PAGE 26, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8,1986, WHI TBY FREE PRESS Whitby's Most Widely Read C LASSIFIFDADS HELP M~iELP CAREER WAI~TED I~J~fAi1~~D ~T~TNI~G~NG Do You Have . Shoes 7 *A Love of Faehion *A warm carlng preonaiity *An Internat In people W. offer -An opportunîfy taotearn the faibton busInoes from the grnund Up. *The support of a team dedIcated ta providing the boat service In town. *An actIve and oucîfing woric envronment. .Opportdtnîty formadvancoment lntemested? Why flot drap ln ut aur store fora pereanai and confidentiel Interview ATTENTION: WOMEN AND MEN SALES-MANAGEMENT TRAINEES If you want an apportunity that cornes rareiy In a persans iltetima thon you oweoIt ta yoursoif ta Invotigato. 1. If you are agood communicatarICAREER MINDEO. 2. Nest appearencelIHGHfLV MOTIVATEO. 3. Aggressivo wth outgaing paraonaiity. 4. Prfrover 22 (or rosponsibie>.. 5. High achool graduato minimum, with four yoars ful-timo worfcîng t(sles> enperience orcoliege degree. 6. Must ha oul ot town 5 nights por weok. Intoerntionel corporation bas Immediato openings for mature, professionef sales-criented comon and mon thet nood tcoarn $8,000 and Up por yoar, issiary plus commission>. $25000 par woolc whiie In training with motet ouponses, car sttowanco and corp. baneIts. Retali, ieweiry, cosmeflo, talephone sasies or marictingteacfiing background heiptul, and homomalcers now Ireo fa fravol. GREAT CAREER RE-ENTRY OPPORTUNITYt For porsonal Interview cati JOHN C. HALL'5 office TOLI. FREE et 1. S0O-523-0853, Monday through Thursdey, btween 8:00 a&m. - 6:30 p.m. ONLYI E.O.E. MIF >» $STRAVEL POSITIONS AVAI LADBLE ALSO WITH EXPENSES ETC.$$$ E HAIR5TYLIST roquirod. Phono 66-0851. DABYSITTER NEEOIO fuli-lime In my homo for a two yoar old. requIrod ta worlv ehitta, Whlby area. Calii 68-5380. RILIABLE BADYSITTER raquired (part-time), my homo (Garden & Bradley aroal, for lwo oblidran. PMesse cmii 86&9.759 aller 6 p.m. HILP YOURSELF toma fortune tor a fr00 Ilit of ovor 25 "money making" opportunitlis cri10 ta R.C. Marketing Co., Depi. 028, Box 323, Station J, Cmgary,'Alea 't2A 4X6. A CARIER IN TRuCICINO. Tran- sport drivera neaded. Now la the lime to0 train for your Cîas A iconme. For pre.creening Inter- view mnd lob placement infor- mation, contmct Merv Orrma Tran- sport Driver Training, Brampton 1400-265-1260. OVIRSIAS POSITIONS. Hu6- drada of top paying positions. At. tractive bentlils. Ai oc. cupations. Fre0 datalia. Ovrseas Impicyment Services, ept. WA, Sox 480, Mount Royal, Ouebac H3P3C7. *INTRIST IN YOUTH OR SPOR- TS? Sharo your enthusiasm 5as a voluntear leader 2 haura woekiy, October ta Aprit aI sports or girls maf-lmprovomont progrema ln Whitby, Oshaca or Bowmanvio thet are opated by the Iastvlec Soya and Girls Club. Training provIdod and enriching eoporen- ce. CatI Etension Programt Co- Ordinator, 7285125. TIRED 0F SEING broke? larn $«00 f $1,200 per monlh part- lime, 32,000ta $6,000 por month ful-time. Cmii Mr. Tradallo, 438. 1313, BRAMPTON based manufacturer of prefmb buldings la doing s0 much business that if la oxpan- dIng ifs requIroments for cuidera, tlera & labourera, part- lime, fuli-time, day & night ehftI position vmlable. Caii now or drap ln & ses us Perke Suiings, 217 Wikinson Rd., Brampton, Ont. LT 4M2 (416 454-5«0. fRUCKING CAREERS. Driver lob training cilh placement heip la evallabio. Complets delalin can ha meiied ta you. Phono Rodgors aSchool ai (416) 7893546 with postal coda. MATURE RELIABLE habysitter roo r. WORK OVERSEAS a fantastic challenge la acaling you, cortc on a terni ln Europe, Australis or New Zaland, If you ara single and have 2 yoars practIcai agrîcuturai ouporience thon wrils or cail: Inernational AgrIcuturai Exchange Association, cia 10 Chrysiar St., Ottawa, Ont. KIS 4C2, Ph: (6131 235-4287. CLEANINO CONTRACTORS Provide Window Cieaning Services for a- two year period at the Michael Starr Building, 33 Kng St. W., OSHAWA, Ont. TENDER NO. ORI-86- 206 Seaied Tenders wiii be received until 2:00 p.m. Local time on - WEDNESDAY, OC- TOBER 22,1986. Tender Documents msy be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Ser- vices, OrIllia District Office, 24 James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Orillia, Ontario. L3V 8K7 Note: For further in- formation regarding the Tenders, please cail the Tenders Of- fice at the above ad- dreas, tetephone (705) .325-7403. AUCTION SALE THURS., OCT. 9 6:00 P.M. At Orval McLeen Auction Center, Lindsay. About 500 haalthy potted shrubs, white & blue spruce, some trees. Our final shrub sale this year. 8:30 p.m. sharp. Fur- nIture, appliances, an- tiques. GLADYS COLLINS estate plus property of MR. & MRS. CLARENCE Mc- DOUGALL, Lekef ld. Modemn beige chester- field set, single beds, wringer washer, chesta, dressers, bunk beda, color talevlion, hall rack, cil lamps, pres glass, china, arrowback, old chairs, washstand, Duncan Fyfe dlning table, crocks, loveseat and -chesterfild, radliner, epi. size elactrlc stove, air * conditionar, ruga, exarcise bike, an- tique seedar, taak dining suite, lift top dask, large quentity furniture, some coliactables. To liai your sale cali MVCLEAN AUCTIONEERS 324-2783 LINDSAY AUCTION SALE FR1., OCT. 17 6:00 P.M. Consignmant sale to be heid et Columbus Com- munlty Centre 10 include CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FR1., OCT. 10 6:00 P.M. Duncan Fyfe dropleaf tables, 9 po. dining room suite, f lat-to-wail cup- board, upholstered set- tee, mantie cdock, oak dinlng room chairs, parlour tables, platform rocker, .wooden walI telephone, walnut gen- tlemen's dresser, washstends, dining room extension tables, painting by Anna, Noble, pump shotgun, Steven's pump shotgun, double skl-doo tratier, 1972 18f t. Holiday house traller completely equlpped). DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE SAT., OCT. il 12:30 P.M. Clearing auctlon of household contents, the property of MRS. OLIVE MCCOV, 20 Prlncess St. (opposite Unted Chur- ch), Brookiin, Ont. Partial liatt o include as follows: superb honey oek roll top desk, pins herveet table, 8 pc. oak dining set, 3 pc. wainut bedroomn set, sofa & chair sets, ktchen'set, Victorien chest of drawers, set of kitchen chairs, oak rockers, standing & table lemps, occ. tables & chairs, sllverware set, smel ep- piiences, qulIts, mentie dlock, quantity of glass & china, wicker pianters, hall trees, ol1 palntlngs (by Mrs. McCoy), mirrors, grenlteware, crocks, R.C.A. color T.V., Westinghouse fridge, freezer, 2 stoves, G.E. dryer, washer, lawn fur- niture, lawn mower, gar. dan tbols, & other mlsc. Items. Terms cash or chaque (with .D.) No reserve. Mrs. McCoy has gone to senior citizens home. Refreshments available. G&H KAHN AUCTIONEERS 683-0041 or 985-8161 AUCTION SALE THURS., OCT. 16 r EE . la needed for a 4h poar aid and 8 aniqLI.ue JIp ump oII, 5:00 P.M. 'jerler, LndUsay. C~on- poster ceinnonbeii month aid tn come Int my home, LUNCHROOM survervisur The îowest or any ibrary secretariate, Antique a(nd quality fur- sign by Oct. 4. Accepting bdrm sut (hn day shift, Hardinvg Si. aresu. Cali requirvclfor one haourvuareulur Tne o ahtns ode iuee ra oen tractors, f arm bdrfted suieb hanL 66-4343, aler 6p.m. schrooiday ai Col. Farewelli edr t wss@d, woe iue tOvlMLa catd-spr) azy Schooi. For furher Information necessarily accepted. chairs, 9 pc. dining roomn Auction Center, Lindsay. machinery, vahidies, Boy chair, fanbaJk CARPINTIRIHANDYMAN ta cmli 68683901. suite, elactric organ, Property 0f LLOYD & snowmobiias,3 wickar chair, wallunit &asit In realormîlan af century wooden decoys, guns & BLANCHE CHALMERS, wheeiars, recreation with desk, amail tables, hame. MuaI have gaod carpentry, NILPI i nead a wr n many more items to Beaverton (gîvîng up vehiclas, construction wicker bookcase, rattan alneigdolorkîlis endnha . rosponsible pereon t. co,me lu co!ý CT0 -me. Check paper next housekeeplng) and machinery or tools, shop hallstand, rattan chair, mintn lan arir sIldandnty 5II.J5IUIm Cmii Ooug Anderson aIt611 my home one dey par weotc9:30 week for complete WILSON ELLIS asIate, tools, rlding iawn trac- odrcighii a ares-sv«iola4:30, la plmy and cars for a 3 CNINET lsig osgmns Oeefi iago os t.Bigt an odrocelephon i, old ok a - and 4 yor oid. You ahould ba SALE welcome. Sala menaged appilances, colour honeodcckba for he6a cass0nm0.oalendST. OC T listin .d by nme t Oee o , f9 l p c w aînudî 324-2783 . r1 to , or fridge, bar stools, large avalîmblo la ivo-in 10 raliavo Momn3428 VALMED acay or 2 coak vacation. 35.00 10:00 A.M. GARRY K. POWELL dining room suite, Ginger botties, copper HELH holily and 360 day for une-n. I At Orval McLean Auction AUCTIONS yvashstands, dressers, bolier, mirrors, pain- SEVICESINC. poecihvildrnabdîhavepo e Cnter, Lindsay. Accep- To liat your conslgnman- round oak table, buffet, l inge, pictures, sîlver ReursR',RAs givemeacalIfle&5925. ting farmn machInery, ts or for more Infor- chairs, piano, books, 5 - - servîng places, color freqprt-es ork, NRIO OIantrci mitractors, cars, trucks, mation cali pc. settea set, 011 lampe, I' television, chainsaw, frpr-ire ok II NWcosrcinalriding mowers, 3 855-4185 settee, many antique gardenlng tools, iadder, varied hours, ln ln- phases, drivera, machinis,- wheelars, shop and car- ___________ dishes, palntings, bed- f.~ fwelarl mi lc stitution or, homes. caerr, eleclrIcimns, mechmnics, penter tools, construc- ding, hall stand, ail glass g i~., tric appiiencas, plus Cal for appointment, airlinos, somaevetry levai -fi Z Mna oFîa. ContinentliJab Saarch (3W)> 382- racreation Items, tables, coliectables. ti loveiy well- 433-1494 70Faeurdsn mole.Bng1 Don't miss tl 6 p.m. , maintained home. Home barn this week or phone, Ra l rp..,C To lisi your salae i't s.Aohrsprsl Sesaes-alde en1eca ABYSITTIR WANTIO ilnsarp.b and Thuradey, rate nogotlible. Sraakiin or Ashburn for W dapa, litst ar 324-2783 by I ACIOS Cati sano Anderson aI 668. ~5 m cawek, relerancen MCLEAN .ese.iIvMCLAN 72DVISAUC4 ON soearea.1 1.required. 6553238, aller 4:30 p.m. AUCTIONEERS read.l AUCTIONEERS PaRTu7Paa&772-45 .n.c.p.p.r.s-.m.i.dmp. .ed.e.sday .a.l dons AUCTION SALE SAT., OCT. il 11:00 A.M. 12:00 NOON REAL ESTATE AUCTION Lake Simcoe, Beaverton, 15 klm. north on Hwy. 12, west on 9th Une to lake, H. KING ESTATE, 1000 sq. ft. ln house & garage, 10 roome, 5 baths, white stone home, thermal windows Inside only par- tlally finIshed, 400 amp service, excellent oppor- tunIty, on lakesîde property. Info. cali 705-324-2783 SPECIAL THANKSGIVING DAY AUCTION SALE No Reservos MON., OCT. 13 10:00 A.M. At the KInsmen Com- munity Centre, 109 Coîbourne St. W., Oshawa. Antiques: gran- dfather dlock with pequenant works In a solid mohagany -case, large pair of Ornate figurine bisque lamps one boy & one girl, Vic- torian bow-front dresser of ribbon mohagany with large oval bevelled glass mirror, original amber glass oil lamp, double glass door uprlght secretary from maple & walnut, Seth Thomas oak case gailery dlock, 1/ cut oak deluxe gram- maphone very Ornate, sterling sliver ring box, sîlver tes service, mlnk shawi, hand palnted Nippon. vase, Victorien, parlour chairs, Note: our Holiday Monday sales will now be et 10 a.m. This la a partial listing. Over 250 quality an- tiques & coilectables. Make plans to attend. Doors open at 8 a.m. for viewing. Snack bar, full meals avallable. Terms cash or approved cheque. Sale by D.L.S. AUCTION SERVICES 434-6333 DALE SMITH AUCTION EER CONSIGNMENT SALE SAT., OCT. 18 10:00 A.M. At Orval McLean Auction iiiimo i ANTIQUE AUCTION SAT., OCT. il 11:00OA.M. Brooklln Communlty Centre,- Casseis Rd. East, Hwy. 7 & 12. Another fine sale ln- cluding s partiel estata plus selected Items. In Oak - a round dinlng table, roll top desk, teiephone booth, Edison grammaphonie, table, original wali telephone, 2 pc. cupboard, werdrobe, drop front desk, f loor grammaphone. In Pins -a wardrobe, dropleaf tables, dressers, cash register, blanket cheat, assorted emaîl tables, blanket.boxes. In Cherry -desk& farm scale. In Ciocks Burr wooden works dlock, banjo, pen- duium dlock, plus a unique Afrîcan carving cedar chest, corner gun cabinet, Morris chairs, 1892 Doherty pump organ wlth stool, 2 pc. cupboard, rockers, Que. chairs, recliner Victorien couch, 1890 drllling machine, spinnlng wheei, also e fanîily Bible. lsmps, lînen, decoys, peintinge & prin- ta, crocks, , pink depression glss, psy telephone, staîn giassed windows, Canadiens pressed-glass, assorted china, baskets, qulîts, hooked rugs, old tools, barrais, cest Iron pois, botties & a selection of books. PartielIlisting1 only. Terms cash, Vise or spproved chaque. Preview 9 s.m. EARL MACKINNON AUCTIONEER 655-3526 AUCTION SALE THANKSQIVING DAY MON., OCT. 13 10:00 A.M. 837 Glenwood Court, Oshawa, off Wlnona, west of SoDmmarville. For MR. & MRS. TED MARLOW- et their residents. Doulton collection of over 50 pcs. including complete Les Femmes Fatales serles (limited edition), 20 figurines, 17' Character jugs, plus 'Dog' serles, living room suite, girls bedroomn suite, pins 4