Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 15 Oct 1986, p. 20

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PAGE 20.WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15.1986. WH-ITRY FRFFEPRESS FREE. PRESS Enxporhm Ad& wiil only be ccepted ubject tthe filowing conditions. riu o--- o-- t f ARTICLES ARTICLES FOR SAL ERFOR A LE CANON 31OXL Super 8 movie CMECIAL type reuzer, camnera mith 8.5 . 25.5 MM 200M OM S eal8 I. lng wllh 2 aîidIrg Ions, excellant condIllon, asklng ornwcmesrJn.'5 $125 or boast oflor, Phase 888- alng $1,800.Phone MMsoe. 2271, evoslngs. FRIDOE for sale, auliablo for cal- tege or as second fIrlg, rot- Ires, whte, 13 cu. fi., $100. Oel 655-3850. 194 PETER hutt coder trlp 1e, hoat andç motor, $1,000. 1970 tlardtop camper, lops 8. hie fumaGe and add-a-r c y whee, 91e. a eou . Waodgrais freezer, 920. Phono 668-2702- FOR SALE 2 sets aI plsch peded drapes, full iosgth o 8 wlde eand 12' %ide, earlh 10005. Also ose pair croam, 8' aide. sn excellent condtion, $50 each. 434-7977. KITCHEN elecenlo weiimaunl globe ilghl liture, off white wllh palnted rase trlm, rws and gold, $5. Pot llghi ecessed celing ialure, $4. Change tahle, white, $25. Reinbarrol, $5. Eighl pins raitlge, $20. 655M82. Il DININQ o mcmchairs, excellent condition, 940mach. Rock cepie ktchon @et, 4 chaire, $195. Cor- ner cabnet, '$75. $olid mood dresserrand rmrror, M5. Oak rookîng chair, M5. Atique dlnlsg room tahle, 2 ieeve, $16. Bookaheif, $15. Phono 083-883. ROUND OAKC pedesial eable fon sale, 6 malchlng chaira, 5 beavas for tahle, ail n excellent cas- ditias, asking $1,395 or 50etaller for sol, must soîl. Aso ciainel for sale, $100. Cail 683.8638. HOMELITE elecînlo geseratar, 800 w, used once,listaet o ven $500, saili9350. 65"-313, aller 5, p.m. SOFA à CHAIR $300. 001e table, $35. Sterea stand, $75. Orange uh chair, $75. Back ewlvol rocker, $90. Te. Bu. 441- 7889, Home 831-919. 1984 KIRBY vacuum, ail alîach. cents, gaod condition, $400. Phono 985395. ONE SET maplewood bunk heds, comple wilh posture boards & mattress, $150. Cal 886-4480. AIRTI0HT Casoar axooCStovo, Inst mb egular firepiaco, gisa door. gold trim, aaieiog $225. Phone 688.053. ELECTROHOME humridillar. $0. Foo processor, Mouilnao, fsardiY used, $55. Phono 868-1328. FRIGIDAIRE 30" elecîrlo atovo, avocado green, ory $000 con.- ditlon, $225. COUl 433-488. FOR SALE bad sofa, aieps 2 with 2 machlog chairs, hlack and gray tweed, $150. Dinaile table, square, chroma egs. souls 6, ox- pandingto0 eai 8,$55.t08-189. -PLASE i-EAI- When thse advertised item la sold, dlspoaed of. or unavallable for whatever reason, thse item wilil h deemed to have been sold and a commissian will be charged baaed os THE ADVERTISEII PRICE ao illutraied below, regardieso if price s stated wth "bet offer" If the item sa NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wii be ruo for 3 MONTHS aod a MINIMUM CHARGE of $750 wiii apply payable inadvasce 0f pubication of the first ad. The above minimum charge mlii be applied 10 tthe final commission due. Maximum commission: $10000. Ail adver- tilementa must ho piaced on an exclusive basis with Uhe WHiTIY PFREE PRESS and rus ai lenst one month il sol sod. RATES (if article Io soid : 5% ef adverlleed prîce up ta 840.00 2% off halance over $400.00 EXAMPIE: Soid item edvertserd fer $150.0o. Commiesion due $7.508(minimum charge le887.50) Pnîvale advertlalesg only! Peuse notify Ue Whitby Free Presa lmmedlately mhen item ia aold so0 that e may delete I froro th8e follawlsg Issue. Ail adas ot fitting Use Emporiuma guidelines wili ho treeted and charged per meete as regular ciasalfled ada os a pre-pald basis such as: services, belp wasted. cladslng, real estate, asd pemsonal message typa ado, or adas ot quoting prîce or quastity. Private ciumitfied ada may appear in the Emporium section under appropriale headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADSTO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 20 Whfiby. LIN SSI FOR SALE boys Baoen skalee, size 3,$15. Grls figra taesTHE DEj izo 2, $15. ChlOd alzed akalirg FRIDAY]I MUSICAL ISTRUMEN T S ACCORDIAN 'Scandali. 120 has, idles size, lîke ra, $900 flrs. Organ - Lowry *Magic Gasn 88', elecmnl, like rom. $3000 firm, rplacemnt vueuo 5,000- Tel. 655-4480. GENDRON baby cardage Ion slo, asing $30 or hesi ollan. Phono 683043 TWIN STROLLER Sllvercret, Ion sale, $85, Ilke rew. Joliy lurnper an stard, $10. Bahy car seat, $5. Cati 6W.781 0. BABY ITEMS for sale: cdIb. $30. Hlghchelr, iierorosse, $5. Change table wlth tu, $25. resis table, $25. Car seala, Stroiou, $40 os. Douhle stroliar, Perego, $100. Fiacher PIce mobile, $12. Engleh pnsc. $40. Phase 688-398. NEED TO KNOW SOMETHJNG ABOUT YOUR NEW COMMUNITY? Cal Phono 668-8943 Our otes wiI bing gis and gretiîngs. aient wîlh heiplul communly inormaion. SPECIALS GALOREI The Framlflg Centre 668-4521 If in dsht cati: 668-6111 OR DELIVER Tt: 131 Brock St. N. Whitby. Ont. .ADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. PARTS FOR a 1863 hallon truck, 8 cyl. motor, A-i condition, $150. 655-3410. 1978 COMAET ô cyi.. Ian paris, gopd mtor, transmisonos rosi end, complte car, SM0. Phono 055-30M. MOTORS. odge, GM, Toyoaa Honda and Ford, $150 aach. Four good ires, $5 each. Excellent windows Ion garage, shap or greerhouse, 5 il. s 8 fi., 4 fil. a il.. $45 ou. ive cars for paris, $250 ea. (75 Dodge, GMC, Chevy. 74 0008e. Ford truck). Cali Ted, 855-4949. asylIme. FOUR VARI fit 14ae'" chrome mire hbaket wheels and four Unîroyal Tîger Paw E70xl4 ires, $200. Four B.F.Goaodnlch Euo TA. 235M6HR14 on 4 Cheviot hot wIre aiumlnuc wheels 14x7 t lit 79 and up MuaangiCaprl, 80 and up T-BirdiCougar, ail brand nom, case $1200, soul for $950 lIrra. Cmple 0onerIOw set 41 Cragar SS wheel epInsers, $45. 318 colon loood, $250. 1980 225" super ant six and aulocailo transmission 180001, $250. Phono 65&3266. FOUR aimoat flOw steel radaa, P20517R151FR78115. $10. Fine n0w Goodyear Wranglar radiale P319I75R15, $40. Ose nom Edoihrock SP2P alucInurn Inake manifold and kil for scal lock Chevroil, SM0. Four aicaet n0w aiumInuc atar epoke whouia, 6 boit 101li l Japînseotruchsanmd aome Choya, $75 etch. Phono SUPPLIES MINIATURE SCHNAUZERS, 5 male puppios, 01<0 ragislerod, shols, dewarmed and hamoraised, goad wth chlldres, san-ahadding and nan.eiiargic, $400 each. Cou Paort Ferry (416) 985-3988. 12 FOOT wooden salhboel ready for auschlsg. $300 Phono 688- 2787. 1985 JEEP RENEGADE 8,000 1937 CHEVROLET 2 doac, Coach mtes, 6 cpi., 5 speed, ps., p.., Sodan, 50% restared froc tlut, csny extras, $12.400. 655 ground epil perla original aend 4882, allerO6p.m. complote, canuel$eand entre perte, 93,500. Phono 666-2744. tour speed, haichhach, AMIFMY cassette, sunroof, 5,000 Mles, $2,150. Phone 668-6336. 1980 OLDS 98 Regency 350, slver extenlor, hios inlerlor, 105000 wllh options, ooly 86,000 km, mal malolalsed, ashlng $5,200 cor- 1f led. 855-4712. 1978 DODGETradesman 300 Vas, carpel asd panel, eoiended rool, asklog $3,000 or best star. 668- 3991, aller 6 P.m. 1978 PLYMOUIH Caravelle, air condition, 90,000 km., gaod cas- dition, $1,200 or hast aller. Toiephose 668-765. 1977 DATSUN Fia good enginse, hody ilr, no ruat, valve lob and good tires, $850 as la. Phase 688- 6457. 1977 HONDA Halchback, 4 speod, nom clolch, rohulit moîsr, neede bady work, $700 or hast cl- fer. 68-8528. 1978 CHRYSLER CORDOBA pe.. phb., air condliiesnlng, $600 or huai aller. Oel 655-3178. 1970 014tO> 44Ion vas, ruse but neede hody worh or gaoo for par- le, $250. Phoneo 655-938, aller 6 p.. 1975 CHEVY vas 20, cutomlZedI. hud, lcehox, carpot, hlgh back huchet ouate, AMIFM caette terea, mage aIl arousn d nd00 hrsteee, lie and traitler htch, souada hody warte, aoid as le, $1.400.COeil433-1579. 1974 FORD pick up Wh las F100, $450. 1977 Olds Delta 88, drIves daily, cas ha cartlfled, $850or al- fo. 1975 Camaro. seoda body mark, rueosad0, $350or aller. 723-2818 or 4388115. 1972 PONTIAC Parlisne, 77,000 mlea orignalIn runsing con- eltlon, etra hody parte avfliahie, $200 uocertllled. Cali Paul OC&- 1532, alterô pm. THE "CIENCTON OF YOUIR1 BD STO CARRY VOUA E5RAINAROUN55I 4!oCON FU Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have If you: aare a private advertiser; *have an article t7o sell; and, *have a specifîed asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more detailsi. Your ad wîli run each week until the article lias been sold (maximum three months i. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $750 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT selI wthin three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. l is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article wilI sel!, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $7.50? When your article selîs, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Corn- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. ISE D?- questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear Up many of your questions - if not, do caîl 668-6111l and we'll be pleased to explain the Emporiumi Section to you personally. rI have read the Emporium guidelines above and wîsh lu have the ifollowing advertisemeni placed under Ihis section of the Whilby Free IPress. I -~ ___ - i..doxIt forgem oin mnude voor phone rsunîlm-r i 1 enclose $7.5010o cover the mînimut Charge $7.50lo my Visa account. Card N. Nace <pieuse printi jAddress Cty m charge MAIL TO: Fsp IDate WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 Posall Code Below are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. Ad vert ived Price Uplto $ 1511 $ 200 $ :300 $ 4(X) $ 500 $ 600 $ 700 $ 800 $ 900 $1.000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5.000 and up Total Amount Payable 37.50 810.00 815.00 320.00 $22.00 824.00 $26.00 $28.00 $30.00 132.00 $52.00 $72.00 892.00 $100.00

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