Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 24 Sep 1986, p. 29

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WI-ITflY FREPRESS.WPflMFSnÀv tTtYr1TAnRn iA tf1lQL : r. i WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ. PIANO INSTRUCTION ciassicai and contamporary, adulta and cilidren wecoae. Cati 668-1951. HOUSECLEANINO with a par- sonal toucir, wiii taire lime la ho thorough, low pnIces, esperien. ced, bondad and eager, CatI aI- tomemo, 668-6540. UNEMPLOYEO? Tire Unem. pioyad Help Centre cas assist with: Empiuyment CoasselIng, Resumes, Unemployment sn- aurance, Worers' Compen-, sation, O.H..P. and weltare 10. formation, or criais relerrals Io A DI!$ I WILL CIVE Iavisg care la pour chttd In my home, Mnday 10, Frtdap. ful or part-lima. Phare TYPEWRITER restai, meny makes and modets, by the meirend, meoir or montir. Discounts availabte, Dîcirson Finting & Office Supplios In the Aia Plaza. CatI us tor business machine repaîts. 6831968. otheragenctes. Colt 579-1821. _____________ PSICE ADER ~BIJ/E1~N PamadCard. Advtses an aeitprabtem ofifile. Newlte WANTED 1800 cc engins fon Dat. *Durham heglon ares. Tis sun 610 station wagon In good gftied lady iras appearedon unlgefr a 438 atr T.V. 95% accurate, 6Bp.m 436-6419 1 1 1 USED RIE ond rc chippar, condition or suze sut ta- ~'"~E UCATINALI portant. PMessa catI (705) 645- SERVICES 4387. calet, asir for Scntt. "1GRAMMER for peuple miro hale -.M AU O BIE grammer sa lire Idesi puciret relerence bouok for business 'WFOR SALE people. $ 3.95 per copy and aveitabie ai Olcirsos Prtsting & 16 HYLRL ao,4d, Office Supplies ln tire Ajax Plaza, 18 HYL eBao,4d. Dealer Inqatnies tnvtted 683-19U8. ps5., phb., p.m., p.d.i., air, AMIFM, V8, 318, $4.200. 655-8026. UNLIMITED INCOME. Jobn our mail order pmogram, mont et home. For more information aund $1.00 for poatage and handltsg to J & E Enterpri.. Bo x 36-P, Station M, Toroto, MEIS 4T2. BE YOIJOWN BOSS *Wor from homoand beM *profitable. Weitl show pou *how. Cassete and coourM *brochare, $4.00. LH$8 AOCIATES P.O. BOX 405, STATIONTOOT, A5 0 EARN 15% par pear In US. dollars, guarasteedi By way ai teading Marine Cargo Containers, rentai incume - ino marine cargo containers pay $2.325 per year. cas psy $4,650 per year, 25 psy $11.625 per pear, iength ut leaso sa up te 15 yearo (5 yr. Increman. tsi, minimum Invesiment $3.100, ail aboya In US, dollars, ask about our Capital Appreciation program 4161 366-3585. Write: Pacific Rim Container Sales Ltd.. 2nd loor, 33 Vonge St., Toronto M5E 1S9. ENJOY TAX BENEFITS ut seif- ampioymexl rna ynur omn home, represant manutgoturas of Water Oistillers frma$249.50, ex- clusive lerritory, no franchise tee or contrants, ansi heawaare.ssd coscerned wmur local mater Puntty, excellent earntngs for ac- tive peuple. Write ton detalse: ANN1960 CHEV 'h ton pick-up, B cpi., L.B.H. Industries, 116 Vicerxy C. ~0hNCE EFdS~M NTS standard, good condition, asiring 9, Coxcord, Ont. L4K 2M3 4161 $2.000. Phonxe 666-3231, aller 5 661-1142. CONGRATULATIONS on your p.. iorthcxrntng marniage. PMase ______________ view Our ampes ut esgraved meddtsg Invttions ai pour 1973 PONTIAC Laurention.- V8. 2 llesure In aur Aax Plaza store. door, ps., ph., towm altese, good l : RS0NALS Dîcirson Prntlng & Otfice Sup. condition, russ weil, asing $800 plies, 8831968. Phrone 668-5040. DTSGLRFralae n unaiiached. Thousands ut ma-i OMING OMING bers snxiaus Io meet pou. EVENT tfree 1-800283-9163. Hours noon -ý ill8 p.M 81.096 TROUT Derby. Ftsh for lire $1.000 ront plus ieep mirai pou catch. $5 per pute plus 259 par Inch. Aso B.B.O. beef dInner. Att praceeds, Sheibarne Minor Hockey. Saturday, Sept. 27, Sun- day, Sept. 28, 8 sm. 1068 pa. Sun Valley ara, Hwp. 89, 5 mies east -ai Sieibumne. Information H~ORSES M, ARAB MARE, 7 peurs, chesl- sut, blond maso and tait, 16 han. de, Engilsi. Aleo une Ingi hr-- se traiter. 705-7f>4-2258. (519)92f>5717. COOIISTOVE Fait Antique Show. i-t- SUPPiEîS I Known everpmhere as ana af On- larios hosi, superb qualti, ex- PROF & SKEG repairs- fast sot-- collent varty, fun for averyoxe. vice, tibergtass supplies - rein, Sat., Octohor 4, 10-8, Sun., Oc- malti, clith and acetone - WEST lober 5, 11-5, Hwy. 400 t0 SYSTEM EPOXY - mrror finish Caakstovaenil. boast pint. Raypieu - Oshawa Glass - Fibre. 341 Durra St. 579- 1433. YARD SALES f A STREET SALE Saturday, Sept. 27. R ISUSM NS 9 a.m. ta 3 p.m., rais or siine, Barherry Crt. (West Lyndet, otd BEAUTIFUL 6 Il. Grand piano. and nem Items. rosewood, 7 poars otd, Aiso ______________________ Hammond organ. Cas be seen ai 201 Masos Dr., Whitby. Have lu FOUR FAMILY gigantic yard sale, saabt approciate. 27 and 28, 9 a.m., everyihing ram aoup io nuts, 316 Cothurne St. E., Whithy. Pîrsi street hind Bremers Retli. ORGAN 1992 Lomery "Gese' SIngle keyhoard, aasy lu play, lire nom. 655-8855. xxxnsoxxxnnassnnuxx ADULT VIDEOS Fxr VIDOOORDERS ONLV CALLFREE 1.800-«03.7934 THIS WEEKSSPECIAL $ 19.95 TO ORDER OUR PULL COLOR CATALOGUE ai $395 CALL 1-604-382-5511 oxxuxneastnananuxx OH 14OLY St. Jude Apostie and Martyr, grestI nsvirtue and ichIrn miracles. Near kirnsman of Jesus Christ the tatitul Iniarcessor ai ait miro Invoire your speciai patronage ln lime of need. Tu yau t have recourue rom tire deptirs ut my heurt and iumbty beg pua to whmir God ias given sucir greasipomers Ix coma lu my assistance iretp metsn my presexi and urgent petition. In return t propose to alteka our namne irnows and cause pour samne ix ba lsvoired. 3 Our Pathars, 3 Hait Marys and 3 Glorias. Si. Jude prsy ton up and ait miro Invoire pour aid. Publicatlon mast be promnIsed. Tire Nxxeaa ias nevar boaen nlof ait, MCILARIEN, Asirieigh & Adrienne ara proud ta announce tire arrivai uftIheir li11e brotir, -Scxtt An- dram Rodney, ai Memnoriat Hospitai ln Boamanvitie un Tuosday, Sopiember 9. 1986 ai 8:48 s.m. Proud parants ara Sharon txee GIbsoni and Rxdney. Wth grsxdparenls. Jean and Clarence Gîbson and Jacob McLaren and tire taie Hida. ~~LjJ~L0.J0~ ~. EI *.,~ ARILSARTICLES AEER LEGAL FORSA E ORSALE TRAJING NOTIC ES FOR SALE a 3-1 baby cardage, $20 OFF the N.I.V. study Bible oif OIET RDTR change table, car seat, woodefl your choice (Visa, Master). PhoneoOIEO RDTR high chair and activity center. Ail 416) 637-9151. Tthe famiiy AOOHR excetlent condition. Lot for S80. Chriatian Bocicatore, 750 Guelphr N theatrSo h Cat 1666-3096. Line, Buriington, Ont. i1tkm. south MEInth atefVitoiTerefta ___________________ COMPUTERS MICRO FURNACE apace aga *WORD PROCESSING Ciode, deeeased. Ail heater aves you money, dont bkv HEROES of tire Bible" coiouring *LEGAIJMEDICAL SEC. creditf3rs and others lait ln the cotd order yours today. bookr avalabia ai DIcirson Pris. *FIECEPTIONISTfTYPIST havIng claims against 683-263. ting & Ofice Supplias, Aaxn BOOKKEEPING CLERK teEtt fVcoi Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer Inquiries *-ACCOUNTI NOIBUSI1NES Trs ld, aeo h MATTRESSES and box soings ai lnvited. *FASHIONTesaCo , t fth Simcoa Street South, Oshawa. 725-51a1. BUILDINGS - Spectai Clearance. 20x24 fil. $2300. 24x24 fil. $2.600. 28x36 fil.$3900. 32x36 Il. $4,300 36x48 fil. $8.400 and 40x60fil., $6.100. Cati985-7930. COLLAPSIBLE VINYL truckr caps for ait models, seven autour, literatureaaatabte, ligiri truckr systemo, Box 3025, Kitchener, Ont. N2G 4R5 (519) 745-9846 or (519) 7420375 avaningo weeirends. DELUXE COMMODE chair. ramovabie armes, li-swing wheels, braires on boih front cireels, tout reste, as new nosi $400, asking $215. Pirone 668. 5040. GEOTYPE presson tetiaring nom n stock ai Dicis3n Pinting & of- icesSupplies ln tire Aax Sirop. ping Plais. Large selection of styles and sizes. Whypapy more for a smalaer sireat of iettertng? 6831968. STEEL BILDING Vah price sale. Boy ana bulding ai regutar pice gel double lenglir for 50% more. Pione PtonearlEconospan coiecltfor Information 416) 678- 1%65. VISIT Our used lurniture varehouse hy appoiniment. Big. savings on desirs, chairs, iting cabinets, etc. Calil Ocirson Pris. ting & Office Supplies Io arrange ant appointrnent 10 iem. 683. 1966. PLOWING MATCH SPECIAL on ail steel buildings. Osonset 40x60 $6.995, sirsigirîmait 30060 $7,152, otirer suzes avaliabte. Cati Miracle Steel 1-800-387-4910. CHESTERFIELD suites, loeseas, sectionais, taon Iran 'h price. Large setection. McKeen Furnture, 524 Simcoe SiS., Oshawa. 7255181. HARO WATER PROBLEMS? In- trnducîng tire mater aotiener lirai duoessot use sait. No more luggtng hsavp baga of costy sait. Otirer softiaere remove calcium and other good-toryou miserais. 96e don'I addsasti lu pour mater or remuve benefIlil mneraie, because thata sot good tor yau. Otirar sotteners taeka up lots ot noom, use elocdlclty, raqutre bacirmahisg, cosi pevty ta, sn satlland foc muchIo lamainlt. W. dont. Catiloiti frac 1-800268- 2656 for heathior, baller taattng cieener-wasiring mater. NEEDLECRAFTERS Excelent Income poential tesciring & seiiing neediecralis ton Panda Sicirrafti.Represeniatives eopeciatty needed ln sat cors- munities. Write Peggy Anderson, 2281 Woodward Ave.. Buringion, Ont. LUR IT5. PENNY-ROLLER Canadas palan. tect coin rouler, wrap pennies, nickels, dîmes and quartons quickty and easilyi $895 plus 63e tee, Imo for 516 plus 31.12 Iax. Penny-Rouler Producis, F0O. Box 405, Fort Ena., Ont. L2A 5N2. HARDWOOD LOOS for fIramood, 12 cord loade deiivened, 705-754. 2258, Menit Barry. $$$ STEEL Buildings $$$ Varions sizes availabia, exemple 30n00x14 $4990, 46x90s16 $9,960, equtpped mith large doors. Due ta ttmted quantiies and l0w prices serlous buyars gniy iii 550e msny dollars. We stant by paying (or pour cati. Act nom and sava 1-00-3872115. RUSTY SMELLY WATER? New tecirsoiogp for tresttxg mater ai tire source otiars wei Io aucet protactilon tirougirout entre mater systam. No sait or messy chemnicats, sesettir esuits wmur Our 6 montir triai otter. Ouote: "Barry Kiscir - Kenabeeir, Ont. Thanirs again for putting oui a system thtirneaiiy dosmirai you say Il miii." For clear, swest, mater - cati 1.600.268.2656, gares 807 ocili14M0-6244344. iouil ho glad pou did.i JEEP OWNERS parts, a. cessories for Jeeps 1942 t0 1986. Gtgantic stock, tom prices, quicir service. Gamisi Salas 4738E, Hastings Burnaby, B.C. VMC2K7. Phone (604294-2623.294-4214. l1OalO GREENHOUSE $149. 1000W metat iralde $175. Plus 10,000 gardening producis, great prîces. Send $2 lor- into-pacir. Western Water Farma, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, BDC. V6B 3N9.(604 6826636. USED DESKS, ilas, storago cabinets, stackixg office chairs, steel adiussabie sireiving, store dispisys. Blairs hem and Usad. 21 Alen Ave., Wondbirdga. Phone 14161 851-8100, near l-wy. 7 and MAKE MORE MONEVI Learn In- coma Tex Preparation or Basic BouirkeopIng by correspondes- ce. Free brochures, nu oblIgation. U & R Correspondan- ce Scirool, 207-1345 Pemnbîna Hmy., Winipeg, MB R3IT 2B6. BECOME AN Auctioneer. Lars tram tire irsi rate sciruot, Canadien champion Instructors, classes stsrt November 3, Jordan & McLean Scirout of Auc- tioneernn, Ktscolp, Aberta (403)6842-5528.(403)1846-2211. BECOME AN AUCTIONEER B5 hours of instruction, sent ciass November 15-22. Contact South- western Ontarto Scirool ut Aso- tioneerIsg, PO. Box 145, In- nerip, Ont. NOJ iMO. (519) 469- 3936,(15137-2115. FREE: 1988 guide lu study-t home correspondence Oilpoma courses for prastiginus careers: Accounhting, Air condittonIng, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetningy, Etacirnnics, LegstiMvdiat Sacretury, Psychoiogy, Travel, Granton (5A) 263 Adetaido West, Toronto, 1- Town of Whitby, In the Reglonai MunlcipaiIty of Durham, who dled on or about the 26th day of oc- tober, 1983, are requlred to file the partiCulars of such dlaims wth the un- derslgned solictors for the sald Estate on or before the 4th day of Oc- tober, 1986. AND lake notice that af ter the last day named, the assets of the said Estatei wIli be dlstributed among the persons hereto entitled having regard only to the ClaIms of whlch the Ad- ministrator of the Estate belng Clarence James Lytie shall have notice. DATED at Haliburton, Ontario this 2th day of September, 1986 by BISHOP AND ROGERS, Barratora and Solcitera, P.O. Box 472, Haîiburton, Ontario, KOM 1S0. Solcitors for the Ad- mînistrator of the Estate of VICTORIAN TERESA CLODE. CEDAR VALLEY MEORT, Orono, Hmy. 35-115, Clarkea, 4th Con- cession, beautîtul campgroun,, season $635. Campground 1.786- 2562. Toronto offIl ce 651-5754. 41I) M n.-Frz. 9 - , . -1 aN I:WN G ,ROOMS ~ NS1PISPLE FO IRNT FREE: DropInIatire Dicison ROOM FOR RENT for mature ITRRM Pinting and Office Suppty store worlnlng persan, aissîsîner, Evsrgre.n Prunngl in tire Aax Plaza and pick ap a meeilp, Mary SI. Whitbp. Cati *New Landscaping,I f ree couy ai tire 1980 Metrrc 6688442. opoeLawn & Caiendar. PrInted In Imo clours. Gro aneac 683-19M. AAMET/725-3300 ________CONDOS FOR RENT - VACATION ONE BEDROOM sett-coxtainad For more informatiox cati 723- help RENALS 2818 or436-6115. Clearwaler - Tirea bedroom. ut- TWO e Incue.$01tI L ew.urd mobile irumes, Hesled pols,' lirsi and lasI, no pals. 666-1228. tennis, close la bea]crsu sd _____________ major attractions. cilidrann n meicome. itess liras motet PIC:K PICK ruai 683-5503 la YOUR OWN YOUR OWNI FOR EII1ENTCOU NTRY ORCHARD FOR RENT forNem Yesrus Eve, PiCk Your Own Apples Kntghls of Columbus Hall, 133 .,y SalUrday &StJnday, 10-4 only. Broci852 StNWry6821 WEEKDAY SPECIAL -FILL YOUR OWN BUSHEL MOTORCYCLE storage. 576. 2246. BARN SWALLOW POTTERS AUTUMN OPEN HOUSE SATU RDAY, OCT. 4 -9 a.m. to 5 p.m. SUNDAY, OCT. 5.-11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Decoratîve and functional handmade pottery by Deanna Jones Top of the MIII In Groenwood (Westney Rd. and Hwy. 7) 427-0598 55.50 each -Macîntosh Tuesday-Friday, 10-4:301 WEST ON TAUNTON RD. & HWY. 12 1(Next to Cuilen Gardens) 1 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whîtby Free Press will flot l'e 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damnage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic BTHD TS-$70frheist10wds12eah alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond thç cost of the space occupied BITS ETS-$.0frtefrt10wrs 2 ah such replies. We will not l'e responsible for box nun-ber l'y the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. additional word. replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the fir- reject aIl advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12e each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12e each ad- AUCTION SALES- 43sperline. (No word ads allowed) to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby-Free Press wilI make 668-6111 ý9 pu

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