PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, SBPTEMBER 24, 1986, WFIITBY FREE PRES w hitbyPbshdeeWdsay BILL MCOUAT r~~~. ~~By 677209 Ontario Imc. CmulyEio fitm Phoneff-elll KEN HATHAWAY Andorson-PublisThe Free Press BuildiNong35 Voce of the County Town Doug Anesn-Pbrse :1fock Street North. Second Class Mail The only Whitby newspaper indepcndentIy mned and operaired hy Whitby residents for Whithy residents. -Not too miuch to ask -Ifl Whitby's administrative committee finally mer resi( made their move Monday night and came down and indu in favour of the Durham Region Non-Profit ting, in Housing Commission 's site plan application to sidized h( build townhouses in Bluegrass Meadows. Forty- than adnr five percent of those townhouses will be sub- they had1 sidized to provide much needed affordable conclude( housing and since the DRNPHC first made the At Mon proposal last spring they have had an uphili bat- meeting;3 tde ail the way. As theory, subsidized housing is a same grc motherhood issue but when the time cornes to put the proje( that theory into practice it can be another kettle and there of fish ail together. In Whitby the DRNPHC Council C found themselves saddled with a sizeable kettle derly, ai. of fish. their corn of the op] When the residents of Bluegrass Meadows first this time i launched their protest against the development to plannir their cause was somewhat tarnished by the In the e narrow minded and belligerent nature of their the comnr approach. At a public meeting early this sum- East War Bllood clinie Oct. 14 By MARG HORTON The iast Whitby biood donor clinic of 1986 will be held at the Legion Hall on Byron St. S., Tuesday, October 14 from i to 8 P.m. -This date is the Tuesday just af- ter Thanksgiving and the Whitby Branch of the Canadian Red Cross hopes that many people wilI con- tinue inaà spirit of Thanksgiving on this day by attending the clinic to donate biood. There is no better way to give thanks than by giving blood, the gift of life. One gift of life can help as many as four people when the blood is broken down into its four components. It could help a cancer patient who is in need of tran- sfusions. it could help a haemophiliac who constantly needs the blood component that causes blood to dlot or it could heip an accident victim who urgently needs the gift of life. Giving this gift of life is a relativeiysimple procedure which takes approximately 45 minutes to Letteri To The Editor: You may recaîl-bacli in 1977 that I had the honour of visiting your Whitby, as the Town Mayor of Whitby, England, to formally twin the two towns. Sin- ce then we have been overwhelmed with the success of that exercise which as resulted in many more exchange visits between various organizations, and par- ticularly the schools, Henry St., Anderson and the rugby interests. As a follow-up to the latter, a teacher friend has just returned from vacation with teachers of Henry St. and brought a copy of the "Free Press" dated August 20, 1986 which featured your quest for a Town Crier. We in Witby, Engiand ,,wentthrough, one hour of time. It inciudes being registered, having your blood tested, giving blood, resting for 10- 20 'minutes and having a snack. The atmosphere at the Whitby clinics is a friendly and helpful one as the blue-smocked volunteers watch over the donors. If you are a reguiar donor and know that your blood type is type 1(O9, be sure to attend the clinic. Your blood is aiways needed since it is the most common type. Also type "O" is calied the universal type - in an emergency situation when there is not enough time f0 cross-match biood types, type 'V' is used. If you are a healthy person on no medication, between the ages of 17 and 66, continue to give thanks the day affer Thanksgiving by giving blood. You can indeed be thankful that you are the donor and not the receiver, as weil as feeling a sense of pride knowing that you are doing a very unselfish and worthwhiie thing - helping to sustain somneone's life. to the Editor: the same exercise somne six years ago and it oc- ccurred to us that your r readers may be in- 1 terested to hear our success story. Mr. Rex Greenwood, of 122 Ruswarp Land, Whitby, England is our Town Crier and since he volunteered his ser- vices, no local function, fair or show for miles around is complete without him proclaiming the virtues of our ancient town etc. He has aiso been very successful at many various contests for Town Criers. It seems that there are ancient statutes and codes of practice outlining the functions of Town Criers and Rex has asked me to offer the benefit of his ex- perience to whomnsoever youruý towa *inay i eiect, because he is currentiy in the process of trying to forge links with other Town Criers, inter- nationally, and par- ticuiarly those with Capt. Cook heritage connections. May we wish you weli akif you convey tii greetings o speople t< readers, an wishes to Mz tersley, Ge the TownC ail our man, Whitby, Ont: Yours verys ClIr. ErnielIV Hutchinson, and on beli Dick Wast Mayor, Mr. wood, Town idents bellowed at the top of their lungs Iged in a lot of name calling while asser- essence, that they did not want sub- iousing in their backyards. It was a less îirable approach to the issue and once had a chance to regroup they must have ýd that a different strategy was needed. îday night's administrative committee you would neyer have known it was the oup of people who turned out to oppose ýct. Once again the turned out in droves ewas standing roomn only in the Whitby Chambers but it was a much more or- Imost courteous group who presented ierns to the councillors. Even the focus ?position's arguments had shifted and out there was much more attention paid ng and legal issues. end, however, it was ail for nought and nittee members, with the exception of rd Councillor Joe Drumnm, voted to ap- 1 will kindly D r e fraternal D gu s of our town- To The Editor:1;7 oail your 1 recently happened to nd our best catch a program about layor Bob At- drugs on CBS. I missed erry Emm, the first 20 minutes but Council, and the rest of what 1 did see ny friends in convinced me it was the L. best special'on drugs 1 had ever seen. sincereîy, The principal actor in M. the one hour special was Toma and for intensity 6a1f of Clîr. and sincerity he could tell, Town put any evangelist on Rex Green- the air to shame. The crier. program was factual, hard hitting and 1 fée it i )'should . be-- r titiry viewing for every teenager and parent(s) ini NOrth America. 1 was very annoyed that I did not know in advance of the airing of the program, hence 1 missed tapîng if. I believe the program was called, "Drug Knot " s0 I phoned WIVB T.V. Ch. 4 in Buffalo to congratulate them on airing such a drastically needed special and they informed me the program will be aired again on September 26 at midnighl f0 allow prove the development. Most of the Whitby councillors have gone on record in the past in support of- the n eed for affordable housing and it would have been a sham for thema to back down now. Drumm, on the other hand, suggested there are other places in the region where the project could be built. While his stand on the issue will obviously go over big with his Bluegrass con- stituents, there are others who may not recali his rernarks in quite the same light. The remaining members of the comrnittee, Mayor Bob Attersley, Joe Bugelli and Tom Ed- wards are to be commended for making a stand on thîs issue. Perhaps now the DRNPHC can get on with the business of building affordable housing for people like Mary Cooper. Cooper, a single parent who addressed the committee Monday night, wants to have a decent place in which she and her children can live. Surely that's not asking too much? THiE GURU ays be sincere even if you have tofake il. Poliey The Whitby Free Press la aiways iooklng for letters to the editor and welcomes letters on any Issues that concern its readers. Whlle the paper reserves the right to reject or edit any letters for publication, a letter that la; short and to the point la mostlilkely to appear on our editoriai page In- tact. Aithough not al Issues can be addressed ln a short letter, the best la one of about 300 words or less. AIl lettera to the edîtor must be signed and accompanied by a phone number for the editor's Information. Letters may be sent f0: The Editor, Whithy Free Presa, 131 Brock Street Nor- th, Whlty Ont., LIN5SSI.