PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS Separate Board aims to reduce insurance premiums By JAN DODGE Free Press Staff By next September Durham's separate school board hopes to have reduced the cost but not the coverage of their liability insurance. At a recent meeting of the board, trustees decided to participate in the proposed Ontario School Boao0d's Reciprocal Insurance Exchange. If enough other boar- ds decide to take part (a minimum 'of 75 are needed) Grant An- drews, the board's superintendent of business, estimates the VCR for 5days $1 .9 wlth movie leach day Sundiay to Thurseday New Movies $29 Regular Moies 1. Aval lable at 76 Baldwin St., Brooklin 6%55-3306 Port Perry 985-9988 premium for the Reciprocal Insurance would be 75 percent of Oie present premium. Skyrocketing pre- miums, the possibility of having to exclude sports-related activities at schools, and, in some ca'ses, Oie unavailability of any liability coverage whatsoever drove school boards to ask Oie Ministry ofý Education- for help. With the aid of the Ministry of Con- sumer and Commercial Relations the Reciprocal Insurance Exchange was proposed. Since that time a sur- vey has been conducted to discover interest in the program with a follow-up symposium to enable boards to learn about the proposedl ex- change. Annual premiumns woùld be set by a 16- member advisory committee made up of representatives from See pg. 22 Br(ok lirn By lines ByBETY-JEAN BLYTH &Cal 655-367 th items for this column FASHION SHOW Burns Kirk Guild are holding another of the famous fashion shows'at Thunderbird Golf and Country Club on Tuesday, Sept. 30 starting at 8 p.m. Entltled Colour Sensations, it features imported and designer clothing from Jane's Boutique of Jane's Face Fashions and Colour Ltd. These will be fashions and accessories to suit eachcolour group - spring, summer, fail and winter. Tickets are $7 each and include a- lunch and door prizes. They are available at Ashburn General Store, Short's Pharmacy or by calling 655-8989. ROYAL DOULTON SHOWING The Christian Education Committee of Brooklin United Church is sponsoring a ýshow of Royal Doulton figurines and tableware on Wednesday, Oct. 1 at 8 p.m. in the church hall. Tickets are $350 and may be obtained by calling 655-4878. Refresh- ments will be served and some lucky person will win a Royal Doulton figurine as a door prize. BIRTHDAY PARTY A barty to celebrate the 8th birthday of Ashburn residents, Hlda Hopkins will be held on Saturday, SAVE UP TO 50% GIANT WAREHO'USE C-LEARANCE ,4ow fro m J 401 RD î ah-- - AGRICULTURAL STEEL Prepalntod 8Ot. aheeta <Nominal) n Stock REPLACEMENT WINDOWS ram Aluminum viflyl & Wood Ove, 500 in stock PATIO DOORS FARM FENCE H.D. 42- high 8 strand 20 rod rouîs 10999 ALUMINUM STORM DOORS 4 colours tramn $4999 over 1000 in stoc-k LADDERS 1 5. Stop Z20 EtnionJ 2599 59GB j t ram SU NROOMS? GREENHOUSES? s B8lty glass complota wtt), lum)num trame ~399098 ALUMINUM tram SOFFIT ROOF TRUSSES 16 $à tlesidential & Farm wmlBIOFORD ALUMINUM, 8O-R SALES- LTD, 8-12 RR3 BRIGHTON, 613-475-0521] Smo. Smoking is off limits in the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board Education Centre. Except for the first haif hour of the established lunch period in the staff lounge, smoking will no longer be permitted in 'the building. The motion to butt out was introduced at a recent board meeting by Oshawa Trustee Ivan Wallace, described by fellow trustee Tom Simmons as 'a smoker of foui cigars." In reply Wallace quipped, "I've neyer smoked a 'foui' Oct. 4 in Burns Church Hall from 2 to 4 p.m. Al Hilda's family, many frlends and neighbours are invited to attend. Best wishes only. EUCHRE PARTY Tomorrow, Sept. 25 is the first of the seasons euchre parties at Ashburn Community Centre. They are held every two weeks and everyone is invited to attend. LOOKING BACK DANCE The 'Oshawa and District Women's PC Association is sponsoring a dance at 592 Albert St. in Oshawa on Friday, Sept. 26. It will feature the recorded memories in stereo of Matt Reagan with music of the 50's and 60's. Tickets are $10 each and include a late lunch and prizes. Dress is to be casual or to add to the fun, dig out some of your old clothes from those eras or your parents as the case may be. To get the tickets, cail one of the followlng:* 655-3860, 723-7669 or 576-8409. LIBRARY NEWS Registration for the Pre-school Story Hour will be held the week of Sept. 22 (this week) and the first program wlll commence on Oct. 7 from 12:30 to 1: 30 p.m. Please make sure to pre-register because lack of space limits the size of the group. The library will be visiting Myrtle United Church on Oct. 8 from 12:30 to 1:30. Take an hour out for a visit while the kids enjoy some stories, crafts and music. The BLCC (Brooklin Library Children's Club) is off to a good start. Over 40 eager youngsters atten- ded the first meeting. There was a dress-up initiation, lots of games and treats for ail. Tamrny Jones was elected president, Jennifer Johnson is vice-president while Jenny Flanders and Michael Lavoie will be the supply managers.i Ail kids of school age are invited to attend the next meeting on Saturday, Sept. 27 from 10:30 to il1:30 a.m. and to bring a friend. km g off limits cigar in my life. " smoking sinc Simmons, who admit- wants to ted to being a Iong-time healthful w smoker, said he had no vironment1 hesitation in supporting employees ai the motion to prohibit ie the board provide a working en- for ail its it the centre. Documentary great From pg. one people to tape it and local school board to have it for the future. urge them to tape it and If you aren't a parent show it in the schools. If concerned about drugs you've every said, 'lit before you see this can't happen to rny special, I guarantee you kidl!", then you're in will be after you've for a surprise!1 viewed it. I urge you to James Quail, watch this program, Stewart St. tape it and caîl your Whitby. I CAN HELP I'm an Inwestors profèssional financial planner. Its myjob ta help you create and follow a personal financial plan. 1 can helpwvith: lnvestment Funds " Guaranteed Investment Certi8icates " Registered Retirement Savings Plans " Registered Retirement Incarne Funds " Estate Planning " Lîfe and Disability Insurance " Annuities 1 lb. butter 2 cups white sugar* 1 tsp. vanilla* 4 cups fîour* NADEGE WEBB 434-8400 1 tsp. baling soda* 1 tsp. baklng powdE 1 cup sunf lower seE Mix together. Rot) dougis ln sma)) batte and press down on a greasod cookie shoot. Bake 350, 10 min. *At.ngrediente ovatabte at the Mit) 655-4851 23 CASSELS RD. E.. BROOKLIN e N eds* /#4tC BFOOKLIN CASSLLS RD E. -.7 12 WHITBY BROOKLUN FLOUR MILLS "Country Store Atmosphere" DOREEN'S SUN FLOWER COOKIES i % b,