas, 207 Dundas St. W., Whltby. you do Il, *TRAVEL &TOURISM -COMPUTERS 'WORD PROCESSINO *LEGALJMEDICAL SEC. *RECEPTIONISTITYPIST *BOOKKÈEPINc3 CLERK *ACCOUNTINGIBUSINESS *FASH ION'. MERCHANDISING & DESIGN .-KOTEL & RESTAURANT OPERATIONSIMGMT. *COMPUTERIZED BANKîNG & CUSTOMER SERVICE 'DENTAL CHAIRSIDE ASSISTANT -FInanciai Assistance may buanaliabie -Job Placement Assistance TORONTO SCHOOLOF A CAREER UN TRUCKING. Tran. sport drivers needad. Nom ta Ihe lime ta train for your Ciasa A icense. For pra.screuning Inter- view and Job pacument Infor- mation, contact Mary Orra Tran. sport Driner Training, Brampton 1-800-265-1260. FREE. 1966 guida 10 sludy.at- horna correspondance Dipioma courses for pretigiaus cameera: Accounling, Air cond tIoning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetotogy, Eiectronfics, LegaliMudias Secrutary, Psychoiogy, Travai, Granton (5A) 263 Adlalde Wust, Toronto, 1. 800-268-1121. UNLIMdITED INCOME. Jobnou mail order prograra, mark at home, For mors Informetion eend $1.00 for posage and handilng ta J & E Enterprime, Bau 39-P, SIation M. Toroto, M68 4T2. NEEI>LECRAFTERSI Excellent Income potentilauchIng & mllIng neediecrets for Panda stilchcmft. Reproentetne uspecieily riuedud In umaluer communllus. Wriu Peggy An. derson, 2281 Woodward An., Burlingion. Ont. L7R iT5. .0. CALLINO GREAT aPPOR. TUNITY for 2 fuîiy qusilied Mechunîca Nigh Tech. Producers. Ford ECCIV Curtîfiud opportunty ta esrn $32.000 yeur et $16 bour. Lake Cily Ford Salua Lid., 715 Oliver Si., Wiiiiems Laku, OC. M2Q1 MO. INVEST lus han $20 0 your omo lInernational Business and bucome insncialiy Independuni. Full or part timu. Cuti nom for FREE IoIor (416(645-U690. UMMEDIATE LOANS & ouirIght grsnts 10 Individuels & companies. 98% eligîblu. Fast. Confidentiel. Infohoume, P.0. Box 835. Adelelde St., Toronto, Ont. M5C 2K1. I SIMPLE! I IThe simple solution (o cleanlng storage problems.I ~ ~ V I n the attic and garagse sa Classlf led Ad. 1 W- WHI;TBY FR EEPRESS .......668-6111 FOR ENT FREE. Drop Ino the Dckoon FUANISHED ROOM, avaluablu Duc. 1; suluablu for morking lemale. Non-smoker. Lsundry, parking and smrnaktchen priviieges. Near bus rouie. 668- 4866. rllgand fllceSupislr n the Ajax Plaza and pick up a f rue copy aI the 1966 Metil Culendur. Pinied In Imo colours, Il makes for hundy relrencu. 653.1968. OMMERCAL HOMESý W ~PROPERTYI 51 PESOALSI FOR RENT JORLERNLERT HOES LARGE COMMERCIAL LOT fo - I . ~ . mnI Siiuuled ln s commercial - FORRENT campiex prusenîli' coanng WNITBY - 3 badroarn loanhause Iranlage loi ln Pickering enables $750 par moth plus utllles. muni markl shls Thd serviye 7 Pîrat and lest manth ruquirud. huuvy machinery, emaîl angines, U ~ 579-3583. meling, iendscuoing uic. PSYCIC LILLY Corde, palm, crysîsi bell. Esmopuas, 45 yeura expurien- ce. Known on radio and T.V. for. hum. future predictiona. Advicu on ai problurna. Lava Ne"eg Feseily Affaira Wfret 9 am. - 9p.m. 7 days a wuk For appoInlmenî cail 53-7782 TES GALORIE. Pareill ae and allschud. Thousanda af mern- me anulous la muet you. ietige Acqualntancas cail toil- e 14002639163. Hours m000 8 P.m. ýIDULT VID)EO)S SPECIAL OPPER - PEATURE FILM $14.95 ýLL TOLL-PREE 1-600-663-7934 eR PULL COLOR CATALOGtiu CALL 164"382-6511 ooxxxxxMxxxYxMcx ONE ACRE elustud on thetop oaI s hîli ln Pickering averiaokIng Kinsaea, Grsunwoad, AjI-, Brougham, Brooklo lake and s clear ight aI the Toronto CN Tomar. Park yaur lent or build a cottage. (i Miii obtein building permit). Onu' $75Imonlh fom a lent; oniy S250i'manih for s col- lage. Cul) 655-6966Pckering. STORAGE SPACE loction: mc- cae off Hwy. 7 jusl N. of Aax. S acres af parking, excellent for moring boule, truaiera, trucks, campera, race cura, buses, trac- tors, husvy machinury, building malurila and other producto. Aia ndoor eloragu sosluablu. Pencad prapurty with Iocked gaies, dsliy accus., $150 an- nuuiiy. Cou 55-86966. FOR RENT hobby shai' right on Hwy. 7. Excellent for suies and service af eki-doos, iawnmomars, chsinsaws, amail angines, traitera, uic. Sprsy booth and sundbiaslîng pIt on prernIses. Lois aI parkng. Nwy. ronlage. $150.00 montly. Coul 6556966. Comrilsign re permlited., S100.00 monthiy Includua 500w- piowîng, rosd maintenance, Isxus, Insurance, iandscapIng, sdverlising, uic. A building cen bu urucled on this commercial lot la suit your neuda. Cuil 655-6966. WORKSHOP FOR SALE. New building jusi compiuîed, Insulslud, cemeol loor, 100 AMP service. Excellent for machine repair. weling, smaii angines, aki-oars, landscaping, uic. Situalud on s Ibrua (3) acre commercial complus In Pickering. Nwy. 7 frontaga unublea you la give sales and service with ail epprapriale signs end drive-In treillic. $9,500.00 cash, Snom piomIng, maintenance, luxes. insursoce, advurtiaing, etc. $100.00 monthiy. Cual 655-696. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ANO OTHERS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F MILTON CYRIL HEMBLING, (ate af (ho Town af Whitby, Regional MuniCipalIty of Durham. ALL PERSONS having C(aims against the Estateaof MILTON CYRîL HEMBLING, (ste ai (ho Town of Whitby, Regional Municipaiity of Durham, who died an ar about (ho l7th, day af May, 1986 are hereby notifled to send particu(ars ai same (o the unders(gned on or befare 3lst day of December, 1986, ai 1er which dlate* the Estate wIlI be distributed with regard oniy (o the claims af whIch . the undersIgned shai) then have notice and the unders(gned shahl not be hiable (o any person whose dlaim they shal not then have notice. DATED the 121h, day of November, 1986. Administratars of (ho Estate of Milton Cyril Hemb((ng cia STEIN &PRICE Barristers & Solicitors, 459 Bond St, E., P.O. Box 781 Oshawa, Ontario 1- 7M9 Q ~EDUCATIONALI 2 ýSERýESV1CES1 *GAAMMER forpeopeuwho hala A UCTIONS gremmer"lth da pockut FUN FOR rulerencu book fom business THEWHOLE people. $395 par copi' and FML salliabie ut Dbkeon Fr101109 & AN OEI S office supplies in the Aax Plaza. TEDOETI Dealer Inquirlus inviied 663.196. WEEKENDI BIG BUcKS ... just a cmli amui'. Oniy 2 duys training and you couid uurn e more thon gunerous sslary plus commission msking appoinîmenîs. Caii Ken nom ai 1- 665-8622. EARN THOUSANDS monîhiy guuranlaud. Work ut home. Freu Information, send sel-eddressed slumpud envelopu la: B.T. LYN- DON ENTERPRISES, F0O. Bon 1521. Port Pry, Ont. LOB 1iNO. REPORTER requIred by largu Eastern Ont. publiiher. Minimum 1 yeum uoperiencu. Job Involvus saerai publications, Including 2 meekiien. Car requirud. Com- ptillIvu mges, uocellunt ringa benufils Inciuding profil nharing. Send rusumu 10 Jerry i-ld- dieston, The Record Nems, F.. Box 158, Smiths Plls, Ont. K7A 4T1 (613)(2633182. NIRING NOWU Constructionuai phases, Drivers, Machiniste, Weidura, Eluctricluns, Mchanîcî, AirIlous. Some Eniry levui posllons iup la $32.60thr) TrnsConlînentai Job Suarch 1- (30)382-3700. Feu. TRUCKINO CAREERS. Drivur Job training wilh placement huip la eveluabie. Comploe detuls co bu muiiud 10 you. Phone Rodgurs Schooi ai (416) 76-35486ih pastel code. BABYSITTER REOUIRED. Ex. puriencud, maturu lady la bubysIt a 2 monlh oid & a 3)ysr aid In aur home an a part-itme, cususi baela n the Prngle Creeh urus. 666- 3509. MEN WOMIN CRUISE SHIP JOBSI' cONI-cASINa WGRKIRU-BECE HAnDU-IIutICmANu-RTN- BENS-IINIRA LUAUOR EXCELLENT UALARIEU PLWS WOBIW TIXEEU CANUUUEAN-UBUTN PACIFIE- MiIAMA8-MIDITIIRAIAN- AIAEA Dueatlas constant turnover ln personnel, thure are uimays jobs availabl iih the CRiISE SHIF LUNES. Our CRiJISE SHIP EMPLOY- MENT rDIRECTORY mili show you hom and mheru toauppiy for onu aI thuse high puyîng and uxciiing (abs ubourd Amurican crulse shipsl GUARANTEED EMPLOYMENT WITHIN 90 DAVS OR VOUR MONEY REFIJNDED. ORDER FORM sund la: CRUISE JOBS Oupt H45 131 ELMA DR CENTRALIA, WA 98531 To ordur yaur 1986 CRUISE SHIP EMPLOYMENT DIRECT- DRY, sund only Si10.00casuh, check or monuy ordur toduyl NAME _______ rieaan print ADDRESS APT*-... CITY ___STATE ZIP ' ~ TOWNOFWHITBY cW ~ FIRE DEPARTMVENT requires MALE AN DIOR FEMALE VOLUNTEER FIRE FIG HTERS for STATION 1 - Brooklin STATION 2 - Manning Rd. STATION 3 - Brock Rd. S. STATION 4.- Myrtie QUALIFICATIONS - Minimum Grade .10eduCatian - Eighteen years af age or aider - CiasS "D" driversIliCense s an asset - Must be able ta pass a physicai, mediCal and aptitude examination - Applicanîs must reside ln Whitby (a be eligibie as a volunleer Any person lnlerested ln serving the tawn as a volunteer f ire fighter, please apply ln persan ta: Whltby Fire Department Hsadquarters 201 Brock Street South Whltby, Ontario. PLEASE DO NOT TELEPHON E ARE YOU OPEN FOR BUSINESS? THE CLASSIFIEDS ARE! VSSIRIE The ClassIfiled pages are for everyone whether you are seliing or buying PLACE YOUR AD TODAY! __ WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 UNEMPLOYEDI The Unum- pioyed Huip Cintra cen asat wlh: Empioyrnunt Counaeiiing, Rusumus, ijnumploymuni In- murancu, Workural Compen- sation, O.ti.I.P. and wutfuru in- formation, or criais rufurrais la aîharagencles. Cali 579-1821. MAN WITU4 fRUC< wIlI d elinur furnituru, hulp you ta movu, cieun up baclr yards and basmmnîs and omnit odd jobs. Vury ruasoneblu ratas. Cali -8655-6966. BARTIENDEAIS avaiiabiu for Xmas Partis. Ruilabia. $50 mach. Phone 427-0095. CAMERA STRIPPERIPLATE. MAKER ruquirud by uarge Eastern Ontario prInting compuny. lduaiiy you hune minimum 5 yaars au- parience. Wu aller good wagus & bonellite, Inciuding profit sharing & modern work unvroomunt. Localud ln prime outdoor recru- alionai urus. Wrilu Kun Watts, Performancu Printing, 65 Lorne St., Smith Falls, Ontario K7A 4T1. A RETIRED NANDY.MAN carpun. ter ta heip buiid smaii cabine & garages In uochungu for housîng, accommodations, and muais. Ail on a campground In Pickering. Cuit655"966. DRUVERS wlh cubu or stup van nuudud ail day Wudnusdays and Thursdays. Purmanunt arrangement. 668-111. RELIEF CARE-GIVERS NEEOED. Cha lienging, Innovalinu progrum tuquirus carmag, mature IL flexible In- dividuais la provida tumpor.ý ary, ln-home, rlief la cama- gîvers of (rai'l uduriy und dis- ublud adulte. Spuciaiizud training mIlI bu providad. Comptlitine mages. Fluxiblu hours. For lurthur Infor- mation cail CARE-GIVER RELIEF, 416-66645639 ar..- l1-2joon.a *UNMASTER requîmes a fli-tIma cashier and-e bakîng assistant. Phonea86&61177afler1il a.m. daiiy. HAA CUTTER ruquirud for brIghî, modern, lriundiy, uoIsux salon In domtown WhIîby. $250 wuukiY Plus commission., Hazul 666-3322.« BABYSITTER - uupuriuncud, maturu, lady ta bubysit a 3 monîh oid ln our home (2 bocks from the Cunlunniai Bidg.i Occaslonui daylimu and evuning mark. Pieuse cuti buiwuen 9 and 5.666- 1603. CARPET MCLEANING CONTRACTORSI Tenders are invited (o provîde Carpet CleanIng Services for a two year periad St the Michael Starr Building, 33 King St. W., OSHAWA, Ont. TENDER NO. ORI-86- 238 Seaied Tenders willi be recieved until 2:00 p.m. Local time on - TUESDAY, DECEM- BER 16, 1988. Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the Ontario Mlnistry of Government Ser- vices, Orillia District Office, 24 James St. E., PO. Box 790, Orillia, Ontario. L3V 6K7 Note:, For further In- formation regarding the Tenders, please cail the Tenders Of- f ce at the above ad- dress, telephone (705) 325-7403. The lowest or any Tender nat necessar- ((y accepted. 1