Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 22 Oct 1986, p. 21

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WIIITIY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 22, 1986, PAGE 21 CHILO CARE SERVICES ITORE RENOVATIONS Inside OUALITY DAYCARE ln a îoving mnd outI, wu do it ail, 20 yuare ex- home anvlronmunt. .BRE/ECE uerlunca, eatistactlon guaran- trainlng and expuriancu. <ull sud, Ire eetimatas. Cali 436- dlaycaru programn plus betoru and 313. attur school. -Otter Creeti, 430- 1442. INEMPLOYED? The Unem-. ioyud Hetp Centre cen assiet ______________ ilth: Empîxymant Counseiilng, lusumues, Unampioymunt In.: ...U U O IG urancu, -Wortiurs' Compan- atlon, O.H.i.P. and wultara ln- )rmation, or crisis raterrals ta PIANO à THEORY luseons, Royal Ibur aguncies. CatI 579-1821. consarvator>' preparation, adulte ______________________ and chIidren weicomae. Cail OÃ"ME IMPROVEMENTS. sain- Margarai,666.1051. ng, decoratIng, ruc roama, etc. D yuaris uxparluncu, satisfaction uarantuud, ire ustimatua. Coul 36&1313. XPERIENCED ruilabia claanlng dy wlii tharaxgbîy dlean your Dmu. spuclal services for TO BUY OR BELL usud auo Par- ts. Cati 57-5344, asti or Henry. undry, ruteruncus. Coi> 66- ~ O I E EDUCATO NAi 1978 PONTIAC Grand Lumane, SERVICES axtomnatil, gaod condition, $900 ale. Phane 668-7295. MRAMMER <or people who buta rammar" la the Idual pactiet 1979 FORD LTD. as la, beet attur. ifuruncu booki for businesa 668-3471. sopia. $3.95 par cap>' and fallableaiut Dictiaon Prlnting & fliu Supplias le the Aise Piaza, TWO 1973 TOYOTA Calices, saler Inquirlus Invltud 683-1968. $60 or hast otter <or bath. 660& ____________ -__ 7992. C FANNUNCEMNýTS 1976 FORD Bobcat, 50,000 original miles, body excellent condition, $550 ar bet ottur. DINGRATULATIONS an your Phone anytime, 666-3773. rthcamlng marriagu. PMase ______________ 5W aur samplus of angrsyad sddlng. Invitations aI your saure le aur Aise Pl.a. . stre otisan Prlnting & Oftice Sup. e ÃŽ DR ENT] les, 883-1988.0 FO R MURENT PNTED 1600 cc engins <or Dat- n 610 atation wagon le good neIng ardur. Coul 433-8030 attur MD WRISTWATCHES wonted. y matie, ana or 100, aid Roex lstwsichus wsnted, aieo wan- J Etan's "Oxarter Ceniory" uaru wrlstwstches, 25 yesrs res, w»>l psy $200 and up <or sa waich. MIllalso boy sîrapa, jtals, parte, utc. <or aid wrlsi- mIches, Wrila B. Walsh, 173 ean Si. E., Toronto, Ont. M5A HOBBY PARM for ran. Localud le Pckering norih of Asx an 75 acres creet, excellant or horses, snow-piowing and mainenance lnciudled, 2 bedîxome. wuI ln. slsted. large all gises liing rxom, 3 Pc. bath, large ktuchen, artisian watur, gardun tacilIties, $700 monihiy, ratarunce a muet. Cail 655.0066. WORKSHOP FOR SENT Norh ot Ase on Mwy. 7, lneuaiud, cament flîxr, turnace, 100 amp service, plus use of modemn spray booth, sandbiaeting pi, pianiy ot partingo on commercial properl>', $500 manthi>'. 6558966. BIRTH ANNOUNCROOM FOR RENT Narth ot Ajax ZIK, Ricti and DManne (ne sabais) woold ltie ta Ihanti j for Ibuir beautItul dsughtar ilie Rita Marie bore Sundsy. ae 8,1606, a> 10:57 a.m. Proud edparunts Mr. & Mrs. Leanard subois and Mrs. Paula Goziti, brother Zachsry. .LITOTCK %RAD MARE, 7 yaars, chasi- blond mane and 101, 16 han- Shopping Centre on Mwy. 7, tuiIy txrxied, $75 pur wuuti. Cal 655 8966. TYPtWIIITER rentai, many mates and modla, b>' the weetiund. weti or mxnth. DIscounîs avaliablu. Dictson Prining & Oice Supplias ltrihe Ajax Plaza. Cali us or business machine repirs. 6831960. Englisb. AIso ana single hor- rmier. 705-754-2250. FREE: Drop loto the Dickson le Iba Ajax Plaza and pick up a JND a«fectimniatu gray', white rue copy af the 1986 Matil orange temale cal, 2 t0 3 Caiendar. PrIeied In Iwo coixurs. rs aid, Manning and Bradley' Il maties for hsndy ruturencu. i.Cali 668-4254. 883-1968. G3jýNaL DATES GALORE. For ali agua and unatiachud. Thousanda of<mmrm- bers enxious tameeut you. Prestige Acquainiancecali ioii- rue Mure nmon sesxxxxxxxOiaxitSXXXxOCCx ADULT VIDEOS FOR VDEO ORDERS ONLY CALL FREE 1.800683-7034 THIS WEEK'S SPECUAL $19.05 TO ORDER OUR PULL COLOR CATALOGUE t $305 CALL 1.4W3256511 COA M 1981-1963 *We sawueach otherInM Wolo(WhItby IMail) et 4:30 *pm. Octoburloih, I'm nowM Lv;r he hoci. Yesi1did rucognIzu you, I Ihinti wu may bu ruiatud. Ato:ASTUTE (H.M. SIM) Wt PO. Box 206 Whtby. Ont. LiN 681. -WORD PROCESSING *LEGALIMEDICAL SEC. *RECEPTIONISTITYPIST *BOOKKEEPING CLERK *ACCOUNTINGIBLSINESS MERCHANDISING DESIGN *MOTEL & RESTAURANT OPERATIONSIMGMT. *COMPUTERIZED BANKINO & CUSTOMER SERVICE *DENTAL CHAIRSIDE ASSISTANT -Pinancial Assistance may bu availabie -Job Pacement Assistance TORONTO SCHOOLOF FREE: 1986 guide la studysi'- home -correspondance Dipioma courses or pretilus caraure: Accauntivg, Air condiiioning, Bootitieplng. Business. Coemeiology, Elucironice. Lgalledial Sacrelai>', Peychclogy, Traval, Granion (5A) 263 Adelaida Wssi, Toronto, 1. 8W-.268-1121. CAREER CANADA Collage. Toronto, Otawa, amilon, dan. tal chairoidu assIsing. hoIuliresuraxt management, travul careers, dsy classas and home study. 385 ongu Si., Toronto, MSB MA.,1416977- 7797. EARN EXJRA INCOMEI Lusrn la prupare Ixcamu Tac rtures by correspondance, local Franchise avallable. WrIie Tex Timu Sur. vices Ltd., 1304 Spuers Rd.. Oat. vie, Ont, L6L 2X4. BECOME AN AUCTIONEER 85 hours Mt'instruction, nuxi close Novumbur 15.22. Contact Sauth- western Ontario School ot Auc- tloxuarieg, PO. Box 145, In- nurtiip, On. NOJ UMO. (5101 400- 3036.(519) 5372115. FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 6686111 ARTICLESS FOR SALEFOR SALE MICRO FURNACE opacue ga HARDWOOD LOOS for tIruwoad, hutr sacus you mone>', don'I bu 12 card icade deiioerud, 705.754- aleI he coUd rdur ycurs tlas>' 2258, MerlitBarry. 683-2638. MA tistESSES and box eprînge ai hait prîcu. McKeen Furnluru, 524 Simcoa Street South, Oehawa. 7255181. ANTIQUE budroom exle, double had. chesl, dresser wlth mîrror, darti wainut, $450. Cati 660.8751. NAIRDRESSINO uquipment tor sale. Onu vanliy and mîrror, Onu hydraulIe chair, onu hardryur. ana ehampoo bow, onu shampoo, chair and onu VIctor Cash registur. 430-0405. PEL ELECTASO tuenclng supplies, ail lnvuntory sai tf, tiret coma, tiret serve, asti or lst. Elucîrlo Penclng systums of Canada, Box 3025, Kitchener, N2G 4R5 (519) 7459846, ANNOUNCINO: Ruvoixtionar>' nuw ovan that cooke golden brown Frnch rias as wieil as many other producta wthoul 011 or costly canopy sysems. Restaurants - Arnas - Loungs - Schools. Contact Pacltic National Pood Systuma (416) 297- 1744. USED STORE dlsplay ractis for bootis end' carde, Whitby Fre Press, 668-6111. BIRD LOVERSI Ordur your bird teading tit b>' mail nowl Kit le- cludes, osa ruillablu birdhol, 4.4 lbs. af "Bird Pratrrud' qualil>' suntlawer sued, and mucti more. Plusse send $5.00 plus $3.00 postage and handilg par kil. Abera Suntiowur Seede, Box 767, Bow Island, Aberta TOK 000. HARD WATER PROBLEMS? le- trxducIng the waler sottener thal douant use sait. No more lxggIng bec>' baga af coatly saL Oter aotenae remace calcium end other goad.tar.yau minerais. We don'I udd sait la your waîer or ramone béneficiai minrais, because thatu nai good fr you. Other soteners teks xp lots of roars, use elecîricît>', require bactiwashIng. cxut pIeniy ta le- sUai>ted too much 10 mainll. W. dont. Callati> rue 1800-268 2656 or helibler, baller taîing cleaner-wassbng water. 'HEROES of the Bible' coioxring booki availabie et Dictsan Prin. tixg & Office Supplies, Ajax Plaza, 883-1968. Dealer inquiries invted. LIOHTING MAINTENANCE ail types - tiorscent, muchanIcai advurilsing, etc. 13 yuars ex- puriancu, satistaction guaran. teed, fruaeetmae. Cal436- 1313. CHESTERPIELD suite, lovusuate, suctionais, uese than th prîce. Large suiectios. McKuun Purnituru, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oehawa. 7255181. LOSE WEIGHT, tuai gruat, Il yo'ra surixus about your weight and hualth catit now and asti mu how, 436-1313. VISIT our ueed urnitxru warehausu by appainîmunt. 610, savlngs on destis, chairs, tIling cabinets, etc. Cail Dictson Prin- tlng & Ottice Supplies ta arrange an appoinimunt ta cluw, 603- 1968. A-Z PRE. EN. Buildings. New types, steel & woad, quonsea, ciaddieg, for rus value. action and aeswers (416) 626-1794-' Luavu massage or colieci sitar 6 p.m. wuutiande. Asti or Wally. Frea brochures. STEEL BUILDING pre winer tac- tory cleaance, siraighl wieil or quaneet styles, cariais sizes at spelai discounts, save Ihausan- de, limiied quantifies. Phone PioneriEconaspan tlltrue 1- 8000-387-6896. MONTREAL MILITAS>' Surplus: Workshirs $275, wxrtipanis $3.50, wrkboois $15. For caiaiag, senid $2 (reimbursevd irst ordari: Miliar>' Surplus. Box 243, Si. Timthea, i3uubec JOS IXO GEOTYPE press-on lIutring cuw le stocti ai Oictson Fdniing & Of- ice Supplies in the Aax Shop-. ping Piazo. Large slection of styles and sizes. Why psy more for s smaiiar shuvi x1lietaring? 6831968. NEVER FORGET to iurn your huadlghls ott sosini Matie your car more visibe on theu mad wthout the worry of a duad bat. tury, gra> stxctilng stuttur, the headilg<it remInder sImply pioge nto fuse panai, $9.05 plus tax, Include $2 ahlppingihsndilrig, VleaJM.C. CoUl 1 000.263.3735 weutidays 99. Sewart Spuclaiity, Box 905, Cobourg, Ont, K9A 4W4. Ordurs shipped aseaday. $$$ STEEL Buldinge $$$ Varlous size uvaleble, uxemple 30XWXc14 $4,00; 46x90x16 $9,960, ulppud wlth large doors. Due to lmllud quantifies and low prîceourlous buyers onU>' wIll save many dollars. We sturtby paylng or your ceil. Act n0w and oe e18000-3072115. 1'xlO' GREENHOUSE, $149. 1000W maIel Huldu, $175. Plus 10,000 gsrduning producla, gruat prîces. Bond $2 <or ln<o.pacti. Westerm Waiur Fanne, 1244 Seymour Si., Vancouver, B.C. VOS 3N9. (604 6268M. *COMMODORE Vlc 20, Data seut, Wlko (o>' stick, 20 gamu tapa. Aiea cansotu'biacti and white TV., le tair condition, boat citter on bath. 68-8473, atter 5:30 p.m. BUILDINGS for sale, llmited quantît>' of quonsut buildinga aott ovur tram Naionat Shaw et racti- bottamn prîces, 25x32 $2,864, 32x40 $3.652, othar 5h00 acaliabia, Cali icltfrua 14W80.7 4910. AIRSPAN BUILDINGS. Straighi- wall and cxud wail steel builngs, ail sires, epeciol pnieus <or aariy duiivury. Cali Airepan Buldings (41613M-3454. RUSTY SMELLY WATER? New tuchnology for truating watur ai the saurce. ottera 'wuii to <exeat protectian throughoul untire water eystum. No sait ar mussy chumicala, se the resuits wlh our ô month triat ottur. Ouaie: "Barry Kinch -i<unabaak, Ont. - Thantis again tar putiing out a sysiera Ihai reaiiy dos what you say tl wll." Par clear, swaat. watar - cail 1.000.266, ares 807 eau 18006244344. (Youli bu giad yax dld.) USED DESKS <iles, storaga cabinets, eiactiing oftice chaire, steel ad(usiahie ahuiving, store dispiaye. Blaire New and Used, 21 Alan Ave.,. Wodbridge. Phone (416) 851-8100, nuar Mwy. 7 and 400, Mon-Fni. -5, Si. 10-1. PLAYGROUNDS. Your commit. tee planning a piayground? Con- tact experte <or catalogue. Suggestioans, designo, advicu. Tuiephone Tam ai M lan Cruativa Piayeirxcturus 1800-267-706M. Box 1300 Almonte, Ont. KOA 1IAO. BRAND NEW cxeiomn made pitch pieaaed boucla shuars & puasa valance, mini green, 75WxO6 VL <ichen table and chairs, 5 drawur mapie cheet. OesaI oter. 668-0584. WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ CLA3I~IFID AI UNLIMITED INCOME. Join our mail order progrum, worli ai home. For more Inormation @end $1.0o for postage and handlng la J & E Enterprlee, Box 39-P. Station M. Toronto, M6S 4T2. EARN 15% pur year ln U. illars, guaraniaudi By way 01 iaading Marine Cargo Containers, rentaliincome -. <Ne marine cargo containers pay $2.325 par pear, con pay $4,650 par year, 25 pay $11.625 par yuar, iungth otflase le up to 15 years (5 yr. Incrumen- te), minimum invetment $3.1100, ail aboya ln US. dollars, asti about our Capital Appraciation program (416) 308-3585. Write: Pacitic RIm Container Sale Ltd., 2nd Iioor, 33 Yongu St., Toronto M5E 158. ENJOY TAX BENEFITS of oeil. empioymunt rom yaur own home, reprusent mauUactares ot Watar Distilera rom 3240.50, ax- cusive turrltory, no ranothise <au or contracta, muet bu uwareaund concerned wth local wter purity, excellent eaurnngu or ac- tive people. Write for détaita: LB.H. Industries, 116Vicaroy C. g, Concord, Ont. L4K 2M3 (416) 661-1142. ENTREPRENEURS oniy 'usay yes' ta mIlionsi Csnmarket Business Pruseniatlon at Ascot Inn, 534 Rendsie Bivd. this Thur- aday, 8 p.m. sharp. PRCTVOUA HOME Complote Iiiustrstud guide ta home aecurlty uganat ires, *storms, Insuctsand burgiars.M guar-ntued. et lo Station A, o1 t. MS 1 C. BOOKKEEPING or omait husiness, reasonabie rates, Brooklilofftice, atler 4 p.m., 1- 986-0119. ~~ANDLISUPPLIES MISRTRIM * SERVICE *Now booklng fal11 *Cean.ups andI 1isrough Cleanng Reasonable prICes. 725-3300 TREES FOR SALE Dis your ovin trees and isndscape your proper. ty cheap. Colorado Bue Sprucu, 1.½ý tt., $12. Austrian Pins, 2 i., $9.00. Europuan White Birch, 4 It.. $8.00. SlIixr, Mapie, 6 <., $8.00. White Coder, 3 <., $3.00. White Syrucu, 3 <., $700. Deaers weicame. Cati 6558966. ICOUNTRYORHR * SUPER SPECIAL * ~ ' F111 Your Own Bushel * ~ & Get ½ Bushel FREE Northern Spy & GoId DlîclousI WEST ON TAUNTON RD. & HWY. 12 1(Nex) <o Cullen Gardens> ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS 'lease check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, ay of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage rrbe or i u publicaio aey n hecos of t peogrupi BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 12t each alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding rrrinpbiainbynth ototh pc cuid additional word. such repliese We will not be responsible for box number qy the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion, replies not called for within 30 days. 'he Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8,00 for the f ir- eject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50words;- 12t each additional word, DEAI)LINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert ne day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication LASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words;, 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES - 431;perline. (No wood adallowed). f to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. itional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classifîed BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are avaihoble at an ad- CALL d to your Ch argex or *Visa account. Please have your dîtional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 i MANU FACTURER'S CLEARANCE AGRICULTURAL STEEL $4)9 PRE.PAINTED S' SHEETS <NOMINAL> UIN STOCK S1399 PROMma ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS $ 1999 OVES 150 IN STOCK, WHILE SUPPLIES LAST esU. ALUMINUM LADDERS $25199 STEP & EXTENSION - IN STOCK.tram 08. VINYL SIDING $649sq WHITE - S"OR DOUBLE 5" 2" ALUMINUM STORM DOOR CLEARANCE $2999 SCRATCIIEO à DENTED. OVER 300 IN STOCK q 08 GARAGE DOORS $291 WOOD à STEEL IN STOCK.fom O908. CALL FOR QUOTATIONS Wm. BIG FORD Aluminum Sales Ltd. R. R. 3 Brghton, Ont. Mon.-Fri. (134705 12t 8-5 13)475-,52 'e- m L

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