Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 29 Oct 1986, p. 29

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WHITBY FREE PR.EýSSWDEDY COE 1986. PAGE 2 1. WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ STORERENÃ"VVIMNSIIalE enStRwE RNVAINd is TO OUY OR SELL uued auto pur- 0n ouceditait, 20 yeare ex- ts. Cati 5795344,88sk for Henry. parianca, seatsfacton guaran- ftod, free astimâtes. Calit436. 1313. W N E T UNEMPLOYED? The Unaro. ILBI.:fRE~NT ployad Hetp Centre can aseet cltt: Empisyment Couneellina, WANTED a quiltty stroiter undior Reaumas. Unsnlon n. r, crlbln good condtion. 68&7984. aurence, Worçens Compan. sation, O.H.t.P. and ceifars In- formetion, or criis referreis ta other agsncies. Cai 579-1621. HOME IMPROVEMENTS, pain. tlng, decoatîng, ro rooms, etc. 20 yeere exparlence, setisfaction guerenfuud, freeesatîmaes. Cuti 436-1313. COMPUTERIZED accauntlng, bookkeeptng, personat and cor. porale laxes, resumes, word LOOKINO FOR e 1-l1'A or 2 bay garage ln Whilby, preferebty et your home or terni. If you con heip peuse culit u, 866963M. OLO WRISTWATCHES wented, any mae, onu or 100, aid Rotîx cristcalchus canted, aiso cwan. led 181055 "Quarter Conlury' equare criulcalcheu, 25 years service, wit puy $200 and up for Ibis catch. WiIi aiso buy trapu, crysialu, purs, etc. for aid crist- AVAILABLE December 1, large 3 bedroom ltowntiouse, Oshawa location, utlillles lnciuded. Phone 6604039 or 8553807, ask for Aneu. WHITBY new 3 bedroom detached home, 2 baths, celkout, cae staIrcase, singie garage. $850, evaltable November 21. Calit 655-4682, aller? p.m. COUNTRY HOME for rent, located In Pickering norlh cf Aa on 75 ecres creek, excellent for horses, or hobby ferm, lots of parking, snow piocing end main- tenence inciuded, 2 bedroomes, celi Insuieted, large ail glass living room, 3 pc. bath, large kt. chen, artIsian caoler, garden lacilities, $850 manthiy, negatiabie, relerences a muet. Cel655-8966. and s "oftware consultants. 438- Oseun Si. E Toronto, Ont. M5A 0953 or 579-0033 1S2 (A PARTMENTS/I (à CNDOSFOR RIENT ~~i~AT O~t ~U CEM NS ONE BEDROOM *apartmenl o U1~S~~IIES~CS ~ , , , J rent, downtocn Wbttby, aboya 'OGRAMMER for people cha hale CONGRATULATIONS on your utililes tnctudud, necty grammer' te the Idel pocket forthcxmîng marrlege. Plusse decoruled, $475 monihiy, irul raference book for buiness vewcour samptas af engravud and tant, uvuluabte Novumber 1. people. 83.95 par copy and ceclng Invitetonseat your 668-9444. evattebte at Ocksas Pritng & teteure sn aur Aia Plaza store., ______________ Off Ice Supplias ln the Aia Plaza. Ockson Pritltng & Office Sup- ,Duater InquIries tnvtad 663.1968 plies,W3oaa.îoo SERVCES IES WORKSHOP FOR RENT In- sutatad, cament floor, turence, BASYSFTTNO. moiher of 3 MOVINO SALE Saturdey and 100 amp service, plus use af wouid tIke to looh aller your litile Sunday, Navembar lut and 2nd, modemn spray boolh, sun- ovee, eny ega, any ime. Plee 10 .m, 10 4 p.m., 48 Gotdring Dr., dbestling pli, pienty oI parking on .'ai Mate, 68.376. hltb cmmercli property, $500 mon- DAY CARI aveilable ln my home, babies tnctuded, nutrllous meule, epactous playroomu, In- formetlieamling ectivîties. Auk about aur pick-up service, reesonebte nites, fIre bunny rab- bits forait nec corns and pien- 4ty of pets ta play ctth. Cati 65. PIANO ATH EORY tessons, Rayai .onsematory prepiatian, adulte and chttdrsn- celcome. Cati Margaret, 668.1951. SERIES 3 uecing clth knile. Leam about knits and sec e Jogging suit for Christmas. Cati Y fordetalls,68866. CLARE BURT TRAVEL Inulles you ta their Trevet '87 Previec, Mon., Nov. 3, Ope Community Contre, Llirsy; Wed.. Nov. 5 Hartiey Mase@, Weikerlon; Thure., Nov. 6 Oreeden Unlted Church, Oreeden; Join us et 8 p.m. and team mare about aur corid.ctde spal ilerest taure. Win door pnIzes. Obtaîn eucep- tianet trevet discounts. To oblain Ires admision tickets, catil 1.800. 268-3000. ~T S & STORAGE SPACE location: ac- PPIS cae off Hcy. 7 uset N. af Aa. 5 are afparking, excellent for TO GIVE AWAY 6 month aid storing bots, traitera, trucks, black maie dag (iletnz 57), very campera, race cars, buses, trac- riendiy, bouse trained. Phone tors, heavy machInery, building 666-911.maeriale and othur producis. 666.911.Ao Indoor storage evaitubie. Fenced property cith Iocked gales, daiiy accusse,$150 an- M RSES & 1 nuaiiy. Cali65".9W6. POULTRY, Pigeon, Pheesant. National monlbly necapaper, UPERSONALSI year's eubscrlpilon $12. Includes res Avien Bock catalogue, 40th annlversary magazine & epecill bonus Issee hen sent cith thia - udvertiement. Write: Feather STADACONA Fancler, 5 Lakeroed, Forest, Ont. 19611963 NON iJO. *We sec each other lu _______________________ WbIlby Mai11 et 4:30 pmOclabur 101h, I'm nac CHAROLAIS SALE Set., Nov. 8, 1 over thue hock. Yen I did p.m. 50 ead ursbeed recognIzu you, I lhtnk ce muy cawelceiveu brud, open, hailos - bu reiated. 2 erd sires. 6 mites north Mount r Ale:ASTUTE (H.M. SIMI Forest Hcy. 6, (519) 3343497. P.O. Box 200 ci Whtby. OnL Li N 581. m LL FR EI ADULTVDIEO Fi S SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY M FRIE.' Dm> nia the Drh-on OFFER- Printlng and Office Suppiy store OUR FEATURE FILM AT $14.95 o In the Aia Plaza and pick up & CALLTOLLFREETOOROER 40 f res copy of the 1966 MeIrlo 1800.863.7934 oL Catendar. PrInled ln tco cotours. TO ORDER OUR PULL COLOR h Il mekes for handy reference. CATALOGUE AT 83.95 ai 663-1968. PCAL-110' 215 1979 FORD LTD. asets, boatlaller CLEAN FUItNISHEO rooms for 66&.3471. rant, avattebtu Navembar 1, cuti ________________________ 4338967. condition, bast offer. Phone 728- 1355 or 728-8448. 1976 DELTA U5 ps, p.b., nec muffler, nec brakuu, four nec tires. 668.7228. ROOM FOR RENT neat, tutiy fur- ntshud rmom cith cotour TV., parking, spactous grounds, $60 par week, meulsaend leundry ciuaning also avuttubie. Cati 655- 866. axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxax PRIE SINGLES bulletint Mesi someone vie by phone or correspondance, tocetty or province-cide. Serving singles sInce 1976. Write: Bush. Bou 2248-A, Sudbury, P3A 4S1I, stete uge. DATES GALORE. For ait agen and unullacbed. Thausandu ot memn- bers anutau 10meut you. Prestige Acquaintences cuittti-. frais 1-600.263.9163. aure noan tiltS8 P.m. MICRO FURNACE epaca &ge HARDWOOD LOOS for trecood, heeter eenes yau movey, dont bu 12 cord toade deltvoed, 705-754. atft ln the caid order yours Iodey. 2258, Merriui Berry. U83-2638. MATTRESSES end box uprIngs ai hait prce. McKeun Fumilure, 524 Simcoe Street South, Oshaw4r 725-5181. USED STORE dlsptey racks for books and corda, WltIby Fre Press, 668.6111. GEOTYPE pres-on Ietlering now In stock et DIckuon Prtnttng & Of- lice SupplIes In Ihe AaShop- pîng Plaza. Large setuclIon oI styles and utzeu. Why pay mare for a amaller sheet letelrng? 683.1968. RIJSTY SMELLY WATER? New iechnotogy for frualing celer ai the source otfersweil ta Isucet protection lhroughoul enlire water uyslem. No sait or messy chemîicelu, se the reuulis with aur 6 month triai ofler. Ouale: "Barry Klnch - Kenabeek, Ont..- Thenks &ain for puttIng ouI a syutumn thal reatty doseu what you say t Iiill." For clear, eweal, caler - celi 1800268M256, area 807 cei 14800624-4344, (outIl bu gted you did.) CHRISTMAS fabriclitrime by cuit: ta, receive sample scatchue tf suiection eveilable, send $1 leductIble tram ftiret order) la: Fabric FInde, P.O. Box 70, Station t, Toronto, MSS 4T2. UN BAROAINSt Save up to 1% by eubscribing tla"The unrunner". The Canadien mon- ty necepeper listing hundruds ) neclused modern and antique uarms for saie or tracde. Sub. rIplIon $17 year. Gunrunnur, 3x 565K Leihbrtdge, Ailla, 1J 24, sampie 81.50. Bc Bc $$ACRIFICE SACRIFICE 8$-$ buildings priced for Immudiate liquidation. Ait Itume in stock. 28u40u14 $3,M9. 40x6Oxl4 S885S. 46x86s14 $9.250. 70x9Ox24 $21.769. Vrlous sizes avliabte up la 120 f i. cide, Fac. tory direct clearance. Seriou buyers onty. Ait buildings priced for Immediste detivery cati toit- free 1-600.387-2115 or 1.41858.% 2446. BHEROES af the Bible" cutourlng book avatiabte et Dicksxn Prîn. ttng & Office Supplies, Aa Plaza, 68311968. Dealer luquirles lnvited. LIGNTINO MAINTENANCE ail types - fiorescent, mechenical edvertIslng, etc. 13 years ex. perlence, satisfaction guaren. teed, free estImales. Cuit 438. 1313. CHESTERFIELD sulles, tohuseats, secîlonats, 1888 than %oi pricu. Large setection. McKeen Furnture, 524 Simcon St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. LOSE WEIOHT, feltgruai. if youre serlous about your ceighl and heaith cuti now and ask mu how, 436-1313. VISIT aur usud lurniture carehousu by appoInîmunt. Big. savIngs on deske, chairs, filing cabinets, etc. Cai Dcksxn Prîn. ttng & Office Supplies to arrange an appoinîment to viec. 683- 1968. MONTREAL MILITARY Surplus: Worksblrte. $2.75, corkpanls 83.50, corkboots $15. For catlog, eend $2 (rsimbursed tiret arder): Mttitury Surplue, Bon 243, St. Timothue, Ouebac JOBS1IXO. AZ PRE. END. BuIldInge. Hec types, stel & cood, quoneet, cteddisg, for truc value, action end enscers (416) 626.1794. Leeve messege or callect aller 6 p.m. ceekenda. Aak for Wetty. Free brochures. STEEL BUILDING pre cInter fac- tory clearance, straight cuti or quonset styles, certain euzes ai apectel discounts, seve ibousen- ds, Ilmiled quentilites. Phone PionerEconspan totitree 1- 800-387-8896. AIRSPAN BUILDINGS. Straighl. cati and curved cati steel buldinge, ait lces, epecial prIces for eeriy dutivery. Cati Arepen Buildings (416) 338-3454. NEVER FORGET t10 turc uu heediightis off egaini MaIn your car more visible on the roed without the corry af e deed bat. tery, greet etocktng aluffer, the heedlIght remtnder simpiy pluge Int fuse paneI, $9.95 plus tex, Include $2 shippingihendiing, VISaiM.. CatI 141002W3-3735 weekdeys 99. Stewart Specieiity, Boix 905, Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4W4. Orders ehipped sea@day. HARD WATER PROSLIEMS? in- troductng the cater sotteser thet dosent use "at. No more tuggîng heavy baga 0f costty sait. Othar sohtenere remove calcium and other good-for.you mineate. We dont edd sat t10 your ceter or remove banefîclel misnel, becauma thta vol good for you. Other sotenere teke up lots a1 room, uséel*tctrlcity, roquire backwahing, coat plotnlatoIn. atll and too much 10 maintln. W. don't. Oeil loi fra14800.268- 2666 for keithîer, boller taeatin cioanar-weehing water. BUILDINGS for sale, imited qxanîly ut quonsel buildings lei over from National Show et rock. bollom prices, 25x32 $2,864, 32u40 $3,852, other sizes evailable. Cati toiifree 14800-387. 4910. USHO DESKS, files, storagéý cabinets, slacklng office chairs, steel adjustable shuivIng, store dispîsys. Blairs New and Used. 21 Aiea Ave., Woodbridge. Phone (416) 851-8100, near Hwy. 7 and 400, Mon.-Fri. 9-5, Set. 101. UNUMffTEO INOOMIL Jaîn aur malt order program, corls et home. For mors information usnd 81.00- for posage and handîlng 10 J & E Enlerprles, Box 39-P, Stetion M, Toronto, MOS 4T2. EARN 15% par year in US. dollers, guaranteedt By way of leadlng Marine Cargo Containers, rentaI Incume - f va marine cergo containers pay $2,325 par yeer, cen pay $4650 par year, 25 pay $11,M25per year, Ienglh of leese la up to 15 yeame (5 yr. Incremen. le), minimum Investment $3,100, ail ebove lu US, dollars, euh ~~EER ~T~ININ~J FREE: 1986 guide la study.si. home conrespondence Dipioma courses for prestiglous ceera: Accounting, Air condiling, Bookkeeplng, Business, Cosmeioiogy, Electranie, Legetiledsi Secretary, Peychulogy, Trevel, Granton (5A) 283 Adelde West, Toronto, 1- 800-26&.1121. CARIER CANADA College. Toronto, Ottawa, elonden- tl chairside assisiing, hoteiiresteurent managemeut, Irevel carer, day classes and home study. 385 Vonge St., Toronto, M5B lAi, 1-416-977. 7797. EARN EXTRA INCOMEI Ileem prepare Incarne Tex retume by correspondance, local Franchise evailabie. Wrlle Tax Time Ser- vices Ltd., 1304 Speers Rd., Oak- ville, Ont. IlO2X4. LEARNI EARNI Income Tex course or BIc Bookkeeping course bl correspondance. Free brochuree, na obligation. Write U il R Corespondence Schoot, 207. 1345 Pembine l4wy.. Wnnipeg, M B IlT2B8. aoout Our Capital Appreciation progrem (416) 368-3585. Write: £ A II L S Pacific Rim Container Saes Lid., t 2nd f toor, 33 Yonge Si., Toronto ' F R E T MSE 159. TYPEWRITEA rentai mevy moas and modaes by the *PROTECTYOUR weekend, week or monih. HOME DIscounis evaiiabie. Dickuan Complt Iliutratsd guide to Prlnting & Office Suppiies In ihe home securiîy againel ires, AaPeza Caii us for business storme, insecte and burgiare machine repaire.683-1908 $795 post pald, satisfaction guerexteed SIhilol Aea.soclaies, P.O. Bos405, station A, Toronto, MSW GARDEING MERe C/#AIi?£I W AND SUPLI8PPLIS MIRETRII LAWN & GARDEN * SERVICE *Now booking tallE *CIanJps andI Reasonablo prIces. 725.300 It suitlsd Ch*lie ta take off for SupPlieS lit thiS pàrticulir Paint in tinte, somethinq ho FOR CLASSIFIED M11l nover regîtlt ADVERTISING CA LL 668-6111 CA I- OA 8 (6 MANUFACTURER'S CLEARANCE AGRICULTURAL STEEL $ 9 PRlE-PAINTED S SHEETS INOMINALI IN STOCK $139 FROM e s. ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS$19 OVER 150 IN STOCK, WHILE SUPPLIES LAS T aU sa. ALUMINUM L.ADDERS $29 STEP & EXTENSION - IN STOCK. Iromeu VINYL SIDING 69q WHITE -.8" OR DOUBLE 5" 2" ALUMINUM STORM DOOR CLEARANCE STC1l2999 SCRATCHED à DENTED, OVER 3M0INSTCen GARAGE DOORS $09 WOOD A STEEL IN STOCK. frsmen CALL FOR QUOTATIONS Wm. BIGFORD Alumlnum Sales Ltd. R. R. 3 Brghton, Ont. Mon.-Fr1. .47 -5 12t 85 (613) 48.05 12 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisemnent for errors on thse first Visa card ready when calling. If. billed - $6*00 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. Tise Whitby Free Press will flot be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding lous or damage hiable for failure to publiss an ad, or for typographice ITS ETS-$.0frts is 0 od;1<ec alleged toarise through failure or delay in forwaiding errors in publication beyond tise cost of tise space occupied BITS ETS-$.0frtefrt10wrs 2 ah such replies. We wiil fot be responsîble for box number by tise error Up to a maximum cost of tise first insertion. additional word. replies-not called for witsin 30days. Tise 'Whitby Free Press reservres tise right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the fir- reject ail advertisements. Ads mnust appear in the paper st 50 words; 12e each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior-to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTIONSALES- 43s pet line. (No word adseaIiowed)ý. to insert or cancel EmporiumllAds. ditional word il pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. Tise Wisitby FrEe Press will make 6861 Ad

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